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Owen R. O'Shea

Shark Research and Conservation Program
Cape Eleuthera Institute
C/O Island School,
Twinex,1811 N.W 51st Street,
Hangar #42c,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
I studied marine and tropical biology at James Cook University in North Queensland, Australia, before gaining 1st class honours degree in 2007. My honours research focused on the ecology of marine cleaning interactions, particularly elasmobranchs at remote atolls in the northern Coral Sea. I recently completed my PhD at Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia where I worked with the Australian Institute of Marine Science to describe the ecology and biology of tropical rays (Dasyatidae) at the remote Ningaloo Reef.

Currently I am Research Associate at the Cape Eleuthera Research Institute's Shark Research and Conservation Program in The Bahamas
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