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Abe Mashinsky
Flowing from his natural artistic talent and through progressive experimentation with various methods and media, Abe Mashinsky creates works of art in both the abstract and representational, the latter taking on the gracefully interpreted elements of the human structure, in an embracing ballet of form, texture and color. From a distance, the multimedia art of Abe Mashinsky's paintings may appear like simple abstracted landscapes, but a closer inspection of these pieces reveals a complexity of layers, textures, and media. Using materials such as, paper collage, sand, sea salt, acrylic paint, wax pencil, oil pastes, and more. Abe laboriously creates pieces that inspire mood, reflections of places and things that fascinate him. In a way, looking at his paintings is like creating your own sunset of memories. Abe explores with different mediums and how they can work with each other. He uses conventional mediums like acrylic paint and water, as well as paper, canvas charcoal and chalk. He does push the envelope with anything from iridescent powders and alcohol to wood varnish and wax. As an independent artist, Abe Mashinsky spends every day in his studio working on paintings that focus on movements and interesting layers of paints and textures mostly with acrylic paints and ink on canvases and papers.
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