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Journal articles

P Pinki, A Sayasneh, S W Lindow (2007)  The working relationship between midwives and junior doctors: a questionnaire survey of Yorkshire trainees.   J Obstet Gynaecol 27: 4. 365-367 May  
Abstract: Recruitment to obstetrics and gynaecology has fallen dramatically over the last decade. Surveys of medical students and junior doctors have suggested that apart from work/life imbalance, other factors such as poor job satisfaction and an unfriendly environment can significantly affect the choice of career. We conducted a questionnaire survey for Yorkshire trainees to evaluate current working and professional relationships between junior doctors and midwives. A total of 68 trainees participated in the study. Some 22% of trainees found midwives to be disrespectful to and argumentative with junior doctors. A total of 69% did not get a chance to examine patients on the labour wards because of the midwives. Midwives when compared with consultants were less courteous towards trainees and 53% of trainees felt that there is a communication problem that needs to be addressed. Our study results suggest a high level of dissatisfaction among trainees of the Yorkshire region and point at an area that needs further work to bring about a change to a better work environment for future junior doctors.
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