hosted by

Dr. Md. Alal Hosen

Department of Mathematics
Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology
Rajshahi-6204, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +8801912851530,
Dr. Md. Alal Hosen
Born: October 02
Nationality: Bangladeshi

2018- Ph.D. in Engineering (IIUM, Malaysia)
2005- M.Sc in Applied Mathematics (RU, Bangladesh)
2004- B.Sc Honors in Mathematics (RU, Bangladesh)

2020-Present: Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, RUET, Bangladesh.
2018-2020: Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, RUET, Bangladesh.
2011-2018: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, RUET, Bangladesh.
2008-2011: Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics, RUET, Bangladesh.

2018- Best Student Award (Postgraduate-PhD) for 34th IIUM Convocation Awards, International Islamic University Malaysia.
2005- Gold Medal Award, Rajshahi University, for outstanding result in B.Sc Honours in Mathematics, Bangladesh.

2008- Life Member of Bangladesh Mathematical Society: Membership Number 540.

2005- Rajshahi University Scholarship, for excellent result in B.Sc. Honours in Mathematics, Bangladesh.
2006- Rajshahi University Scholarship, for excellent result in M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, Bangladesh.

Honors/Professional Activities
Supervised Research Project Grant:
• Currently, I am supervising as a principal investigator of an international research project grant entitle “A modified Mickens iteration method for solving nonlinear oscillatory problems in dynamical systems (No. 18-075 RG/MATHS/AS_I-FR3240303632)”. I have got this research project grant from “The World Academy of Science (TWAS)”, Italy.

Present: Academic Editor of the journal
• Insight-Mathematics (

Present: Reviewer for the journals of
• Applied Mathematics and Information’s Sciences
• Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures
• British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science
• Walailak Journal of Science and Technology
• Physical Review & Research International
• Journal of Scientific Research and Reports
• African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research
• Journal of Taibah University for Science (Elsevier Publisher)

*****[ Still now this publication list contains only selected papers has published (recent updates coming soon)]*****
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