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Alfonso Fausto

Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese
Dept. Diagnostic Imaging
Viale Bracci, 16
53100 Siena
He was born in Milan, Italy in September 23rd, 1969. After Secondary School
Certification focusing on sciences, he attended the University of Milan School of Medicine.

In 1994 graduated with the thesis: “Comparative study of antioxidant biochemical asset during normal and complicated pregnancies by severe preclampsia”.

In 1996 he obtained the postgraduate degree in General Medicine and in 2006 in Radiology with the thesis: “Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of breast cancers: in vivo study at 1.5 T and ex vivo study at 9.4 T”.

He worked as medical doctor in military Air Force “G. Vassura” of Rimini and in the Istituto Geriatrico Milanese (Milan, Italy). He worked as radiologist in the University Hospital of San Donato (Milan), in which he was nominated supervisor of breast imaging unit and screening program focusing on RM and interventional procedures.

He worked in the public hospital of Melegnano (Milan, Italy) and in St. John of God Public Hospital of Gorizia.
Nowadays he works at the Department of Diagnostic Imaging of the University Hospital of Siena, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese.

He was an invited speaker and discussant in the University of Milan School of
Medicine (Italy), Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy), Turin (Italy), Ancona (Italy), Jena
(Germany), Varese (Italy) and Kuwait city (Kuwait).
European Congress of Radiology awarded him in 2004, Italian Society of Medical Radiology in 2004 and he won the Research & Education Fund Grant of ECR in 2005.

He has published 22 scientific papers with impact factor (IF=46.946), 9 scientific papers, 5 case reports on EURORAD and two chapters in scientific books. He attended many international (35 abstracts) and national radiologic congresses (9).

Radiologic research topics are: breast imaging and interventional procedures; bone densitometry in AIDS and normal subjects; ultrasound-guided procedure for regional anesthesia and pain treatment; multiple sclerosis MR imaging.
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