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Anaïs Brosse

Anaïs Brosse 

Faculté de Pharmacie
INRAE, AgroParisTech, MIcalis Institute
Equipe Bactéries Pathogènes et Santé
Bâtiment E1
5 rue J.B. Clément
92290 Châtenay-Malabry
Associate Professor in Bacteriology and member of the academic research team "Bactéries Pathogènes et Santé", at the Faculty of Pharmacy (Université Paris-Saclay), France. The team is linked to the INRAE unit MICALIS.
Subject : Antibiotic, dysbiosis and risk of infection in C. difficile.
Keywords: C. difficile, microbiota, bile acids


2009/2020 ITA, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
subject: Small RNAs and Two component systems in E. coli. Supervised by M.Guillier
Microbial gene expression Unit directed by C. Condon.

2014/2017 Ph.D. in Microbiology, IBPC, Paris
subject: Mixed regulatory circuits between small RNAs and two component systems in Escherichia coli. Keywords : regulatory RNAs, Hfq, OmrA/OmrB, RprA, two component system, EnvZ/OmpR, NarQ/NarP. Mentor: M. Guillier
Microbial gene expression Unit directed by C. Condon.
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