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Iulian Catalin Stanga

Journal articles

Iulian Catalin Stanga (2011)  Rainfall aggressiveness in the eastern part of Romania   Scientific Annals of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi - Geography series 57: 1. 79-86  
Abstract: This article addresses the problematic of rainfall aggressiveness, with a special regard on the eastern part of Romania. The purpose of this approach is comparative analysis of some frequently used indicators in scientific literature or in the special studies developed under the aegis of Institute of Pedological and Agrochemical Studies (ICPA) Bucharest. Based on data from Bârlad meteorological station, the rainfall erosivity has been calculated through Yarnell index, this one being used to obtain the torrentiality coefficient as a ratio between the average intensity of the analyzed rain and the average intensity calculated by previously mentioned index. Subsequently, we exploited the indicator suggested by Stănescu et al. (1969), as product between quantity of precipitation (in each rain) and the average intensity of the torrential core for 15 minutes (H∙i15). The results show the need to review the indicator 99 from The Methodology of Soil Studies Elaboration. In view of these considerations, the index suggested by Fournier (1960) and amended by Arnoldus (1980) has been calculated. This is a synthetic index more easily to be obtained, which has a high degree of relativity for case studies, but which may be used successfully for regional analyses or general synthesis. For such approach, we used climate data (1961-2006) from 15 meteorological stations placed in the eastern part of Romania. Beyond the level of generalization, the validity of results is proven by a significant correlation between Fournier index values and the monthly average erosion at plots under fallow and corn.
Iulian Catalin Stanga (2009)  Quantifier la sécheresse. Durée, intensité, fréquence   Scientific Annals of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi - Geography series 55: 1. 31-46  
Abstract: Drought quantification: duration, intensity, frequency. Using data from seven meteorological stations and 27 rainfall gauges from the eastern part of Romania (Tutova Hills), the present paper desires to evidence more clearly the real significance of drought phenomena by a methodological approach. This was done with the help of some distinct expressions, resulted from the processing of monthly and daily values of the climatic parameters: rainfall decimal logarithm index, equivalent drought and the synthetic index of drought intensity, rainfall anomaly index, Palfai aridity index, Walter-Lieth climogram. Using the rainfall monthly values, the author propose two index, one for drought assessment (Rainfall Decimal Logarithm Index), the other with a climatic significance (continentalism index). The most exact expression is based on the daily values of the rainfalls (equivalent drought and synthetic index of drought intensity). Equivalent drought shows the length of the interval lacking precipitations, characterized by similar consequences in different temperature conditions, and it was computed by reporting water consumption (evapotranspiration) according to a series of elements standard considered. The synthetic index of drought intensity (severity) has been proposed taking into consideration both the length of the drought interval as well as its mean temperature (practically expressing water consumption), to which is added and the sum of precipitations from a previous interval (to approximate the easily and directly accessible crop water reserves).
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