CAB - Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche
Università degli Studi di Padova
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Antonella De Robbio
Università degli studi di Padova
Currently she is Coordinator for the Law Libraries at the the University of Padova in Italy. She is referent for the copyright and intellectual property issues for the the Library Sistem and she si responsible for Open Access at University of Padua coordinating Institutional Repositories projects for research papers and PhD Thesis. She also coordinate bibliographical services to support e-learning.
At CRUI (Conference of the Italian Rectors) she is an expert member on copyright and intellectual property policies for a specific Task Force and member of Italian Open Access WorkingGroup.
For many years she was Responsible for the Mathematics Library of the University of Padua.
In 2003 she implemented E-LIS, an electronic open access archive for scientific or technical documents, published or unpublished, in Librarianship, Information Science and Technology, and related application activities. Since 1999 she is Italian coordinator of MAI MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano and Italian OPACs of AIB-WEB (Italian Library Association). On October 2005 she participated as Italian delegate to UNESCO 33.rd general conference where she presented an Open Access resolution as expert inside the Italian UNESCO Commission.
Università degli studi di Padova
Currently she is Coordinator for the Law Libraries at the the University of Padova in Italy. She is referent for the copyright and intellectual property issues for the the Library Sistem and she si responsible for Open Access at University of Padua coordinating Institutional Repositories projects for research papers and PhD Thesis. She also coordinate bibliographical services to support e-learning.
At CRUI (Conference of the Italian Rectors) she is an expert member on copyright and intellectual property policies for a specific Task Force and member of Italian Open Access WorkingGroup.
For many years she was Responsible for the Mathematics Library of the University of Padua.
In 2003 she implemented E-LIS, an electronic open access archive for scientific or technical documents, published or unpublished, in Librarianship, Information Science and Technology, and related application activities. Since 1999 she is Italian coordinator of MAI MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano and Italian OPACs of AIB-WEB (Italian Library Association). On October 2005 she participated as Italian delegate to UNESCO 33.rd general conference where she presented an Open Access resolution as expert inside the Italian UNESCO Commission.
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2011 |
Perla Innocenti, MacKenzie Smith, Kevin Ashley, Seamus Ross, Antonella De Robbio, Hans Pfeiffenberger, John Faundeen (2011) Towards a Holistic Approach to Policy Interoperabilityin Digital Libraries and Digital Repositories http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15757/ Abstract: Underpinning every digital library and digital repository there is a policy framework, which makes the digital library viable - without a policy framework a digital library is little more than a container for content. Policy governs how a digital library is instantiated and run. It is therefore a meta-domain which is situated both outside the digital library and any technologies used to deliver it, and within the digital library itself. Policy is also a key aspect of digital library and digital repository interoperability in a common and integrated information space. Policy interoperability - that is the exchange and reuse of policies - is a step beyond policy standardisation. Furthermore, effective and efficient policy frameworks are also one of the Digital Curation Center (DCC), DigitalPreservationEurope (DPE), nestor and Center for Research Libraries (CRL) core criteria for digital repositories. In this article, we share our research on policy interoperability levels and the experimental survey on policy interoperability conducted with real-life digital libraries, as a contribution towards the definition of a Policy Interoperability Framework. Notes:
Antonella De Robbio, Silvia Giacomazzi (2011) Storia e memoria di una biblioteca salvata http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15625/ Abstract: The article is a bio-bibliographical essay on Enrico Catellani (1856-1945), an important Italian jurist which taught for a long time at Padua University. When in 1938 passed the fascist racial laws, Catellani, as a Jew, was expelled from university and confined in his own apartment. In this period, his book collection (over 5.000 documents) ?disappeared?. The authors of the article tried to identify, in the different University departments, the books and documents that belonged to Catellani, and to gather them, so that his original library could be regrouped. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2011) Google Books : per le biblioteche sarà la fine o un nuovo inizio? http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15563/ Abstract: The work aims to provide an analysis of major digitization projects, their nature and the cultural impact they have had in local, national, European or international level, the forces that led to the present lines of development, the shapes of the involvement of libraries in the context of these initiatives, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Susanna Mornati, Fernanda Peset, Imma Subirats, Giannis Tsakonas (2011) Developing methods for extending repository services to increase the accessibility of OA documents in Library and Information Science http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15666/ Abstract: E-LIS is established, managed and maintained by an international team of librarians and information scientists. Currently it is the largest international repository in the LIS field featuring a collection of more than 11.500 full text OA documents. In the mid of 2010 the demand to revise certain facets of the E-LIS organization and operation became profound for several reasons. This revision was channeled through the seeking and structuring the appropriate synergies with experienced, as well as innovative organizations. The synergies cover a range of issues, from organizational to legal and then to technical issues. The outcomes of these synergies are expected to enhance service delivery and to increase the repository?s interoperability level. Strategically these synergies are expected to help E-LIS to safeguard its reliability and to continue growing steadily. Notes:
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Josep-Manuel Rodríguez-Gairín, Antonia Ferrer-Sapena, Tomàs Baiget, Antonella De Robbio, Giannis Tsakonas, Diane Le Hénaff, Julio Santillán, Fernanda Peset, Imma Subirats-Coll (2011) Linking document repositories, directories and registries using RDF http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15972/ Abstract: In the development and management of document repositories it is crucial to maximize the standardization of certain group of fields in order to retrieve the documents located in the repository more efficiently. Historically the standardization focused primarily on subject headings, classifications or journal titles. The standardization of personal names has been also partially addressed, yet it is usually limited to provide a list of the existing author names present in the own system to select one of them before entering it manually. It has been in the recent years that information management specialists have realized that the maintenance of such authority files in self-archiving information systems, such as document repositories, should be performed by the creator of the record, the person who submits the documents. During the last five years the International Centre for Research in Information Strategy and Development (CIEPI) has undertaken various services that aim to contribute in the standardization of personal names and to improve the interoperability among different information systems, like registries and document repositories, based on recognised standards. In light of above, this poster presents the latest CIEPI?s developments based on the interoperability of E-LIS (E-prints in Library and Information Science), IraLIS (International Registry of Authors-Links to Identify Scientists), and EXIT (Directory of Experts in Information Handling). The IraLIS project was initiated to address the problem of name disambiguation in Spanish-speaking countries, where the largest number of such cases appears due to the length of the signatures, the structure of names and so on. Similar problems of author identification appear in all languages, even in the Anglo-Saxon countries, due to the variant forms of name entries. Any person who studies and/or works in any aspect of science may register in IraLIS and create a record, regardless if has already published works, or plans to do so in the future. One of the principles that IraLIS promotes is that the sooner one adopts an IraLIS signature, the fewer problems regarding the retrieval of the works of an author will be encountered in the future. When an external application is asking IraLIS for a specific person using an HTTP request, IraLIS answers with a RDF/XML file (Figure 1). The data obtained can then be integrated into the client application. Other examples of use of this service is the EXIT directory, which provides referrals to E-LIS repository, such as the number of the documents deposited by that person, or the XML returned by IraLIS displayed on the CIEPI website. Another example regards the collaboration between IraLIS and E-LIS, which formally began in 2008. During the document upload procedure, when a user is typing the authors? names, a dropdown menu suggests authorized names from the IraLIS registry. IraLIS answers the query made in OpenURL. The menu is updated automatically every night to collect the new IraLISed names. Users on E-LIS do not require to register in IraLIS before depositing documents, but it is highly advisable to standardize the signature and thus to facilitate the retrieval of all documents associated with a person. One of the main pillars for the scientific information retrieval are author?s names. The problem of the inconsistencies in the authors? signatures has been around for many years, but its importance is increasing due to the great number of people publishing research studies and papers and the self-archiving practices in many document repositories. For this reason, standardization is now a highly relevant aspect, more than ever. This poster aims to show the existing solution described above that day by day is becoming more accepted and used by the Library and Information Science Community. Notes:
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Nicolae Constantinescu, Antonella De Robbio, Christophe Dupriez, Imma Subirats-Coll, Giannis Tsakonas (2011) Spring of Tulips : A community based translation of a classification system for Library and Information Science http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15971/ Abstract: Navigating in large repositories is a tedious task for users, even if they are domain experts as it is expected to be in subject repositories. Several knowledge organization schemas have been employed to facilitate access. E-LIS, the international Open Archive for Library and Information Science provides access to a large number of documents in this scientific domain through JITA, a Classification System of 3 main strands and 138 concepts. Being a controlled vocabulary improves precision of retrieval, whilst it helps the submitters enhance the indexing of their documents. There are many options to assist the submitters understand the concepts listed in JITA, such as to add a definition, to use info-graphic techniques or to provide a translation in the submitter?s native language. E-LIS community started improvements in two directions: first to translate JITA and second to make JITA reusable by publishing it as LinkedData. The overall duration of the project was two months and included several discussions between the E-LIS community on linguistic aspects of indexing, encoding issues, and so on. The final product is a SKOSified multilingual version of JITA, which has produced a graphical representation of the schema from a RDF file. JITA is now accessible in ten languages, which represent an important share of the E-LIS collection. The first version of multilingual JITA, named the ?JITA Spring of Tulips Edition?, will be published as Linked Data by FAO, UN. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2011) Open Access e comunicazione scientifica http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/16442/ Abstract: Report on the CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication OAI7. Geneva. 22-24 June, 2011 Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2011) OL4OD : Open Licenses for Open Data http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/16443/ Abstract: A licence is a one-sided permission to use someoneâs else property, a legal tool transmitting the right to do something or to use a good that otherwise would not be possibile to use. There are closed and open licences. The latter (the most common are CC, GFDL, GPL, BSD) are not always suitable to be applied to data, as they are meant for other kinds of information, such as contents and software, and so on. The paper, focused on open licenses specific to data, starts referring to Panton Principles for open data in science. COnsiderations on intellectual property an open licences are interesting and relevant, within the framework of informative structures of databases and nano publications. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2011) A ciascuno il suo : diritti e rovesci delle opere digitali nei servizi bibliotecari http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15561/ Abstract: The complicated relationships between right holders and users of the works generate a complicated plot where libraries are involved. In digital age we can find rights and no-rights. Mend the tears and the gap between the various players, creating alliances, needs care in balancing parts, respecting the rights of everyone. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2011) Biblioteche digitalizzate : tra limiti di accesso e pubblico dominio http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/16444/ Abstract: Presentation focused on free digital libraries in the world at the LinuxDay2011 Notes:
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2010 |
Antonella De Robbio (2010) Metodi bibliometrici per la valutazione della ricerca http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15559/ Abstract: The author investigates the role that the world of open access may have in the evaluation of research. It concerns the possibility of providing appropriate tools (institutional repositories in the network) to accommodate the intellectual productions, considering non-traditional materials, developping new bibliometric indicators alongside those currently in use. Notes:
Antonella De Robbio (2010) Accesso aperto : ambiti e strategie di sviluppo http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15558/ Abstract: Scientific communication is the process of dissemination of research results from universities, government agencies or private institutions or research centers. These results take the form of intellectual productions. Every barrier to the dissemination of scientific research is a barrier to access to knowledge. There is a conflict of interest between the aims of the research and the access to results. In this work the author presents the two ways of OA: the greenway (opening of the archives open) and the goldway (economic models for open access journals). In academic field OA philosophy would lead to productive synergies for the benefit of communities and citizens more generally, and would provide useful tools for innovative ways to research and technology transfer. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2010) Tesi di dottorato e proprietà intellettuale : right! http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/14685/ Abstract: Presentation at the "Convegno Magazzini Digitali: un?infrastruttura per la conservazione permanente, organized by Biblioteca Marciana (Venezia) on 23 aprile 2010. [Salone della Libreria Sansoviniana. Venezia, Piazzetta San Marco 13/a] Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2010) 2010 Odissea Google Libri. Il Google Book Search Project e la nuova proposta di accordo transattivo http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/13046/ Abstract: One of the greatest achievements in the last years is the Google Books project, that has scanned to date almost 10 millions of books; many of them were available only in few of the most prestigious research libraries. The lawsuit against Google Books, and the following Settlement, illustrate some of the limitations of Google Books. It is here analysed the first Settlement (October 2008) and the proposed Amended Settlement Agreement (ASA), or Settlement 2.0 (November 2009). The opponents of the settlement are the majority. The 18th of February 2010 the U.S. District Federal Judge Denny Chin in Manhattan postponed the controversial due to the voluminous amount of feedback on both sides. In Italy the 10th of March 2010 Google had reached an agreement with the Italian ministry of culture to scan up to a million books housed in the national libraries of Rome and Florence, concerning out-of-copyright books published before 1868. The non-exclusive agreement will make books available immediately and free of charge, both on the Google platform and on platforms controlled by the participating Italian libraries. University libraries are uniquely tasked by the public to be repositories of human knowledge and information. Here divergent views on economic value of the project are examined, in particular the new business models supplied by a multi-sided platform like the Google one. Google Books Search, in fact, can help a wider access to the cultural heritage because it has the potential to deeply change the way knowledge is transmitted and to democratize access to information. The paper describes the legal, technical and economical issues that bedevil the GoogleBooks project, particularly in relation to copyright, privacy grounds and antitrust matters. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Maria Antonietta Abenante, Waldemaro Morgese (2010) Tutela giuridica e diritto d’autore nell’editoria elettronica http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/14773/ Abstract: Paper published inside the book collected the firsts traditional annual workshops of ?Teca del Mediterraneo? from 2000 to 2010. The book intends to present an updating ?framework? of informal education activities that the Libraries and the Documentation Centers act for win the epochal challenge which ask the transformation of the shield knowledge in organizations not only for the preservation and profoundly valorization of librarian documentaries heritage (just an innovative prospective by itself), but an active. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Caterina Barazia, Paola Rossi, Micaela Mezzetto (2010) The MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano (MAI) : geography and evolution of Italian online catalogues http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/14686/ Abstract: Purpose ? The purpose of this paper is to consider and discuss some data about the evolution of Italian Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) in the last decade and the possibility to search them cumulatively through the MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano (MAI). Scholars all over the world are interested in Italian OPACs due to the treasures and the historical documents owned by Italian libraries. Design/methodology/approach ? After a brief introduction on union and virtual catalogues, with special attention to the Italian scenario, Italian OPACs are illustrated with a rich amount of data about their usage, their geographical distribution, and their growth. All data are available on the web and have been collected in the time through the analysis of log files and the database of the Italian OPACs. Findings ? The evolution of Italian OPACs suggests new developments of MAI, such as extension of search to some contents of digital libraries. These are studied and, as far as allowed by the available human resources, progressively adopted in order to improve the quality of the metasearch. Research limitations/implications ? As this tool has no exact parallels in other countries, this paper mainly adopts a descriptive and heuristic approach, rather than evaluating MAI in comparison with other services. Originality/value ? Although a wide amount of literature on MAI is available, only a few papers are in English. This paper then aims to increase the knowledge of MAI for a broadest group of non-Italian readers. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2010) Biobanks and intellectual property : commons or caveau? http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15197/ Abstract: Biobanks are considered an important resource for research issues, as they are regarded as archives or repositories mainly formed by libraries of biological contents, drawn from individuals or species. Information is connected to contents and represented by its medium, in the form of data, and constitute an intangible good of a priceless value. The matters related to the property, intellectual or physical, are extremely complicated because of a state of uncertainty related to the lack of rules, which do not regulate them adequately. The shortage of a unique reference frame allows the private sector, which is driven by strong economic interests, to privatize data and information to the detriment of the common good, as is the case of the flourishing market of cord blood banks, where the debate about stem cells is exploited for profit making. By the means of several recent initiatives, the biomedical research is trying to make its data freely available by adopting an open source model, thus stimulating innovation and further research. We will analyze the issues connected to commons and to intellectual commons regarding the concepts of private property of data and biological materials, by tracing the path between the definitions of ?biobank?: this will identify two main issues, the first stemming from literature, the second from regulations. We will pass through channels regarding legal aspects (as physical and intellectual property), touch on the concept of ?commons? compared to the concept of private property on biological materials, the privacy of patients and information, to reach the matter of intellectual property and the difference between finding and invention with the purposes of patent. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2010) Breaking the waves : quale destino per l’Open Access? http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/14683/ Abstract: Presentation at the Conference "Lâaltra faccia del merito: Riviste scientifiche, pubblicazioni e valutazione della ricerca". Assemblea Permanente Interscienze degli Studenti. Università di Bologna. 21 aprile 2010, ore 18, aula Ghigi (via S. Giacomo 9). Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2010) Aggiornamenti su diritto d’autore e dintorni http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15181/ Abstract: This paper, which comes from a speech of Antonella De Robbio at Cagliariâs conference in December 2010, aims to inform about new documents (laws, regulations or agreement) which relate to copyright and involving several fronts: Bondiâs decree, protocol SIAE / AVI, announcements CRUI / SIAE for projects on the culture of copyright, AIDROâs documents on copyright in universities, AGCOM role, etc. It talks about new AIB-WEBâs policies (new copyright statement, Creative Commonsâs license of the site, agreement with E-LIS) and the activities of the AIBâs working Group on "Copyright and Open Access" in an international and European overview and in connection with the CRUIâs OA group. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2010) Open Access Italia 2010 http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15150/ Abstract: The presentation is an update of the state of the art of Open Access in Italy which was illustrated during the 2009 Open Access Week. It covers the milestones of Open Access in Italy and the recommendations of the CRUI national Working Group that has recently reached the number of 60 members. It illustrates the CRUI WG agenda for the next three years which focuses on the following three issues: open courseware, open archive metadata, and a survey of the attitudes of Italian publishers towards OA with the aim to set up an Italian branch of the Sherpa-RoMEO database. The presentation deals also with the Open Access Week - an initiative to which many Italian institutions have participated and that has become a collaborative non-stop event linking different cultures and countries within a social network that is spreading widely thank to the opportunity of sharing suggestions, experiences and practical tools and solutions. At European and international events Italy does not appear to keep pace yet, in particular as regards institutional and official policies. However, after a period of slow growth ? probably physiological -statistics on the state of OA in the world show a positive trend with an increasing number of documents archived within disciplinary repositories and new OA journals appearing every week. This positive trend provides us with some cues on possible new scenarios where new business models and publishing solutions - more advantageous for universities and research - may emerge. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2010) Progetti di digitalizzazione di delle opere e modelli economici di accesso digitale ai servizi bibliotecari http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15626/ Abstract: Google Books and the most important digitization projects, an analysis of the economic prospects of access to digital resources. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2010) Biobanche e proprietà intellettuale : commons o caveau? http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15195/ Abstract: Biobanks are considered an important resource for research issues, as they are regarded as archives or repositories mainly formed by libraries of biological contents, drawn from individuals or species. Information is connected to contents and represented by its medium, in the form of data, and constitute an intangible good of a priceless value. The matters related to the property, intellectual or physical, are extremely complicated because of a state of uncertainty related to the lack of rules, which do not regulate them adequately. The shortage of a unique reference frame allows the private sector, which is driven by strong economic interests, to privatize data and information to the detriment of the common good, as is the case of the flourishing market of cord blood banks, where the debate about stem cells is exploited for profit making. By the means of several recent initiatives, the biomedical research is trying to make its data freely available by adopting an open source model, thus stimulating innovation and further research. We will analyze the issues connected to commons and to intellectual commons regarding the concepts of private property of data and biological materials, by tracing the path between the definitions of ?biobank?: this will identify two main issues, the first stemming from literature, the second from regulations. We will pass through channels regarding legal aspects (as physical and intellectual property), touch on the concept of ?commons? compared to the concept of private property on biological materials, the privacy of patients and information, to reach the matter of intellectual property and the difference between finding and invention with the purposes of patent. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2010) Staminali nel web : inganni e trappole di un business senza frontiere http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15564/ Abstract: The stem cell debate involvies biomedical, legal, ethical, economic issues, but also invests the sphere of digital information such as ability to move among the hundreds of sites that suggest that "services"is not always clear and transparent. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Antonella Corradi (2010) Biobanche in bilico tra proprietà privata e beni comuni : brevetti o open data sharing? http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/15196/ Abstract: The circulation and sharing of contents in biobanks is approached with the study of the normative statutes of these institutions, with careful attention to copyright. Such institutions are an organized set of human biological specimens with diagnostic, therapeutic, and research aims. Since the issue is quite new, their statutes are controversial; moreover, the exploitation of new detections is particularly complicated. The ownership of samples (tissues, cells, organs) and the ownership of the biobank as the entity managing the database is crucial in order to determine any rights on researches that can be patented. The sui generic right in Europe states some rights for the database builder, whom allocates economic resources to organize information. However, the main issue of this kind of databases is related to the quality of the patented object: organic and living material. Regarding this fact, there exist stances for privatizing those biological specimens, while the majority consider models of open data sharing as a more suitable way, considering organic samples as ?commons?. The latter tendency seems to predominate, protecting the human body and its genome from economical exploitation, although acknowledging some kinds of profits related to the intellectual property. Notes:
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2009 |
Antonella De Robbio (2009) La gestione dei diritti nelle digitalizzazioni di massa : un?analisi alla luce del caso Google Book Search http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/13506/ Abstract: This paper analyse the rights management for the two sub-projects which compose the Google Books Search project : Partner Program (publishers) and Google Library Project (libraries). Whereas full view and reading of public domain books is not particularly problematic, the possibility for any user to search into copyrighted books digitized for this purpose led authors and publishers to a promote a class action in the fall of 2005, settled on October 28th 2008 with the so called Google Book Settlement. The Settlement identifies 4 types of Partners Libraries based on their active level of partecipation to the transaction: Fully Participating Libraries, Cooperating Libraries, Public Domain Libraries and Others Libraries. The books, digitized by Google and provided by the 4 possible types of Libraries, had reached the 7 million number in November 2008. Regarding legal aspects, they can be classified in three categories: not commercially-available in-copyright books comprehensive also of orphan works (5 million ca. = 70%), public domain books (1.4 million ca. = 20%), commercially-available in-copyright (700â000 ca. = 10%). The article analyzes the transaction Settlement in the view of a possible transposition of the model in a European copyright normative context, investigating terms and innovation aspects such as the creation of an indipendent Books Rights Registry and the settlement of a research center displaced in two different locations (besides Google) chosen by the libraries; this database will include all the digital copies linked to the Google Library Project. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Domenico Bogliolo, Paola Gargiulo (2009) L’Open Access come strategia per la valutazione delle produzioni intellettuali http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/14186/ Abstract: The evaluation of research in Italy have recently been considered as a strategy part of the governance system of universities and research institutions, a social process where organizational models, cultural and economic factors may affect the terms and approaches. For the purposes of measuring the impact of the work of an author within the scientific community, it is essential to begin to experiment bibliometric techniques along with a new development of new and "open" ways to meet the sophisticated requirements of a proper evaluation of the intellectual productions of research. For this reason, in the 2007 national Open Access Commission for Libraries CRUI has worked to draft recommendations (by way distribution to the Rectors) on Open Access and the evaluation of the products of scientific research. One variable to consider is the disciplinary matters and every community has its own habits and criteria established in the tradition. The differences between the sciences "hard" sciences and the humanities scientometric analysis are evident. Open Access opens new frontiers, not only in the development of next-generation bibliometric indicators focused on the individual worker or at least the author rather than the periodical, but especially in terms of infrastructure useful for a wide-ranging impact assessment. Some recent projects are focusing on the measurement of resources within the open archives and open access resources by providing set of tools for assessing the intellectual productions of scientific communication not limited to the narrow scope of the revised payment. Notes:
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Imma Subirats-Coll, Antonella De Robbio, Fernanda Peset, Zeno Tajoli (2009) The International Effort Towards the Creation of an International Repository for Library and Information Science : Breaking Barriers in the Access to Scientific Research http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/12988/ Abstract: Established in 2003, E-LIS (http://eprints.rclis.org) is an international Open Archive for Library and Information Science (LIS). Over 9,000 papers have been archived to date. It is freely accessible, aligned with the Open Access movement and is a voluntary enterprise. E-LIS has grown to include a team of volunteer editors from 60 countries and support for 22 languages. It accepts published or unpublished documents in scientific or technical areas; authors can self-archive and a proxy service supports depositors. Metadata are set for each document type and are checked in accordance with editorial guidelines set by an international editorial committee and there are agreements with institutions and library associations in various countries. In few years, E-LIS has been established as the largest international open repository in the field of library and information science. Searching or browsing E-LIS is a kind of multilingual, multicultural experience, an example of what could be accomplished through open access archives to bring the peoples of the world together. Because librarians are so involved in open access advocacy, E-LIS is a key to encouraging open access for all repositories, by giving librarians the experience they need to speak with confidence when talking with researchers and open access archives, and the experience to provide the best possible assistance to self-archiving faculty. The mission of E-LIS is to remain international and world-wide: a place where people from all over the world can deposit their documents and contribute to the world-wide dissemination of knowledge: ? to improve knowledge of the building and management of open archives working practically in the field within the framework of Open Digital Libraries; ? not only to promote open archives in various disciplinary environments, but also to create a valid and credible model in LIS discipline for the building of a world Library and Information Science archive; ? to establish a base for communal work between librarians information technology professionals, and to enhance the Open Access movement. The development of an international LIS network has been stimulated by the extension of the Open Access concept to LIS works and facilitated by the dissemination of material within the LIS community. These are some of the reasons for the success of E-LIS as an organizational model, which has been developed within a framework in compliance with OAI, and, exactly for this reason, it can be regarded as a tool for disseminating the OA philosophy. The invisibility of scholarship from countries so-called developing countries, such as African countries or India, was regarded as a fait accompli in the pre-Internet era. Nowadays, the discussion concerning the digital divide, scholars from these countries may disseminate their work via the networked services of digital repositories, such as E-LIS. Thanks to these projects, authors who contribute to an e-print archive are participating in a global effort by universities, researchers, libraries, publishers, editors, and readers to redefine the mechanisms of scholarly research. This e-print archive makes LIS research more visible, available, and relevant, which in turn increases its visibility, status, and public value. In E-LIS papers from 82 countries are currently deposited in 36 languages: Afrikaans, Basque, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Kannada, Malay, Malayalam, Maori, Nepali, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian. Notes:
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Imma Subirats-Coll, Antonella De Robbio, Zeno Tajoli (2009) Library and Information Science Open Access : a review of the last six years in an international multilingual environment http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/13123/ Abstract: E-LIS (http://eprints.rclis.org) is an international Open Archive for Library and Information Science (LIS) established in 2003. Over 9,000 papers have been archived to date. E-LIS has grown to include a team of volunteer editors from 60 countries and support for 22 languages. It accepts published or unpublished documents in scientific or technical areas; authors can self-archive and a proxy service supports depositors. Metadata are set for each document type and are checked in accordance with editorial guidelines set by an international editorial committee. In few years, E-LIS has been established as the largest international open repository in the field of library and information science. Searching or browsing E-LIS is a kind of multilingual, multicultural experience, an example of what could be accomplished through open access archives to bring the people of the world together. Because librarians are so involved in open access advocacy, E-LIS is a key to encouraging open access for all repositories, by giving librarians the experience they need to speak with confidence when talking with researchers and open access archives, and the experience to provide the best possible assistance to self-archiving faculty. The mission of E-LIS is to remain international and world-wide: a place where people from all over the world can deposit their documents and contribute to the world-wide dissemination of knowledge: - to improve knowledge of the building and management of open archives working practically in the field within the framework of Open Digital Libraries; - not only to promote open archives in various disciplinary environments, but also to create a valid and credible model in LIS discipline for the building of a world Library and Information Science archive; - to establish a base for communal work between librarians information technology professionals, and to enhance the Open Access movement. In the presentation we would like to expose the following topics: 1. the main characteristics of the E-LIS platform; 2. the specific customizations that have been taken place during the last years; 3. how E-LIS deals with the multilinguality and differents scripts; 4. how E-LIS manages an editorial team with more than 60 people; 5. the issues during the migration from Eprints 2 to Eprints 3; 6. Interaction ways with end users; 7. Future developments and agreements with other partners. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Michael Katzmayr (2009) The management of an international open access repository : the case of E-LIS http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/13220/ Abstract: E-LIS is the largest open access repository in the field of library and information science and is maintained voluntarily by an international team of librarians and information professionals. As from April 2009, it contains at about 9000 full text documents in 37 languages from more than 5600 authors from 90 countries. Additionally to the provision of services to authors and associations in the field, the management of policy issues is crucial for the repository administration. Thus E-LIS has, inter alia, completed a policy audit and intends to formulate and communicate its policies in a standardized way. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Michael Katzmayr (2009) Gestione e organizzazione di un archivio aperto internazionale disciplinare : il caso E-LIS http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/13201/ Abstract: E-LIS is the largest open access repository in the field of library and information science and is maintained voluntarily by an international team of librarians and information professionals. As from June 2009, it contains at about 9.200 full text documents in 37 languages from more than 5.600 authors from 90 countries. Additionally to the provision of services to authors and associations in the field, the management of policy issues is crucial for the repository administration. Thus E-LIS has, inter alia, completed a policy audit and intends to formulate and communicate its policies in a standardized way. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Fiorello Cortiana, Paolo Ferri (2009) The interaction between democracy and Internet through libraries in Italy : is the Italian government going to establish controls on Internet Content? [Language: Korean. This is a translation from English to Korean] http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/14239/ Abstract: Translation from English to Korean of the Paper presented Wednesday 26 August 2009 at the session: Libraries and the Internet: Public Policy Challenges Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) with Free Access To Information And Freedom Of Expression (FAIFE) This paper examines issues arising from the pervasive nature of the internet in the dissemination of knowledge in public and academic libraries in Italy. It posits the question of the adoption of Internet Policies which would define the services and products on offer and conditions of use, observing that such policies should ensure maximum access for the user while simultaneously preserving the rights of the copyright holder. It also explores the concept of ?added value?, particularly in terms of open format, noting that aspects of authors? rights need to be clarified. Outlining the progress made by some international movements in Italy such as Open Access, the paper also gives an insight into the debate within the Italian community and the challenges it faces, particularly in legal terms. It looks at copyright and other legal matters, the decrees regarding piracy, use of filtering tools and the ?Levy? Proposal, which defines product publishing and editorial activities for blogs and amateur sites. The paper advocates dialogue between the relevant bodies with the aim of providing a clear outline of the situation and the roles and responsibilities of all parties concerned. It states that the government?s role should primarily as a balance between public interest and market competition and expresses concern about the misinterpretation of the concept of intellectual property theft and recent trends to use copyright to restrict the property rights of cultural purchases. It is apprehensive that the digital divide between Italy and other countries might increase should providers of connectivity services be required to act as a ?police line?. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2009) Strategie e strumenti dell?Open Access per la valutazione della ricerca http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/13428/ Abstract: Brief presentation on the tools of Open Access for research evaluation (TEMPLATE for the documents to be delivered at the Open Access Week 2009) Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2009) Recensione : Ginevra Peruginelli, Multilinguismo e sistemi di accesso all’informazione giuridica. Giuffrè, 2009 ISBN 8814148740 http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/13598/ Abstract: This important book presents dual aspects: it analyses in depth the theme of multi-languages society on one hand, and offers a tool to deepen issues related to legal information on the other one. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Michael Katzmayr (2009) Management eines internationalen Open Access-Archivs : das Beispiel E-LIS http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/13409/ Abstract: E-LIS is the largest open access repository in the field of library and information science and is maintained voluntarily by an international team of librarians and information professionals. As from June 2009, it contains at about 9.200 full text documents in 37 languages from more than 5.600 authors from 90 countries. Additionally to the provision of services to authors and associations in the field, the management of policy issues is crucial for the repository administration. Thus E-LIS has, inter alia, completed a policy audit and intends to formulate and communicate its policies in a standardized way. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2009) Open Access e gestione dei diritti http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/12979/ Abstract: Every obstacles to scientific research diffusion is a barrier for the knowledge. There is a conflict of interest between pay-access and scientific research, because the maximum impact is the result of the research dissemination among all the potential readers everywhere and in every time [Stevan Harnad]. The great and efficent dissemination of research results through scientific publication system to the scientific community and to the large audience is considered an important instrument to achieve Lisbona Strategyâs purpose. The main goal of Open Access is to remove all the economical, legal and technical barriers to scientific information, with benefits for everyone. So copyright represents the main obstacle, but it is manegeable by making aware the authors not to grant all the rights to the publishers, through the implementation of copyright policy inside the Universities, but first of all is a duty for all the Governments to pass laws taking care of research and not of economical lobbiesâ interests. By managing of scientific copyright it is possible to reform the knowledge economy too. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2009) Le tesi di laurea tra diritto d?autore e consultazione http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/13380/ Abstract: The presentation is focused on thesis, ojbect understood as bibliographic document inside librarian services processes. The presentation is focused on thesis, object understood as bibliographic document inside librarian services processes. The presentation stresses the fundamental differences between the two channels: archival treatment and bibliographical documents described into OPAC. Libraries and archives need to find an integration of two professions. Because the double nature of the thesis, the two channels reflect the different approaches to the object thesis and remarking librarians process in order to accept thesis into libraryâs collection without infringing Intellectual Property rights. Access and copyright are two faces of the same medal on thesis in the library. The work has been presented to the 6. national conference of the Archives of the Italian Universities. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2009) Metodi bibliometrici per la valutazione della ricerca http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/14682/ Abstract: Presentation at the "Seminario: La valutazione dei lavori scientifici: Metodologie, modulazioni e complessità nei diversi ambiti disciplinari ? Gli orientamenti Istituzionali". Aula Magna di Ateneo, Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona), 28 maggio 2009 Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Fiorello Cortiana, Paolo Ferri (2009) The interaction between democracy and Internet through libraries in Italy : is the Italian government going to establish controls on Internet Content? http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/13427/ Abstract: Paper presented Wednesday 26 August 2009 at the session: Libraries and the Internet: Public Policy Challenges Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) with Free Access To Information And Freedom Of Expression (FAIFE) This paper examines issues arising from the pervasive nature of the internet in the dissemination of knowledge in public and academic libraries in Italy. It posits the question of the adoption of Internet Policies which would define the services and products on offer and conditions of use, observing that such policies should ensure maximum access for the user while simultaneously preserving the rights of the copyright holder. It also explores the concept of ?added value?, particularly in terms of open format, noting that aspects of authors? rights need to be clarified. Outlining the progress made by some international movements in Italy such as Open Access, the paper also gives an insight into the debate within the Italian community and the challenges it faces, particularly in legal terms. It looks at copyright and other legal matters, the decrees regarding piracy, use of filtering tools and the ?Levy? Proposal, which defines product publishing and editorial activities for blogs and amateur sites. The paper advocates dialogue between the relevant bodies with the aim of providing a clear outline of the situation and the roles and responsibilities of all parties concerned. It states that the government?s role should primarily as a balance between public interest and market competition and expresses concern about the misinterpretation of the concept of intellectual property theft and recent trends to use copyright to restrict the property rights of cultural purchases. It is apprehensive that the digital divide between Italy and other countries might increase should providers of connectivity services be required to act as a ?police line?. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Serena Sangiorgi (2009) Nuove frontiere della scientometria : l?Open Access come strumento per la valutazione della ricerca http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/14680/ Abstract: Presentation at the Conference "Il peso della ricerca. Valutare una materia umanistica: architettura per esempio", Giornata di studi CNBA 2009 Coordinamento Nazionale Biblioteche di Architettura. 11.ma giornata held in Bologna on 22nd May 2009. The paper has been published in 11. Quaderno CNBA 2009 http://digital.casalini.it/17240611 Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2009) Licenze e modelli contrattuali Open Access per autori nell?editoria scientifica http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/14684/ Abstract: Presentation at the conference "Le risorse bibliografiche fra copyright, diritto d?autore e licenze di utilizzo: opportunità e vincoli per i servizi di biblioteca". Bologna, 21st May, 2009. Università degli Studi. SBA Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo. Aula F, E -Complesso Aule Belmeloro Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2009) Metodi bibliometrici per la valutazione della ricerca : non solo Impact Factor http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/14681/ Abstract: Presentation at the Conference Humanae Litterae & New Technologies: E-publishing, ricerca e letteratura scientifica held in Milan on 14th May 2009 Notes:
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2008 |
Antonella De Robbio, Anne Maass (2008) La comunicazione scientifica : il processo di pubblicazione e il mercato http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/11213/ Abstract: This presentation is an overview on the current situation of the scientific publishing industry at the national, international and world-wide level. Scholarly communication is the process of dissemination of the outcomes coming from research in universities, private organizations or institutions or research centres. These results are presented in the form of intellectual outputs and often the intellectual outputs create articles which are published in journals addressed to the scientific community. We use the term distribution when we talk about articles published in traditional journals. While scientific publishing industry should guarantee research outcomes to be available and accessible to anyone and scholarly outputs should be the essential gateway for the dissemination of scientific discoveries, nowadays the distribution is a privilege reserved to those who can afford it through payment. Today, the role of scientific journals is not only to disseminate knowledge, but also to exert quality control. Between 1975 and 19995, subscription fees to scientific journals have raised 7,3% per year on average and publishers? expectation in the emergence of digital publishing have been let down because digital publishing decreased prices only 10/20%. The birth of the Web and the digital revolution lead to the removal of typographic, storage and distribution charges but the current situation is more and more dramatic. The consequences of this state?of-the-art are the creation of consortia for the purchase and the Big Deal formula. Nowadays, there are three different models of publishing process: the traditional model based on subscriptions, the author pays model and the pay-per-use model where you pay fees for the download. This presentation explores in detail the phases of a typical publishing process focusing on the issues concerning with the impact factor and the peer-review system. With regard to scientific publishing at the international and world-wide level, in the world there are more or less 23.000 scientific journals with publish every year an amount of 1.4 millions of articles. Nevertheless, journals? distribution within the scientific publishing market is quite unbalanced because two publishers, namely Elsevier and Springler, own 2000 journals each and 11 publishers (the 2%) produce more than the 70% of journals in this group. New models of scholarly communication, supported by new economic models for scientific publishing, should be created. These new models should assure the public access to publicly funded research and an equal competition in the market between different economic publishing models. Notes:
Antonella De Robbio (2008) Non solo copyright : le vie dell’Open Access http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/11214/ Abstract: This presentation deals with the issues of copyright and open access in the context of scholarly communication. Scholarly communication is the process of dissemination of the outcomes coming from research in universities, private organizations or institutions or research centres. These results are presented in the form of intellectual outputs. Each barrier to the dissemination of scientific research is a barrier to the access to knowledge. There is a clash between the aim of research and the access to its outcomes in journals where you are allowed to information only through the payment of subscription fees. Nowadays 11 publishers hold and manage the 75% of the publishing market and the 90% of the published articles can be accessed only through the payment of fees. As far as copyright is concerned, authors have to gain awareness that they don?t have to release copyright to the publisher because they could need it back again in case of publishing their works in an open access archive or using them for educational purpose. So, the issue of copyright is not an obstacle to open access, but authors should be aware of the importance to keep their rights preventing them to release copyright to publishers. This presentation offers an overview on the history and development of the Open Access movement at the national and European level (European Research Council? Guidelines on Open Access). With regard to the Open Access Initiative, the paper gives a brief introduction to Padua@research, the University of Padua?s institutional open repository for the deposit of the intellectual research outputs where PhD thesis, as intellectual production, are deposited as well. At the national and international level, it is fundamental that authors knows how it is important to keep copyright for their own purposes and both the universities and the governments should create policies in order to protect and guarantee scientific copyright and the world of research. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Roberto Caso (2008) Open Access e copyright negli archivi istituzionali : il ruolo delle università nella gestione dei diritti http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/12849/ Abstract: Inside of the Academic World, librarians first understood that the copyright management system represented a critical mass. The Open Access Moviment (OA) inspired new strategies into the Scientific Community: new models of scientific communication that arise from the research activity and dissemination; it comes from a scientific, academic, specifically digital contest, where authors receive no royalties. Published in: Roberto, Caso (2009) Pubblicazioni scientifiche, diritti dâautore e Open Access: atti del convegno tenuto presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza di Trento il 20 giugno 2008. Pubblicazioni scientifiche, diritti d?autore ed Open Access: il punto di vista di ricercatori, editori e biblioteche, Trento - (Quaderni del Dipartimento / [Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche]; 79). Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Alessandra Scarazzato, Cristina Borgonovo (2008) Diritti vecchi e nuovi tra servizi bibliotecari e social web : come cambiano le regole di un gioco di ruolo http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/11174/ Abstract: New and old rights between library services and Social Web: new rules of a role playing game. Approaching with its blogosphere converging in different media, the Web 2.0?s paradigm compels libraries of any area to join a fruitful debate concerning the old models of communication typical of traditional library services and the new models of services connected with the Social Web. In Web 2.0, the Social Web is considered as a communicative platform that improves and re-organizes Web 1.0. It is exactly in this galactic space that L2, Library 2.0, is set as a place of transformation of library services addressed to the users, both today?s users, being their physical or virtual, and tomorrow?s users that are already knocking on our door. Characterized by collaboration, the social communities, as users and players, are the ones who trace new paths and establish new rights in Web 2.0. The Bill of Rights for Users of the Social Web asserts that: ?all users of the Social Web are entitled to certain fundamental rights? ownership of their own personal information, control of whether and how such personal information is shared with others, freedom to grant persistent access to their personal information?? These are the core principles of the Bill of Rights for Users of the Social Web, a document that should guarantee the rights of millions of users stuck within social networks that are run by powerful business companies and from which it is very hard to get out. Among the policies concerning the user, one of the strong points is the need to keep social media?s sites open and transparent in order to prevent marketing abuses managed by societies that use information about users and their behavioural and demographic profile in violation of the law on personal rights and information. As in a double-faced interactive role-playing game run by the librarian staff on the one hand and the users as a single monad on the other, new spaces for innovative library services are being developed and, whereas the old rights have well-based foundation, the new right of the net are trying to state themselves strikingly. As far as the new library services are concerned, the connection between author rights and the net is becoming more and more complex, especially for the rights of digital reproduction. In this environment, not only is the established so far relationship between library and user changed and are new forms of use developed, but also new forms of communication are created within a system of architecture supported by technologies that enable information to become independent from its creator. Being any player?s ones, old and new rights are in-between these two environments which overlap each other and join in some way. The rights of the rules, which are static and bound up with the past, are no longer suitable to the new information technology environments where, as digital technology improves, new rights emerge. The task is not the one of recreating existing realities through new languages but of establishing new ways of representation and use of the information by new typologies of users. In this way, the library still remains a ?discreet? place, but at the same time it becomes an open place. When we talk about rights, we talk about rules as well. As a matter of fact, the need to set new rules is crucial nowadays because the world of libraries, meeting with the Social Web within the boundaries of Library 2.0, is getting more and more complex. The world of libraries nowadays is a world that emulates a role-playing game where ?the players play the role of self-created characters in an imaginary or assumed world regulated specific and sometimes complex inner rules? and where different rights acquire different semantic value depending on the single player. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2008) Il copyright negli archivi istituzionali : il ruolo delle Università nella gestione dei diritti http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/12584/ Abstract: The presentation aims to state what is the mission of any institutions towards Open Access: in addition to the research and didactics there is the task to raise awareness towards che copyright control. The institution, then, must write specific and clear guidelines on copyright in order to make researchers and academics aware of the importance of retaining copyright for themselves instead of give it up to the publishers. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Imma Subirats-Coll (2008) Berlin5 Open Access : Desde la práctica al impacto. Consecuencias de la diseminación del conocimiento http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/11442/ Abstract: Berlin 5 Open Access: From Practice to Impact: Consequences of Knowledge Dissemination. Report of the conference Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Paola Galimberti (2008) Archivi istituzionali e diritto d’autore http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/3848/ Abstract: The research publications funded with public moneey must be open access following the BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative) and the Berlin Declaration. Authors can self-archive their articles into institutional or disciplinary repositories, being aware that not all the publishers allow to do so. Authors, then, must learn to retain economic exploitation for themselves, leaving to publishers the rights to publish only. Notes:
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Elena Boscaro, Ruben Cognola, Antonella De Robbio (2008) Bibliotecari con Moodle, su Moodle, per Moodle http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/11520/ Abstract: This is the presentation of the poster "Bibliotecari con Moodle, su Moodle, per Moodle" shown at Moodlemoot Italia 2008, forth edition of the users of Moodleâs annual meeting held at the University of Padua in May 9-10, 2008. Nowadays, one of the fundamental missions of a university digital library is to cooperate and integrate with e-learning: academic digital libraries are asked to support the new ways and models of contemporary didactics through the use of training and educational materials which have been deposited in online platforms. In this way, digital libraries enhance and enrich their functionalities with the creation of new services which are personalized and structured in accordance with the users. CAB- Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche of the University of Padua- decided to accept this challenge and use the open source platform Moodle, supported by "Servizio di Supporto alla Didattica" of Centro di Calcolo di Ateneo, in order to create a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for training and updating activities addressed to librarians "on the road". Although this educational project for librarians is still a work in progress, its main aim is the education and development of future information specialists who will be able to cope with the emerging challenges raised by the cutting edge technological developments in the field of library and information science. The poster sheds light on the purposes, the future developments and the further applications of this project. The course has been divided into four sections so far: ? Community tools in e-learning environments ? Informative resources and searching tools on the net ? Services: organization, monitoring and evaluation ? Intellectual outputsâ treatment and dissemination In the context of e-learning, Learning Objects (LO) play an essential role. Learning objects are "modular" didactic resources which constitute a complete topic and which can be used and reused a lot of times. Librarian are invited to take advantage of these new tools for their training and education. Selected by Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche (CAB), the learning objects are the defining elements of this course for librarians. In the platform, there are other kinds of educational material as well. The materials deals with a number of "cool" subjects: digital libraries, metadata, Library 2.0, Web 2.0 and copyright. In this virtual environment, it is worthwhile to take into account the issue of describing and presenting Virtual Learning Environmentâs resources through a standard schema of metadata. Virtual Learning Environmentâs resources should be classified through metadata and integrate with the informative resources of a university library in order to make them more visible and accessible and to facilitate their identification and reusability. The project for the creation of the learning objects, directed by Formez, was funded by Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica. Created in compliance with the international standard SCORM (Shareable Courseware Object Reference Model), the learning objects regarding Library and Information Science (LIS) are distributed from the perspective of a collaborative and shareable reusability of the resources, one of the milestones of the Web 2.0. Notes:
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2007 |
Antonella De Robbio (2007) Il regolamento di attuazione della legge 15 aprile 2004, n. 106 sul deposito legale dei documenti di interesse culturale destinati all?uso pubblico, per l?università e la ricerca http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/7788/ Abstract: The paper described the long process in order to approve the new law on legal deposit in Italy. Nature and role of legal deposit are also investigated from copyright point of view. Legal deposit is the act of depositing published material in designated libraries or archives. In Italy there are two national libraries designated (Rome and Florence). Moreover the legal deposit law seems to be in conflict with the copyright and with some other Italian laws on PhD. The paper is focused on university output research documents, as PhD thesis, Master thesis or preprints self-archived inside institutional resositories. All these documents will be object to deposit but about electronic versions will be necessary to wait again for a further statement concering deposit of electronic document. Notes:
Antonella De Robbio, Paola Rossi (2007) MetaOPAC Azalai italiano : l’evoluzione negli ultimi anni http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/10793/ Abstract: This article presents MAI, a service online since 1999, and the growth data of the last few years. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2007) Rights management policies in the Open Access environment http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/10885/ Abstract: Since the aim of Open Access is the removal of any economic, technical and legal barrier to the access to peer-reviewed published output of research, the creation and implementation of Rights Management Policies in higher education is a strategic issue for an effective and really practice Open Access endorsement. Italian Universitiesâ priority should be the identification of stakeholders and the allocation of their own interests. A policy statements should explain in a very clear way how each faculty memberâs ownership should accomplish their digital scholarly material ensuring that the availability and the accessibility of this material is not adversely affected by the copyright. Policies on Open Access should be a fundamental part of the mission of our Universities, because it is involved in any process from creation to dissemination of scholarly works; for this reason University policies should balance the interests of stakeholders - reserving rights or benefits for research uses or teaching activities and ensuring that the work it funds can be read and utilised by the widest possible audience. Managing copyright is a skill to be created. A variety of approach can exist even within one country, depending by laws or by habits to faculties. Copyright laws are inadequate to deal with the complex issues surrounding the management of intellectual works created at Universities. On Government side we need new legislations such as specific laws for the scholarship communication world. Nowadays the copyright is perceived as a very strong legal barrier for research and teaching, because copyright laws influence in a negative way the dissemination and the consequent impact of intellectual research output, with heavy cultural, social and economic relapses. On the administrative side we have to work inside our University. We need different levels of policies which foresee agreements that seek to assure to University and to its authors the ability to use and manage the works in fulfilment of their most important interests. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2007) Il copyright scientifico per una gestione aperta della conoscenza http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/9914/ Abstract: 5 x 5 crucial points and suggestion for scientific copyright is the focus of the Conference ?Condividi la Conoscenza: nodi e proposte per una politica della conoscenza. L?Italia e l?agenda di Lisbona?, Milan, IULM, 22 June 2007. (Share the knowledge: crucial points and suggestion for a policy of knowledge. Italy and Lisbon?s agenda?). The present legislation on copyright is a legal limit to scientific dissemination and, consequently, it is an obstacle for a fair economic growth. The five main crucial points of the copyright ? within the circle of scholarly communication ? can be summarized in the following topics: 1. legal limit to scholar dissemination; 2. the economic displacement from public to private funds provokes damages to public investments; 3. a serious economic restriction, due to a distorted and not competitive market, that stifles small publishers: in fact, 11 publishers dominate the 70% of publishing market, and two publishers possess approximately 2000 journals each; 4. the instrument for knowledge control is property of few people: worldwide research mapping is a very powerful and dangerous instrument of meta information; 5. the present model for research evaluation is no longer applicable in a digital context. The five proposals suggested constitues a unique proposition, that schedules a conscious and intelligent management of scientific copyright, that involves: a. Managers of research institutions, with the role of managers of an intangible public good; b. Scholars producing research into universities and institution, with the role of authors; c. Governments, who must understand that they have to safeguard and protect public good first, and then the interests of private organizations; d. EU measures for a Lisbon?s agenda really effective in procedures and innovation politics; e. Media, since they should offer reliable information to sensitize citizens on the meaning of scientific communication, and on the real potential of a competitive scientific publication market. Scholarly communication consists in the dissemination of the results of the research coming from universities or other institutions, and scientific publication system is part of this circle. One of the aims of Lisbon?s Agenda process in 2000 was to lead economy in service of knowledge through the constitution of an European Research Space (SER). Open Access is part of these strategies for the renewal of this scientific communication system. European Commission published a study in which scientific European publishing system is examined. The data emerged from this European study are remarkable: 23000 journals worldwide, 1400 articles per year, only 3000 Open Access scientific journals. The distribution of journals within the scientific publishing market is extremely distorted, since Elsevier and Springer possess approximately 2000 journals each. Moreover, European Commision opened the door to a wide consultation and a debate, to discuss some of the tendecies on the basis of the Green Book. New perspectives for the European Research Space: define more precisely the aims and provide incentives for the formulation of new ideas. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Paula Sequeiros (2007) Open archives for Library and Information Science : an international experience = Ogólnodost\kepne archiwa a informacja naukowa i biblioteczna ? dóswiadczenia globalne http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/10922/ Abstract: Library and information domain being highly integrated with computing science and technology, bibliometric and citational analysis, the team that launched this project felt that LIS could set an interesting reference case to other communities in providing a state-of-the-art model for the OA movement and for digital libraries, and most particularly to the open archive model, within which E-LIS is a disciplinary repository. Furthermore the evolving academic discourse surrounding the concept of Open Access (OA) provided the underlying motivation for the establishment of E-LIS Eprints for Library and Information Science in compliance with the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) protocol. Authors who contribute to an e-print archive are participating in a global effort by universities, researchers, libraries, publishers, editors, and readers, to redefine the mechanisms of scholarly communication. E-LIS makes LIS research more visible and accessible, which in turn will increase its status and public value. The trend towards digital libraries and self-archiving is one of the more recent developments in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS). The development of an international LIS network is being stimulated by the extension of the OA concept to LIS works and facilitated by the dissemination of material within the LIS community. These are some of the reasons for the success of E-LIS as an organizational model developed within an OAI compliance framework and for this respect E-LIS can be regarded as a tool for disseminating the OA philosophy. Built in 2003, E-LIS is an international open access archive related to librarianship, information science and technology, and related disciplines. Being the first international e-server in this area, E-LIS is a part of the RCLIS (Research in Computing, Library and Information Science) project and is organized, managed and maintained by an international team of librarians working on a voluntary basis. All editors share a common vision and mission, while contributing to E-LIS with their own experience and competence. E-LIS deals with each country specific issues to decide the best solution for technical and non-technical barriers so that international visibility can be promoted whilst national interests are served. International co-operation can facilitate debate on current issues on many levels and provides new professional experiences and expertise to editors, on a personal level. To date E-LIS is the largest repository in library and information science and after a few years contains almost 7000 papers from 82 countries. Poland, being a very active country in the Europe continent, is also contributing, within this framework, with national papers. This presentation describes the main technical and organizational characteristics of the archive, its configuration and customization, and states its policies, aims and mission. Main focus, however, is placed on E-LIS organizational model and on strategic issues related to OA. It also reasons on how E-LIS efforts are contributing to outline some of the challenges and opportunities resulting from a global vision of the Library and Information Science domain, giving E-LIS team the necessary motivation to engage in such a venture and to further develop international research activities. Notes:
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Heather Morrison, Imma Subirats-Coll, Norm Medeiros, Antonella De Robbio (2007) E-LIS : the Open Archive for Library and information Science http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/10158/ Abstract: E-LIS is an open access archive for library and information science. With over 5,800 documents as of June 2007 (over 5,000 in February 2007 when the archive was investigated in-depth), E-LIS is the world?s largest archive for LIS. Over half the documents in ELIS are peer-reviewed. E-LIS is particularly strong in English and Spanish language documents, but supports over 22 languages. With this multilingual support and a global team of volunteer editors, E-LIS has significant diversity in content, an advantage over traditional, english-based LIS resources. Not surprising, this tool designed by and for librarians features robust and userfriendly search options. Lack of phrase searching, and pointing to a cross-archiving searching tool no longer supported when much better options are available, are identified as areas for improvement. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2007) Analisi citazionale e indicatori bibliometrici nel modello Open Access http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/10686/ Abstract: This article is focused on the bibliometric methods used for research evaluation, within the well known field of the bibliometrics which uses mathematical and statistical techniques to analyze the publications distribution patterns, and to explore their impact into the scholarly communities. While the bibliometric methods are used more often in the LIS, bibliometrics offers a wide range of applications in a variety of fields of knowledge. Since the research evaluation requires a double approach: quantitative (bibliometric analysis) and qualitative (peer-review, panel...), the fundamental idea is that the measurement of the scientific knowledge uses both the methods. Though the IF or impact factor is the most well known bibliometric index, is not the only one suggested by ISI (now Thompson) to refer. In the Open Access world are spreading a wide number of initiatives and projects regarding the ?bibliometrics? field, in which are being testing alternative solutions to the traditional IF, for example the Eigenfactor, the Hirsch index and its variations like the g-index, a-index, h-b-index, tools that mark a meaningful change in this fascinating field. While the indicators ?author-produced? are the citations, those ?reader-produced? are usage data collected through webserver and linkresolver logs. A quantitative bibliometric indicator of new generation is the Usage Factor UF, complementary but non substitutive of traditional or alternative impact factor indicator. It will be necessary to organize the log data collection to share methods to obtain significant analysis. The article goes over some examples of new tools/projects for citational analysis in the Web area, among these the Web Impact Factor (WIF), and for the statistical analysis of logs and data, both bringing back to the new science known as metric of the web or Webometric. Within the OAI framework there are many research projects of the webometric type, involving the intellectual output archivied into the repositories and their impact within the constitutive processes of the scholarly communication. The theory assuming that an open access article in more likely to be read and therefore cited is matter of international debates and object of several studies, aimed to analyze the effects of the open access model and of the download on the citational impact. The article closes with a critical report on some of the most important works investigating the validity of this theory, from the original study of Lawrence, on Nature 2001, to the most recent works, the three postulates of Kurtz, the analysis run in 2006 by the Cornell?s Library staff on the MathSciNet database, the study of Moed which imposed a completely new methodological level with the introduction of the ?variable citation window?. Useful tools for the citational bibliometric analysis, on the statistical usage measurement of the researchs for the successful data monitoring, should be in the hands of the research producers, not in the hands of those commercial oligopoles that can influence the investment strategies and the national and international policies for the research. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2007) I metadati per la gestione dei diritti http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/3835/ Abstract: The presentation is focused on metadata copyright, even in case of the open database and on copyright metadata, as to the right part in MICHAEL, DRM, DOI, DRE, DPM, MINERVA, creative commons license, Dublin Core, languages and dictionaries of data. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2007) Berlin5 Accesso aperto. Dalla pratica all?impatto : Le conseguenze della disseminazione della conoscenza. Report della conferenza http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/10709/ Abstract: Berlin 5 Open Access: From Practice to Impact: Consequences of Knowledge Dissemination. Report of the conference Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Andrea Maggipinto (2007) Copyright scientifico per l?università e la ricerca. Intervento alla Tavola rotonda ?Spazi e prospettive della Cultura in Digitale? : al Convegno "Diritto e Tecnologie Digitali per la Valorizzazione e l’accessibilità delle Conoscenze", Milano, 20 ottobre 2007 http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/10792/ Abstract: In the academic and scientific environment, intellectual property rights, author rights and copyright are strategic issues in the growth and development of research, which is possible only thanks to a dynamic access to knowledge. Scholarly communication is the process in which the outputs of research led in universities, research agencies or research centre are disseminated. It is high priority nowadays to support the dissemination of research intellectual outputs, which consists not only of articles but also of primary research data. Our current system based on author right represents an obstacle to scientific dissemination and, consequently, to a correct economic development. Open Access, the international movement dealing with the research world and the digital contents which spread in Europe (thanks to the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge) and recently established also in Italy, encourages academics, scientists and researchers to disseminate their research outputs, that is to say to provide them open access. The aim of Open Access is the removal of any economic, legal and technical barrier which prevents the access to scientific information in order to guarantee the scientific and technological progress for the benefit of the whole humankind. Berlin5, the recent international conference hold at the University of Padua, comprised some sessions coping with the issue of rights management in order to make both the public opinion and the university administrators aware of this topic. The purpose was the one of stimulating the Government to take some action in order to protect the interests of the research environment appropriately. The current model defends the interests of a dozen of oligopolies which control the 75% of the scientific publishing market, causing great damage to the research public funds. The legislation concerning copyright should be modified in behalf of research and a scientific copyright, including a conscious right management that assures author and university?s rights, should be taken into account. It is necessary to encourage the Government to take into account the role of universities in the second thought on the law concerning copyright which is nowadays in process. Unfortunately, this is not actually taking place; the universities, although being considered the breeding ground of intellectual creativity for research and technology and the mainstay of the economic development in our country, still have no representatives in the re-organization of the Committee. Notes:
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2006 |
Antonella De Robbio, MariaLaura Trapletti, Claudio Gamba (2006) Servizi bibliotecari personalizzati basati su RSS feeds : i diversi volti di un nuovo canale di comunicazione http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/7329/ Abstract: RSS is a format - specified in XML - useful for distribution of Web content by syndication. In particular RSS delivers information on the Web inside an XML file called feed, webfeed, RSS stream, by RSS channels. RSS is used by many content providers as news websites, weblogs, e-journals, virutal bookstores and podcasting. Production, distribution and echange of information is the aim of RSS moving, because Web feeds provide web content or summaries of web content together with links to the full versions of the content, and other metadata. Particular attenzion must be done on metadata. Acronym RSS stands for three different names: Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91) RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0) Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0) It exists in sever different versions. RSS is a tool in order to obtain personalized service inside a framework looking as a standard service offert. In addition to facilitating syndication, web feeds allow a websiteâs frequent readers to track updates on the site using an aggregator in a context of customized services for users. In such a dimension library services are so much involved in RSS feeds adoption. RSS can be a promise for new strategies inside innovative services taylored on users and also in order to have a tool looking towards Web semantic. The paper examines the international literature on RSS and LIS environment on the basis of some service categories detected. Notes:
Antonella De Robbio (2006) Open access e copyright : il copyright scientifico nelle produzioni intellettuali di ricerca http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/8688/ Abstract: The aim of Open Access international movement is the removal of any economic, legal or technical barrier to the access to scientific information, this in order to guarantee scientific and technological progress for the benefit of the collectivity. Copyright Management in higher education is a strategic issue because it is involved in any process from creation to dissemination of scholarly works created at the university. Whatever the situation regarding ownership of copyright, university policies should balance the interests of stakeholders by reserving rights or benefits for research uses or teaching activities. A variety of approach can exist even within one country, depending by laws or by habits to faculties. Copyright laws - customized on musical and cinematographic environment - are often inadequate to deal with the complex issues surrounding the management of intellectual works created at universities. Nowadays, inside scholarship communication world, the copyright is perceived as very strong legal barrier, because copyright laws influence in a negative way the dissemination of intellectual research output, and most intellectual content (90%) are hindered inside editorial platforms. Furthermore authors, but also Universities, not always are awake about difference between authorship and ownership with disastrous consequences about rights ceased to third market actors which limit or slowdown the dissemination processes and negatively influences the impact on the community, with heavy cultural, social and economic relapses. For this reason authors must take the control of their right and learn to determine the conditions under which her or his work is made available on open access, choosing to deposit a copy of a work in a repository or publish in an open access journal. On the other side the universities, in particular in Italy, should put as priority the identification of stakeholders and the allocation of their own interests. This direction is a crucial step toward the development of policies or agreements that seek to assure to the University and their authors the ability to use and manage the works in fulfillment of their most important interests. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Claudio Gnoli, Paola Rossi (2006) Tendenze evolutive degli opac italiani visti attraverso il MAI http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/8282/ Abstract: Trends in Italian opacs seen through the MAI. This paper focuses on the recent evolution of Italian online catalogues, analyzed through statistical data from the Italian Azalai Metaopac (MAI), born in 1999 as an evolution of Riccardo Ridi?s Italian opac directory http://www.aib.it/aib/opac/opac1.htm. Indeed, MAI is based on a database where Italian online catalogues are described, in terms of the kinds and localizations of the covered libraries, their searchable materials, and their interfaces. In the database, an opac is meant as the online catalogue of a defined group of libraries, and includes one or more sections (such as monographs, serials, special funds, etc.), which in turn include one or more interfaces (HTTP, telnet, Z39.50). Besides being the basis for MAI meta-searches, this structure allows to collect annual statistical data, which are an interesting mirror of the situation and the evolution of Italian opacs. As at December 31, 2005, the database includes 849 opacs, 1068 sections, and 1131 interfaces. This means 89 opacs (12.4%) more than in 2004. This increasing rate has been quite constant in recent years. The opacs of the local poles of SBN, the union catalogue of the National Library Service, are 41. Of these opacs, some are not connected to the meta-search service, due to reasons either of technical compatibility or of service convenience (e.g. other national general catalogues, and catalogues only including material already present in other ones, are not connected), though they are still reachable through the opac directory and thus searchable one at a time. Currently there are 248 connected opacs, meaning an increase of 25 (11.4%) in the last year. The increase rate is more than 30% for school libraries, 11.4% for public libraries, and almost 0% for academic libraries. Tuscany (26%) and Lombardy (15%) are the regions which contribute most to the overall number of opacs. Most opacs (649) have a municipal coverage, i.e. include libraries located in only one municipality, while 93 have a provincial coverage (more than one municipality), 62 have a regional coverage (more than one province), 41 have a national coverage (more than one region), and 13 are outside the national territory. A large majority of interfaces use the HTTP protocol, while some are Z39.50, either directly or through a Web gateway developed by CILEA; opacs using the telnet protocol are constantly disappearing. The technical staff of CILEA continuously works in order to make MAI compatible with more opac software applications, also cooperating with the local opac staffs. A directory of software products used in Italian opacs was recently published; another directory, gathering links to lists of serials in Italian libraries, has been maintained for many years, though currently this kind of resources tends to disappear. From the directory of opacs, a number of interfaces are selected to produce metaopacs specialized in single domains, such as architecture, biology, slavistic studies, aerospatial sciences, public administration, or specialized in limited regions and library kinds, such as Lombard university libraries, Lombard public libraries, and school libraries. Users can access the metaopac choosing from three different interfaces. Log data show that most users prefer the global search, instead of the selective search or the regional search. Such preference for generality affects the traffic of the searched opac servers, which receive requests even for trivial searches that could be performed in a more local scope: this is currently one of the main problems to be faced by the MAI staff. Besides CILEA computer scientists, the staff is formed by some 30 volunteer librarians, each charged of keeping the data concerning opacs of a given region updated. This editorial work is entirely performed via Web and email; it is an interesting way to be involved in an important collaborative project, especially for young librarians who are familiar with the Internet. Though born just as a tool to gather access to the hundreds of opacs spreaded in the country, MAI has become a major service for Italian librarians and library users, and is producing valuable experience at one time on the bibliographic, the technological, and the organizational sides. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2006) Open access in Italia http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/7879/ Abstract: This work focuses on the issue of âOpen Accessâ and, specifically, on the growing Open Access Italian Movement. Recent months have witnessed a remarkable spread of information amongst a not-only-experts-public on this issue. Yet, information hasnât always been correct and coherent with the movementâs philosophy, fostering ambiguity and bias. The present article intends to clarify some of the key concepts in this domain, by providing a clear definition of the Open Access Movement, and of its aims and objectives. âOpen Accessâ means making the intellectual works produced by researchers and scholars all over the world accessible to the public. The Open Access Movement encourages scientists, researchers and scholars to disseminate their works as widely as possible, making them freely accessible to other research communities. The Open Access Movement therefore aims at removing any financial, legal or technical barrier which may hinder access to scientific information, and ensuring that society as a whole may benefit from scientific and technological progress. In our country - as in other countries where Open Access already is a reality - academic and research institutions have recently started to develop open archives. Finally, the article advances useful suggestions on how to make the Open Access Movement stronger within Italian universities. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2006) Impacts de la Directive européenne sur le droit d’auteur et la société de l’information sur la loi italienne, et sur les exceptions au droit http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/7873/ Abstract: The normative text that controls intellectual, artistic and literary property in Italy, based on the "authorâs right" system, is essentially included in the law no. 633 of 22 April 1941 about "protection of authorâs right and other rights related to its assertion", text that hasnât remained unchanged during the years, on the contrary it has been subject to many modifications and additions, destined to redefine its limits. Itâs necessary to cite also Civil Code, book V, title 9, chapter I, articles from 2575 to 2583. The European Directive 2001/29/CE about the harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the Information society, called "Sixteenth directive" or "Internet Directive", governs some of these rights, and in particular their exceptions. Law 248/2000, modifying the old law 633/1941, has greatly reduced the margin of manoeuvre restricting the space of fair uses. Today we need to completely rethink the system of copyright in Europe, with the aim of an equitable balance between the rights of authors, who must find again their central role, those of cultural trade, whose economic investments must be protected, and those of the collectivity, who must be able to use the works in the framework of certain and clear rules. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Alberto Marini (2006) L’enciclopedia aperta Wikipedia e matematica http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/7888/ Abstract: Wikipedia, the Web enciclopaedia which can be freely read, written and reused, goes on growing rapidly in extension and popularity and it has reached the most prominent position among the projects of cooperative development of public domain knowledge. This increases the interest for the general questions which are put about this type of activity. Therefore some possibilities are discussed that it opens for the world of libraries and knowledge diffusion, in particular regarding mathematics and its applications. Considering especially the Italian version, some sections are reported which are in ongoing development and are aimed at improving the vision of mathematical resources, using in particular classification schemata such as MSC 2000, and other times at building structures that facilitate links between mathematics and its applications. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Giandomenico Sica (2006) Open Access al centro dei nuovi scenari di e-governance http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/7872/ Abstract: The aim of Open Access international movement is the removal of any economic, legal or technical barrier to the access to scientific information, this in order to guarantee scientific and technological progress for the benefit of the collectivity. Any limit or slowdown of the dissemination processes negatively influences the impact on the community, with heavy cultural, social and economic relapses. As intergovernmental organization WIPO posed herself in the direction of creating and expanding monopolistic privileges, often without minding the social and economic consequences that an excessive protection of intellectual property involves. An equitable access to information for all is an unescapable base for education strengthening and to promote innovation. At IFLA international conference WLIC World Library and Information Congress held in Oslo, 14-18 August 2005, two CML Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters sessions took place: they highlighted the serious and urgent problems we are being forced to cope with since the last years regarding the management of rights in libraries activities, in research and in teaching fields. Notes:
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2005 |
Antonella De Robbio (2005) History and mission of E-LIS http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/7063/ Abstract: Established in 2003, E-LIS (eprints.rclis.org) is an international Open Archive for Library and Information Science. It is freely accessible, aligned with Open Access movement and is a voluntary world wide enterprise. E-LIS contains over 2.700 documents and is the largest eprint archive in LIS. This presentation discusses the origins, history, the technical properties of the E-LIS system and organization of work in a world wide dimension which is the factors we believe make E-LIS a success. All participants are volunteers who are motivated by sophisticated incentives, which include a system of national editors, the distribution of tasks within a small core team in addition to our experience with publishing procedures. E-LIS employs the JITA Classification Schema on two levels. It uses GNU Eprints software and is compatible with the OAI standards framework. The user may search and access full-text documents. Traditional LIS topics and all the disciplines relating to information science are covered. It employs the JITA Classification Schema at two levels. Any LIS scientific or technical finished document, published or unpublished, is accepted. It may be used by LIS communities in every country. Works can be deposited in any language and format; authors can self-archive; a proxy service supports depositors. Metadata are set for each one of 23 document types and are checked in accordance with editorial guidelines by an international editorial committee. Its copyright metadata policy is cited by the Romeo project. Submission policy is open to proposals from new partners and there are agreements with institutions and library associations of various countries. E-LIS is divided into three sections: editorial, technical and administrative. The editorial section is devoted to metadata quality and guidelines. The technical section concentrates on software ? its implementation, enhancement and develoment and added value functionality and operates inside the OAI framework. The Administrative section deals with strategic issues including the future direction of the initiative, its policies and their impact on the user community and its connection with other scientific communities. Among the added-value features are Para Tools for reference linking (which also provides a ?seek? button that parses the citation and tries to find something in the archive or on the internet), automatic alerting for editors, full metadata display of metadata records, full-text search, browsing by user, counter in homepage and webalizer for statistics. Since last August we have implemented a new graphical look, with RSS feeds for new deposits and a completly new interface and layout more effective. The evolving academic discourse surrounding the concept of Open Access (OA) provided the underlying motivation for the establishment of E-LIS. The library and information world is highly integrated with the areas of computing science and technology and it was felt that the LIS discipline should set an example to other communities by providing a state-of-the-art model for the OA movement and digital libraries, particularly in relation to the open archive model, within which E-LIS is a disciplinary repository. The extension of the OA concept to LIS works and the dissemination of material within the LIS community will contribute to the development of an international LIS network; E-LIS is mutually beneficial. Notes:
Antonella De Robbio (2005) Open Access all’UNESCO per un accesso universale alla conoscenza : risultati alla 33.ma Conferenza Generale UNESCO Commissione V Comunicazione e Informazione, 11-13 ottobre 2005 http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/7820/ Abstract: During the 33rd session of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization General Conference, held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, a proposal of resolution âDraft Resolution (DR)â about Open Access was presented; this resolution was presented to V Commission Communication and Information. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Maria Cristina Bassi (2005) Flash su alcune sessioni del WLIC 2005 World Library and Information Congress dell?IFLA, Oslo 14-18 agosto 2005 http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/7240/ Abstract: This report doesn?t intend to be a summary abstract of the many sessions held at the IFLA international conference (WLIC World Library and Information Congress 2005) that took place in Oslo during the last August; instead it focuses on some sessions of particular interest to which we participated. Therefore we don?t want to offer an overview about the conference, but a moment of reflection from as a starting point for a discussion and a constructive debate about the topics of intellectual property, open access and the right of access to information (base theme and leit motiv of the whole conference). We tried to offer a written report with a critical view about both the papers presented also in other sessions ? which we won?t treat in a detailed way ? and the state of art of very interesting themes for our field. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2005) Resoconto sulle sessioni sul copyright. CML Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters. IFLA, Oslo 14-18 agosto 2005 http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/7520/ Abstract: The whole international community of librarians and library national associations is called to participate in the discussion about issues related to the managing of copyright and the development of an agenda for the future directions of WIPO. Attachments (Italian translation by Antonella De Robbio): 1. Library-Related Principles for the International Development Agenda of WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization; 2. Geneva Declaration on the Future of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Andrea Marchitelli (2005) E-prints for Library and Information Science (E-LIS) : Un modello di archivio per biblioteche digitali aperte http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/7538/ Abstract: The evolving academic discourse surrounding the concept of Open Access (OA) provided the underlying motivation for the establishment of E-LIS Eprints for Library and Information Science. Built in 2003, E-LIS is an international open access archive related to librarianship, information science and technology, and related disciplines. It uses the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) protocol. To date E-LIS is the biggest repository in library and information science and after just three years contains over 3000 papers. E-LIS is the first international e-server in this area, is part of the RCLIS (Research in Computing, Library and Information Science) project and is organised, managed and maintained by an international team of librarians working on a voluntary basis. The library and information world is highly integrated with the areas of computing science and technology, biliometric an citational analysis and it was felt that the LIS discipline should set an example to other communities by providing a state-of-the-art model for the OA movement and digital libraries, particularly in relation to the open archive model, within which E-LIS is a disciplinary repository. This paper describes the main characteristics (technical and organizational) of the archive and its configuration and customization, and discusses its policies, aims and mission. Its main focus, however, is on the E-LIS organizational model and on the strategic issues correlated with Open Access (OA). It also delineates some of the challenges and opportunities consequent on a global vision for the Library and Information Science (LIS) field which envisages papers coming from all over the world and which gives E-LIS the impetus and motivation to stimulate participation in the venture and to further develop international research activities. The extension of the OA concept to LIS works and the dissemination of material within the LIS community will contribute to the development of an international LIS network, so E-LIS can be regarded as a tool for the dissemination of the OA philosophy. These are reasons of the success of E-LIS as organizational model well established inside a digital library framework OAI compliant. Notes:
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Maria-Cristina Bassi, Imma Subirats-Coll, Antonella De Robbio, Thomas Krichel (2005) E-LIS : E-prints in Library and Information Science http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/6647/ Abstract: Established in 2003, E-LIS (eprints.rclis.org) is an international Open Archive for Library and Information Science. 33 countries are involved and over 2,700 papers have been archived to date. It is freely accessible, aligned with the Open Access movement and is a voluntary enterprise. It uses GNU Eprints software, operates within the OAI framework and employs the JITA Classification Schema. Users can access full-text documents. It accepts published or unpublished documents in scientific or technical areas in any language and format; authors can self-archive and a proxy service supports depositors. Metadata are set for each document type and are checked in accordance with editorial guidelines set by an international editorial committee and there are agreements with institutions and library associations in various countries. Its Copyright policies are recommended by the Romeo project. E-LIS is divided into editorial, technical and administrative groups. The editorial group focuses on metadata quality and guidelines. The technical group concentrates on software ? its implementation, enhancement, development and added value functionality. The Administrative group deals with strategic issues including the future direction of the initiative, its policies and their impact on the user community and its connection with other scientific communities. New participants are always welcome. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Imma Subirats-Coll (2005) E-LIS : an international open archive towards building open digital libraries http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/6634/ Abstract: Established in 2003, E-LIS is an international open access archive related to librarianship, information science and technology, and related disciplines. It uses the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) protocol and tools to facilitate interoperability between repository servers. To date E-LIS is the biggest repository in library and information science and after only two years contains over 2200 papers. E-LIS is the first international e-server in this area, is part of the RCLIS (Research in Computing, Library and Information Science) project and is organised, managed and maintained by an international team of librarians working on a voluntary basis. This paper describes the main characteristics (technical and organizational) of the archive and its configuration and customization, and discusses its policies, aims and mission. Its main focus, however, is on the E-LIS organizational model and on the strategic issues correlated with Open Access (OA). It also delineates some of the challenges and opportunities consequent on a global vision for the Library and Information Science (LIS) field which envisages papers coming from all over the world and which gives E-LIS the impetus and motivation to stimulate participation in the venture and to further develop international research activities. Finally, this paper also emphasises that the promotion of E-LIS further enhances the OA movement in general, so E-LIS can be regarded as a tool for the dissemination of the OA philosophy. Notes:
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2004 |
Antonella De Robbio (2004) Il copyright negli archivi istituzionali di ateneo http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/5706/ Abstract: The work describes the activities about copyright inside institutional archives done from CAB, Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche dell?Università degli Studi di Padova. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Mirca Varotto (2004) Voltapagina : un progetto tra l?Università degli Studi di Padova e le scuole del territorio http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/5907/ Abstract: Voltapagina: a project between the University of Padua and local and territorial schools. The paper described the work inside the Schools of the Province (Padua - Italy) in order to furnish some tools (user education tools) to the students for a better evaluation of the e-resources discovery on Internet. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Patrizia Cotoneschi (2004) Gli archivi e-prints in Italia http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4719/ Abstract: Some weeks after the round-table conference on e-prints archives in Italy, the purpose of my contribution is, on the one hand, to tidy up the notes and scribbles on the papers of the conference and, on the other, to organize the thoughts concerning the open discussions and talks which raised during the conference. I divided the several contribution of the round-table conference into four different sessions. At the end of each session, there was an open ?thematic? debate concerning the subject. 1) a prescriptive introductory speech on the legal deposit in the National Central Library of Florence (BNFC); 2) Two experiences with Data Provider (DP), meaning the creation of institutional repositories for research and education in the Italian universities of Bologna and Trento; 3) An interval linked with the topic discussed in the morning. It was focused on DAFNE project, the creation of a platform for electronic publishing in Open Source Zope developed by the University of Padua; 4) Three contributions dealing with the proposal of additional services in the repositories developed by third parties: the first one is an example of a portal as a service that integrates the open archives within the library system, the second one is based on the need to develop a service common platform at national level and the third one is a complex system of services that operates at a meta-level. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Paola Rossi (2004) MAI : MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4720/ Abstract: MAI (MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano) is a virtual union catalogue of Italian libraries developed through co-operation between the Italian Library Association (Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, AIB) and the Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per l?Elaborazione Automatica (CILEA). This paper presents the components of the MAI and the organisational, management, planning and implementation tools developed by the team since 1999. MAI provides access to Italian OPACs, offering a directory and metasearch functionality. The search engine, Azalai, performs metasearching, which also involves a converter as part of the system. The architecture of the system, the search engine and converter, is based on a database in which all the Italian OPACs are recorded. Three different interfaces, designed for specific types of users, provide access to the system. Members of the MAI Editorial Board are responsible for keeping the database updated and this automatically generates the Directory of Italian Online Catalogues. MAI is divided into five distinct sections, integrated with a range of tools and services intended for different categories of user. Notes:
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Imma Subirats-Coll, Ricardo Arencibia-Jorge, Antonella De Robbio (2004) E-prints for Library and Information Science (E-LIS) : la tecnología al servicio de la bibliotecología y las ciencias de la información http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/5776/ Abstract: The present work aims to diffuse the E-LIS service inside the cuban libraries communities. E-prints in Library and Information Science (E-LIS) is the largest open archive in Library and Information Science. Its purpose is to make the full text of scientific documents visible, accessible, searchable and useable by any potential user with access to the Internet. Furthermore this service aims to support specialists, technicians and students who wish to publish or otherwise make their papers, published or not, available world-wide. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Rossana Morriello, Michele Santoro (2004) Frammenti Gottfrield Wilhem Leibniz fra proprietà intellettuale e biblioteca universale http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/7241/ Abstract: An essay about Leibniz, published in a volume that collects some contributes abot the way literature regards libraries and librarians. The works present in the volume treat of different authors, and between them Leibniz?, Borges, Bianciardi, who in their life were also librarians; but at the same time they analyse the image of the library that single novels offer. This volume presents some short stories by contempory authors who offer a completely ?literary? idea of the library through two stories by Ermanno Cavazzoni and by Paolo Nori, one by English Dyfed Edwards, and one written by Nina Berberova. This essay traces out Leibniz?s profile from a point of view of scientist, historian, court diplomatist and librarian. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2004) Chi ha creato il primo circuito per la distribuzione e lo scambio di preprint? http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/7896/ Abstract: After ten years since the birth of arXiv, the well known pre-print server that has the merit of having first revolutionized scholarly communication, a work comes on the scene, which remained unknown for almost forty years and that re-discusses this primacy. Thirty-nine years have passed since Luisella Goldschmidt-Clermont - a young sociologist, at the time Senior Scientific Information Officer at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva - attempted to describe in a systematic way, in a pre-print dated February 1965, the functions and the techniques of scholarly communication, suggesting ways and channels that could help creating a network of communication which is effective for the community of high energy physicists. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2004) E-LIS : un archivio aperto internazionale per la Biblioteconomia e Scienza dell’Informazione http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/5462/ Abstract: E-LIS Power point presentation helds in La Habana (Cuba) during the meeting at Torricellaâs House in August 2004 Notes:
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2003 |
Antonella De Robbio (2003) Copyright elettonico : stato dell’arte http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4060/ Abstract: This presentation focuses on the meaning of electronic copyright and it deals with the issues of intellectual property rights in the digital environment analysing the different kind of rights (reproduction, communication to the audience and distribution) involved in the process of electronic publishing. Copyright?s state-of-the-art in Italy is described in accordance with the policies developed at European level. Notes:
Antonella De Robbio (2003) Diritto d’autore, diritto dell’editore e del lettore : una difficile dialettica http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4177/ Abstract: The Authors of ?Talent Works?, have right to get a profit from their Creativeness as well as Publishers have all the right to manage these Profits, directly faced to a Market Focus. Neverthless, Readers Should be allowed in accessing to All the Published Informations (that?s at the Origin of Publication Concept). The three rights above exposed, are not ever easy to obtain together and Libraries are and will be ever the Crucial Hubs able to get a Focus on these Dialectics. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2003) Auto-archiviazione per la ricerca : problemi aperti e sviluppi futuri http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4096/ Abstract: The process of self-archiving is fundamental in the new model of scholarly communication and it has not to be confused with self publishing or vanity press. The process of self-archiving is the first step within the system of scientific dissemination based on the deposit of your own research outputs in open access archives. Self-archived research outputs maximize and facilitate research impact supporting the access to research. The limits imposed by copyright are an obstacle to the free dissemination of the outputs and they encourage the raise of journals? prices. We should talk with authors in order to persuade them that a review of the publishing contracts towards the conservation of rights is necessary. We should start to deposit the pre-print and post-print of our papers in appropriate institutional repository in order to encourage a wider dissemination of knowledge. According to some statistics, citation rates of online papers is 336% superior to the citation rates of the same papers in print version. Among researchers, the majority of them deposit their works in institutional server or in subject based-server: the firsts are the physicians, the economists, the mathematician, the astronomers and, recently, chemists and experts of biomedicine too. Nevertheless, nowadays the process of self-archiving is not so established yet, not only in Italy. It is important to understand the reasons for this inertia and, above all, to clarify the actual use of repositories by scholars through the analysis of their community behaviour. Some statistics on the use of repositories among the Open Archives at international level are presented in this paper. In addition, this paper includes some proposals aiming at increasing the consensus to Open Archives thanks to the process of self-archiving. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2003) Digital Math Library DML : un progetto mondiale per la matematica http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4054/ Abstract: This paper presents the state-of-the-art of the world-wide project DML Digital Mathematical Library which aims to provide availability and open access, through digital format, to the whole of maths documents (more or less 50 million pages). DML will include collections of both past literature (print document that have been digitalized) and digital documents. There are various subjects involved in the process: libraries, universities, publishers, projects and maths society at the national and international level. The time span of the project is estimated to be ten years and the whole budget 100 million dollars. In addition, the project?s aim is to develop a link between existing different experiences of digitalization thank to common model network. There are various problems to cope with: copyright, form, archiving. There are a lot of issue where it is necessary to take a decision: the selection of contents, the technical standards and the format of metadata. These issues were debated during the meeting which took place in Berlingen (Costanza?s Lake) from 31st of January to 3rd of February 2003. Italy, too, took part in the conference. During the brainstorming the working groups ? established in order to gather information useful to the request of funding within the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union - developed the fundamental guidelines for the plan and creation of the European project UE Digital Math Library. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Alberto Marini (2003) MKM Mathematical Knowledge Management : Second International Conference on MKM Mathematical Knowledge Management 2003. Bertinoro (Forlì), 16-20 febbraio 2003 http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4065/ Abstract: The 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, MKM 2003, took place at Bertinoro (Forlì), from February 16th to 18th, 2003. The research field, labelled with the acronym MKM, is devoted to the development of tools based on sophisticated mathematical concepts and advanced software technologies, which allow to organize and make effectively available the great deal of mathematical results of today. Different kinds of research contribute currently to MKM, and the reports presented at Bertinoro touched on a notable variety of problems. Some of these problems directly involved some activities related to the digitization of mathematical documents and the organization of digital libraries. Other presentations touched on concepts and outcomes of logic and artificial intelligence, whose deployment appears very promising for the documentation of mathematics. This report is intended to provide a starting tool to probe such topics with more depth. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2003) Progetti di digitalizzazione : vademecum on-the-fly http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4077/ Abstract: This speech was hold at the round-table conference ?Projects and Strategies? in the 14th Seminario Vinay "bibliotECONOMIA": the digital frontier, which took place in Venice on the 5th of April 2003, Fondazione Querini Stampalia. This speech focused on a comparison between three projects: the digitalization plan of BEIC, the copyright form of the Biblioteca Digitale Italiana and the proposal for the European project of Digital Math Library, presented in the 6th Framework Programme. The speech dealt with the following topics: 1) comparison between the three different projects; 2) Common issues raising from the benchmarking of the projects: the core points to consider; 3) Strategies for local, national and European process of digitalization; 4) Conclusions. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2003) Quanto "aperto" è il vostro OPAC? : [Italian presentation] http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4212/ Abstract: Presentation hold at Seminatio AIB-WEB-6: parte prima Biblioteche, OPAC e accessibilità del Web a cura della Cnur e della Redazione AIB-WEB. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Alberto Marini (2003) MKM Mathematical Knowledge Management http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/10245/ Abstract: The 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, MKM 2003, took place at Bertinoro (Forlì), from February 16th to 18th, 2003. The research field, labelled with the acronym MKM, is devoted to the development of tools based on sophisticated mathematical concepts and advanced software technologies, which allow to organize and make effectively available the great deal of mathematical results of today. Different kinds of research contribute currently to MKM, and the reports presented at Bertinoro touched on a notable variety of problems. Some of these problems directly involved some activities related to the digitization of mathematical documents and the organization of digital libraries. Other presentations touched on concepts and outcomes of logic and artificial intelligence, whose deployment appears very promising for the documentation of mathematics. This report is intended to provide a starting tool to probe such topics with more depth. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2003) Nuovi scenari nel diritto d’autore italiano : dove sono finite le libere utilizzazioni? [Italian] http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4061/ Abstract: Any civil society should take into account the right to have access to information defining exception for research, education, library services and establishing privileged rights to have access to information, as a common good, for underprivileged users and disabled users as well. The current debate concerning author rights has greatly influenced, and is still influencing, not only market laws but also jurist laws. Unfortunately, this debate is usually led by economic groups against the interests of the community. There are some fundamental rights that should be guarantee to any citizen; among these, the exception for libraries and underprivileged users, the opportunity to make copies for personal purposes, the protection of research and education and the availability of the scientific material deposited in the digital library. We have to resist against those who don?t support the principles of freedom, which are the foundation of university institutions, and the principles of public libraries. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2003) Le nuove tecnologie per l’accesso all’informazione : gli strumenti per la costruzione di biblioteche digitali http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4230/ Abstract: The word ?digital library? is on everybody?s lips nowadays and it is used to describe a wide range of products, services and projects. Actually, the word would refer to anything that involves the creation and distribution of any kind of digital information. The digital library is an always different assemblage of one or more collections of digital objects and these collections are called ?repositories?. It is the place where the collections and the digital objects are presented and integrated through metadata. Usually, a digital library has two faces: the first one is for the staff while the second is for the remote user. A digital library can be described, modelled, drawn, implemented, used and evaluated. This presentation introduced the main technical software tools for the creation of a digital library. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2003) E-LIS : un open archive per library and information science http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/5366/ Abstract: Born in 2003, E-LIS is an international open archive for the deposit of docuemnts related to Library and Information Science. The purpose of E-LIS is to promote the phylosophy of Open Access for LIS document ald related subjects. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2003) E-LIS : un open archive in Library and Information Science http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4113/ Abstract: E-LIS is an international open access archive related to librarianship, information science and technology and related disciplines. It uses the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) protocol and it is the biggest international repository in library and information science. E-LIS uses the free software Eprints in accordance with OAI protocol. It was developed in 2003 with the purpose of disseminating the philosophy of Open Access for the works dealing with librarianship, information science and technology, and related disciplines. This papers describes the main characteristics and the functionality of this archive, which complies with the concept of interoperability and offers a web interface for the management, submission, presentation and download of the deposited documents. The concept of Open Access for LIS works and its dissemination within the librarian community and the technicians of information are at the basis of the creation of international networks LIS and of digital libraries. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2003) Intervista con Antonella De Robbio, Responsabile del Settore Progetti e Biblioteca Digitale del Centro d’Ateneo per le Biblioteche CAB dell’ Università di Padova e Referente per il diritto d’autore del Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4498/ Abstract: The interview with Antonella De Robbio ? manager of the ?Project Sector and Digital Library? for CAB (Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche) of the University of Padua and copyright expert for Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo ? was published in Pinali news. Antonella De Robbio answered the following questions: 1) How to deal with the issues of author?s intellectual and economic rights in the context of scientific publishing and digital library? 2) What is the influence of the digital approach on the traditional ways to create and disseminate scientific communication? 3) In your opinion, can the experiences of University Press and the Open Archives represent the path to follow in order to overcome the paradox that a scientific author is also the user of his publisher? 4) Which are the outcomes of the fight between copyright and copyleft? 5) Which of these approaches are more suitable to label the metaphor of the ?Society of Knowledge?? Notes:
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2002 |
Antonella De Robbio (2002) Open Archive per una comunicazione scientifica "free online" http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4019/ Abstract: This conference paper shows how all kind of research should pass through the free access, because no one pays research workers for their works. In fact, the productions of them must be completely out of control by publishers and the rules of the business. These rules must be relating to only for ones which are payed by ?royalties?. Consequently, we speak about open content relating to scientific communications ?free online?. This model was found by Richard Stallman, with his FSF (Free Software Foundation), with the ?copyleft?, based on ?copyright?, but the first allows a completely free use for all users. This paper presents the recent theories of Stevan Harnad, which philosophy is based on the Movement FOS (Free Scholarship), organized by Peter Suber: both follow the Open Archive Initiative. The main obstacles about access to scholastic papers are: subscriptions for reviews are more and more expensive and copyright for authors, too. Publishers in general don?t allow the free circulation of research documents. The business rules must be changed as soon as possible. In fact, the open archives (with their preservation and organization of research documents) is a goal that won?t postpone by now. Notes:
Antonella De Robbio (2002) Osservazioni sul decreto legislativo di attuazione della direttiva 2001/29/CE, sull’armonizzazione di taluni aspetti del diritto d’autore e dei diritti connessi nella società dell’informazione http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4062/ Abstract: This report is an assemblage of comments and opinions taken by different sources that I have gathered in order to develop a paper for the Italian Group AIPPI. It is important to point out that this is only my personal point of view concerning library issues and the world of research, which is the context where I work. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2002) Open Archive per la comunicazione scientifica http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4017/ Abstract: This paper shows how often the traditional publishing is useless for scientific research because scholastic materials should be available for the scientific community as soon as possible. In fact, we must consider that many documents, such as pre-print, grey-literature, reports, meeting papers, documents pre- or post- edition, are useful materials for growing of any subjects. Nowadays, for scientific studying the immediately available of these kinds of documents is a main need. Moreover, with the WWW and specific software for managing of e-prints is possible building an Open Archive of electronic documents. Consequently, it will be possible that research workers all over the world may read and obtain the most recent result of research realized, as a free format. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2002) MyLibrary http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4031/ Abstract: This technical paper shows the specific rules and first documentation about software MyLibrary. It is based on documentation available on WWW and Internet, on web sites and on practising, too. Moreover, it contains technical information such as what is MyLibrary, what kind of software it is, when it was born and how you can use it and so on? In particular, this paper presents: - users interface - staff interface In addition, this paper focused on specific sections of MyLibrary, their rules and suggestions about using these. It is for staff involved in MyLibrary. To sum up, the analysis is oriented on resources in an information system on the whole. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2002) Metadati : parola chiave per l’accesso alla biblioteca ibrida http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4001/ Abstract: This paper presents metadata elements with the use of FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Metadata elements will build a new library called the ?hybrid library?, with the aim to connect with the ?old library? and ?digital library?. Metadata elements in this paper are looking at the different points of view accordly to the different categories of users. This paper doesn?t contain lists of standard and format, neither Dublic Core format (with its 15 elements) or the well-structured MARC: both well-known all over the world. Inside, this paper wants to give a clear explanation of Metadata word and elements: it describes with particular attention the structure of any elements related to domains each others. How? What? Where? How many? Who? When? Why? and so on? Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2002) Proprietà intellettuale nel circuito della comunicazione scientifica "open" http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4002/ Abstract: This article shows how the copyright influence the scientific documentation and its circulation. Nowadays the free intellectual contents are hindered, instead they must ?live? in ?open? places. The control of intellectual documents among different kinds of people (such as publishers, business aggregators and so on) is a proof of high quality, but consequentily is a strong obstacle for the growth of scientific researches. One of the main problems is the expensive costs of scientific magazines: it is a negative meaning for the impact factor into the scientific community. The second problem is the copyright in the scientific researches. If we solve the first one, then we will solve even the second one. Nowadays the laws about copyright don?t consider the two specific canals, that is the research and business copyright. We must support a strong line between these two different worlds, especially we must help the author of scientific works. The business rules must be changed. The OpenArchive movement is a new step that we must consider more and more: international experiences such as OAI (Open Archive Initiative), Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) and Free Online Scholarship (FOS). These projects have the aim to change the current rules of accademic research: only in this way we may have a lot of benefits for all society both business and cultural levels, too. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2002) A proposito di digital library [discussioni] http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/10959/ Abstract: Critical review on William Y. Armsâs text, "Digital libraries" . Cambridge, MA, London: MIT Press, 2000. xi, 287 pp. ISBN 0-262-01180-8 Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Dario Maguolo, Alberto Marini (2002) Mathematics subject classification and related schemes in the OAI framework http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4968/ Abstract: This paper aims to give a feeling of the roles that discipline-oriented subject classifications can play in the Open Archive movement for the free dissemination of information in research activities. Mathematics, and Mathematics Subject Classification, will be the focuses around which we will move to discover a variety of presentation modes, protocols and tools for human and machine interoperability. The Open Archives Initiative (OAI) is intended to be the effective framework for such a play. In the first part of this paper, we start by describing the most important subject classification schemes in mathematics and related disciplines. Then we sketch the structure of discipline-oriented schemes in view of browsing and we give an account of different browsing modalities, implemented in the tools we produced and collected in The Scientific Classifications Page. Finally we give an insight on the design, implementation and use of a programming language for the generation of hypertextual presentations of complex structured data. In the second part, we list different strategies for e-print communication in scientific research, up to the basic definitions of the Open Archives Initiative. A review of the functionalities actually implemented in OAI compatible archives managed by the EPrints software will lead us to some working hypotheses about the roles that subject classifications in mathematics and related disciplines can play in the scenarios of the Open Archives movement. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Lorenzo Brun (2002) Virtual Reference Desk : Project of cooperation: debate, technical, agreeements and setting up of the working group. Meeting "A new Library for European People" among Public Libraries in Alpe-Adria Regions for a Cultural Network Organized by Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana ? Vicenza Patronage of Italian Library Association. ALPE-ADRIA WORKING COMMUNITY REGIONE VENETO (Presidency 2001-2002) Working Group on Cultural Relationship Culture and Society Commission http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4086/ Abstract: A New Library for the European People. Meeting among Public Libraries in Alpe-Adria Regions for a Cultural Network Organized by Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana ? Vicenza Patronage of Italian Library Association Presentation of the Project 2: Virtual Reference Desk for Alpe Adria Working Community Coordinator: Antonella De Robbio, Università di Padova Public libraries all over the world have always paid the greatest attention to intercultural dialogue. Moreover, the Unesco Manifesto (1994) attributes a central role to this dialogue within the services offered by public libraries. Intercultural dialogue has also been a source of inspiration for projects and initiatives carried by international working communities like Alpe-Adria. This is why since 1989 public libraries of this Central-European area have been committing themselves both to confront their experiences and to grant documental exchange in order to improve their services. The Veneto Region, which is at present chairman of the Alps-Adria Working Community, intends to give new vital lymph to this commitment, with the promotion of projects which can be innovative in technical terms too. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2002) Tutela giuridica e diritto d’autore nell’editoria elettronica http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4000/ Abstract: The contemporary discussion on copyright regarding managing and spreading information has strongly influenced not only the market rules but also the legal ones. Such discussion is often conducted by economic lobbies against the social community. One must have fight not only against those who oppose the principles of freedom on which Universities are founded but also public libraries involved in this process. Every Country should consider the copyright as the first common international right with a few exceptions for research, teaching, library services as well as in case of minority and disabled users. For this reason, when we transfer copyright from an analogical context to a digital one (for example in the electronic publishing), it will be necessary to set up a strong lobby activity in two ways. On one hand, protect research and teaching, on the other hand allow a large range of exceptions for libraries, for disadvantaged users and single copies for personal use (according to the copyright European law). Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2002) Stato dell’arte del diritto d’autore in Italia : emergenza biblioteche http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4048/ Abstract: This conference paper describes the state-of-the-art- of author right in Italy and the situation of emergence of the Italian libraries because, as a consequence of the recent new legislation, they are not able to provide the right of access to information for their user. While in other countries ? where there are other laws ? this right is asserted by the constitution, the Italian libraries are considered at the same level of the centres for copies. This paper focuses on the modifications to the law 248/2000. In our current system, called ?of author right? but actually privileging the owners of rights and not the author, libraries are regarded as ?exceptions? and, thanks to this label, they are allowed to provide access to information within the borders of a ?grey area? called ?libere utilizzazioni?. These free areas have been abruptly reorganized and the situation now is not so reassuring. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Mauro Guerrini (2002) Right to access to contents versus intellectual property rights in the Global Information Infrastructure [English version published in the Conference Proceedings] Diritto di accesso ai contenuti e diritti di proprietà intellettuale nell’infrastruttura globale dell’informazione [Versione italiana pubblicata sugli Atti della Conferenza] http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4087/ Abstract: International Meeting: The Electronic Resources Definition, Selection and Cataloguing Rome, 26-28 November 2001 Informative Infrastructure is a term of wide significance, extended a lot beyond the physical tools used for the transmission, elaboration or treatment of information. This issue puts into light the significance and the assumption of the communicative architecture between the informative infrastructures inside which libraries are moving. In particular the focus is on the significance of ?access to contents? in the frame of the Global Informative Infrastructure, GII and on the boundaries that prevent the fruition of the information in the net. Sometimes the obstacles to the extension of the benefits of the access to the contents on global scale (hidden inside the regulations established by the governments) are thrown off balance towards the reinforcement of the restrictions of the intellectual property on the contents. Most of all, politics and definite standards are necessary in the digital libraries, in order to build strategies that can ensure a balance between the intellectual right of property and the law of access to the contents in the point of view of copy-right, seen as the right of copy and of fair use, seen as a fair payment and universal access. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Dario Maguolo, Alberto Marini, Fengshan Bai, Bernd Wegner (2002) Mathematics Subject Classification and related schemes in the OAI framework. In : Find and Post Mathematics in the Web A workshop on Electronic Information and Communication in Mathematics http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4030/ Abstract: This paper aims to give a feeling of the roles that discipline-oriented subject classifications can play in the Open Archive movement for the free dissemination of information in research activities. Mathematics, and Mathematics Subject Classification, will be the focuses around which we will move to discover a variety of presentation modes, protocols and tools for human and machine interoperability. The Open Archives Initiative (OAI) is intended to be the effective framework for such a play. In the first part of this paper, we start by describing the most important subject classification schemes in mathematics and related disciplines. Then we sketch the structure of discipline-oriented schemes in view of browsing and we give an account of different browsing modalities, implemented in the tools we produced and collected in The Scientific Classifications Page. Finally we give an insight on the design, implementation and use of a programming language for the generation of hypertextual presentations of complex structured data. In the second part, we list different strategies for e-print communication in scientific research, up to the basic definitions of the Open Archives Initiative. A review of the functionalities actually implemented in OAI compatible archives managed by the EPrints software will lead us to some working hypotheses about the roles that subject classifications in mathematics and related disciplines can play in the scenarios of the Open Archives movement. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Dario Maguolo, Alberto Marini (2002) Mathematics Subject Classification e schemi correlati nell’àmbito di OAI http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4992/ Abstract: This work aims to give a feeling of the roles that discipline-oriented subject classifications play in scientific communication, in the perspective of the Open Archives movement for the free dissemination of information in research activities. Mathematics, and Mathematics Subject Classification, will be the focuses around which we will move to discover a variety of presentation modes, protocols and tools for human and machine interoperability. The Open Archives Initiative (OAI) is intended to be the effective framework for this play, which is presented to you by two university librarians at Padova and a researcher at Milano, Italy. The present work is divided into two parts. In the first one, we start by giving some examples of the most important subject classification schemes in mathematics and related disciplines. Then we sketch the structure of subject classification schemes in view of browsing. Finally we give an idea of different browsing modalities, which are demonstrated by the tools we produced and collected in The Scientific Classifications Page. In the second part, we give an account of different strategies for e-print communication in scientific research, up to the basic definitions of the Open Archives Initiative. A review of the functionalities actually implemented in OAI compatible archives managed by the EPrints software will lead us to some working hypothesis about the roles that subject classifications in mathematics and related disciplines can play in the scenarios of the Open Archives movement. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2002) MAI : MetaOPAC Azalai Italien = MAI: MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4016/ Abstract: MAI (Italian MetaOPAC Azalai) or the virtual collective catalogue of the Italian libraries starts on 18th May 1999. It is a cooperation between AIB (Library Italian Association) and CILEA (Interuniversity Lombard Association for Automatic Processing). MAIâs services are addressed to different users and they are checked by AIB-CILEA editing whose staff is directed by Antonella De Robbio, concerning AIB-WEB, and by Fabio Valenziano, concerning MetaOPAC-CILEA. MAI is the project of Italian OPAC (Online Pubblic Access Catalogue) cataloguing in database, that is the core of the whole system. The e-mail editing (AW-OPAC@AIB.IT) is the main means to exchange the results of their works. The editing enters into database by web all over Italy to hold the data. A text concerning Italian OPAC editing work has been written; it is useful to start up a first systematization of the methods of OPACâs selection and cataloguing and the operations to include the data into MAIâs database. MAI is not only a MetaOPAC for the concurrent query of Italian OPAC, but also it is a complex system that supplies services and informative products to the library users and also to general users. The main aim is to provide an access to Italian OPAC. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2002) Relazione tecnica su DSpace (MIT) http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4014/ Abstract: This report presents Dspace that is a product realized in 2000 between Libraries of MIT (Massachussetts Institute Technology) and Hewlett-Packard Company relating to building a repository. It is able to support long-term memory, capturing and archiving of scholastic documents, realized from all MIT?s departments and free access by WWW, too. Furthermore, Dspace supports distribution and self-preservation of a different kinds of materials such as texts, videos, sounds, pictures, software and datasets. Some of them may be objected of electronic copyright and consequently don?t have a free access. However, it is possible decide which users (single people or accademic groups) can use all these different materials. There are two interfaces for Dspace, both of them have specific aims. The first considers authors, which using self-archiving, are able to produce metadata of their works so that database can grow up. The second considers the archive that allows managing of many different kinds of format and digital resources. In fact, on one hand Dspace is useful for all research workers at the MIT and on the other hand in teaching multimedia (such as an e-learning environment, in particular for distance education). Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2002) Relazione tecnica su CDSware. Technical report on CDSware http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4013/ Abstract: This work presents the meeting?s result between CERN staff and Italian librarians about CDSware. CDSware (CERN Document Server Software) is a group of software, OAI compatible, for diffusioning of data. It was realized by CERN and it can do crossing research into different archives. CDSware is a free software and is spread with GPL GNU licence. It is completely build with free software such as Apache, MySQL, PHP, Python, WML. The main characteristics are: interface configurable as a portal that can guest different kind of collections, powerful search engine similar to Google-like, user configurations with service of document baskets and e-mail notification alerts, support digital documentation and several format of documentation. Moreover, it can be used for changing data between provider and service and metadata elements among different repositories, too. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2002) Gaining independence with e-prints archives and OAI : secondo workshop OAI in Europa http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4004/ Abstract: Report on 2nd Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI): Gaining independence with e-prints archives and OAI. CERN, 17-19 October 2002, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Paola Mozzati, Luigina Lazzari, Dario Maguolo, Antonella Bozzano, Cristina Ferri, Paola Gradito (2002) Analysis of the Italian Biomedical and Veterinary Serial Publications : Remarks About the International Visibility http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4050/ Abstract: Within the scope of the project ?Creation of a Databank on the biomedical Publications in Italy? financed by the Italian Ministry of Health and announced during the recent Workshop EAHIL 2001 which took place in Alghero, the team has taken a census of the Italian serial publications in the veterinary and biomedical field since 1995 up to now. In order to detect the single journal heads, the team has referred to the bibliographical indexes (such as ISSN, Ulrich, The Italian Periodical publications Catalogue, BNI, CASSI, Serfile) as well as the national collective catalogues (such as ACNP, SBN e PEB). The data collected so far have been input in a database, thus being checked with the co-operation of publishers and librarians. Furthermore, for each single publication, each subject area covered as well as the type of user has been under analysis. Once the body of the Italian journals has been identified, the presence within the most remarkable international databanks of this field and their level of coverage (cover to cover or selective) has been examined. As a result, not even half of the Italian journals has proved to be indexed by the databanks. Indeed, the team has deemed it vital to compare the parameters adopted between the journals indexed and the whole body of the Italian journals and, when necessary, on the basis of a statistically identified sample. The parameters to be examined are the following ones: ? Language (title and abstract in English) ? Scientific or editorial commitee (either national or international) ? Publisher ? Frequency of publication and regularity of a journal ? The access to the TOC, abstract and full-text in internet ? ISSN The analysis of the above-mentioned parameters allows to identify the journal heads which show adequate standards to be input in the databank, which is the sheer object of the project, and which actually comply to the conditions to share an international visibility. At the same time it is possible, indeed, to detect viable plans to adjust those publications which do not conform to those parameters. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Vittorio Ponzani (2002) Metadati nel servizio DoIS per un accesso ibrido all’informazione professionale http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4015/ Abstract: DoIS Service: metadata for an hybrid access to professional information. ReLIS is a volunteer-run data provider indexing about 10.000 Library and Information Science (LIS) documents, mainly electronic journal articles and working papers. The metadata is harvested by a service provider, or portal, named DoIS. DoIS is viewed like an international database of articles and conference proceedings published in electronic format in LIS area. It was created by a group of international librarians and information professionals and is based at MIMAS (Manchester site). At the moment DoIS holds 4.234 full text documents (upadate on 17th March 2002), that can be accessed by all on the Internet. The existing ReLIS metadata collection for about 8.000 LIS e-journal articles and 1.792 working papers, available throught ReLIS infrastructure, will provide an excellent critical mass of material with which to encourage take up by the community. It is a very useful tool to efficiency search and retrieve information on LIS fields. Equally, a single access point to a wide range of LIS resources will only benefit the LIS international community if it is perceived to be useful and usable by local and national communities too. ReLIS and DoIS are modelled on the successful JISC-funded RePEc/WoPEC project. RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a international collaborative effort to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. DoIS uses ReDIF metadata, based on IAFA templates, and Guildford protocol. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Serena Sangiorgi (2002) Le tesi nel diritto d’autore : un argomento complesso http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4049/ Abstract: The thesis - degree, specialization, master, degree certificate - is an original work and for this reason it must be protected by the law. The author of a thesis is the only one who holds the copyright and there is no binding force of the law between the thesis and the supervisor - first of all the publication right, linking moral and economical rights. A publication of a digital degree thesis by anyone must provide for a licence from the author self, because, if the digitalization is lawful with the object of conservation or of a usual procedure for administrative documents, a publication requires a licence anyway. The thesis is both an authorâs administrative document and an original work; this is the reason why it is treated under different points of view. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2002) Il contesto accademico-scientifico e i profili di utenza : l’utente/autore http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4003/ Abstract: This report presents the role of user-author in the University environment about information changing. The report is written by GLACS (Gruppo di lavoro Analisi e Caomparazione dei Sistemi di Automazione). The aim of the report is the study of different users and also all they needs within an integrated system of information: it must consider the libraries? system especially at a functional level. In other words, the core of any accademic libraries should be support the user-author, during writing process such as thesis, documentation, reports or research. The report considers two aspects of this process: 1. how research may be disseminated 2. how to hand out teaching documents and information products Both research workers and students want that their studies would be spread at any level of society. An integrated sistem library must considered at first how to spread the research documentations in universities environment, especially in order to support the users-authors, who are the most important characters for the research and accademic library. This report was showed at Workshop GLACS, 21 May 2002, at the University of Padua (Italy). Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Paola Mozzati, Luigina Lazzari, Dario Maguolo, Manuela Dolfino, Paola Gradito (2002) An Italian Biomedical Publications Database http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4051/ Abstract: Periodical scientific literature is one of the most important information sources for the scientific community and particularly for biomedicine. As regards Italian publications today, a part from very few laudable exceptions, there is a lack of the instruments necessary for accessing the information that they contain. With over 700 Italian biomedical texts, only 25% are mentioned in the more important biomedical data banks, such as Medline, Embase, Pascal, CAB, with unfortunately a great deal of overlapping. This means that in this period, when âglobalisationâ is being talked about, scientific publications in Italian journals still have only very local and little international exposure. This fact also effects the bibliometry where Italian journals take little notice of indicators such as impact factor. Therefore our researchers increasingly tend to publish in foreign journals, thus impoverishing the national biomedical scientific literature. These considerations have caused four operative units, led by the Institute Zooprofilattico, to present the Health Ministry with a project to create a data base. This is to be an internationally available data base on all Italian bibliographical material related to scientific production on health subjects. Given that the Health Ministry has agreed, approved and financed the project, we will illustrate briefly its operative phases. The primary aim is therefore: to guarantee widespread, complete information on national scientific publications relating to health subjects, for biomedical, veterinary, zoo-technical and environmental research. Project Phases: - census of national and active (since 1995) biomedical periodical publications and the creation of a specific data base; - obtaining data on Italian biomedical periodicals from the following databases: Medline, Embase, Biosis, Pascal, CAB; - contact with editors and libraries to define collaboration as regards national laws on the management of databases and the information they contain; - design of the databases and structuring of useful fields; - sifting through periodicals and marking items of possible interest. - implementation of the database; - creation of a support web-site for all project activity; - making this database available on line (Internet) and off-line (cd-rom). Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2002) Guide alle biblioteche online http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4034/ Abstract: This presentation shows the different typologies of libraries and it was illustrated during the public event of meeting about the book ?Guida alle biblioteche di Treviso? edited by Benetton Foundation, Treviso (Italy). Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2001) Periodici elettronici nel ciberspazio http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4042/ Abstract: This paper explains the meaning of e-journals: they are usually called by American literature such as ?electronic journals? or ?e-journals? and they are digital objects that are on the cyberspace only. A pragmatically discussion about e-journals must define them even using a summarize definition. What is actually an e-journal? Starting from we working in a changing environment, we have to strongly reflect because nowadays there isn?t a standard definition about e-journals. This definition should consider the status, function and quality of these materials but ?if a definition hasn?t drown yet, it happens because e-journals are objects so that difficult and with an ephemeral consistence?. Notes:
Antonella De Robbio (2001) Workshop on the open archives initiative (OAI) and peer review journals in Europe http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/5368/ Abstract: The workshop took place from 22nd to 24th March 2001 and it was organized by a Committee constituted by Raf Dekeyser (LIBER, Access Division; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Herbert Van de Sompel (OAI Executive; Cornell University) e Corrado Pettenati (CERN, Library). Among the 60 participants, there were scientists and librarians from all over the world who participated in the working groups and in the discussions. The aim of the meeting was to focus on the certification of the works which has been submitted to the server. The data providers contain data and metadata. Our next step is to assure the quality of the documents contained in the server, through process of validation and quality evaluation. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2001) OPAC ricombinanti tra nuovi assetti di mercato e cambiamenti tecnologici http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4235/ Abstract: This paper focuses on the movement of online catalogue in the international market with reference to fusions and alliances and the birth of new technological models. The economic and technological factors cause significant changes that not only do they influence the user but also they have a great impact on our profession. This paper analyses the surveys run by ARL and Library Journal in order to point out the gaps of our national system due to the lack of a serious analysis of the OPAC Italian market. Software producer are no longer able to offer the most updated products and the OPAC system is damaged by this situation because innovation in the OPAC system, especially Information Retrieval (IR) technology, has stopped. Except for a few exceptions, the situation in Italy is quite the same. While, in other countries, software producers have developed innovative solutions and new technological models for the OPAC of the new generation which are integrated in their software with the client/server system and which provide interoperability and integration with the other tools of the web. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2001) Right to access to contents versus intellectual property rights in the Global Information Infrastructure [First version presented at the International Conference] Diritto di accesso ai contenuti e diritti di proprietà intellettuale nell’infrastruttura globale dell’informazione [versione italiana presentata al convegno internazionale] http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4018/ Abstract: International Meeting: The Electronic Resources Definition, Selection and Cataloguing Rome, 26-28 November 2001 Informative Infrastructure is a term of wide significance, extended a lot beyond the physical tools used for the transmission, elaboration or treatment of information. This issue puts into light the significance and the assumption of the communicative architecture between the informative infrastructures inside which libraries are moving. In particular the focus is on the significance of ?access to contents? in the frame of the Global Informative Infrastructure, GII and on the boundaries that prevent the fruition of the information in the net. Sometimes the obstacles to the extension of the benefits of the access to the contents on global scale (hidden inside the regulations established by the governments) are thrown off balance towards the reinforcement of the restrictions of the intellectual property on the contents. Most of all, politics and definite standards are necessary in the digital libraries, in order to build strategies that can ensure a balance between the intellectual right of property and the law of access to the contents in the point of view of copy-right, seen as the right of copy and of fair use, seen as a fair payment and universal access. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2001) William Y. Arms "Digital libraries". Cambridge, MA, London : MIT Press, 2000. xi, 287 pp. ISBN 0-262-01180-8 Price \pounds27.95 http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/6806/ Abstract: This book is the first to provide an integrated overview in the field of digital libraries, including the chronological point of view, giving the state of the art and current research. The term âdigital libraryâ has become of common and generic use, being used to describe a great variety of products and projects. With this term Arms means the creation and distribution of information of all types on the nets, from digitized historical materials to information media that donât share analogies with the physical world. The book is intended mainly for librarians, publishers, information technicians and also users of digital libraries. [Review published in âBollettino AIB : Rivista italiana di biblioteconomia e scienze dellâinformazioneâ, 42 (2002), 1, p. 61-66 with the title "A proposito di digital library"] Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2001) URI, URN e URL, una questione di definizioni : universal versus uniform http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4120/ Abstract: This article deals with the concepts of ?Uniform Resource Indicator? (URI), ?Uniform Resource Names? (URN), ?Uniform Resource Characteristics? (URC) and ?Uniform Resource Locator? (URL). Although it is not exhaustive because of the vastness of the topic, this article aims to offer a view on the topic to anyone who works and manages with remote electronic resources (RER) in their different aspects and different points of view. The analysed documents are: RFC Request for Comments (available in the IETF Internet Engineering Task Force?s website)and some drafts drawn up by the working groups within W3C The World Wide Web Consortium. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2001) Risorse online per la matematica nel virtual reference desk scientifico http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4041/ Abstract: This article explains the Virtual Reference Desk for mathematics realized by Antonella De Robbio, during her time of working at the library of CERN (European Laboratory for Particle Physics ? Laboratoire européen pour la physique des particules) in Geneva (Switzerland). This web meta-resource is organized into three parts with two specific aims: 1. a work tool for librarians which are involved in mathematics libraries but also for users that need resources about particle physics; 2. web resources specialized in mathematics only, in particular for mathematicians of the university of Padua (Italy), where Antonella De Robbio worked in for about twenty years. These two aims are based on a point of view both mathematics and physics subjects as well as librarian skills. To sum up, this VRD collects training and professional materials but also new and current online resources available nowadays. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Dario Maguolo, Alberto Marini (2001) Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) and related Schemes in the Digital World http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4005/ Abstract: The present talk aims to point out problems, tools and techniques about converting discipline-specific classifications, in Mathematics and related sciences & technologies, into the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). DDC is widely used all over the world not only for book shelving in libraries, especially in public, school and general academic ones, but also for subject indexing in general online document retrieval tools, such as bibliographic databases, online library catalogs and OPACs, digital libraries, Web search engines. After recalling some general notions on structure, dynamics and interferences of Subject Classifications, we sketch a diachronical synopsis of classifications in Mathematics, Computing and Information Science and Technology, Control, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, and Physics. Then we review the development of DDC in these areas, till the recently proposed revision of section 510 (Mathematics, with the exclusion of Computing and Mathematical Physics) in view of the next (22nd) edition of DDC. In this context we present: 1. a methodology for interconnecting Subject Classifications via lexical correspondences in the textual descriptions of the classification numbers 2. some Web pages which demonstrate hypertextual combined modalities for displaying Subject Classifications 3. methods for developing hypertextual presentations of Subject Classifications from sequential source files. As a further step we propose a concept-oriented methodology for interconnecting Subject Classifications, with the concrete support of a relational analysis of the whole Mathematics Subject Classification, along its evolution since 1959, as available for online searches in the MathSci database. Such analysis provides for four phases: 1. defining the tree-based structure of the classification number space 2. defining the structure of a space of "abstract" (i.e., mobile across the classification numbers) nodes in time, which get identified via (permanence or limited variation of) textual descriptions 3. identifying concepts as sets of nodes 4. performing a full relational analysis of the concepts by means of knowledge representation techniques. We conclude with perspective considerations about how to define a procedure for the determination of DDC codes for documents in our areas of interest, through the conversion of the Subject Classification codes listed in discipline-specific bibliographic databases. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Dario Maguolo, Alberto Marini (2001) Interconnessioni tra classificazioni scientifiche e classificazioni generali nel mondo digitale http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4007/ Abstract: This paper presents the different ways of communication between the scientific and library word, in particular about general and specific systems of classifications (CDD and others classifications). After explanating the rules of semantic classifications, this paper shows the specific classifications for the subjects of mathematics, computer science, physics and astronomy. Furthermore, the paper deals with CDD in these subjects from the recent revision of section 510 (mathematics without theoretic computer science and physics-mathematics ?.) to new edition (22nd). This paper is actually an italian draft of ?Mathematics Subject Classification and related classifications in the digital world?, published in ?Proceedings? of Internation Meeting ?Crimea 2001? that taked place in Sudak, Ukraina, 9-17 June 2001. In this meeting was showed the new web site ?La pagina delle classificazioni scientifiche? which contains the most recent documents about scientific classifications. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2001) Metadati per la comunicazione scientifica [Italian] http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4067/ Abstract: This conference paper focuses on metadata within the system of scholarly communication. Metadata are nowadays a core issue in a number of different context, not only in the librarian environment. Talking about metadata, Anne Gilliland-Swetland used the metaphor "the sum total of what one can say about any information object at any level of aggregation." Metadata should not be considered digital information as cultural heritage and experts of information have always produced metadata but, so far, they were managed in traditional collections. Today, thanks to the emergence of digital information, metadata can be represented in different ways and formats and they are integrated within the digital library or in the documents of electronic journal or included in open archives providing access to scientific information. Metadata as a key word, implicit or explicit, in its different manifestations (such as integrated in protocols, expressed by standards in shared platform or presented in different formats) opens the way to a wider communication linking different worlds with different rules. It is important to pay attention to the migration of metadata through servers. This paper is the product of the debates raising from the working group of the latest Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) and Peer Review Journals in Europe which took place in Gineve from the 22nd to the 24th of May, 2001. This paper deals with the aspects of metadata that are crucial for scholarly communication, for example the academic format of metadata in the platform OAI and the metadata used to evaluate the quality of intellectual contents. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2001) Con DoIS l’informazione professionale è in linea http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/5058/ Abstract: Presentation of DoIS and its functionalities Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Dario Maguolo, Alberto Marini (2001) Scientific and General Subject Classifications in the Digital World http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4008/ Abstract: In the present work we discuss opportunities, problems, tools and techniques encountered when interconnecting discipline-specific subject classifications, primarily organized as search devices in bibliographic databases, with general classifications originally devised for book shelving in public libraries. We first state the fundamental distinction between topical (or subject) classifications and object classifications. Then we trace the structural limitations that have constrained subject classifications since their library origins, and the devices that were used to overcome the gap with genuine knowledge representation. After recalling some general notions on structure, dynamics and interferences of subject classifications and of the objects they refer to, we sketch a synthetic overview on discipline-specific classifications in Mathematics, Computing and Physics, on one hand, and on general classifications on the other. In this setting we present The Scientific Classifications Page, which collects groups of Web pages produced by a pool of software tools for developing hypertextual presentations of single or paired subject classifications from sequential source files, as well as facilities for gathering information from KWIC lists of classification descriptions. Further we propose a concept-oriented methodology for interconnecting subject classifications, with the concrete support of a relational analysis of the whole Mathematics Subject Classification through its evolution since 1959. Finally, we recall a very basic method for interconnection provided by coreference in bibliographic records among index elements from different systems, and point out the advantages of establishing the conditions of a more widespread application of such a method. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2001) Fruizione e produzione di contenuti multimediali e proprietà intellettuale nel cyberspazio http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4009/ Abstract: This paper shows how multimedia and copyright documents are connected about two aspects: enjoyment and production. These are two aspects of multimedia documents, that can appear very easy to realizing and consequently are confused by both producers and users, too. The attention must have pointed out about intellectual property before copyright. In fact, when we using or producing web contents, we must consider the different copyright for anglo-saxon countries and ?diritto d?autore? for European countries. Different countries realize different laws. The right of intellectual documents? tutelage is a right for documentation? creator. For instance, a web site with multimedia must safeguard creators? interests. On the other hand, we must consider that the research documents may be used for teaching (especially for e-learning), therefore they can be organized into free and open archives. In addition, we must support the web accessibility especially for disabled users. Moreover, this paper considers the most recent Italian law about copyright. It is still a very strict law, until it will acknowledge the new European law for copyright by 2002. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Dario Maguolo, Alberto Marini (2001) Mathematics Subject Classification e classificazioni connesse nel mondo digitale http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4006/ Abstract: Italian presentation of Crimea talk. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2000) I periodici elettronici e la persistenza della memoria cartacea : un problema di definizioni http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4040/ Abstract: This paper explains how, after many temptations to define what is an ?electronic journal?, nowadays we haven?t a standard definition about it yet. This is caused by the nature of these objects; in fact they have an ephemeral consistency and consequently is very difficult to hand out a specific and only one definition. Like Crossman (a philosopher from Oxford, but better known as a politician and military strategist during the Second War World) wrote: ?if we don?t know a specific meaning of any words that we use every day, we can never discuss about anything?. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2000) Lancio Web di Voyager nel cyberspazio : il nuovo catalogo online della Library of Congress http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/10958/ Abstract: The 21 September 1999 marked the launch of WebVoyager, the HTTP interface for access to Voyager, the new Library of Congress catalogue. This article describes the characteristics and peculiarities of the new OPAC, its contents and access modalities (available interfaces), making comparisons with the old system on IBM mainframe, LOCIS (Library of Congress Information Systems), which closed on 12 August 1999. Voyager contains almost 12 million records for monographic works, serials, computer files, manuscripts, cartographic material, sound and video material, including the over 4.7 million records from the PREMARC file. At the moment Voyager includes information from more files than the old LOCIS system. The BOOKS files (LOC1, LOC2 and LOC3) include the materials catalogued from 1898 to 1975. With respect to the old LOCIS, Voyager does not include records from other research libraries and records from bibliographies and data bases for materials not held at the Library of Congress. LOCIS "aggregated" the old systems that were separated from one another, with over 30 different files, some of which dated to the end of the Sixties, or the beginning of the Seventies. The Library of Congress decided to break up and locate outside the boundaries of the new OPAC much of that material which was previously described within the catalogue. That material can be accessed from the LC Web site in an integrated way to the OPAC; for example the old Copyright file produced by the Copyright Office, which include bibliographic records and information for documents from 1978 to the present day, can now be consulted from the set of Web pages available on the site; the same is true for the GPO (Government Printing Office) documents, the legal documents and the photographic collections on American memory. The records from the files that include Braille and audio material can be accessed from the Web-BNLD catalog on the LC site of the National Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. The catalogue includes over 2700 electronic volumes in Braille, recently placed on the net for users authorized to access the National Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. The new OPAC can be accessed, as well as from WebVoyager, also through Z39.50 in two ways, simple (keyword) and advanced (with the use of Boolean operators), and in just a textual way (ASCII) of the telnet type. The search and browse capabilities offered by the new OPAC Web are numerous, Subject Browse, Name Browse, Title, Serial Title, Call Number Browse, Guided Keyword, Command Keyword, Keyword, grouped into four modalities: Subject-Name-Title-Call#, Guided Keyword, Command Keyword, Keyword. There are four possible choices for the display of the record: Brief Record, Subject/Content, Full Record, MARC Tag. Various also are the functions available that make the new OPAC a flexible and refined instrument: Limiting Searches, Search History, Boolean Searching, with the offer of a complete set of tools for the refinement of the search, including the use of Boolean operators of specific codes for searching in indexes, of various filters for limiting the search, and a powerful system of relevance ranking to evaluate the items retrieved. Copies of the bibliographic records can be printed, saved or sent to a postal mailbox, one record at a time or as a whole set. Many help screens can be reached from various points of the catalogue and from various search or browse modes. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Alberto Marini, Dario Maguolo (2000) Un progetto per la classificazione matematica : Multivision MSC2000 http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4834/ Abstract: In the point of view of creating a maths digital library, the project for the mathematical classification Multivision MSC2000 is the outcome of a fruitful collaboration between Istituto per le applicazioni della matematica e dellâinformatica del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (IA-MI/CNR)of MIlan and Biblioteca del seminario matematico of the university of Padua. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2000) Gutenberg on demand http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/10957/ Abstract: Is Print on Demand a new frontier for publishers and libraries? Talking about Italy, the answer is yes. Search on Print on Demand services on the Web based on foreign experiences, such as North European and American ones, where libraries play a crucial role in this new publishing process. As in the journals dealing with librarianship there is no literature concerning Print on Demand, I deeply analized web sources, such as publishing websites that offer Print on Demand services, WebConference, interviews with authors and writers who use PoD, articles on Webzine and, above all, reports of the European Councilâs workshop on the survey at the European level. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2000) Online resources for mathematics in the scientific virtual reference desk http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4201/ Abstract: The present work briefly describes the Virtual Reference Desk for mathematics elaborated during the time I worked at the CERN Library (European Laboratory for Particle Physics or Laboratoire européen pour la physique des particules) in Geneva. This instrument is dedicated to the CERN librarians, with whom I have shared important moments of my professional career. In particular, I would like to gratefully acknowledge their valuable co-operation and assistance during our time spent working together. The Web metasource is comprised of three directories, annotated and interrelated with dual application: The first is intended as a work tool for librarians working in mathematics libraries, but above all for librarians of high energy physics, who more often than not must turn to mathematics and the use of mathematical applications and models for the physical sciences and in particular particle physics. The second is an on-line resource for mathematics; that is, a Virtual Reference Desk for the community of mathematicians, with whom I have been collaborating for some twenty years at the University of Padova. The bibliographical instrument is born from the need to have at our disposal a scientific Virtual Reference Desk created according to the needs of those working in physics and mathematics libraries ? a tool which is comprised of materials collected during years of work as much as material available on-line through the use of new technologies. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2000) Forme di tutela giuridica per le banche dati fra diritto d’autore e diritto sui generis : il Decreto Legislativo n. 169/99 del 15 giugno 1999 e la Legge n. 248 del 18 agosto 2000 [Italian] http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4425/ Abstract: The legislative decree 169/99, which acknowledges the European directive 9/96, edits some parts of the law on author rights (n. 633, 22nd April 1941). The new law (n. 248, 18th August 2000) doesn?t modify anything concerning with database as it only reconfirms the legislative decree 169/99 as far as the penal aspects are concerned. Summary: History and presuppositions ? Double-protection system ? Definition of the word database ? Principle and Criteria of the Italian legislative decree ? New rules for the movements in the market ? Sui generis right ? Forms and objects of protection ? authors and creators rights ? The new law 18th August 2000 ? Users rights. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2000) Evoluzione e rivoluzione dei periodici elettronici http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4039/ Abstract: In order to define what is an e-journal, as well as to define any other kind of tangible or intangible object, it is to understand the form of it. First of all, it is to be said that neither the form, nor the card bin of e-journals can be compared to the paper journal every one knows. The paper journal item division doesnât exist in the database, that collects and organizes the full-texts. Actually, the full-texts are available in an easier way than the physical bookcase access (item/volume/year). This is the difference between the physical card index and the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) access. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (2000) Diritto d’autore e norma italiana : torre di Babele o soglia al terzo millennio? http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/10956/ Abstract: The concept of author right is underlying in many library activities and it is the fundamental presupposition for the implementation of library services for the users, especially in the digital field. Terminologically and semantically speaking, it is important not to confound the concept of ?author right? with the one of ?copyright?, which belongs to different geographical and cultural backgrounds. We should consider these two concepts highly separated because they have a different approach to intellectual property and they develop in different ways both in the pragmatic details and in the general principles. The concept of author right, an old well-based philosophical concept, characterizes all the activities done day after day by librarians. Paper on copyright in librarian biomedical environment. Notes:
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1999 |
Antonella De Robbio, Riccardo Ridi, Fabio Valenziano (1999) L’evoluzione della specie : dagli OPAC al MetaOpac Presentazione di MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano. Seminario AIB-WEB-2 L’evoluzione della specie: dagli OPAC al MetaOpac, 19 maggio 1999. Roma http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4338/ Abstract: Presentation of the MAI MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano project, held at the 45th Nation Conference of AIB (Italian Libraries Association). Tutorial AIB-WEB-2 Evolution of the species: from OPAC to MetaOPAC. Notes:
Antonella De Robbio (1999) L’evoluzione della specie : dagli OPAC al MetaOpac Presentazione http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4620/ Abstract: Report of the presentation of the MAI MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano project held at the Tutorial AIB-WEB-2 Evolution of the species: from OPAC to MetaOPAC (Rome, 19th May 1999). Presentation of the MAI MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano project, held at the 45th Nation Conference of AIB (Italian Libraries Association). Tutorial AIB-WEB-2 Evolution of the species: from OPAC to MetaOPAC. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (1999) Vincenti e perdenti nelle sfide del Database Networking : dalle antiche torri ai sistemi clienti/serventi http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4342/ Abstract: Nowadays, when we talk about database networking, we have to trace back the origin of it and have a look at the future, ?beyond the outlined horizons?, in order to point out new strategies. The various models of database networking systems refer to different ways of ?communication of information?; the old systems are based on static informative systems while the more updated ones are characterized by the modularity of the informative dynamic offer. Not only have the current systems to be equipped with additional functionalities in order to be competitive in this challenge, but also they have to integrate with other tools in order to communicate from the point of view of the interaction with the OPAC and the full-text of the electronic journals. The emergence of new products, which provide additional on-line information services using integrated push and pull technology (for example, SpotLight services, A&I and Awareness), leads to a new dynamicity in the informative interaction. Now, it is the information that reaches the user according to predefined strategies thorough systems that periodically send via e-mail the results of the bibliographic search for a journal or a subject to the subscribed user. Therefore, if we consider database networking systems as organized groups of databases within circumscribed nets, the challenge is still open. If we pay attention to what is ?outside?, we can imagine the future winners of this match, yet to be played, where the libraries will play a fundamental role within the communication systems in which the information is conveyed. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (1999) "OPAC italiani" di AIB-WEB si interroga : la risposta è MAI http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4341/ Abstract: The purpose of this article is to describe the development and first start up of MAI project, occured on 1999, due to a Partnership between AIB and CILEA. MAI was born with the aim of getting support and improving the AIB-WEB ?OPAC Italiani? Index, a detailed html list gathering 268 Italian OPACs. They are single queryable, each one from his interface. The Strenght of MAI is immediately clear. It allows to contemporarly query more than one OPAC getting as a result only one Page. This is allowed to AZALAI Search Engine (developed from CILEA) and to MAI Dbase, managed with Informix system. In the Article the main Aspects shown on MAI First Releaseare are finally described.They are shortly reported below: MAI Dbase, OPAC Selection Interface, Querying Form and Result Page. Notes:
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Remo Badoer, Antonella De Robbio (1999) On the road of e-journals : paesaggi in movimento nell’evoluzione dei periodici elettronici http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4038/ Abstract: This paper explains that about digital documentations treatment we must read the Ann Okerson?s literature: in fact, she has a lot of relevant experience in this topic and gives us many suggestions for working with. Recently, Ann Okerson took part in a meeting in Geneva (Switzerland). This paper analyses what she said in that occasion and from working groups at the University of Padua, too. Ann Okerson, since 1995 joined at Academic Library of Yale, with her studying and articles, defined a turning point about subscriptions to digital journals thanks to the cooperative contracts. During her fifteen-year experience, she has been studing the development of collections as digital journals, in particular about negotiation. She has been playing a fundamental goal for NERL (NortEast Research Libraries) in the United States of America, which involves 18 academic libraries and centres of research. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (1999) Indagine comparativa tra i database bibliografici MEDLINE, EMBASE e PASCAL Biomed http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4340/ Abstract: The following study is a comparison between the three major biomedics databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE and PASCAL Biomed. The analysis deals with the coverage of the indexed journals at the level of a single database and at the level of more databases (in particular MEDLINE and EMBASE) taking into account the countries where the journals were published. The aim of the survey is to give, both to the medical researcher and to the librarian in the field, an informative tool in order to help him in his evaluations on the acquisition of specific databases. There?s has been a more updated analysis on the additional versions of each bibliographic database with links to the free versions available in the websites, for example MEDLINE through the service Pub-Med of the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (1999) La biblioteca nel Web, il Web nella biblioteca http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4036/ Abstract: The World Wide Web has deeply changed the services of the libraries, has pull down the ?paper library? and has also let new information environments, where the communication process is based on the digital objects. This is a new global society where the exchange of information is the ?core business? especially digital information such as electronic resources, web pages, softwares, files, OPAC, photos, audio documentation and so on. All this different kinds of documentation are online on the WWW for all users that can obtain these electronic resources only by browsing the Net without going into the traditional library. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (1999) Gli Opac nel Veneto http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/10955/ Abstract: Conference paper about OPAC landscape in Veneto (an Italian region) on 1999 Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (1999) Inaugurazione della nuova Biblioteca civica di Abano Terme http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/5365/ Abstract: Saturday 9 October 1999: inauguration of the Civic Library and Cultural Centre of Abano Terme. Many the librarians from civic and academic libraries; between them, those from Querini Stampalia, IUAV and AIB Veneto. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (1999) La tutela giuridica delle banche nel diritto d’autore e nei diritti connessi. http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4012/ Abstract: Final thesis discussed on the Course for Library Manager (January ? June 1999), organized by University of Padua, Accademic Library. All the thesis had been collected in a book edited by Maria Antonia Romeo. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (1999) Banche dati per la matematica, cooperazione per il 2000 http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4102/ Abstract: Maths? impact in other fields, such as physical sciences, biomedics, various sectors of engineering, economic sciences and industry ?above all aerospace industry-, is moulding structural models for the creation of databases which can play a crucial role in the development of tools for orienteering and analysis. Two are the main databases concerning with maths: MATH e MathSci. This paper stands like a support for the evaluation of the two databases? organizational system and of the additional services that they offer. The topics of this analysis are the conditions, the ways and, above all, the limits of contracts and subscriptions. I hope this paper could be useful for those who need to have information on the way to get convenient prices, establishing the organizational processes. It is well known to many experts in the acquisition of database that the high prices of databases, mainly created outside Europe, deprives the research of a huge amount of funding sources. Often the licences applied in the American cooperatives, for example in the interuniversity consortia, cannot be simply applied in an effective way on the Italian universities? current situation. As a consequence, the crucial presupposition nowadays is to the raise the awareness that librarians should become active partners in the review process on the policies concerning database prices. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio, Fabio Valenziano (1999) Gli opac italiani http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4339/ Abstract: In this paper a survey about the information tool called "Italian OPACs. List of catalogues (OPAC) of Italian libraries available on the Internet" (accessible from AIB-WEB site at http://www.aib.it/aib/lis/opac1.htm) is described. This paper was presented at AIB/CNSBNT conference "SBN: Which organization for which services?", Florence, Via della Torretta 16 (University of Florence), 16-17 April 1999. This paper is divided in 5 parts: 1. Analysis of the Italian OPACs situation 2. Types of access to OPACs 3. Union catalogues: real ones and virtual ones 4. Independent SBN Polo interfaces in Italy 5. SBN Union catalogue from a closed system to an open system: demonstration of a "simulation" Notes:
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1998 |
Antonella De Robbio (1998) Medline : ERL versus Pub/Med. Valutazione comparativa tra l’accesso a Medline Pub/Med della National Library of Medicine e l’accesso a Medline su ERL [Italian] http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4044/ Abstract: After reading the press conference (available in the NLM web page) and evaluating the new condition of access, here are some consideration on the Pub/Med service presented by U.S. National Library of Medicine in Bethesda (NLM) on the 26th June 1997. The 26th of June 1997 was the official date in which the service was launched. However, as everybody knows, it was possible to have free access on Internet before the 26th of June as well because there were web interfaces which offer free access to MEDLINE with some restrictions, for example not the whole database was at your disposal but only information from a certain year onwards or some databases were not updated with the recent information. These websites, still available and accessible, give at your disposal quite raw interfaces and the functionalities are quite limited. An example of this is the access to HealthGate, Medscape or Kfinger websites which, among the other services, send weekly to subscribed users the medical news taken from the articles with the major scientific impact thanks to SDI (Selective Dissemination Information) via e-mail. As far as the access to NLM is concerned, up to some time ago, the user had to sign in with a password to have access to MEDLINE via Internet through the payment of a subscription fee. Therefore, online access for the retrieval of medical information in MEDLINE or in other database of NLM was limited and with fee. The access was limited to doctors and experts in the field, researchers in the medical-scientific sector, librarians, archivists and technicians of information. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (1998) I periodici elettronici in Internet. Stato dell’arte e prospettive di sviluppo http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/10954/ Abstract: Review on status quo of e-journals in cyberspace landscape [old paper from 1999] Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (1998) L’identità di OPAC1 : lo strumento, l’attività del gruppo, gli OPAC, prospettive future http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4237/ Abstract: History and future directions of OPAC1 AIB-WEB: Italian OPAC. Repertory of calalogues (OPAC) of Italian libraries available on Internet. This work was presented at the conference "For an integration of the sources on the net" held Seminario AIB-WEB on 27th May 1998 in Rome in collaboration with AIB and Commissione Nazionale Università e Ricerca. Notes:
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1997 |
Antonella De Robbio (1997) Medline : comparazione tecnica tra le due versioni ERL (Express e Advanced) http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4045/ Abstract: This article shows the two main differences between Medline Advanced and Medline Express. These are relating to: 1. field in record structure; 2. up-to-date files. Between the two draft there aren?t differences about numbers of journals indexed. Medline Advanced has only an access interface where you can read 3500 journals, instead of 3700 for Medline Express: this may be caused by a print mistake. Actually, journals indexed are the same for both versions also for sub files. There aren?t any differences about bibliographic information retrieval, too. To sum up, it is the same database. Relating to information retrieval, the author deals with it at the point 2. Notes:
Antonella De Robbio (1997) MathSci http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4043/ Abstract: This paper shows the prestigious mathematics database MathSci, produced by American Mathematical Society (AMS). It is an indexing resource that deals with the whole literature about mathematics. The subject involved in referred to mathematical sciences and others relating such as Statistics, Information science, Operative research and Mathematics Physics. Moreover it indexes sciences related to applied mathematics such as Astronomy, Astrophysics, Biology, Compartmental Sciences, Thermodynamics, Warm transforming, Computer science, Economics, Mechanics of liquids, Information and Communication sciences, Particles mechanics, Mechanics of solids, Operating research, Electromagnetism, Quantity mechanics, Relativity theory, Statistics physics, Structure of material, Statistics, System theory and Control theory. This big database has about 1.300.000 records (with 50.000 citations of CMP): in fact, every year about 60.000 new data go into it. In addition, about 2.300 international mathematics journals, 7500 books, proceedings, Ph.D degrees and even technical reports yearly are selected all over the world among all professional literature for this specific database. To sum up, MathSci has a large coverage from 1940 to nowadays. Notes:
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Antonella De Robbio (1997) Medline free on the Web : the PubMed and Internet Grateful Med services of the National Library of Medicine http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4682/ Abstract: Centuries ago the possibility of printing rather than handwriting books permitted the spread of culture and information. Nowadays, both computers and Internet will contribute to the diffusion of an even larger amount of information among ordinary people. Even in the health care delivery field the landscape is changing. Citizens are increasingly turning to the Web as a source of information to improve their daily lives, so it is vital that citizens, as well as health professionals who serve them, have access to the most current and credible information. A step toward this achievement is providing free access, via Internet, to Medline, the most comprehensive medical bibliographic database, to other relevant databases such as Aidsline, and to the Human Gene Map. Now this step is accomplished by means of two Web-based services offered by the U.S. National Library of Medicine of Bethesda, Pub/Med (a new service) and the already existing Internet Grateful Med. The services were demonstrated by U.S. Vice President Al Gore at a press briefing on June 26, 1997. These services will prove to be a great advantage for both doctors and ordinary people. Previously, access to the whole Medline database required payment of a subscription; there were also some sites which offered free access to a selected part of Medline, mostly with interfaces not so much refined. Since citizens can now have more information about themselves, their health, prevention and treatment, physicians would be stimulated to keep up to date on the developments and discoveries in medicine and biology in order to deal with their better informed patients. Such information is often the critical link in reaching the correct diagnosis, resulting in lives saved, unnecessary treatment avoided and hospitalization reduced. Having scientific information free on Internet will limit the spread of incomplete or misleading news concerning fitness and medicine in magazines. School teachers and students (high school and college science classes) will also benefit from this public service for their studies, because they will be able to search through Medline and the Human Gene Map and learn about inherited diseases that are located on our chromosomes, in terms that the public can understand. Pub/Med offers different levels of information retrieval: * basic/ general: easy to use for any search * advanced: Boolean operators and selected search areas can be used for a more specific search * specialized: search on an even more specialized basis, conceived for physicians and experts. It will permit the selection of precise and strictly relevant information. The database provider will also benefit from this services. Information is available free on the net, but such free access offers to the public a large gamma of new services with added value: publishers can be contacted for the full text of an article after payment of a subscription to the journal; original articles can be downloaded or printed directly on the userâs PC provided the user has a plug-in programme. Users may have an article printed and forwarded via e-mail or fax and must pay for this service. Unluckily, while this is certainly true for the United States, it is not so for Italy. Most American citizens can use a personal computer to have access to the Internet; on the other hand, in Italy only a minority of the population are able to use a PC and even fewer can access to the Internet. Moreover the slowness of connections generally induces librarians and specialists to prefer the CD-Rom version. In Italy Pub/Med is reachable by the very useful Dematel site. Dematel provides a very easy to use and friendly interface in Italian, linked to Medline and Premedline data. To conclude, it is important that information professionals should make every effort to benefit from new services on the net, but without abandoning tried and tested techniques they know well and rely on. Notes:
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Storia e memoria di una biblioteca salvata XXIX: 2. Abstract: The article is a bio-bibliographical essay on Enrico Catellani (1856-1945), an important Italian jurist which taught for a long time at Padua University. When in 1938 passed the fascist racial laws, Catellani, as a Jew, was expelled from university and confined in his own apartment. In this period, his book collection (over 5.000 documents) âdisappearedâ. The authors of the article tried to identify, in the different University departments, the books and documents that belonged to Catellani, and to gather them, so that his original library could be regrouped.
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Librarian services poised between ancient ownership and new righteous rights Abstract: Over the last decade, the platforms that provide e-book (digitized or born digital) have changed taking new dimensions and characteristics. In this new context different models are emerging.
In this jungle libraries continue to provide their services. In the balance between old rights and communities that push towards new forms of e-democracy, libraries evolve and change.
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Towards a Holistic Approach to Policy Interoperabilityin Digital Libraries and Digital Repositories 6: 1. Abstract: Underpinning every digital library and digital repository there is a policy framework, which makes the digital library viable - without a policy framework a digital library is little more than a container for content. Policy governs how a digital library is instantiated and run. It is therefore a meta-domain which is situated both outside the digital library and any technologies used to deliver it, and within the digital library itself. Policy is also a key aspect of digital library and digital repository interoperability in a common and integrated information space. Policy interoperability - that is the exchange and reuse of policies - is a step beyond policy standardisation. Furthermore, effective and efficient policy frameworks are also one of the Digital Curation Center (DCC), DigitalPreservationEurope (DPE), nestor and Center for Research Libraries (CRL) core criteria for digital repositories. In this article, we share our research on policy interoperability levels and the experimental survey on policy interoperability conducted with real-life digital libraries, as a contribution towards the definition of a Policy Interoperability Framework.
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Terzo Modulo dello Studio Biblioteconomico per lo Studio di fattibilità della BEIC Biblioteca Europea di Informazione e Cultura : Digitalizzazione e Copyright". Aprile 2002 (pagg. 191), author = Antonella De Robbio, year = 2002, keywords = business plan, digitalization, copyright studio di fattibilità, piano di digitalizzazione, BEIC,, url = http://elis.da.ulcc.ac.uk/4046/, abstract = This report describes a business plan: the plan of digitalization of BEIC that is estimated to last five years. The main purpose of the plan is to convert the ?core? of the physical heritage of BEIC in a digital format and to make it available. Another aim of the digitalization plan is to develop an assemblage of digital collections that should be created, surrounding the main core, in cooperation with local institutions, other emerging Italian initiatives and the existent digital libraries in Europe. The plan will consist of a series of projects of minimum eighteen months and maximum thirty-six months. The development of the plan implies the drafting of a series of criteria to be respected during the plan. The plan describes the tools and services that are necessary for the process of digitalization of the BEIC document?s collections. Abstract: Notes:
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Developing methods for extending repository services to increase the accessibility of OA documents in Library and Information Science Abstract: E-LIS is established, managed and maintained by an international team of librarians and information scientists. Currently it is the largest international repository in the LIS field featuring a collection of more than 11.500 full text OA documents.
In the mid of 2010 the demand to revise certain facets of the E-LIS organization and operation became profound for several reasons. This revision was channeled through the seeking and structuring the appropriate synergies with experienced, as well as innovative organizations. The synergies cover a range of issues, from organizational to legal and then to technical issues. The outcomes of these synergies are expected to enhance service delivery and to increase the repositoryâs interoperability level.
Strategically these synergies are expected to help E-LIS to safeguard its reliability and to continue growing steadily.
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Open Access al centro dei nuovi scenari di e-governance Abstract: The aim of Open Access international movement is the removal of any economic, legal or technical barrier to the access to scientific information, this in order to guarantee scientific and technological progress for the benefit of the collectivity. Any limit or slowdown of the dissemination processes negatively influences the impact on the community, with heavy cultural, social and economic relapses. As intergovernmental organization WIPO posed herself in the direction of creating and expanding monopolistic privileges, often without minding the social and economic consequences that an excessive protection of intellectual property involves. An equitable access to information for all is an unescapable base for education strengthening and to promote innovation. At IFLA international conference WLIC World Library and Information Congress held in Oslo, 14-18 August 2005, two CML Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters sessions took place: they highlighted the serious and urgent problems we are being forced to cope with since the last years regarding the management of rights in libraries activities, in research and in teaching fields.
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L'enciclopedia aperta Wikipedia e matematica Januar. Abstract: Wikipedia, the Web enciclopaedia which can be freely read, written and reused, goes on growing rapidly in extension and popularity and it has reached the most prominent position among the projects of cooperative development of public domain knowledge. This increases the interest for the general questions which are put about this type of activity. Therefore some possibilities are discussed that it opens for the world of libraries and knowledge diffusion, in particular regarding mathematics and its applications. Considering especially the Italian version, some sections are reported which are in ongoing development and are aimed at improving the vision of mathematical resources, using in particular classification schemata such as MSC 2000, and other times at building structures that facilitate links between mathematics and its applications.
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Impacts de la Directive européenne sur le droit d'auteur et la société de l'information sur la loi italienne, et sur les exceptions au droit Dossie: 2006,. Abstract: The normative text that controls intellectual, artistic and literary property in Italy, based on the "author's right" system, is essentially included in the law no. 633 of 22 April 1941 about "protection of author's right and other rights related to its assertion", text that hasn't remained unchanged during the years, on the contrary it has been subject to many modifications and additions, destined to redefine its limits. It's necessary to cite also Civil Code, book V, title 9, chapter I, articles from 2575 to 2583. The European Directive 2001/29/CE about the harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the Information society, called "Sixteenth directive" or "Internet Directive", governs some of these rights, and in particular their exceptions. Law 248/2000, modifying the old law 633/1941, has greatly reduced the margin of manoeuvre restricting the space of fair uses. Today we need to completely rethink the system of copyright in Europe, with the aim of an equitable balance between the rights of authors, who must find again their central role, those of cultural trade, whose economic investments must be protected, and those of the collectivity, who must be able to use the works in the framework of certain and clear rules.
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Open access e copyright: il copyright scientifico nelle produzioni intellettuali di ricerca Abstract: The aim of Open Access international movement is the removal of any economic, legal or technical barrier to the access to scientific information, this in order to guarantee scientific and technological progress for the benefit of the collectivity. Copyright Management in higher education is a strategic issue because it is involved in any process from creation to dissemination of scholarly works created at the university. Whatever the situation regarding ownership of copyright, university policies should balance the interests of stakeholders by reserving rights or benefits for research uses or teaching activities. A variety of approach can exist even within one country, depending by laws or by habits to faculties. Copyright laws - customized on musical and cinematographic environment - are often inadequate to deal with the complex issues surrounding the management of intellectual works
created at universities. Nowadays, inside scholarship communication world, the copyright is perceived as very strong legal barrier, because copyright laws influence in a negative way the dissemination of intellectual research output, and most intellectual content (90%) are hindered
inside editorial platforms. Furthermore authors, but also Universities, not always are awake about difference between
authorship and ownership with disastrous consequences about rights ceased to third market actors which limit or slowdown the dissemination processes and negatively influences the impact on the community, with heavy cultural, social and economic relapses. For this reason
authors must take the control of their right and learn to determine the conditions under which her or his work is made available on open access, choosing to deposit a copy of a work in a repository or publish in an open access journal. On the other side the universities, in particular in Italy, should put as priority the identification of stakeholders and the allocation of their own interests. This direction is a crucial step toward the development of policies or agreements that seek to assure to the University and their authors the ability to use and manage the works in fulfillment of their most important interests.
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Tendenze evolutive degli opac italiani visti attraverso il MAI 46: 1/2. Abstract: Trends in Italian opacs seen through the MAI. This paper focuses on the recent evolution of Italian online catalogues, analyzed through statistical data from the Italian Azalai Metaopac (MAI), born in 1999 as an evolution of Riccardo Ridiâs Italian opac directory http://www.aib.it/aib/opac/opac1.htm. Indeed, MAI is based on a database where Italian online catalogues are described, in terms of the kinds and localizations of the covered libraries, their searchable materials, and their interfaces. In the database, an opac is meant as the online catalogue of a defined group of libraries, and includes one or more sections (such as monographs, serials, special funds, etc.), which in turn include one or more interfaces (HTTP, telnet, Z39.50). Besides being the basis for MAI meta-searches, this structure allows to collect annual statistical data, which are an interesting mirror of the situation and the evolution of Italian opacs.
As at December 31, 2005, the database includes 849 opacs, 1068 sections, and 1131 interfaces. This means 89 opacs (12.4%) more than in 2004. This increasing rate has been quite constant in recent years. The opacs of the local poles of SBN, the union catalogue of the National Library Service, are 41.
Of these opacs, some are not connected to the meta-search service, due to reasons either of technical compatibility or of service convenience (e.g. other national general catalogues, and catalogues only including material already present in other ones, are not connected), though they are still reachable through the opac directory and thus searchable one at a time. Currently there are 248 connected opacs, meaning an increase of 25 (11.4%) in the last year. The increase rate is more than 30% for school libraries, 11.4% for public libraries, and almost 0% for academic libraries. Tuscany (26%) and Lombardy (15%) are the regions which contribute most to the overall number of opacs.
Most opacs (649) have a municipal coverage, i.e. include libraries located in only one municipality, while 93 have a provincial coverage (more than one municipality), 62 have a regional coverage (more than one province), 41 have a national coverage (more than one region), and 13 are outside the national territory. A large majority of interfaces use the HTTP protocol, while some are Z39.50, either directly or through a Web gateway developed by CILEA; opacs using the telnet protocol are constantly disappearing.
The technical staff of CILEA continuously works in order to make MAI compatible with more opac software applications, also cooperating with the local opac staffs. A directory of software products used in Italian opacs was recently published; another directory, gathering links to lists of serials in Italian libraries, has been maintained for many years, though currently this kind of resources tends to disappear.
From the directory of opacs, a number of interfaces are selected to produce metaopacs specialized in single domains, such as architecture, biology, slavistic studies, aerospatial sciences, public administration, or specialized in limited regions and library kinds, such as Lombard university libraries, Lombard public libraries, and school libraries.
Users can access the metaopac choosing from three different interfaces. Log data show that most users prefer the global search, instead of the selective search or the regional search. Such preference for generality affects the traffic of the searched opac servers, which receive requests even for trivial searches that could be performed in a more local scope: this is currently one of the main problems to be faced by the MAI staff.
Besides CILEA computer scientists, the staff is formed by some 30 volunteer librarians, each charged of keeping the data concerning opacs of a given region updated. This editorial work is entirely performed via Web and email; it is an interesting way to be involved in an important collaborative project, especially for young librarians who are familiar with the Internet.
Though born just as a tool to gather access to the hundreds of opacs spreaded in the country, MAI has become a major service for Italian librarians and library users, and is producing valuable experience at one time on the bibliographic, the technological, and the organizational sides.
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Servizi bibliotecari personalizzati basati su RSS feeds : i diversi volti di un nuovo canale di comunicazione Abstract: RSS is a format - specified in XML - useful for distribution of Web content by syndication. In particular
RSS delivers information on the Web inside an XML file called feed, webfeed, RSS stream, by RSS channels.
RSS is used by many content providers as news websites, weblogs, e-journals, virutal bookstores and podcasting.
Production, distribution and echange of information is the aim of RSS moving, because Web feeds provide web content or summaries of web content together with links to the full versions of the content, and other metadata. Particular attenzion must be done on metadata.
Acronym RSS stands for three different names:
Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91)
RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0)
Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)
It exists in sever different versions.
RSS is a tool in order to obtain personalized service inside a framework looking as a standard service offert. In addition to facilitating syndication, web feeds allow a website's frequent readers to track updates on the site using an aggregator in a context of customized services for users.
In such a dimension library services are so much involved in RSS feeds adoption. RSS can be a promise for new strategies inside innovative services taylored on users and also in order to have a tool looking towards Web semantic.
The paper examines the international literature on RSS and LIS environment on the basis of some service categories detected.
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Open access in Italia 1. Abstract: This work focuses on the issue of 'Open Access' and, specifically, on the growing Open Access Italian Movement. Recent months have witnessed a remarkable spread of information amongst a not-only-experts-public on this issue. Yet, information hasn't always been correct and coherent with the movement's philosophy, fostering ambiguity and bias. The present article intends to clarify some of the key concepts in this domain, by providing a clear definition of the Open Access Movement, and of its aims and objectives. 'Open Access' means making the intellectual works produced by researchers and scholars all over the world accessible to the public. The Open Access Movement encourages scientists, researchers and scholars to disseminate their works as widely as possible, making them freely accessible to other research communities. The Open Access Movement therefore aims at removing any financial, legal or technical barrier which may hinder access to scientific information, and ensuring that society as a whole may benefit from scientific and technological progress. In our country - as in other countries where Open Access already is a reality - academic and research institutions have recently started to develop open archives. Finally, the article advances useful suggestions on how to make the Open Access Movement stronger within Italian universities.
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Rights management policies in the Open Access environment Abstract: Since the aim of Open Access is the removal of any economic, technical and legal barrier to the access to peer-reviewed published output of research, the creation and implementation of Rights Management Policies in higher education is a strategic issue for an effective and really practice Open Access endorsement. Italian Universities' priority should be the identification of stakeholders and the allocation of their own interests. A policy statements should explain in a very clear way how each faculty member's ownership should accomplish their digital scholarly material ensuring that the availability and the accessibility of this material is not adversely affected by the copyright. Policies on Open Access should be a fundamental part of the mission of our Universities, because it is involved in any process from creation to dissemination of scholarly works; for this reason University policies should balance the interests of stakeholders - reserving rights or benefits for research uses or teaching activities and ensuring that the work it funds can be read and utilised by the widest possible audience. Managing copyright is a skill to be created. A variety of approach can exist even within one country, depending by laws or by habits to faculties. Copyright laws are inadequate to deal with the complex issues surrounding the management of intellectual works created at Universities.
On Government side we need new legislations such as specific laws for the scholarship communication world. Nowadays the copyright is perceived as a very strong legal barrier for research and teaching, because copyright laws influence in a negative way the dissemination and the consequent impact of intellectual research output, with heavy cultural, social and economic relapses. On the administrative side we have to work inside our University. We need different levels of policies which foresee agreements that seek to assure to University and to its authors the ability to use and manage the works in fulfilment of their most important interests.
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Open archives for Library and Information Science: an international experience = Ogólnodostępne archiwa a informacja naukowa i biblioteczna – doświadczenia globalne EBIB M: Abstract: Library and information domain being highly integrated with computing science and technology, bibliometric and citational analysis, the team that launched this project felt that LIS could set an interesting reference case to other communities in providing a state-of-the-art model for the OA movement and for digital libraries, and most particularly to the open archive model, within which E-LIS is a disciplinary repository. Furthermore the evolving academic discourse surrounding the concept of Open Access (OA) provided the underlying motivation for the establishment of E-LIS Eprints for Library and Information Science in compliance with the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) protocol.
Authors who contribute to an e-print archive are participating in a global effort by universities, researchers, libraries, publishers, editors, and readers, to redefine the mechanisms of scholarly communication. E-LIS makes LIS research more visible and accessible, which in turn will increase its status and public value. The trend towards digital libraries and self-archiving is one of the more recent developments in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS). The development of an international LIS network is being stimulated by the extension of the OA concept to LIS works and facilitated by the dissemination of material within the LIS community. These are some of the reasons for the success of E-LIS as an organizational model developed within an OAI compliance framework and for this respect E-LIS can be regarded as a tool for disseminating the OA philosophy.
Built in 2003, E-LIS is an international open access archive related to librarianship, information science and technology, and related disciplines. Being the first international e-server in this area, E-LIS is a part of the RCLIS (Research in Computing, Library and Information Science) project and is organized, managed and maintained by an international team of librarians working on a voluntary basis. All editors share a common vision and mission, while contributing to E-LIS with their own experience and competence. E-LIS deals with each country specific issues to decide the best solution for technical and non-technical barriers so that international visibility can be promoted whilst national interests are served. International co-operation can facilitate debate on current issues on many levels and provides new professional experiences and expertise to editors, on a personal level.
To date E-LIS is the largest repository in library and information science and after a few years contains almost 7000 papers from 82 countries. Poland, being a very active country in the Europe continent, is also contributing, within this framework, with national papers.
This presentation describes the main technical and organizational characteristics of the archive, its configuration and customization, and states its policies, aims and mission. Main focus, however, is placed on E-LIS organizational model and on strategic issues related to OA. It also reasons on how E-LIS efforts are contributing to outline some of the challenges and opportunities resulting from a global vision of the Library and Information Science domain, giving E-LIS team the necessary motivation to engage in such a venture and to further develop international research activities.
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Copyright scientifico per l’università e la ricerca. Intervento alla Tavola rotonda “Spazi e prospettive della Cultura in Digitale” al Convegno "Diritto e Tecnologie Digitali per la Valorizzazione e l'accessibilità delle Conoscenze", Milano, 20 ottobre 2007 Abstract: In the academic and scientific environment, intellectual property rights, author rights and copyright are strategic issues in the growth and development of research, which is possible only thanks to a dynamic access to knowledge. Scholarly communication is the process in which the outputs of research led in universities, research agencies or research centre are disseminated. It is high priority nowadays to support the dissemination of research intellectual outputs, which consists not only of articles but also of primary research data. Our current system based on author right represents an obstacle to scientific dissemination and, consequently, to a correct economic development. Open Access, the international movement dealing with the research world and the digital contents which spread in Europe (thanks to the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge) and recently established also in Italy, encourages academics, scientists and researchers to disseminate their research outputs, that is to say to provide them open access. The aim of Open Access is the removal of any economic, legal and technical barrier which prevents the access to scientific information in order to guarantee the scientific and technological progress for the benefit of the whole humankind. Berlin5, the recent international conference hold at the University of Padua, comprised some sessions coping with the issue of rights management in order to make both the public opinion and the university administrators aware of this topic. The purpose was the one of stimulating the Government to take some action in order to protect the interests of the research environment appropriately. The current model defends the interests of a dozen of oligopolies which control the 75% of the scientific publishing market, causing great damage to the research public funds. The legislation concerning copyright should be modified in behalf of research and a scientific copyright, including a conscious right management that assures author and universityâs rights, should be taken into account. It is necessary to encourage the Government to take into account the role of universities in the second thought on the law concerning copyright which is nowadays in process. Unfortunately, this is not actually taking place; the universities, although being considered the breeding ground of intellectual creativity for research and technology and the mainstay of the economic development in our country, still have no representatives in the re-organization of the Committee.
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Berlin5 Accesso aperto. Dalla pratica all’impatto: Le conseguenze della disseminazione della conoscenza.
Report della conferenza Dicemb: 2. Abstract: Berlin 5 Open Access: From Practice to Impact: Consequences of Knowledge Dissemination.
Report of the conference
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Analisi citazionale e indicatori bibliometrici nel modello Open Access 2007: 3. Abstract: This article is focused on the bibliometric methods used for research evaluation, within the well known field of the bibliometrics which uses mathematical and statistical techniques to analyze the publications distribution patterns, and to explore their impact into the scholarly communities. While the bibliometric methods are used more often in the LIS, bibliometrics offers a wide range of applications in a variety of fields of knowledge. Since the research evaluation requires a double approach: quantitative (bibliometric analysis) and qualitative (peer-review, panel...), the fundamental idea is that the measurement of the scientific knowledge uses both the methods.
Though the IF or impact factor is the most well known bibliometric index, is not the only one suggested by ISI (now Thompson) to refer. In the Open Access world are spreading a wide number of initiatives and projects regarding the âbibliometricsâ field, in which are being testing alternative solutions to the traditional IF, for example the Eigenfactor, the Hirsch index and its variations like the g-index, a-index, h-b-index, tools that mark a meaningful change in this fascinating field.
While the indicators âauthor-producedâ are the citations, those âreader-producedâ are usage data collected through webserver and linkresolver logs. A quantitative bibliometric indicator of new generation is the Usage Factor UF, complementary but non substitutive of traditional or alternative impact factor indicator. It will be necessary to organize the log data collection to share methods to obtain significant analysis. The article goes over some examples of new tools/projects for citational analysis in the Web area, among these the Web Impact Factor (WIF), and for the statistical analysis of logs and data, both bringing back to the new science known as metric of the web or Webometric.
Within the OAI framework there are many research projects of the webometric type, involving the intellectual output archivied into the repositories and their impact within the constitutive processes of the scholarly communication.
The theory assuming that an open access article in more likely to be read and therefore cited is matter of international debates and object of several studies, aimed to analyze the effects of the open access model and of the download on the citational impact. The article closes with a critical report on some of the most important works investigating the validity of this theory, from the original study of Lawrence, on Nature 2001, to the most recent works, the three postulates of Kurtz, the analysis run in 2006 by the Cornellâs Library staff on the MathSciNet database, the study of Moed which imposed a completely new methodological level with the introduction of the âvariable citation windowâ.
Useful tools for the citational bibliometric analysis, on the statistical usage measurement of the researchs for the successful data monitoring, should be in the hands of the research producers, not in the hands of those commercial oligopoles that can influence the investment strategies and the national and international policies for the research.
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E-LIS: the Open Archive for Library and information Science 9: 1. Abstract: E-LIS is an open access archive for library and information science. With over 5,800 documents as of June 2007 (over 5,000 in February 2007 when the archive was investigated in-depth), E-LIS is the worldâs largest archive for LIS. Over half the documents in ELIS are peer-reviewed. E-LIS is particularly strong in English and Spanish language documents, but supports over 22 languages. With this multilingual support and a global team of volunteer editors, E-LIS has significant diversity in content, an advantage over traditional, english-based LIS resources. Not surprising, this tool designed by and for librarians features robust and userfriendly search options. Lack of phrase searching, and pointing to a cross-archiving searching tool no longer supported when much better options are available, are identified as areas for improvement.
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Il regolamento di attuazione della legge 15 aprile 2004, n. 106 sul deposito legale dei documenti di interesse culturale destinati all’uso pubblico, per l’università e la ricerca Anno I: 1-2. Abstract: The paper described the long process in order to approve the new law on legal deposit in Italy.
Nature and role of legal deposit are also investigated from copyright point of view. Legal deposit is the act of depositing published material in designated libraries or archives. In Italy there are two national libraries designated (Rome and Florence). Moreover the legal deposit law seems to be in conflict with the copyright and with some other Italian laws on PhD.
The paper is focused on university output research documents, as PhD thesis, Master thesis or preprints self-archived inside institutional resositories. All these documents will be object to deposit but about electronic versions will be necessary to wait again for a further statement concering deposit of electronic document.
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Il copyright scientifico per una gestione aperta della conoscenza Abstract: 5 x 5 crucial points and suggestion for scientific copyright is the focus of the Conference âCondividi la Conoscenza: nodi e proposte per una politica della conoscenza. LâItalia e lâagenda di Lisbonaâ, Milan, IULM, 22 June 2007. (Share the knowledge: crucial points and suggestion for a policy of knowledge. Italy and Lisbonâs agendaâ).
The present legislation on copyright is a legal limit to scientific dissemination and, consequently, it is an obstacle for a fair economic growth. The five main crucial points of the copyright â within the circle of scholarly communication â can be summarized in the following topics:
1. legal limit to scholar dissemination;
2. the economic displacement from public to private funds provokes damages to public investments;
3. a serious economic restriction, due to a distorted and not competitive market, that stifles small publishers: in fact, 11 publishers dominate the 70% of publishing market, and two publishers possess approximately 2000 journals each;
4. the instrument for knowledge control is property of few people: worldwide research mapping is a very powerful and dangerous instrument of meta information;
5. the present model for research evaluation is no longer applicable in a digital context.
The five proposals suggested constitues a unique proposition, that schedules a conscious and intelligent management of scientific copyright, that involves:
a. Managers of research institutions, with the role of managers of an intangible public good;
b. Scholars producing research into universities and institution, with the role of authors;
c. Governments, who must understand that they have to safeguard and protect public good first, and then the interests of private organizations;
d. EU measures for a Lisbonâs agenda really effective in procedures and innovation politics;
e. Media, since they should offer reliable information to sensitize citizens on the meaning of scientific communication, and on the real potential of a competitive scientific publication market.
Scholarly communication consists in the dissemination of the results of the research coming from universities or other institutions, and scientific publication system is part of this circle. One of the aims of Lisbonâs Agenda process in 2000 was to lead economy in service of knowledge through the constitution of an European Research Space (SER). Open Access is part of these strategies for the renewal of this scientific communication system.
European Commission published a study in which scientific European publishing system is examined. The data emerged from this European study are remarkable: 23000 journals worldwide, 1400 articles per year, only 3000 Open Access scientific journals. The distribution of journals within the scientific publishing market is extremely distorted, since Elsevier and Springer possess approximately 2000 journals each. Moreover, European Commision opened the door to a wide consultation and a debate, to discuss some of the tendecies on the basis of the Green Book.
New perspectives for the European Research Space: define more precisely the aims and provide incentives for the formulation of new ideas.
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E-LIS : E-prints in Library and Information Science Abstract: Established in 2003, E-LIS (eprints.rclis.org) is an international Open Archive for Library and Information Science. 33 countries are involved and over 2,700 papers have been archived to date. It is freely accessible, aligned with the Open Access movement and is a voluntary enterprise. It uses GNU Eprints software, operates within the OAI framework and employs the JITA Classification Schema. Users can access full-text documents. It accepts published or unpublished documents in scientific or technical areas in any language and format; authors can self-archive and a proxy service supports depositors. Metadata are set for each document type and are checked in accordance with editorial guidelines set by an international editorial committee and there are agreements with institutions and library associations in various countries. Its Copyright policies are recommended by the Romeo project. E-LIS is divided into editorial, technical and administrative groups. The editorial group focuses on metadata quality and guidelines. The technical group concentrates on software â its implementation, enhancement, development and added value functionality. The Administrative group deals with strategic issues including the future direction of the initiative, its policies and their impact on the user community and its connection with other scientific communities. New participants are always welcome.
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E-LIS: an international open archive towards building open digital libraries 11/200. Abstract: Established in 2003, E-LIS is an international open access archive related to librarianship, information science and technology, and related disciplines. It uses the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) protocol and tools to facilitate interoperability between repository servers. To date E-LIS is the biggest repository in library and information science and after only two years contains over 2200 papers. E-LIS is the first international e-server in this area, is part of the RCLIS (Research in Computing, Library and Information Science) project and is organised, managed and maintained by an international team of librarians working on a voluntary basis. This paper describes the main characteristics (technical and organizational) of the archive and its configuration and customization, and discusses its policies, aims and mission. Its main focus, however, is on the E-LIS organizational model and on the strategic issues correlated with Open Access (OA). It also delineates some of the challenges and opportunities consequent on a global vision for the Library and Information Science (LIS) field which envisages papers coming from all over the world and which gives E-LIS the impetus and motivation to stimulate participation in the venture and to further develop international research activities. Finally, this paper also emphasises that the promotion of E-LIS further enhances the OA movement in general, so E-LIS can be regarded as a tool for the dissemination of the OA philosophy.
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Copyright elettonico: stato dell'arte Abstract: This presentation focuses on the meaning of electronic copyright and it deals with the issues of intellectual property rights in the digital environment analysing the different kind of rights (reproduction, communication to the audience and distribution) involved in the process of electronic publishing. Copyrightâs state-of-the-art in Italy is described in accordance with the policies developed at European level.
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Auto-archiviazione per la ricerca: problemi aperti e sviluppi futuri Abstract: The process of self-archiving is fundamental in the new model of scholarly communication and it has not to be confused with self publishing or vanity press. The process of self-archiving is the first step within the system of scientific dissemination based on the deposit of your own research outputs in open access archives. Self-archived research outputs maximize and facilitate research impact supporting the access to research. The limits imposed by copyright are an obstacle to the free dissemination of the outputs and they encourage the raise of journalsâ prices. We should talk with authors in order to persuade them that a review of the publishing contracts towards the conservation of rights is necessary. We should start to deposit the pre-print and post-print of our papers in appropriate institutional repository in order to encourage a wider dissemination of knowledge. According to some statistics, citation rates of online papers is 336% superior to the citation rates of the same papers in print version. Among researchers, the majority of them deposit their works in institutional server or in subject based-server: the firsts are the physicians, the economists, the mathematician, the astronomers and, recently, chemists and experts of biomedicine too. Nevertheless, nowadays the process of self-archiving is not so established yet, not only in Italy. It is important to understand the reasons for this inertia and, above all, to clarify the actual use of repositories by scholars through the analysis of their community behaviour. Some statistics on the use of repositories among the Open Archives at international level are presented in this paper. In addition, this paper includes some proposals aiming at increasing the consensus to Open Archives thanks to the process of self-archiving.
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Voltapagina : un progetto tra l’Università degli Studi di Padova e le scuole del territorio Anno V: 3. Abstract: Voltapagina: a project between the University of Padua and local and territorial schools. The paper described the
work inside the Schools of the Province (Padua - Italy) in order to furnish some tools (user education tools) to the students for a better evaluation of the e-resources discovery on Internet.
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Digital Math Library DML: un progetto mondiale per la matematica XXI: 6. Abstract: This paper presents the state-of-the-art of the world-wide project DML Digital Mathematical Library which aims to provide availability and open access, through digital format, to the whole of maths documents (more or less 50 million pages). DML will include collections of both past literature (print document that have been digitalized) and digital documents. There are various subjects involved in the process: libraries, universities, publishers, projects and maths society at the national and international level. The time span of the project is estimated to be ten years and the whole budget 100 million dollars. In addition, the projectâs aim is to develop a link between existing different experiences of digitalization thank to common model network. There are various problems to cope with: copyright, form, archiving. There are a lot of issue where it is necessary to take a decision: the selection of contents, the technical standards and the format of metadata. These issues were debated during the meeting which took place in Berlingen (Costanzaâs Lake) from 31st of January to 3rd of February 2003. Italy, too, took part in the conference. During the brainstorming the working groups â established in order to gather information useful to the request of funding within the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union - developed the fundamental guidelines for the plan and creation of the European project UE Digital Math Library.
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Diritto d'autore, diritto dell'editore e del lettore: una difficile dialettica XIII: 3. Abstract: The Authors of âTalent Worksâ, have right to get a profit from their Creativeness as well as Publishers have all the right to manage these Profits, directly faced to a Market Focus.
Neverthless, Readers Should be allowed in accessing to All the Published Informations (thatâs at the Origin of Publication Concept). The three rights above exposed, are not ever easy to obtain together and Libraries are and will be ever the Crucial Hubs able to get a Focus on these Dialectics.
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Intervista con Antonella De Robbio, Responsabile del Settore Progetti e Biblioteca Digitale del Centro d'Ateneo per le Biblioteche CAB dell' Università di Padova e Referente per il diritto d'autore del Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo 2003: 4-5. Abstract: The interview with Antonella De Robbio â manager of the âProject Sector and Digital Libraryâ for CAB (Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche) of the University of Padua and copyright expert for Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo â was published in Pinali news.
Antonella De Robbio answered the following questions:
1) How to deal with the issues of authorâs intellectual and economic rights in the context of scientific publishing and digital library?
2) What is the influence of the digital approach on the traditional ways to create and disseminate scientific communication?
3) In your opinion, can the experiences of University Press and the Open Archives represent the path to follow in order to overcome the paradox that a scientific author is also the user of his publisher?
4) Which are the outcomes of the fight between copyright and copyleft?
5) Which of these approaches are more suitable to label the metaphor of the âSociety of Knowledgeâ?
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E-LIS : un open archive per library and information science 15: 2. Abstract: Born in 2003, E-LIS is an international open archive for the deposit of docuemnts related to Library and Information Science. The purpose of E-LIS is to promote the phylosophy of Open Access for LIS document ald related subjects.
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E-LIS : un open archive in Library and Information Science VI: I 2003. Abstract: E-LIS is an international open access archive related to librarianship, information science and technology and related disciplines. It uses the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) protocol and it is the biggest international repository in library and information science. E-LIS uses the free software Eprints in accordance with OAI protocol. It was developed in 2003 with the purpose of disseminating the philosophy of Open Access for the works dealing with librarianship, information science and technology, and related disciplines. This papers describes the main characteristics and the functionality of this archive, which complies with the concept of interoperability and offers a web interface for the management, submission, presentation and download of the deposited documents. The concept of Open Access for LIS works and its dissemination within the librarian community and the technicians of information are at the basis of the creation of international networks LIS and of digital libraries.
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MAI : MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano 38: 2. Abstract: MAI (MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano) is a virtual union catalogue of Italian libraries developed through co-operation between the Italian Library Association (Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, AIB) and the Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per lâElaborazione Automatica (CILEA). This paper presents the components of the MAI and the organisational, management, planning and implementation tools developed by the team since 1999. MAI provides access to Italian OPACs, offering a directory and metasearch functionality. The search engine, Azalai, performs metasearching, which also involves a converter as part of the system. The architecture of the system, the search engine and converter, is based on a database in which all the Italian OPACs are recorded. Three different interfaces, designed for specific types of users, provide access to the system. Members of the MAI Editorial Board are responsible for keeping the database updated and this automatically generates the Directory of Italian Online Catalogues. MAI is divided into five distinct sections, integrated with a range of tools and services intended for different categories of user.
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E-prints for Library and Information Science (E-LIS) : la tecnología al servicio de la bibliotecología y las ciencias de la información 12: 6. Abstract: The present work aims to diffuse the E-LIS service inside the cuban libraries communities. E-prints in Library and Information Science (E-LIS) is the largest open archive in Library and Information Science. Its purpose is to make the full text of scientific documents visible, accessible, searchable and useable by any potential user with access to the Internet. Furthermore this service aims to support specialists, technicians and students who wish to publish or otherwise make their papers, published or not, available world-wide.
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History and mission of E-LIS Abstract: Established in 2003, E-LIS (eprints.rclis.org) is an international Open Archive for Library and Information Science. It is freely accessible, aligned with Open Access movement and is a voluntary world wide enterprise. E-LIS contains over 2.700 documents and is the largest eprint archive in LIS. This presentation discusses the origins, history, the technical properties of the E-LIS system and organization of work in a world wide dimension which is the factors we believe make E-LIS a success. All participants are volunteers who are motivated by sophisticated incentives, which include a system of national editors, the distribution of tasks within a small core team in addition to our experience with publishing procedures. E-LIS employs the JITA Classification Schema on two levels. It uses GNU Eprints software and is compatible with the OAI standards framework. The user may search and access full-text documents. Traditional LIS topics and all the disciplines relating to information science are covered. It employs the JITA Classification Schema at two levels. Any LIS scientific or technical finished document, published or unpublished, is accepted. It may be used by LIS communities in every country. Works can be deposited in any language and format; authors can self-archive; a proxy service supports depositors. Metadata are set for each one of 23 document types and are checked in accordance with editorial guidelines by an international editorial committee. Its copyright metadata policy is cited by the Romeo project. Submission policy is open to proposals from new partners and there are agreements with institutions and library associations of various countries. E-LIS is divided into three sections: editorial, technical and administrative. The editorial section is devoted to metadata quality and guidelines. The technical section concentrates on software â its implementation, enhancement and develoment and added value functionality and operates inside the OAI framework. The Administrative section deals with strategic issues including the future direction of the initiative, its policies and their impact on the user community and its connection with other scientific communities. Among the added-value features are Para Tools for reference linking (which also provides a âseekâ button that parses the citation and tries to find something in the archive or on the internet), automatic alerting for editors, full metadata display of metadata records, full-text search, browsing by user, counter in homepage and webalizer for statistics. Since last August we have implemented a new graphical look, with RSS feeds for new deposits and a completly new interface and layout more effective. The evolving academic discourse surrounding the concept of Open Access (OA) provided the underlying motivation for the establishment of E-LIS. The library and information world is highly integrated with the areas of computing science and technology and it was felt that the LIS discipline should set an example to other communities by providing a state-of-the-art model for the OA movement and digital libraries, particularly in relation to the open archive model, within which E-LIS is a disciplinary repository. The extension of the OA concept to LIS works and the dissemination of material within the LIS community will contribute to the development of an international LIS network; E-LIS is mutually beneficial.
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Flash su alcune sessioni del WLIC 2005 World Library and Information Congress dell’IFLA, Oslo 14-18 agosto 2005 Abstract: This report doesnât intend to be a summary abstract of the many sessions held at the IFLA international conference (WLIC World Library and Information Congress 2005) that took place in Oslo during the last August; instead it focuses on some sessions of particular interest to which we participated. Therefore we donât want to offer an overview about the conference, but a moment of reflection from as a starting point for a discussion and a constructive debate about the topics of intellectual property, open access and the right of access to information (base theme and leit motiv of the whole conference). We tried to offer a written report with a critical view about both the papers presented also in other sessions â which we wonât treat in a detailed way â and the state of art of very interesting themes for our field.
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E-prints for Library and Information Science (E-LIS): Un modello di archivio per biblioteche digitali aperte 23: 10. Abstract: The evolving academic discourse surrounding the concept of Open Access (OA) provided the underlying motivation for the establishment of E-LIS Eprints for Library and Information Science. Built in 2003, E-LIS is an international open access archive related to librarianship, information science and technology, and related disciplines. It uses the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) protocol. To date E-LIS is the biggest repository in library and information science and after just three years contains over 3000 papers. E-LIS is the first international e-server in this area, is part of the RCLIS (Research in Computing, Library and Information Science) project and is organised, managed and maintained by an international team of librarians working on a voluntary basis. The library and information world is highly integrated with the areas of computing science and technology, biliometric an citational analysis and it was felt that the LIS discipline should set an example to other communities by providing a state-of-the-art model for the OA movement and digital libraries, particularly in relation to the open archive model, within which E-LIS is a disciplinary repository. This paper describes the main characteristics (technical and organizational) of the archive and its configuration and customization, and discusses its policies, aims and mission. Its main focus, however, is on the E-LIS organizational model and on the strategic issues correlated with Open Access (OA). It also delineates some of the challenges and opportunities consequent on a global vision for the Library and Information Science (LIS) field which envisages papers coming from all over the world and which gives E-LIS the impetus and motivation to stimulate participation in the venture and to further develop international research activities. The extension of the OA concept to LIS works and the dissemination of material within the LIS community will contribute to the development of an international LIS network, so E-LIS can be regarded as a tool for the dissemination of the OA philosophy. These are reasons of the success of E-LIS as organizational model well established inside a digital library framework OAI compliant.
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Open Access all'UNESCO per un accesso universale alla conoscenza : risultati alla 33.ma Conferenza Generale UNESCO Commissione V Comunicazione e Informazione, 11-13 ottobre 2005 VIII: 3. Abstract: During the 33rd session of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization General Conference, held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, a proposal of resolution 'Draft Resolution (DR)' about Open Access was presented; this resolution was presented to V Commission Communication and Information.
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Resoconto sulle sessioni sul copyright. CML Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters. IFLA, Oslo 14-18 agosto 2005 17: 9. Abstract: The whole international community of librarians and library national associations is called to participate in the discussion about issues related to the managing of copyright and the development of an agenda for the future directions of WIPO.
Attachments (Italian translation by Antonella De Robbio): 1. Library-Related Principles for the International Development Agenda of WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization; 2. Geneva Declaration on the Future of the World Intellectual Property Organization.
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E-LIS : un archivio aperto internazionale per la Biblioteconomia e Scienza dell'Informazione Abstract: E-LIS Power point presentation helds in La Habana (Cuba) during the meeting at Torricella's House in August 2004
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Chi ha creato il primo circuito per la distribuzione e lo scambio di preprint? VII: 2. Abstract: After ten years since the birth of arXiv, the well known pre-print server that has the merit of having first revolutionized scholarly communication, a work comes on the scene, which remained unknown for almost forty years and that re-discusses this primacy. Thirty-nine years have passed since Luisella Goldschmidt-Clermont - a young sociologist, at the time Senior Scientific Information Officer at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva - attempted to describe in a systematic way, in a pre-print dated February 1965, the functions and the techniques of scholarly communication, suggesting ways and channels that could help creating a network of communication which is effective for the community of high energy physicists.
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Open Access e copyright negli archivi istituzionali: il ruolo delle università nella gestione dei diritti Abstract: Inside of the Academic World, librarians first understood that the copyright management system represented a critical mass. The Open Access Moviment (OA) inspired new strategies into the Scientific Community: new models of scientific communication that arise from the research activity and dissemination; it comes from a scientific, academic, specifically digital contest, where authors receive no royalties.
Published in: Roberto, Caso (2009) Pubblicazioni scientifiche, diritti d'autore e Open Access: atti del convegno tenuto presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza di Trento il 20 giugno 2008. Pubblicazioni scientifiche, diritti dâautore ed Open Access: il punto di vista di ricercatori, editori e biblioteche, Trento - (Quaderni del Dipartimento / [Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche]; 79).
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Non solo copyright: le vie dell'Open Access Abstract: This presentation deals with the issues of copyright and open access in the context of scholarly communication. Scholarly communication is the process of dissemination of the outcomes coming from research in universities, private organizations or institutions or research centres. These results are presented in the form of intellectual outputs. Each barrier to the dissemination of scientific research is a barrier to the access to knowledge. There is a clash between the aim of research and the access to its outcomes in journals where you are allowed to information only through the payment of subscription fees. Nowadays 11 publishers hold and manage the 75% of the publishing market and the 90% of the published articles can be accessed only through the payment of fees. As far as copyright is concerned, authors have to gain awareness that they donât have to release copyright to the publisher because they could need it back again in case of publishing their works in an open access archive or using them for educational purpose. So, the issue of copyright is not an obstacle to open access, but authors should be aware of the importance to keep their rights preventing them to release copyright to publishers. This presentation offers an overview on the history and development of the Open Access movement at the national and European level (European Research Councilâ Guidelines on Open Access). With regard to the Open Access Initiative, the paper gives a brief introduction to Padua@research, the University of Paduaâs institutional open repository for the deposit of the intellectual research outputs where PhD thesis, as intellectual production, are deposited as well. At the national and international level, it is fundamental that authors knows how it is important to keep copyright for their own purposes and both the universities and the governments should create policies in order to protect and guarantee scientific copyright and the world of research.
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Tutela giuridica e diritto d'autore nell'editoria elettronica ISBN:: Abstract: Paper published inside the book collected the firsts traditional annual workshops of âTeca del Mediterraneoâ from 2000 to 2010. The book intends to present an updating âframeworkâ of informal education activities that the Libraries and the Documentation Centers act for win the epochal challenge which ask the transformation of the shield knowledge in organizations not only for the preservation and profoundly valorization of librarian documentaries heritage (just an innovative prospective by itself), but an active.
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The MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano (MAI): geography and evolution of Italian online catalogues Vol. 3: Abstract: Purpose â The purpose of this paper is to consider and discuss some data about the evolution of Italian Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs) in the last decade and the possibility to search them cumulatively through the MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano (MAI). Scholars all over the world are interested in Italian OPACs due to the treasures and the historical documents owned by Italian libraries.
Design/methodology/approach â After a brief introduction on union and virtual catalogues, with special attention to the Italian scenario, Italian OPACs are illustrated with a rich amount of data about their usage, their geographical distribution, and their growth. All data are available on the web and have been collected in the time through the analysis of log files and the database of the Italian OPACs.
Findings â The evolution of Italian OPACs suggests new developments of MAI, such as extension of search to some contents of digital libraries. These are studied and, as far as allowed by the available human resources, progressively adopted in order to improve the quality of the metasearch.
Research limitations/implications â As this tool has no exact parallels in other countries, this paper mainly adopts a descriptive and heuristic approach, rather than evaluating MAI in comparison with other services.
Originality/value â Although a wide amount of literature on MAI is available, only a few papers are in English. This paper then aims to increase the knowledge of MAI for a broadest group of non-Italian readers.
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2010 Odissea Google Libri. Il Google Book Search Project
e la nuova proposta di accordo transattivo Vol. X: Abstract: One of the greatest achievements in the last years is the Google Books project, that has scanned to date almost 10 millions of books; many of them were available only in few of the most prestigious research libraries. The lawsuit against Google Books, and the following Settlement, illustrate some of the limitations of Google Books. It is here analysed the first Settlement (October 2008) and the proposed Amended Settlement Agreement (ASA), or Settlement 2.0 (November 2009). The opponents of the settlement are the majority. The 18th of February 2010 the U.S. District Federal Judge Denny Chin in Manhattan postponed the controversial due to the voluminous amount of feedback on both sides. In Italy the 10th of March 2010 Google had reached an agreement with the Italian ministry of culture to scan up to a million books housed in the national libraries of Rome and Florence, concerning out-of-copyright books published before 1868. The non-exclusive agreement will make books available immediately and free of charge, both on the Google platform and on platforms controlled by the participating Italian libraries. University libraries are uniquely tasked by the public to be repositories of human knowledge and information. Here divergent views on economic value of the project are examined, in particular the new business models supplied by a multi-sided platform like the Google one. Google Books Search, in fact, can help a wider access to the cultural heritage because it has the potential to deeply change the way knowledge is transmitted and to democratize access to information. The paper describes the legal, technical and economical issues that bedevil the GoogleBooks project, particularly in relation to copyright, privacy grounds and antitrust matters.
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Le tesi di laurea tra diritto d’autore e consultazione Abstract: The presentation is focused on thesis, ojbect understood as bibliographic document inside librarian services processes.
The presentation is focused on thesis, object understood as bibliographic document inside librarian services processes.
The presentation stresses the fundamental differences
between the two channels: archival treatment and
bibliographical documents described into OPAC.
Libraries and archives need to find an integration of two professions. Because the double nature of the thesis, the two channels reflect the different approaches to the object thesis and remarking librarians process in order to accept thesis into library's collection without infringing Intellectual Property rights. Access and copyright are two faces of the same medal on thesis in the library. The work has been presented to the 6. national conference of the Archives of the Italian Universities.
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Metodi bibliometrici per la valutazione della ricerca Abstract: Presentation at the "Seminario: La valutazione dei lavori scientifici: Metodologie, modulazioni e complessità nei diversi ambiti disciplinari â Gli orientamenti Istituzionali". Aula Magna di Ateneo, Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona), 28 maggio 2009
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The interaction between democracy and Internet through libraries in Italy: is the Italian government going to establish controls on Internet Content? Abstract: Paper presented Wednesday 26 August 2009 at the session: Libraries and the Internet: Public Policy Challenges
Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) with Free Access To Information And Freedom Of Expression (FAIFE)
This paper examines issues arising from the pervasive nature of the internet in the dissemination of knowledge in public and academic libraries in Italy. It posits the question of the adoption of Internet Policies which would define the services and products on offer and conditions of use, observing that such policies should ensure maximum access for the user while simultaneously preserving the rights of the copyright holder. It also explores the concept of âadded valueâ, particularly in terms of open format, noting that aspects of authorsâ rights need to be clarified. Outlining the progress made by some international movements in Italy such as Open Access, the paper also gives an insight into the debate within the Italian community and the challenges it faces, particularly in legal terms. It looks at copyright and other legal matters, the decrees regarding piracy, use of filtering tools and the âLevyâ Proposal, which defines product publishing and editorial activities for blogs and amateur sites.
The paper advocates dialogue between the relevant bodies with the aim of providing a clear outline of the situation and the roles and responsibilities of all parties concerned. It states that the governmentâs role should primarily as a balance between public interest and market competition and expresses concern about the misinterpretation of the concept of intellectual property theft and recent trends to use copyright to restrict the property rights of cultural purchases. It is apprehensive that the digital divide between Italy and other countries might increase should providers of connectivity services be required to act as a âpolice lineâ.
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Management eines internationalen Open Access-Archivs :
das Beispiel E-LIS 60: 5. Abstract: E-LIS is the largest open access repository in the field of library and information science and is maintained voluntarily by an international team of librarians and information professionals. As from June 2009, it contains at about 9.200 full text documents in 37 languages from more than 5.600 authors from 90 countries. Additionally to the provision of services to authors and associations in the field, the management of policy issues is crucial for the repository administration. Thus E-LIS has, inter alia, completed a policy audit and intends to formulate and communicate its policies in a standardized way.
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Breaking the waves: quale destino per l'Open Access? Abstract: Presentation at the Conference "L'altra faccia del merito: Riviste scientifiche, pubblicazioni e valutazione della ricerca".
Assemblea Permanente Interscienze degli Studenti. Università di Bologna. 21 aprile 2010, ore 18, aula Ghigi (via S. Giacomo 9).
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Biobanche in bilico tra proprietà privata e beni comuni: brevetti o open data sharing? 1: 2. Abstract: The circulation and sharing of contents in biobanks is approached with the study of the normative statutes of these institutions, with careful attention to copyright. Such institutions are an organized set of human biological specimens with diagnostic, therapeutic, and research aims. Since the issue is quite new, their statutes are controversial; moreover, the exploitation of new detections is particularly complicated. The ownership of samples (tissues, cells, organs) and the ownership of the biobank as the entity managing the database is crucial in order to determine any rights on researches that can be patented. The sui generic right in Europe states some rights for the database builder, whom allocates economic resources to organize information. However, the main issue of this kind of databases is related to the quality of the patented object: organic and living material. Regarding this fact, there exist stances for privatizing those biological specimens, while the majority consider models of open data sharing as a more suitable way, considering organic samples as âcommonsâ. The latter tendency seems to predominate, protecting the human body and its genome from economical exploitation, although acknowledging some kinds of profits related to the intellectual property.
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Biobanche e proprietà intellettuale: commons o caveau? anno X: numero. Abstract: Biobanks are considered an important resource for research issues, as they are regarded as archives or repositories mainly formed by libraries of biological contents, drawn from individuals or species. Information is connected to contents and represented by its medium, in the form of data, and constitute an intangible good of a priceless value. The matters related to the property, intellectual or physical, are extremely complicated because of a state of uncertainty related to the lack of rules, which do not regulate them adequately. The shortage of a unique reference frame allows the private sector, which is driven by strong economic interests, to privatize data and information to the detriment of the common good, as is the case of the flourishing market of cord blood banks, where the debate about stem cells is exploited for profit making. By the means of several recent initiatives, the biomedical research is trying to make its data freely available by adopting an open source model, thus stimulating innovation and further research. We will analyze the issues connected to commons and to intellectual commons regarding the concepts of private property of data and biological materials, by tracing the path between the definitions of âbiobankâ: this will identify two main issues, the first stemming from literature, the second from regulations. We will pass through channels regarding legal aspects (as physical and intellectual property), touch on the concept of âcommonsâ compared to the concept of private property on biological materials, the privacy of patients and information, to reach the matter of intellectual property and the difference between finding and invention with the purposes of patent.
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Staminali nel web: inganni e trappole di un business senza frontiere Abstract: The stem cell debate involvies biomedical, legal, ethical, economic issues, but also invests the sphere of digital information such as ability to move among the hundreds of sites that suggest that "services"is not always clear and transparent.
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Open Access Italia 2010 Abstract: The presentation is an update of the state of the art of Open Access in Italy which was illustrated during the 2009 Open Access Week. It covers the milestones of Open Access in Italy and the recommendations of the CRUI national Working Group that has recently reached the number of 60 members. It illustrates the CRUI WG agenda for the next three years which focuses on the following three issues: open courseware, open archive metadata, and a survey of the attitudes of Italian publishers towards OA with the aim to set up an Italian branch of the Sherpa-RoMEO database. The presentation deals also with the Open Access Week - an initiative to which many Italian institutions have participated and that has become a collaborative non-stop event linking different cultures and countries within a social network that is spreading widely thank to the opportunity of sharing suggestions, experiences and practical tools and solutions. At European and international events Italy does not appear to keep pace yet, in particular as regards institutional and official policies. However, after a period of slow growth â probably physiological -statistics on the state of OA in the world show a positive trend with an increasing number of documents archived within disciplinary repositories and new OA journals appearing every week. This positive trend provides us with some cues on possible new scenarios where new business models and publishing solutions - more advantageous for universities and research - may emerge.
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Metodi bibliometrici per la valutazione della ricerca Abstract: The author investigates the role that the world of open access may have in the evaluation of research. It concerns the possibility of providing appropriate tools (institutional repositories in the network) to accommodate the intellectual productions, considering non-traditional materials, developping new bibliometric indicators alongside those currently in use.
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Accesso aperto: ambiti e strategie di sviluppo Abstract: Scientific communication is the process of dissemination of research results from universities, government agencies or private institutions or research centers. These results take the form of intellectual productions. Every barrier to the dissemination of scientific research is a barrier to access to knowledge. There is a conflict of interest between the aims of the research and the access to results. In this work the author presents the two ways of OA: the greenway (opening of the archives open) and the goldway (economic models for open access journals). In academic field OA philosophy would lead to productive synergies for the benefit of communities and citizens more generally, and would provide useful tools for innovative ways to research and technology transfer.
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Biobanks and intellectual property: commons or caveau? Osserv: 2010. Abstract: Biobanks are considered an important resource for research issues, as they are regarded as archives or repositories mainly formed by libraries of biological contents, drawn from individuals or species. Information is connected to contents and represented by its medium, in the form of data, and constitute an intangible good of a priceless value. The matters related to the property, intellectual or physical, are extremely complicated because of a state of uncertainty related to the lack of rules, which do not regulate them adequately. The shortage of a unique reference frame allows the private sector, which is driven by strong economic interests, to privatize data and information to the detriment of the common good, as is the case of the flourishing market of cord blood banks, where the debate about stem cells is exploited for profit making. By the means of several recent initiatives, the biomedical research is trying to make its data freely available by adopting an open source model, thus stimulating innovation and further research. We will analyze the issues connected to commons and to intellectual commons regarding the concepts of private property of data and biological materials, by tracing the path between the definitions of âbiobankâ: this will identify two main issues, the first stemming from literature, the second from regulations. We will pass through channels regarding legal aspects (as physical and intellectual property), touch on the concept of âcommonsâ compared to the concept of private property on biological materials, the privacy of patients and information, to reach the matter of intellectual property and the difference between finding and invention with the purposes of patent.
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Nuove frontiere della scientometria: l’Open Access come strumento per la valutazione della ricerca Il pes: ISSN 1. Abstract: Presentation at the Conference "Il peso della ricerca.
Valutare una materia umanistica: architettura per esempio", Giornata di studi CNBA 2009 Coordinamento Nazionale Biblioteche di Architettura. 11.ma giornata
held in Bologna on 22nd May 2009.
The paper has been published in 11. Quaderno CNBA 2009
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Licenze e modelli contrattuali Open Access per autori nell’editoria scientifica Abstract: Presentation at the conference "Le risorse bibliografiche fra copyright, diritto dâautore e licenze di utilizzo: opportunità e vincoli per i servizi di biblioteca". Bologna, 21st May, 2009. Università degli Studi. SBA Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo. Aula F, E -Complesso Aule Belmeloro
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Archivi istituzionali e diritto d'autore 26: 3/4. Abstract: The research publications funded with public moneey must be open access following the BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative) and the Berlin Declaration. Authors can self-archive their articles into institutional or disciplinary repositories, being aware that not all the publishers allow to do so. Authors, then, must learn to retain economic exploitation for themselves, leaving to publishers the rights to publish only.
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The management of an international open access repository : the case of E-LIS 9: 1. Abstract: E-LIS is the largest open access repository in the field of library and information science and is maintained voluntarily by an international team of librarians and information professionals. As from April 2009, it contains at about 9000 full text documents in 37 languages from more than 5600 authors from 90 countries. Additionally to the provision of services to authors and associations in the field, the management of policy issues is crucial for the repository administration. Thus E-LIS has, inter alia, completed a policy audit and intends to formulate and communicate its policies in a standardized way.
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The interaction between democracy and Internet through libraries in Italy: is the Italian government going to establish controls on Internet Content? [Language: Korean. This is a translation from English to Korean] Abstract: Translation from English to Korean of the Paper presented Wednesday 26 August 2009 at the session: Libraries and the Internet: Public Policy Challenges
Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) with Free Access To Information And Freedom Of Expression (FAIFE)
This paper examines issues arising from the pervasive nature of the internet in the dissemination of knowledge in public and academic libraries in Italy. It posits the question of the adoption of Internet Policies which would define the services and products on offer and conditions of use, observing that such policies should ensure maximum access for the user while simultaneously preserving the rights of the copyright holder. It also explores the concept of âadded valueâ, particularly in terms of open format, noting that aspects of authorsâ rights need to be clarified. Outlining the progress made by some international movements in Italy such as Open Access, the paper also gives an insight into the debate within the Italian community and the challenges it faces, particularly in legal terms. It looks at copyright and other legal matters, the decrees regarding piracy, use of filtering tools and the âLevyâ Proposal, which defines product publishing and editorial activities for blogs and amateur sites.
The paper advocates dialogue between the relevant bodies with the aim of providing a clear outline of the situation and the roles and responsibilities of all parties concerned. It states that the governmentâs role should primarily as a balance between public interest and market competition and expresses concern about the misinterpretation of the concept of intellectual property theft and recent trends to use copyright to restrict the property rights of cultural purchases. It is apprehensive that the digital divide between Italy and other countries might increase should providers of connectivity services be required to act as a âpolice lineâ.
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Berlin5 Open Access: Desde la práctica al impacto. Consecuencias de la diseminación del conocimiento 30. Abstract: Berlin 5 Open Access: From Practice to Impact: Consequences of Knowledge Dissemination. Report of the conference
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Bibliotecari con Moodle, su Moodle, per Moodle Abstract: This is the presentation of the poster "Bibliotecari con Moodle, su Moodle, per Moodle" shown at Moodlemoot Italia 2008, forth edition of the users of Moodle's annual meeting held at the University of Padua in May 9-10, 2008.
Nowadays, one of the fundamental missions of a university digital library is to cooperate and integrate with e-learning: academic digital libraries are asked to support the new ways and models of contemporary didactics through the use of training and educational materials which have been deposited in online platforms. In this way, digital libraries enhance and enrich their functionalities with the creation of new services which are personalized and structured in accordance with the users. CAB- Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche of the University of Padua- decided to accept this challenge and use the open source platform Moodle, supported by "Servizio di Supporto alla Didattica" of Centro di Calcolo di Ateneo, in order to create a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) for training and updating activities addressed to librarians "on the road". Although this educational project for librarians is still a work in progress, its main aim is the education and development of future information specialists who will be able to cope with the emerging challenges raised by the cutting edge technological developments in the field of library and information science.
The poster sheds light on the purposes, the future developments and the further applications of this project. The course has been divided into four sections so far:
· Community tools in e-learning environments
· Informative resources and searching tools on the net
· Services: organization, monitoring and evaluation
· Intellectual outputs' treatment and dissemination
In the context of e-learning, Learning Objects (LO) play an essential role. Learning objects are "modular" didactic resources which constitute a complete topic and which can be used and reused a lot of times. Librarian are invited to take advantage of these new tools for their training and education. Selected by Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche (CAB), the learning objects are the defining elements of this course for librarians. In the platform, there are other kinds of educational material as well. The materials deals with a number of "cool" subjects: digital libraries, metadata, Library 2.0, Web 2.0 and copyright. In this virtual environment, it is worthwhile to take into account the issue of describing and presenting Virtual Learning Environment's resources through a standard schema of metadata. Virtual Learning Environment's resources should be classified through metadata and integrate with the informative resources of a university library in order to make them more visible and accessible and to facilitate their identification and reusability. The project for the creation of the learning objects, directed by Formez, was funded by Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica. Created in compliance with the international standard SCORM (Shareable Courseware Object Reference Model), the learning objects regarding Library and Information Science (LIS) are distributed from the perspective of a collaborative and shareable reusability of the resources, one of the milestones of the Web 2.0.
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La comunicazione scientifica: il processo di pubblicazione e il mercato Abstract: This presentation is an overview on the current situation of the scientific publishing industry at the national, international and world-wide level. Scholarly communication is the process of dissemination of the outcomes coming from research in universities, private organizations or institutions or research centres. These results are presented in the form of intellectual outputs and often the intellectual outputs create articles which are published in journals addressed to the scientific community. We use the term distribution when we talk about articles published in traditional journals. While scientific publishing industry should guarantee research outcomes to be available and accessible to anyone and scholarly outputs should be the essential gateway for the dissemination of scientific discoveries, nowadays the distribution is a privilege reserved to those who can afford it through payment. Today, the role of scientific journals is not only to disseminate knowledge, but also to exert quality control. Between 1975 and 19995, subscription fees to scientific journals have raised 7,3% per year on average and publishersâ expectation in the emergence of digital publishing have been let down because digital publishing decreased prices only 10/20%. The birth of the Web and the digital revolution lead to the removal of typographic, storage and distribution charges but the current situation is more and more dramatic. The consequences of this stateâof-the-art are the creation of consortia for the purchase and the Big Deal formula. Nowadays, there are three different models of publishing process: the traditional model based on subscriptions, the author pays model and the pay-per-use model where you pay fees for the download. This presentation explores in detail the phases of a typical publishing process focusing on the issues concerning with the impact factor and the peer-review system. With regard to scientific publishing at the international and world-wide level, in the world there are more or less 23.000 scientific journals with publish every year an amount of 1.4 millions of articles. Nevertheless, journalsâ distribution within the scientific publishing market is quite unbalanced because two publishers, namely Elsevier and Springler, own 2000 journals each and 11 publishers (the 2%) produce more than the 70% of journals in this group. New models of scholarly communication, supported by new economic models for scientific publishing, should be created. These new models should assure the public access to publicly funded research and an equal competition in the market between different economic publishing models.
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Il copyright negli archivi istituzionali: il ruolo delle Università nella gestione dei diritti Abstract: The presentation aims to state what is the mission of any institutions towards Open Access: in addition to the research and didactics there is the task to raise awareness towards che copyright control. The institution, then, must write specific and clear guidelines on copyright in order to make researchers and academics aware of the importance of retaining copyright for themselves instead of give it up to the publishers.
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Diritti vecchi e nuovi tra servizi bibliotecari e social web:
come cambiano le regole di un gioco di ruolo Abstract: New and old rights between library services and Social Web: new rules of a role playing game.
Approaching with its blogosphere converging in different media, the Web 2.0âs paradigm compels libraries of any area to join a fruitful debate concerning the old models of communication typical of traditional library services and the new models of services connected with the Social Web. In Web 2.0, the Social Web is considered as a communicative platform that improves and re-organizes Web 1.0. It is exactly in this galactic space that L2, Library 2.0, is set as a place of transformation of library services addressed to the users, both todayâs users, being their physical or virtual, and tomorrowâs users that are already knocking on our door. Characterized by collaboration, the social communities, as users and players, are the ones who trace new paths and establish new rights in Web 2.0. The Bill of Rights for Users of the Social Web asserts that: âall users of the Social Web are entitled to certain fundamental rights⦠ownership of their own personal information, control of whether and how such personal information is shared with others, freedom to grant persistent access to their personal informationâ¦â These are the core principles of the Bill of Rights for Users of the Social Web, a document that should guarantee the rights of millions of users stuck within social networks that are run by powerful business companies and from which it is very hard to get out. Among the policies concerning the user, one of the strong points is the need to keep social mediaâs sites open and transparent in order to prevent marketing abuses managed by societies that use information about users and their behavioural and demographic profile in violation of the law on personal rights and information. As in a double-faced interactive role-playing game run by the librarian staff on the one hand and the users as a single monad on the other, new spaces for innovative library services are being developed and, whereas the old rights have well-based foundation, the new right of the net are trying to state themselves strikingly. As far as the new library services are concerned, the connection between author rights and the net is becoming more and more complex, especially for the rights of digital reproduction. In this environment, not only is the established so far relationship between library and user changed and are new forms of use developed, but also new forms of communication are created within a system of architecture supported by technologies that enable information to become independent from its creator. Being any playerâs ones, old and new rights are in-between these two environments which overlap each other and join in some way. The rights of the rules, which are static and bound up with the past, are no longer suitable to the new information technology environments where, as digital technology improves, new rights emerge. The task is not the one of recreating existing realities through new languages but of establishing new ways of representation and use of the information by new typologies of users. In this way, the library still remains a âdiscreetâ place, but at the same time it becomes an open place. When we talk about rights, we talk about rules as well. As a matter of fact, the need to set new rules is crucial nowadays because the world of libraries, meeting with the Social Web within the boundaries of Library 2.0, is getting more and more complex. The world of libraries nowadays is a world that emulates a role-playing game where âthe players play the role of self-created characters in an imaginary or assumed world regulated specific and sometimes complex inner rulesâ and where different rights acquire different semantic value depending on the single player.
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Recensione: Ginevra Peruginelli, Multilinguismo e sistemi di accesso all'informazione giuridica. Giuffrè, 2009 ISBN 8814148740 XXVII: 5. Abstract: This important book presents dual aspects: it analyses in depth the theme of multi-languages society on one hand, and offers a tool to deepen issues related to legal information on the other one.
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Gestione e organizzazione di un archivio aperto internazionale disciplinare: il caso E-LIS Anno 2: Numero. Abstract: E-LIS is the largest open access repository in the field of library and information science and is maintained voluntarily by an international team of librarians and information professionals. As from June 2009, it contains at about 9.200 full text documents in 37 languages from more than 5.600 authors from 90 countries. Additionally to the provision of services to authors and associations in the field, the management of policy issues is crucial for the repository administration. Thus E-LIS has, inter alia, completed a policy audit and intends to formulate and communicate its policies in a standardized way.
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Open Access e gestione dei diritti Abstract: Every obstacles to scientific research diffusion is a barrier for the knowledge. There is a conflict of interest between pay-access and scientific research, because the maximum impact is the result of the research dissemination among all the potential readers everywhere and in every time [Stevan Harnad]. The great and efficent dissemination of research results through scientific publication system to the scientific community and to the large audience is considered an important instrument to achieve Lisbona Strategy's purpose. The main goal of Open Access is to remove all the economical, legal and technical barriers to scientific information, with benefits for everyone. So copyright represents the main obstacle, but it is manegeable by making aware the authors not to grant all the rights to the publishers, through the implementation of copyright policy inside the Universities, but first of all is a duty for all the Governments to pass laws taking care of research and not of economical lobbies' interests. By managing of scientific copyright it is possible to reform the knowledge economy too.
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The International Effort Towards the Creation of an International Repository for Library and Information Science: Breaking Barriers in the Access to Scientific Research Abstract: Established in 2003, E-LIS (http://eprints.rclis.org) is an international Open Archive for Library and Information Science (LIS). Over 9,000 papers have been archived to date. It is freely accessible, aligned with the Open Access movement and is a voluntary enterprise. E-LIS has grown to include a team of volunteer editors from 60 countries and support for 22 languages. It accepts published or unpublished documents in scientific or technical areas; authors can self-archive and a proxy service supports depositors. Metadata are set for each document type and are checked in accordance with editorial guidelines set by an international editorial committee and there are agreements with institutions and library associations in various countries. In few years, E-LIS has been established as the largest international open repository in the field of library and information science. Searching or browsing E-LIS is a kind of multilingual, multicultural experience, an example of what could be accomplished through open access archives to bring the peoples of the world together. Because librarians are so involved in open access advocacy, E-LIS is a key to encouraging open access for all repositories, by giving librarians the experience they need to speak with confidence when talking with researchers and open access archives, and the experience to provide the best possible assistance to self-archiving faculty. The mission of E-LIS is to remain international and world-wide: a place where people from all over the world can deposit their documents and contribute to the world-wide dissemination of knowledge: ⢠to improve knowledge of the building and management of open archives working practically in the field within the framework of Open Digital Libraries; ⢠not only to promote open archives in various disciplinary environments, but also to create a valid and credible model in LIS discipline for the building of a world Library and Information Science archive; ⢠to establish a base for communal work between librarians information technology professionals, and to enhance the Open Access movement. The development of an international LIS network has been stimulated by the extension of the Open Access concept to LIS works and facilitated by the dissemination of material within the LIS community. These are some of the reasons for the success of E-LIS as an organizational model, which has been developed within a framework in compliance with OAI, and, exactly for this reason, it can be regarded as a tool for disseminating the OA philosophy. The invisibility of scholarship from countries so-called developing countries, such as African countries or India, was regarded as a fait accompli in the pre-Internet era. Nowadays, the discussion concerning the digital divide, scholars from these countries may disseminate their work via the networked services of digital repositories, such as E-LIS. Thanks to these projects, authors who contribute to an e-print archive are participating in a global effort by universities, researchers, libraries, publishers, editors, and readers to redefine the mechanisms of scholarly research. This e-print archive makes LIS research more visible, available, and relevant, which in turn increases its visibility, status, and public value. In E-LIS papers from 82 countries are currently deposited in 36 languages: Afrikaans, Basque, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Kannada, Malay, Malayalam, Maori, Nepali, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian.
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L'Open Access come strategia per la valutazione delle
produzioni intellettuali Abstract: The evaluation of research in Italy have recently been considered as a strategy part of the governance system of universities and research institutions, a social process where organizational models, cultural and economic factors may affect the terms and approaches. For the purposes of measuring the impact of the work of an author within the scientific community, it is essential to begin to experiment bibliometric techniques along with a new development of new and "open" ways to meet the sophisticated requirements of a proper evaluation of the intellectual productions of research. For this reason, in the 2007 national Open Access Commission for Libraries CRUI has worked to draft recommendations (by way distribution to the Rectors) on Open Access and the evaluation of the products of scientific research. One variable to consider is the disciplinary matters and every community has its own habits and criteria established in the tradition. The differences between the sciences "hard" sciences and the humanities scientometric analysis are evident.
Open Access opens new frontiers, not only in the development of next-generation bibliometric indicators focused on the individual worker or at least the author rather than the periodical, but especially in terms of infrastructure useful for a wide-ranging impact assessment. Some recent projects are focusing on the measurement of resources within the open archives and open access resources by providing set of tools for assessing the intellectual productions of scientific communication not limited to the narrow scope of the revised payment.
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Library and Information Science Open Access: a review of the last six years in an international multilingual environment Abstract: E-LIS (http://eprints.rclis.org) is an international Open Archive for Library and Information Science (LIS) established in 2003. Over 9,000 papers have been archived to date. E-LIS has grown to include a team of volunteer editors from 60 countries and support for 22 languages. It accepts published or unpublished documents in scientific or technical areas; authors can self-archive and a proxy service supports depositors. Metadata are set for each document type and are checked in accordance with editorial guidelines set by an international editorial committee. In few years, E-LIS has been established as the largest international open repository in the field of library and information science.
Searching or browsing E-LIS is a kind of multilingual, multicultural experience, an example of what could be accomplished through open access archives to bring the people of the world together. Because librarians are so involved in open access advocacy, E-LIS is a key to encouraging open access for all repositories, by giving librarians the experience they need to speak with confidence when talking with researchers and open access archives, and the experience to provide the best possible assistance to self-archiving faculty.
The mission of E-LIS is to remain international and world-wide: a place where people from all over the world can deposit their documents and contribute to the world-wide dissemination of knowledge:
- to improve knowledge of the building and management of open archives working practically in the field within the framework of Open Digital Libraries;
- not only to promote open archives in various disciplinary environments, but also to create a valid and credible model in LIS discipline for the building of a world Library and Information Science archive;
- to establish a base for communal work between librarians information technology professionals, and to enhance the Open Access movement.
In the presentation we would like to expose the following topics:
1. the main characteristics of the E-LIS platform;
2. the specific customizations that have been taken place during the last years;
3. how E-LIS deals with the multilinguality and differents scripts;
4. how E-LIS manages an editorial team with more than 60 people;
5. the issues during the migration from Eprints 2 to Eprints 3;
6. Interaction ways with end users;
7. Future developments and agreements with other partners.
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La gestione dei diritti nelle digitalizzazioni di massa: un’analisi alla luce del caso Google Book Search Abstract: This paper analyse the rights management for the two sub-projects which compose the Google Books Search project : Partner Program (publishers) and Google Library Project (libraries).
Whereas full view and reading of public domain books is not particularly problematic, the possibility for any user to search into copyrighted books digitized for this purpose led authors and publishers to a promote a class action in the fall of 2005, settled on October 28th
2008 with the so called Google Book Settlement.
The Settlement identifies 4 types of Partners Libraries based on their active level of partecipation to the transaction: Fully Participating Libraries, Cooperating Libraries, Public Domain Libraries and Others Libraries. The books, digitized by Google and provided by the 4 possible types of Libraries, had reached the 7 million number in November 2008. Regarding legal aspects, they can be classified in three categories: not commercially-available in-copyright books comprehensive also of orphan works (5 million ca. = 70%), public domain books (1.4 million ca. = 20%), commercially-available in-copyright (700'000 ca. =
The article analyzes the transaction Settlement in the view of a possible transposition of the model in a European copyright normative context, investigating terms and innovation aspects such as the creation of an indipendent Books Rights Registry and the settlement of a research center displaced in two different locations (besides Google) chosen by the libraries; this database will include all the digital copies linked to the Google Library Project.
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Le nuove tecnologie per l'accesso all'informazione: gli strumenti per la costruzione di biblioteche digitali Abstract: The word âdigital libraryâ is on everybodyâs lips nowadays and it is used to describe a wide range of products, services and projects. Actually, the word would refer to anything that involves the creation and distribution of any kind of digital information. The digital library is an always different assemblage of one or more collections of digital objects and these collections are called ârepositoriesâ. It is the place where the collections and the digital objects are presented and integrated through metadata. Usually, a digital library has two faces: the first one is for the staff while the second is for the remote user. A digital library can be described, modelled, drawn, implemented, used and evaluated. This presentation introduced the main technical software tools for the creation of a digital library.
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MKM Mathematical Knowledge Management 21: 2. Abstract: The 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, MKM 2003, took place at Bertinoro (Forlì), from February 16th to 18th, 2003. The research field, labelled with the acronym MKM, is devoted to the development of tools based on sophisticated mathematical concepts and advanced software technologies, which allow to organize and make effectively available the great deal of mathematical results of today. Different kinds of research contribute
currently to MKM, and the reports presented at Bertinoro touched on a notable variety of problems. Some of these problems directly involved some activities related to the digitization of mathematical documents and the organization of digital libraries. Other presentations touched on concepts and outcomes of logic and artificial
intelligence, whose deployment appears very promising for the documentation of mathematics. This report is intended to provide a starting tool to probe such topics with more depth.
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Online resources for mathematics in the scientific virtual reference desk 2001: 3. Abstract: The present work briefly describes the Virtual Reference Desk for mathematics elaborated during the time I worked at the CERN Library (European Laboratory for Particle Physics or Laboratoire européen pour la physique des particules) in Geneva. This instrument is dedicated to the CERN librarians, with whom I have shared important moments of my professional career. In particular, I would like to gratefully acknowledge their valuable co-operation and assistance during our time spent working together. The Web metasource is comprised of three directories, annotated and interrelated with dual application: The first is intended as a work tool for librarians working in mathematics libraries, but above all for librarians of high energy physics, who more often than not must turn to mathematics and the use of mathematical applications and models for the physical sciences and in particular particle physics. The second is an on-line resource for mathematics; that is, a Virtual Reference Desk for the community of mathematicians, with whom I have been collaborating for some twenty years at the University of Padova. The bibliographical instrument is born from the need to have at our disposal a scientific Virtual Reference Desk created according to the needs of those working in physics and mathematics libraries â a tool which is comprised of materials collected during years of work as much as material available on-line through the use of new technologies.
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Lancio Web di Voyager nel cyberspazio: il nuovo catalogo online della Library of Congress 2000: 1. Abstract: The 21 September 1999 marked the launch of WebVoyager, the HTTP interface for access to Voyager, the new Library of Congress catalogue. This article describes the characteristics and peculiarities of the new OPAC, its contents and access modalities (available interfaces), making comparisons with the old system on IBM mainframe, LOCIS (Library of Congress Information Systems), which closed on 12 August 1999.
Voyager contains almost 12 million records for monographic works, serials, computer files, manuscripts, cartographic material, sound and video material, including the over 4.7 million records from the PREMARC file. At the moment Voyager includes information from more files than the old LOCIS system. The BOOKS files (LOC1, LOC2 and LOC3) include the materials catalogued from 1898 to 1975. With respect to the old LOCIS, Voyager does not include records from other research libraries and records from bibliographies and data bases for materials not held at the Library of Congress.
LOCIS "aggregated" the old systems that were separated from one another, with over 30 different files, some of which dated to the end of the Sixties, or the beginning of the Seventies. The Library of Congress decided to break up and locate outside the boundaries of the new OPAC much of that material which was previously described within the catalogue. That material can be accessed from the LC Web site in an integrated way to the OPAC; for example the old Copyright file produced by the Copyright Office, which include bibliographic records and information for documents from 1978 to the present day, can now be consulted from the set of Web pages available on the site; the same is true for the GPO (Government Printing Office) documents, the legal documents and the photographic collections on American memory. The records from the files that include Braille and audio material can be accessed from the Web-BNLD catalog on the LC site of the National Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. The catalogue includes over 2700 electronic volumes in Braille, recently placed on the net for users authorized to access the National Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.
The new OPAC can be accessed, as well as from WebVoyager, also through Z39.50 in two ways, simple (keyword) and advanced (with the use of Boolean operators), and in just a textual way (ASCII) of the telnet type. The search and browse capabilities offered by the new OPAC Web are numerous, Subject Browse, Name Browse, Title, Serial Title, Call Number Browse, Guided Keyword, Command Keyword, Keyword, grouped into four modalities: Subject-Name-Title-Call#, Guided Keyword, Command Keyword, Keyword. There are four possible choices for the display of the record: Brief Record, Subject/Content, Full Record, MARC Tag.
Various also are the functions available that make the new OPAC a flexible and refined instrument: Limiting Searches, Search History, Boolean Searching, with the offer of a complete set of tools for the refinement of the search, including the use of Boolean operators of specific codes for searching in indexes, of various filters for limiting the search, and a powerful system of relevance ranking to evaluate the items retrieved.
Copies of the bibliographic records can be printed, saved or sent to a postal mailbox, one record at a time or as a whole set.
Many help screens can be reached from various points of the catalogue and from various search or browse modes.
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I periodici elettronici e la persistenza della memoria cartacea: un problema di definizioni III: 2. Abstract: This paper explains how, after many temptations to define what is an âelectronic journalâ, nowadays we havenât a standard definition about it yet.
This is caused by the nature of these objects; in fact they have an ephemeral consistency and consequently is very difficult to hand out a specific and only one definition.
Like Crossman (a philosopher from Oxford, but better known as a politician and military strategist during the Second War World) wrote: âif we donât know a specific meaning of any words that we use every day, we can never discuss about anythingâ.
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Un progetto per la classificazione matematica: Multivision MSC2000 2000: 4. Abstract: In the point of view of creating a maths digital library, the project for the mathematical classification Multivision MSC2000 is the outcome of a fruitful collaboration between
Istituto per le applicazioni della matematica e dell'informatica del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (IA-MI/CNR)of MIlan and Biblioteca del seminario matematico of the university of Padua.
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Gli opac italiani Abstract: In this paper a survey about the information tool called "Italian OPACs. List of catalogues (OPAC) of Italian libraries available on the Internet" (accessible from AIB-WEB site at
http://www.aib.it/aib/lis/opac1.htm) is described. This paper was presented at AIB/CNSBNT conference "SBN: Which organization for which services?", Florence, Via della Torretta 16
(University of Florence), 16-17 April 1999.
This paper is divided in 5 parts:
1. Analysis of the Italian OPACs situation
2. Types of access to OPACs
3. Union catalogues: real ones and virtual ones
4. Independent SBN Polo interfaces in Italy
5. SBN Union catalogue from a closed system to an open system: demonstration of a "simulation"
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Banche dati per la matematica, cooperazione per il 2000 17: 3-4. Abstract: Mathsâ impact in other fields, such as physical sciences, biomedics, various sectors of engineering, economic sciences and industry âabove all aerospace industry-, is moulding structural models for the creation of databases which can play a crucial role in the development of tools for orienteering and analysis. Two are the main databases concerning with maths: MATH e MathSci. This paper stands like a support for the evaluation of the two databasesâ organizational system and of the additional services that they offer. The topics of this analysis are the conditions, the ways and, above all, the limits of contracts and subscriptions. I hope this paper could be useful for those who need to have information on the way to get convenient prices, establishing the organizational processes.
It is well known to many experts in the acquisition of database that the high prices of databases, mainly created outside Europe, deprives the research of a huge amount of funding sources. Often the licences applied in the American cooperatives, for example in the interuniversity consortia, cannot be simply applied in an effective way on the Italian universitiesâ current situation. As a consequence, the crucial presupposition nowadays is to the raise the awareness that librarians should become active partners in the review process on the policies concerning database prices.
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Gutenberg on demand Abstract: Is Print on Demand a new frontier for publishers and libraries? Talking about Italy, the answer is yes. Search on Print on Demand services on the Web based on foreign experiences, such as North European and American ones, where libraries play a crucial role in this new publishing process. As in the journals dealing with librarianship there is no literature concerning Print on Demand, I deeply analized web sources, such as publishing websites that offer Print on Demand services, WebConference, interviews with authors and writers who use PoD, articles on Webzine and, above all, reports of the European Council's workshop on the survey at the European level.
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Forme di tutela giuridica per le banche dati fra diritto d'autore e diritto sui generis: il Decreto Legislativo n. 169/99 del 15 giugno 1999 e la Legge n. 248 del 18 agosto 2000 [Italian] 18: 3-4. Abstract: The legislative decree 169/99, which acknowledges the European directive 9/96, edits some parts of the law on author rights (n. 633, 22nd April 1941). The new law (n. 248, 18th August 2000) doesnât modify anything concerning with database as it only reconfirms the legislative decree 169/99 as far as the penal aspects are concerned.
Summary: History and presuppositions â Double-protection system â Definition of the word database â Principle and Criteria of the Italian legislative decree â New rules for the movements in the market â Sui generis right â Forms and objects of protection â authors and creators rights â The new law 18th August 2000 â Users rights.
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Risorse online per la matematica nel virtual reference desk scientifico IV: 1. Abstract: This article explains the Virtual Reference Desk for mathematics realized by Antonella De Robbio, during her time of working at the library of CERN (European Laboratory for Particle Physics â Laboratoire européen pour la physique des particules) in Geneva (Switzerland).
This web meta-resource is organized into three parts with two specific aims:
1. a work tool for librarians which are involved in mathematics libraries but also for users that need resources about particle physics;
2. web resources specialized in mathematics only, in particular for mathematicians of the university of Padua (Italy), where Antonella De Robbio worked in for about twenty years.
These two aims are based on a point of view both mathematics and physics subjects as well as librarian skills.
To sum up, this VRD collects training and professional materials but also new and current online resources available nowadays.
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Right to access to contents versus intellectual property rights in the Global Information Infrastructure
[First version presented at the International Conference]
Diritto di accesso ai contenuti e diritti di proprietà intellettuale nell'infrastruttura globale dell'informazione
[versione italiana presentata al convegno internazionale] Abstract: International Meeting: The Electronic Resources
Definition, Selection and Cataloguing
Rome, 26-28 November 2001
Informative Infrastructure is a term of wide significance, extended a lot beyond the physical tools used for the transmission, elaboration or treatment of information.
This issue puts into light the significance and the assumption of the communicative architecture between the informative infrastructures inside which libraries are moving. In particular the focus is on the significance of âaccess to contentsâ in the frame of the Global Informative Infrastructure, GII and on the boundaries that prevent the fruition of the information in the net. Sometimes the obstacles to the extension of the benefits of the access to the contents on global scale (hidden inside the regulations established by the governments) are thrown off balance towards the reinforcement of the restrictions of the intellectual property on the contents. Most of all, politics and definite standards are necessary in the digital libraries, in order to build strategies that can ensure a balance between the intellectual right of property and the law of access to the contents in the point of view of copy-right, seen as the right of copy and of fair use, seen as a fair payment and universal access.
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Periodici elettronici nel ciberspazio IV: 3. Abstract: This paper explains the meaning of e-journals: they are usually called by American literature such as âelectronic journalsâ or âe-journalsâ and they are digital objects that are on the cyberspace only. A pragmatically discussion about e-journals must define them even using a summarize definition.
What is actually an e-journal? Starting from we working in a changing environment, we have to strongly reflect because nowadays there isnât a standard definition about e-journals.
This definition should consider the status, function and quality of these materials but âif a definition hasnât drown yet, it happens because e-journals are objects so that difficult and with an ephemeral consistenceâ.
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URI, URN e URL, una questione di definizioni : universal versus uniform XX: 1. Abstract: This article deals with the concepts of âUniform Resource Indicatorâ (URI), âUniform Resource Namesâ (URN), âUniform Resource Characteristicsâ (URC) and âUniform Resource Locatorâ (URL). Although it is not exhaustive because of the vastness of the topic, this article aims to offer a view on the topic to anyone who works and manages with remote electronic resources (RER) in their different aspects and different points of view. The analysed documents are: RFC Request for Comments (available in the IETF Internet Engineering Task Forceâs website)and some drafts drawn up by the working groups within W3C The World Wide Web Consortium.
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William Y. Arms "Digital libraries". Cambridge, MA, London: MIT Press, 2000. xi, 287 pp. ISBN 0-262-01180-8 Price £27.95 Abstract: This book is the first to provide an integrated overview in the field of digital libraries, including the chronological point of view, giving the state of the art and current research. The term 'digital library' has become of common and generic use, being used to describe a great variety of products and projects. With this term Arms means the creation and distribution of information of all types on the nets, from digitized historical materials to information media that don't share analogies with the physical world. The book is intended mainly for librarians, publishers, information technicians and also users of digital libraries. [Review published in 'Bollettino AIB : Rivista italiana di biblioteconomia e scienze dell'informazione', 42 (2002), 1, p. 61-66 with the title "A proposito di digital library"]
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Evoluzione e rivoluzione dei periodici elettronici III: 1. Abstract: In order to define what is an e-journal, as well as to define any other kind of tangible or intangible object, it is to understand the form of it. First of all, it is to be said that neither the form, nor the card bin of e-journals can be compared to the paper journal every one knows. The paper journal item division doesn't exist in the database, that collects and organizes the full-texts. Actually, the full-texts are available in an easier way than the physical bookcase access (item/volume/year). This is the difference between the physical card index and the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) access.
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Diritto d'autore e norma italiana: torre di Babele o soglia al terzo millennio? Anno X: 1. Abstract: The concept of author right is underlying in many library activities and it is the fundamental presupposition for the implementation of library services for the users, especially in the digital field. Terminologically and semantically speaking, it is important not to confound the concept of âauthor rightâ with the one of âcopyrightâ, which belongs to different geographical and cultural backgrounds. We should consider these two concepts highly separated because they have a different approach to intellectual property and they develop in different ways both in the pragmatic details and in the general principles. The concept of author right, an old well-based philosophical concept, characterizes all the activities done day after day by librarians. Paper on copyright in librarian biomedical environment.
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Workshop on the open archives initiative (OAI) and peer review journals in Europe 13: 5. Abstract: The workshop took place from 22nd to 24th March 2001 and it was organized by a Committee constituted by Raf Dekeyser (LIBER, Access Division; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Herbert Van de Sompel (OAI Executive; Cornell University) e Corrado Pettenati (CERN, Library). Among the 60 participants, there were scientists and librarians from all over the world who participated in the working groups and in the discussions. The aim of the meeting was to focus on the certification of the works which has been submitted to the server. The data providers contain data and metadata. Our next step is to assure the quality of the documents contained in the server, through process of validation and quality evaluation.
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Inaugurazione della nuova Biblioteca civica di Abano Terme 11: 9. Abstract: Saturday 9 October 1999: inauguration of the Civic Library and Cultural Centre of Abano Terme. Many the librarians from civic and academic libraries; between them, those from Querini Stampalia, IUAV and AIB Veneto.
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Indagine comparativa tra i database bibliografici MEDLINE, EMBASE e PASCAL Biomed 1999: 7. Abstract: The following study is a comparison between the three major biomedics databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE and PASCAL Biomed. The analysis deals with the coverage of the indexed journals at the level of a single database and at the level of more databases (in particular MEDLINE and EMBASE) taking into account the countries where the journals were published. The aim of the survey is to give, both to the medical researcher and to the librarian in the field, an informative tool in order to help him in his evaluations on the acquisition of specific databases. Thereâs has been a more updated analysis on the additional versions of each bibliographic database with links to the free versions available in the websites, for example MEDLINE through the service Pub-Med of the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda.
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Medline: comparazione tecnica tra le due versioni ERL (Express e Advanced) Abstract: This article shows the two main differences between Medline Advanced and Medline Express.
These are relating to:
1. field in record structure;
2. up-to-date files.
Between the two draft there arenât differences about numbers of journals indexed.
Medline Advanced has only an access interface where you can read 3500 journals, instead of 3700 for Medline Express: this may be caused by a print mistake.
Actually, journals indexed are the same for both versions also for sub files.
There arenât any differences about bibliographic information retrieval, too. To sum up, it is the same database.
Relating to information retrieval, the author deals with it at the point 2.
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Medline free on the Web : the PubMed and Internet Grateful Med services of the National Library of Medicine 1997: 4. Abstract: Centuries ago the possibility of printing rather than handwriting books permitted the spread of culture and information. Nowadays, both computers and Internet will contribute to the diffusion of an even larger amount of information among ordinary people. Even in the health care delivery field the landscape is changing. Citizens are increasingly turning to the Web as a source of information to improve their daily lives, so it is vital that citizens, as well as health professionals who serve them, have access to the most current and credible information. A step toward this achievement is providing free access, via Internet, to Medline, the most comprehensive medical bibliographic database, to other relevant databases such as Aidsline, and to the Human Gene Map. Now this step is accomplished by means of two Web-based services offered by the U.S. National Library of Medicine of Bethesda, Pub/Med (a new service) and the already existing Internet Grateful Med. The services were demonstrated by U.S. Vice President Al Gore at a press briefing on June 26, 1997. These services will prove to be a great advantage for both doctors and ordinary people. Previously, access to the whole Medline database required payment of a subscription; there were also some sites which offered free access to a selected part of Medline, mostly with interfaces not so much refined. Since citizens can now have more information about themselves, their health, prevention and treatment, physicians would be stimulated to keep up to date on the developments and discoveries in medicine and biology in order to deal with their better informed patients. Such information is often the critical link in reaching the correct diagnosis, resulting in lives saved, unnecessary treatment avoided and hospitalization reduced. Having scientific information free on Internet will limit the spread of incomplete or misleading news concerning fitness and medicine in magazines. School teachers and students (high school and college science classes) will also benefit from this public service for their studies, because they will be able to search through Medline and the Human Gene Map and learn about inherited diseases that are located on our chromosomes, in terms that the public can understand. Pub/Med offers different levels of information retrieval:
* basic/ general: easy to use for any search
* advanced: Boolean operators and selected search areas can be used for a more specific search
* specialized: search on an even more specialized basis, conceived for physicians and experts. It will permit the selection of precise and strictly relevant information.
The database provider will also benefit from this services. Information is available free on the net, but such free access offers to the public a large gamma of new services with added value: publishers can be contacted for the full text of an article after payment of a subscription to the journal; original articles can be downloaded or printed directly on the user's PC provided the user has a plug-in programme. Users may have an article printed and forwarded via e-mail or fax and must pay for this service. Unluckily, while this is certainly true for the United States, it is not so for Italy. Most American citizens can use a personal computer to have access to the Internet; on the other hand, in Italy only a minority of the population are able to use a PC and even fewer can access to the Internet. Moreover the slowness of connections generally induces librarians and specialists to prefer the CD-Rom version. In Italy Pub/Med is reachable by the very useful Dematel site. Dematel provides a very easy to use and friendly interface in Italian, linked to Medline and Premedline data. To conclude, it is important that information professionals should make every effort to benefit from new services on the net, but without abandoning tried and tested techniques they know well and rely on.
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MathSci Abstract: This paper shows the prestigious mathematics database MathSci, produced by American Mathematical Society (AMS).
It is an indexing resource that deals with the whole literature about mathematics. The subject involved in referred to mathematical sciences and others relating such as Statistics, Information science, Operative research and Mathematics Physics. Moreover it indexes sciences related to applied mathematics such as Astronomy, Astrophysics, Biology, Compartmental Sciences, Thermodynamics, Warm transforming, Computer science, Economics, Mechanics of liquids, Information and Communication sciences, Particles mechanics, Mechanics of solids, Operating research, Electromagnetism, Quantity mechanics, Relativity theory, Statistics physics, Structure of material, Statistics, System theory and Control theory. This big database has about 1.300.000 records (with 50.000 citations of CMP): in fact, every year about 60.000 new data go into it. In addition, about 2.300 international mathematics journals, 7500 books, proceedings, Ph.D degrees and even technical reports yearly are selected all over the world among all professional literature for this specific database. To sum up, MathSci has a large coverage from 1940 to nowadays.
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Dati aperti con LODe Anno X: 2. Abstract: Unlike the case of Open Access and Open Source movement, in the Open Data context there is no general agreement regarding the definition of the term. The Open Data Movement, like other Open philosophies, aims he goal of making immediately "accessible to anyone the primary research data, without limitation of copyright, patent or other control mechanisms". In this work we try to analyze some interesting statements made by different stakeholders operating in the context of the Open Data, in order to clarify a system of behaviors, often subject to ambiguity and sometimes manipulation. The experts are divided in considering Open Data a derivation of Open Government or a derivation of Open Science, but in both cases the context is the digital environment. Between these two Open territories, we could place a third place, that connects them and that is called Open Bibliographic Data or OpenBiblio: this middle place includes OPACs, databases and open archives. Speaking of Open Data means to place the defining elements within the framework of the Open Knowledge, in a dimension of knowledge that must analyse also the issue of Open Data licenses, which are different from the best-known Creative Commons. The Open Data shares its objectives and developments, in particular with reference to the Open Linked Data project, which deals with interoperability between different data sources and formats. Hence the title chosen for this work: Open Data con LODe, LinkedOpenData, where the final "e", for us, means something immersed, "embedded" within the system itself. The real meaning belongs to the context of the Open Library, and in particular belongs to the Recommendations LODe BD, drawn up by the AIMS team of FAO, and it applies the concept of LOD-enabled bibliographic data, where the "e" has the meaning of something "enabled". It's not sufficient to apply a license in order to make a resource "open", but the resource must also be "open" in terms of real and effective interoperability, avoiding the use of licenses only as something fashionable. In this work our aim is not to be completely exhaustive in the definition process, but our purpose is simply to analyse the issue within a framework that seems sometimes rich as well as chaotic.
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Spring of Tulips : A community based translation of a classification system for Library and Information Science Abstract: Navigating in large repositories is a tedious task for users, even if they are domain experts as it is expected to be in subject repositories. Several knowledge organization schemas have been employed to facilitate access. E-LIS, the international Open Archive for Library and Information Science provides access to a large number of documents in this scientific domain through JITA, a Classification System of 3 main strands and 138 concepts. Being a controlled vocabulary improves precision of retrieval, whilst it helps the submitters enhance the indexing of their documents. There are many options to assist the submitters understand the concepts listed in JITA, such as to add a definition, to use info-graphic techniques or to provide a translation in the submitterâs native language. E-LIS community started improvements in two directions: first to translate JITA and second to make JITA reusable by publishing it as LinkedData.
The overall duration of the project was two months and included several discussions between the E-LIS community on linguistic aspects of indexing, encoding issues, and so on. The final product is a SKOSified multilingual version of JITA, which has produced a graphical representation of the schema from a RDF file. JITA is now accessible in ten languages, which represent an important share of the E-LIS collection. The first version of multilingual JITA, named the âJITA Spring of Tulips Editionâ, will be published as Linked Data by FAO, UN.
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Linking document repositories, directories and registries using RDF Abstract: In the development and management of document repositories it is crucial to maximize the standardization of certain group of fields in order to retrieve the documents located in the repository more efficiently. Historically the standardization focused primarily on subject headings, classifications or journal titles. The standardization of personal names has been also partially addressed, yet it is usually limited to provide a list of the existing author names present in the own system to select one of them before entering it manually. It has been in the recent years that information management specialists have realized that the maintenance of such authority files in self-archiving information systems, such as document repositories, should be performed by the creator of the record, the person who submits the documents.
During the last five years the International Centre for Research in Information Strategy and Development (CIEPI) has undertaken various services that aim to contribute in the standardization of personal names and to improve the interoperability among different information systems, like registries and document repositories, based on recognised standards.
In light of above, this poster presents the latest CIEPIâs developments based on the interoperability of E-LIS (E-prints in Library and Information Science), IraLIS (International Registry of Authors-Links to Identify Scientists), and EXIT (Directory of Experts in Information Handling).
The IraLIS project was initiated to address the problem of name disambiguation in Spanish-speaking countries, where the largest number of such cases appears due to the length of the signatures, the structure of names and so on. Similar problems of author identification appear in all languages, even in the Anglo-Saxon countries, due to the variant forms of name entries. Any person who studies and/or works in any aspect of science may register in IraLIS and create a record, regardless if has already published works, or plans to do so in the future. One of the principles that IraLIS promotes is that the sooner one adopts an IraLIS signature, the fewer problems regarding the retrieval of the works of an author will be encountered in the future.
When an external application is asking IraLIS for a specific person using an HTTP request, IraLIS answers with a RDF/XML file (Figure 1). The data obtained can then be integrated into the client application. Other examples of use of this service is the EXIT directory, which provides referrals to E-LIS repository, such as the number of the documents deposited by that person, or the XML returned by IraLIS displayed on the CIEPI website.
Another example regards the collaboration between IraLIS and E-LIS, which formally began in 2008. During the document upload procedure, when a user is typing the authorsâ names, a dropdown menu suggests authorized names from the IraLIS registry. IraLIS answers the query made in OpenURL. The menu is updated automatically every night to collect the new IraLISed names. Users on E-LIS do not require to register in IraLIS before depositing documents, but it is highly advisable to standardize the signature and thus to facilitate the retrieval of all documents associated with a person.
One of the main pillars for the scientific information retrieval are authorâs names. The problem of the inconsistencies in the authorsâ signatures has been around for many years, but its importance is increasing due to the great number of people publishing research studies and papers and the self-archiving practices in many document repositories. For this reason, standardization is now a highly relevant aspect, more than ever. This poster aims to show the existing solution described above that day by day is becoming more accepted and used by the Library and Information Science Community.
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OL4OD: Open Licenses for Open Data 2: 2. Abstract: A licence is a one-sided permission to use someone's else property, a legal tool transmitting the right to do something or to use a good that otherwise would not be possibile to use. There are closed and open licences. The latter (the most common are CC, GFDL, GPL, BSD) are not always suitable to be applied to data, as they are meant for other kinds of information, such as contents and software, and so on. The paper, focused on open licenses specific to data, starts referring to Panton Principles for open data in science. COnsiderations on intellectual property an open licences are interesting and relevant, within the framework of informative structures of databases and nano publications.
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Open Access e comunicazione scientifica 29: 7. Abstract: Report on the CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication OAI7. Geneva. 22-24 June, 2011
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Medline: ERL versus Pub/Med. Valutazione comparativa tra l'accesso a Medline Pub/Med della National Library of Medicine e l'accesso a Medline su ERL
[Italian] Abstract: After reading the press conference (available in the NLM web page) and evaluating the new condition of access, here are some consideration on the Pub/Med service presented by U.S. National Library of Medicine in Bethesda (NLM) on the 26th June 1997. The 26th of June 1997 was the official date in which the service was launched. However, as everybody knows, it was possible to have free access on Internet before the 26th of June as well because there were web interfaces which offer free access to MEDLINE with some restrictions, for example not the whole database was at your disposal but only information from a certain year onwards or some databases were not updated with the recent information. These websites, still available and accessible, give at your disposal quite raw interfaces and the functionalities are quite limited. An example of this is the access to HealthGate, Medscape or Kfinger websites which, among the other services, send weekly to subscribed users the medical news taken from the articles with the major scientific impact thanks to SDI (Selective Dissemination Information) via e-mail. As far as the access to NLM is concerned, up to some time ago, the user had to sign in with a password to have access to MEDLINE via Internet through the payment of a subscription fee. Therefore, online access for the retrieval of medical information in MEDLINE or in other database of NLM was limited and with fee. The access was limited to doctors and experts in the field, researchers in the medical-scientific sector, librarians, archivists and technicians of information.
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L'identità di OPAC1: lo strumento, l'attività del gruppo, gli OPAC, prospettive future Abstract: History and future directions of OPAC1 AIB-WEB: Italian OPAC. Repertory of calalogues (OPAC) of Italian libraries available on Internet. This work was presented at the conference "For an integration of the sources on the net" held Seminario AIB-WEB on 27th May 1998 in Rome in collaboration with AIB and Commissione Nazionale Università e Ricerca.
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La biblioteca nel Web, il Web nella biblioteca II: 2. Abstract: The World Wide Web has deeply changed the services of the libraries, has pull down the âpaper libraryâ and has also let new information environments, where the communication process is based on the digital objects.
This is a new global society where the exchange of information is the âcore businessâ especially digital information such as electronic resources, web pages, softwares, files, OPAC, photos, audio documentation and so on.
All this different kinds of documentation are online on the WWW for all users that can obtain these electronic resources only by browsing the Net without going into the traditional library.
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L'evoluzione della specie: dagli OPAC al MetaOpac
Presentazione di MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano. Seminario AIB-WEB-2 L'evoluzione della specie: dagli OPAC al MetaOpac, 19 maggio 1999. Roma Abstract: Presentation of the MAI MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano project, held at the 45th Nation Conference of AIB (Italian Libraries Association). Tutorial AIB-WEB-2 Evolution of the species: from OPAC to MetaOPAC.
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L'evoluzione della specie: dagli OPAC al MetaOpac
Presentazione Abstract: Report of the presentation of the MAI MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano project held at the Tutorial AIB-WEB-2 Evolution of the species: from OPAC to MetaOPAC (Rome, 19th May 1999).
Presentation of the MAI MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano project, held at the 45th Nation Conference of AIB (Italian Libraries Association). Tutorial AIB-WEB-2 Evolution of the species: from OPAC to MetaOPAC.
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"OPAC italiani" di AIB-WEB si interroga: la risposta è MAI 1999: 7. Abstract: The purpose of this article is to describe the development and first start up of MAI project, occured on 1999, due to a Partnership between AIB and CILEA.
MAI was born with the aim of getting support and improving the AIB-WEB âOPAC Italianiâ Index, a detailed html list gathering 268 Italian OPACs. They are single queryable, each one from his interface.
The Strenght of MAI is immediately clear. It allows to contemporarly query more than one OPAC getting as a result only one Page. This is allowed to AZALAI Search Engine (developed from CILEA) and to MAI Dbase, managed with Informix system.
In the Article the main Aspects shown on MAI First Releaseare are finally described.They are shortly reported below: MAI Dbase, OPAC Selection Interface, Querying Form and Result Page.
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On the road of e-journals : paesaggi in movimento nell'evoluzione dei periodici elettronici II: 3. Abstract: This paper explains that about digital documentations treatment we must read the Ann Okersonâs literature: in fact, she has a lot of relevant experience in this topic and gives us many suggestions for working with. Recently, Ann Okerson took part in a meeting in Geneva (Switzerland). This paper analyses what she said in that occasion and from working groups at the University of Padua, too.
Ann Okerson, since 1995 joined at Academic Library of Yale, with her studying and articles, defined a turning point about subscriptions to digital journals thanks to the cooperative contracts.
During her fifteen-year experience, she has been studing the development of collections as digital journals, in particular about negotiation. She has been playing a fundamental goal for NERL (NortEast Research Libraries) in the United States of America, which involves 18 academic libraries and centres of research.
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Vincenti e perdenti nelle sfide del Database Networking:
dalle antiche torri ai sistemi clienti/serventi Abstract: Nowadays, when we talk about database networking, we have to trace back the origin of it and have a look at the future, âbeyond the outlined horizonsâ, in order to point out new strategies.
The various models of database networking systems refer to different ways of âcommunication of informationâ; the old systems are based on static informative systems while the more updated ones are characterized by the modularity of the informative dynamic offer.
Not only have the current systems to be equipped with additional functionalities in order to be competitive in this challenge, but also they have to integrate with other tools in order to communicate from the point of view of the interaction with the OPAC and the full-text of the electronic journals.
The emergence of new products, which provide additional on-line information services using integrated push and pull technology (for example, SpotLight services, A&I and Awareness), leads to a new dynamicity in the informative interaction. Now, it is the information that reaches the user according to predefined strategies thorough systems that periodically send via e-mail the results of the bibliographic search for a journal or a subject to the subscribed user.
Therefore, if we consider database networking systems as organized groups of databases within circumscribed nets, the challenge is still open. If we pay attention to what is âoutsideâ, we can imagine the future winners of this match, yet to be played, where the libraries will play a fundamental role within the communication systems in which the information is conveyed.
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OPAC ricombinanti tra nuovi assetti di mercato e cambiamenti tecnologici Abstract: This paper focuses on the movement of online catalogue in the international market with reference to fusions and alliances and the birth of new technological models.
The economic and technological factors cause significant changes that not only do they influence the user but also they have a great impact on our profession.
This paper analyses the surveys run by ARL and Library Journal in order to point out the gaps of our national system due to the lack of a serious analysis of the OPAC Italian market.
Software producer are no longer able to offer the most updated products and the OPAC system is damaged by this situation because innovation in the OPAC system, especially Information Retrieval (IR) technology, has stopped. Except for a few exceptions, the situation in Italy is quite the same. While, in other countries, software producers have developed innovative solutions and new technological models for the OPAC of the new generation which are integrated in their software with the client/server system and which provide interoperability and integration with the other tools of the web.
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Il contesto accademico-scientifico e i profili di utenza : l'utente/autore Abstract: This report presents the role of user-author in the University environment about information changing.
The report is written by GLACS (Gruppo di lavoro Analisi e Caomparazione dei Sistemi di Automazione).
The aim of the report is the study of different users and also all they needs within an integrated system of information: it must consider the librariesâ system especially at a functional level.
In other words, the core of any accademic libraries should be support the user-author, during writing process such as thesis, documentation, reports or research.
The report considers two aspects of this process:
1. how research may be disseminated
2. how to hand out teaching documents and information products
Both research workers and students want that their studies would be spread at any level of society.
An integrated sistem library must considered at first how to spread the research documentations in universities environment, especially in order to support the users-authors, who are the most important characters for the research and accademic library.
This report was showed at Workshop GLACS, 21 May 2002, at the University of Padua (Italy).
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Guide alle biblioteche online Abstract: This presentation shows the different typologies of libraries and it was illustrated during the public event of meeting about the book âGuida alle biblioteche di Trevisoâ edited by Benetton Foundation, Treviso (Italy).
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Analysis of the Italian Biomedical and Veterinary Serial Publications: Remarks About the International Visibility Abstract: Within the scope of the project âCreation of a Databank on the biomedical Publications in Italyâ financed by the Italian Ministry of Health and announced during the recent Workshop EAHIL 2001 which took place in Alghero, the team has taken a census of the Italian serial publications in the veterinary and biomedical field since 1995 up to now.
In order to detect the single journal heads, the team has referred to the bibliographical indexes (such as ISSN, Ulrich, The Italian Periodical publications Catalogue, BNI, CASSI, Serfile) as well as the national collective catalogues (such as ACNP, SBN e PEB). The data collected so far have been input in a database, thus being checked with the co-operation of publishers and librarians. Furthermore, for each single publication, each subject area covered as well as the type of user has been under analysis. Once the body of the Italian journals has been identified, the presence within the most remarkable international databanks of this field and their level of coverage (cover to cover or selective) has been examined. As a result, not even half of the Italian journals has proved to be indexed by the databanks. Indeed, the team has deemed it vital to compare the parameters adopted between the journals indexed and the whole body of the Italian journals and, when necessary, on the basis of a statistically identified sample.
The parameters to be examined are the following ones:
⢠Language (title and abstract in English)
⢠Scientific or editorial commitee (either national or international)
⢠Frequency of publication and regularity of a journal
⢠The access to the TOC, abstract and full-text in internet
The analysis of the above-mentioned parameters allows to identify the journal heads which show adequate standards to be input in the databank, which is the sheer object of the project, and which actually comply to the conditions to share an international visibility. At the same time it is possible, indeed, to detect viable plans to adjust those publications which do not conform to those parameters.
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An Italian Biomedical Publications Database Abstract: Periodical scientific literature is one of the most important information sources for the scientific community and particularly for biomedicine. As regards Italian publications today, a part from very few laudable exceptions, there is a lack of the instruments necessary for accessing the information that they contain. With over 700 Italian biomedical texts, only 25% are mentioned in the more important biomedical data banks, such as Medline, Embase, Pascal, CAB, with unfortunately a great deal of overlapping. This means that in this period, when 'globalisation' is being talked about, scientific publications in Italian journals still have only very local and little international exposure. This fact also effects the bibliometry where Italian journals take little notice of indicators such as impact factor. Therefore our researchers increasingly tend to publish in foreign journals, thus impoverishing the national biomedical scientific literature. These considerations have caused four operative units, led by the Institute Zooprofilattico, to present the Health Ministry with a project to create a data base. This is to be an internationally available data base on all Italian bibliographical material related to scientific production on health subjects. Given that the Health Ministry has agreed, approved and financed the project, we will illustrate briefly its operative phases. The primary aim is therefore: to guarantee widespread, complete information on national scientific publications relating to health subjects, for biomedical, veterinary, zoo-technical and environmental research.
Project Phases:
- census of national and active (since 1995) biomedical periodical publications and the creation of a specific data base;
- obtaining data on Italian biomedical periodicals from the following databases: Medline, Embase, Biosis, Pascal, CAB;
- contact with editors and libraries to define collaboration as regards national laws on the management of databases and the information they contain;
- design of the databases and structuring of useful fields;
- sifting through periodicals and marking items of possible interest.
- implementation of the database;
- creation of a support web-site for all project activity;
- making this database available on line (Internet) and off-line (cd-rom).
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Le tesi nel diritto d'autore : un argomento complesso Abstract: The thesis - degree, specialization, master, degree certificate - is an original work and for this reason it must be protected by the law.
The author of a thesis is the only one who holds the copyright and there is no binding force of the law between the thesis and the supervisor - first of all the publication right, linking moral and economical rights. A publication of a digital degree thesis by anyone must provide for a licence from the author self, because, if the digitalization is lawful with the object of conservation or of a usual procedure for administrative documents, a publication requires a licence anyway.
The thesis is both an author's administrative document and an original work; this is the reason why it is treated under different points of view.
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Mathematics subject classification and related schemes in the OAI framework 2730: 10.1. Abstract: This paper aims to give a feeling of the roles that discipline-oriented subject classifications can play in the Open Archive movement for the free dissemination of information in research activities. Mathematics, and Mathematics Subject Classification, will be the focuses around which we will move to discover a variety of presentation modes, protocols and tools for human and machine interoperability. The Open Archives Initiative (OAI) is intended to be the effective framework for such a play. In the first part of this paper, we start by describing the most important subject classification schemes in mathematics and related disciplines. Then we sketch the structure of discipline-oriented schemes in view of browsing and we give an account of different browsing modalities, implemented in the tools we produced and collected in The Scientific Classifications Page. Finally we give an insight on the design, implementation and use of a programming language for the generation of hypertextual presentations of complex structured data. In the second part, we list different strategies for e-print communication in scientific research, up to the basic definitions of the Open Archives Initiative. A review of the functionalities actually implemented in OAI compatible archives managed by the EPrints software will lead us to some working hypotheses about the roles that subject classifications in mathematics and related disciplines can play in the scenarios of the Open Archives movement.
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Mathematics Subject Classification e schemi correlati nell'àmbito di OAI 20: 4. Abstract: This work aims to give a feeling of the roles that discipline-oriented subject classifications play in scientific communication, in the perspective of the Open Archives movement for the free dissemination of information in research activities. Mathematics, and Mathematics Subject Classification, will be the focuses around which we will move to discover a variety of presentation modes, protocols and tools for human and machine interoperability. The Open Archives Initiative (OAI) is intended to be the effective framework for this play, which is presented to you by two university librarians at Padova and a researcher at Milano, Italy. The present work is divided into two parts. In the first one, we start by giving some examples of the most important subject classification schemes in mathematics and related disciplines. Then we sketch the structure of subject classification schemes in view of browsing. Finally we give an idea of different browsing modalities, which are demonstrated by the tools we produced and collected in The Scientific Classifications Page. In the second part, we give an account of different strategies for e-print communication in scientific research, up to the basic definitions of the Open Archives Initiative. A review of the functionalities actually implemented in OAI compatible archives managed by the EPrints software will lead us to some working hypothesis about the roles that subject classifications in mathematics and related disciplines can play in the scenarios of the Open Archives movement.
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Mathematics Subject Classification and related schemes in the OAI framework. In: Find and Post Mathematics in the Web
A workshop on Electronic Information and Communication in Mathematics Electr: Abstract: This paper aims to give a feeling of the roles that discipline-oriented subject classifications can play in the Open Archive movement for the free dissemination of information in research activities.
Mathematics, and Mathematics Subject Classification, will be the focuses around which we will move to discover a variety of presentation modes, protocols and tools for human and machine interoperability.
The Open Archives Initiative (OAI) is intended to be the effective framework for such a play.
In the first part of this paper, we start by describing the most important subject classification schemes in mathematics and related disciplines. Then we sketch the structure of discipline-oriented schemes in view of browsing and we give an account of different browsing modalities, implemented in the tools we produced and collected in The Scientific Classifications Page. Finally we give an insight on the design, implementation and use of a programming language for the generation of hypertextual presentations of complex structured data.
In the second part, we list different strategies for e-print communication in scientific research, up to the basic definitions of the Open Archives Initiative.
A review of the functionalities actually implemented in OAI compatible archives managed by the EPrints software will lead us to some working hypotheses about the roles that subject classifications in mathematics and related disciplines can play in the scenarios of the Open Archives movement.
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Metadati nel servizio DoIS per un accesso ibrido all'informazione professionale 20: 1. Abstract: DoIS Service: metadata for an hybrid access to professional information. ReLIS is a volunteer-run data provider indexing about 10.000 Library and Information Science (LIS) documents, mainly electronic journal articles and working papers. The metadata is harvested by a service provider, or portal, named DoIS. DoIS is viewed like an international database of articles and conference proceedings published in electronic format in LIS area. It was created by a group of international librarians and information professionals and is based at MIMAS (Manchester site). At the moment DoIS holds 4.234 full text documents (upadate on 17th March 2002), that can be accessed by all on the Internet. The existing ReLIS metadata collection for about 8.000 LIS e-journal articles and 1.792 working papers, available throught ReLIS infrastructure, will provide an excellent critical mass of material with which to encourage take up by the community. It is a very useful tool to efficiency search and retrieve information on LIS fields. Equally, a single access point to a wide range of LIS resources will only benefit the LIS international community if it is perceived to be useful and usable by local and national communities too. ReLIS and DoIS are modelled on the successful JISC-funded RePEc/WoPEC project. RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a international collaborative effort to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. DoIS uses ReDIF metadata, based on IAFA templates, and Guildford protocol.
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MAI: MetaOPAC Azalai Italien = MAI: MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano 2002: Abstract: MAI (Italian MetaOPAC Azalai) or the virtual collective catalogue of the Italian libraries starts on 18th May 1999. It is a cooperation between AIB (Library Italian Association) and CILEA (Interuniversity Lombard Association for Automatic Processing). MAI's services are addressed to different users and they are checked by AIB-CILEA editing whose staff is directed by Antonella De Robbio, concerning AIB-WEB, and by Fabio Valenziano, concerning MetaOPAC-CILEA.
MAI is the project of Italian OPAC (Online Pubblic Access Catalogue) cataloguing in database, that is the core of the whole system. The e-mail editing (AW-OPAC@AIB.IT) is the main means to exchange the results of their works. The editing enters into database by web all over Italy to hold the data. A text concerning Italian OPAC editing work has been written; it is useful to start up a first systematization of the methods of OPAC's selection and cataloguing and the operations to include the data into MAI's database. MAI is not only a MetaOPAC for the concurrent query of Italian OPAC, but also it is a complex system that supplies services and informative products to the library users and also to general users. The main aim is to provide an access to Italian OPAC.
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Progetti di digitalizzazione: vademecum on-the-fly Abstract: This speech was hold at the round-table conference âProjects and Strategiesâ in the 14th Seminario Vinay "bibliotECONOMIA": the digital frontier, which took place in Venice on the 5th of April 2003, Fondazione Querini Stampalia.
This speech focused on a comparison between three projects: the digitalization plan of BEIC, the copyright form of the Biblioteca Digitale Italiana and the proposal for the European project of Digital Math Library, presented in the 6th Framework Programme.
The speech dealt with the following topics:
1) comparison between the three different projects;
2) Common issues raising from the benchmarking of the projects: the core points to consider;
3) Strategies for local, national and European process of digitalization;
4) Conclusions.
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Nuovi scenari nel diritto d'autore italiano: dove sono finite le libere utilizzazioni?
[Italian] Abstract: Any civil society should take into account the right to have access to information defining exception for research, education, library services and establishing privileged rights to have access to information, as a common good, for underprivileged users and disabled users as well. The current debate concerning author rights has greatly influenced, and is still influencing, not only market laws but also jurist laws. Unfortunately, this debate is usually led by economic groups against the interests of the community. There are some fundamental rights that should be guarantee to any citizen; among these, the exception for libraries and underprivileged users, the opportunity to make copies for personal purposes, the protection of research and education and the availability of the scientific material deposited in the digital library. We have to resist against those who donât support the principles of freedom, which are the foundation of university institutions, and the principles of public libraries.
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MKM Mathematical Knowledge Management : Second International Conference on MKM Mathematical Knowledge Management 2003. Bertinoro (Forlì), 16-20 febbraio 2003 Abstract: The 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management, MKM 2003, took place at Bertinoro (Forlì), from February 16th to 18th, 2003. The research field, labelled with the acronym MKM, is devoted to the development of tools based on sophisticated mathematical concepts and advanced software technologies, which allow to organize and make effectively available the great deal of mathematical results of today. Different kinds of research contribute currently to MKM, and the reports presented at Bertinoro touched on a notable variety of problems. Some of these problems directly involved some activities related to the digitization of mathematical documents and the organization of digital libraries. Other presentations touched on concepts and outcomes of logic and artificial intelligence, whose deployment appears very promising for the documentation of mathematics. This report is intended to provide a starting tool to probe such topics with more depth.
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Relazione tecnica su DSpace (MIT) Abstract: This report presents Dspace that is a product realized in 2000 between Libraries of MIT (Massachussetts Institute Technology) and Hewlett-Packard Company relating to building a repository. It is able to support long-term memory, capturing and archiving of scholastic documents, realized from all MITâs departments and free access by WWW, too.
Furthermore, Dspace supports distribution and self-preservation of a different kinds of materials such as texts, videos, sounds, pictures, software and datasets. Some of them may be objected of electronic copyright and consequently donât have a free access. However, it is possible decide which users (single people or accademic groups) can use all these different materials.
There are two interfaces for Dspace, both of them have specific aims. The first considers authors, which using self-archiving, are able to produce metadata of their works so that database can grow up.
The second considers the archive that allows managing of many different kinds of format and digital resources.
In fact, on one hand Dspace is useful for all research workers at the MIT and on the other hand in teaching multimedia (such as an e-learning environment, in particular for distance education).
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Relazione tecnica su CDSware.
Technical report on CDSware Abstract: This work presents the meetingâs result between CERN staff and Italian librarians about CDSware.
CDSware (CERN Document Server Software) is a group of software, OAI compatible, for diffusioning of data. It was realized by CERN and it can do crossing research into different archives.
CDSware is a free software and is spread with GPL GNU licence.
It is completely build with free software such as Apache, MySQL, PHP, Python, WML.
The main characteristics are: interface configurable as a portal that can guest different kind of collections, powerful search engine similar to Google-like, user configurations with service of document baskets and e-mail notification alerts, support digital documentation and several format of documentation.
Moreover, it can be used for changing data between provider and service and metadata elements among different repositories, too.
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Metadati: parola chiave per l'accesso alla biblioteca ibrida Abstract: This paper presents metadata elements with the use of FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
Metadata elements will build a new library called the âhybrid libraryâ, with the aim to connect with the âold libraryâ and âdigital libraryâ.
Metadata elements in this paper are looking at the different points of view accordly to the different categories of users.
This paper doesnât contain lists of standard and format, neither Dublic Core format (with its 15 elements) or the well-structured MARC: both well-known all over the world.
Inside, this paper wants to give a clear explanation of Metadata word and elements: it describes with particular attention the structure of any elements related to domains each others.
How? What? Where? How many? Who? When? Why? and so onâ¦
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MyLibrary Abstract: This technical paper shows the specific rules and first documentation about software MyLibrary.
It is based on documentation available on WWW and Internet, on web sites and on practising, too.
Moreover, it contains technical information such as what is MyLibrary, what kind of software it is, when it was born and how you can use it and so onâ¦
In particular, this paper presents:
- users interface
- staff interface
In addition, this paper focused on specific sections of MyLibrary, their rules and suggestions about using these.
It is for staff involved in MyLibrary. To sum up, the analysis is oriented on resources in an information system on the whole.
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Interconnessioni tra classificazioni scientifiche e classificazioni generali nel mondo digitale IV: 2. Abstract: This paper presents the different ways of communication between the scientific and library word, in particular about general and specific systems of classifications (CDD and others classifications).
After explanating the rules of semantic classifications, this paper shows the specific classifications for the subjects of mathematics, computer science, physics and astronomy.
Furthermore, the paper deals with CDD in these subjects from the recent revision of section 510 (mathematics without theoretic computer science and physics-mathematics â¦.) to new edition (22nd).
This paper is actually an italian draft of âMathematics Subject Classification and related classifications in the digital worldâ, published in âProceedingsâ of Internation Meeting âCrimea 2001â that taked place in Sudak, Ukraina, 9-17 June 2001.
In this meeting was showed the new web site âLa pagina delle classificazioni scientificheâ which contains the most recent documents about scientific classifications.
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Scientific and General Subject Classifications in the Digital World 2001: 5. Abstract: In the present work we discuss opportunities, problems, tools and techniques encountered when interconnecting discipline-specific subject classifications, primarily organized as search devices in bibliographic databases, with general classifications originally devised for book shelving in public libraries.
We first state the fundamental distinction between topical (or subject) classifications and object classifications. Then we trace the structural limitations that have constrained subject classifications since their library origins, and the devices that were used to overcome the gap with genuine knowledge representation.
After recalling some general notions on structure, dynamics and interferences of subject classifications and of the objects they refer to, we sketch a synthetic overview on discipline-specific classifications in Mathematics, Computing and Physics, on one hand, and on general classifications on the other.
In this setting we present The Scientific Classifications Page, which collects groups of Web pages produced by a pool of software tools for developing hypertextual presentations of single or paired subject classifications from sequential source files, as well as facilities for gathering information from KWIC lists of classification descriptions.
Further we propose a concept-oriented methodology for interconnecting subject classifications, with the concrete support of a relational analysis of the whole Mathematics Subject Classification through its evolution since 1959.
Finally, we recall a very basic method for interconnection provided by coreference in bibliographic records among index elements from different systems, and point out the advantages of establishing the conditions of a more widespread application of such a method.
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Con DoIS l'informazione professionale è in linea 2001: 9. Abstract: Presentation of DoIS and its functionalities
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Fruizione e produzione di contenuti multimediali
e proprietà intellettuale nel cyberspazio Abstract: This paper shows how multimedia and copyright documents are connected about two aspects: enjoyment and production.
These are two aspects of multimedia documents, that can appear very easy to realizing and consequently are confused by both producers and users, too.
The attention must have pointed out about intellectual property before copyright. In fact, when we using or producing web contents, we must consider the different copyright for anglo-saxon countries and âdiritto dâautoreâ for European countries. Different countries realize different laws. The right of intellectual documentsâ tutelage is a right for documentationâ creator. For instance, a web site with multimedia must safeguard creatorsâ interests. On the other hand, we must consider that the research documents may be used for teaching (especially for e-learning), therefore they can be organized into free and open archives.
In addition, we must support the web accessibility especially for disabled users.
Moreover, this paper considers the most recent Italian law about copyright. It is still a very strict law, until it will acknowledge the new European law for copyright by 2002.
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Metadati per la comunicazione scientifica [Italian] Abstract: This conference paper focuses on metadata within the system of scholarly communication. Metadata are nowadays a core issue in a number of different context, not only in the librarian environment. Talking about metadata, Anne Gilliland-Swetland used the metaphor "the sum total of what one can say about any information object at any level of aggregation." Metadata should not be considered digital information as cultural heritage and experts of information have always produced metadata but, so far, they were managed in traditional collections. Today, thanks to the emergence of digital information, metadata can be represented in different ways and formats and they are integrated within the digital library or in the documents of electronic journal or included in open archives providing access to scientific information. Metadata as a key word, implicit or explicit, in its different manifestations (such as integrated in protocols, expressed by standards in shared platform or presented in different formats) opens the way to a wider communication linking different worlds with different rules. It is important to pay attention to the migration of metadata through servers. This paper is the product of the debates raising from the working group of the latest Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) and Peer Review Journals in Europe which took place in Gineve from the 22nd to the 24th of May, 2001. This paper deals with the aspects of metadata that are crucial for scholarly communication, for example the academic format of metadata in the platform OAI and the metadata used to evaluate the quality of intellectual contents.
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Mathematics Subject Classification e classificazioni connesse nel mondo digitale Abstract: Italian presentation of Crimea talk.
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Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC) and related Schemes in the Digital World 1.: Tom 1.. Abstract: The present talk aims to point out problems, tools and techniques about converting discipline-specific classifications, in Mathematics and related sciences & technologies, into the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC).
DDC is widely used all over the world not only for book shelving in libraries, especially in public, school and general academic ones, but also for subject indexing in general online document retrieval tools, such as bibliographic databases, online library catalogs and OPACs, digital libraries, Web search engines.
After recalling some general notions on structure, dynamics and interferences of Subject Classifications, we sketch a diachronical synopsis of classifications in Mathematics, Computing and Information Science and Technology, Control, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, and Physics.
Then we review the development of DDC in these areas, till the recently proposed revision of section 510 (Mathematics, with the exclusion of Computing and Mathematical Physics) in view of the next (22nd) edition of DDC.
In this context we present:
1. a methodology for interconnecting Subject Classifications via lexical correspondences in the textual descriptions of the classification numbers
2. some Web pages which demonstrate hypertextual combined modalities for displaying Subject Classifications
3. methods for developing hypertextual presentations of Subject Classifications from sequential source files.
As a further step we propose a concept-oriented methodology for interconnecting Subject Classifications, with the concrete support of a relational analysis of the whole Mathematics Subject Classification, along its evolution since 1959, as available for online searches in the MathSci database.
Such analysis provides for four phases:
1. defining the tree-based structure of the classification number space
2. defining the structure of a space of "abstract" (i.e., mobile across the classification numbers) nodes in time, which get identified via (permanence or limited variation of) textual descriptions
3. identifying concepts as sets of nodes
4. performing a full relational analysis of the concepts by means of knowledge representation techniques.
We conclude with perspective considerations about how to define a procedure for the determination of DDC codes for documents in our areas of interest, through the conversion of the Subject Classification codes listed in discipline-specific bibliographic databases.
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Virtual Reference Desk: Project of cooperation: debate, technical, agreeements and setting up of the working group.
Meeting "A new Library for European People" among Public Libraries in Alpe-Adria Regions for a Cultural Network Organized by Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana – Vicenza Patronage of Italian Library Association.
ALPE-ADRIA WORKING COMMUNITY REGIONE VENETO (Presidency 2001-2002) Working Group on Cultural Relationship Culture and Society Commission Abstract: A New Library for the European People.
Meeting among Public Libraries in Alpe-Adria Regions for a Cultural Network Organized by Biblioteca Civica Bertoliana â Vicenza Patronage of Italian Library Association
Presentation of the Project 2: Virtual Reference Desk
for Alpe Adria Working Community
Coordinator: Antonella De Robbio, Università di Padova
Public libraries all over the world have always paid the greatest attention to intercultural dialogue. Moreover, the Unesco Manifesto (1994) attributes a central role to this dialogue within the services offered by public libraries.
Intercultural dialogue has also been a source of inspiration for projects and initiatives carried by international working communities like Alpe-Adria.
This is why since 1989 public libraries of this Central-European area have been committing themselves both to confront their experiences and to grant documental exchange in order to improve their services.
The Veneto Region, which is at present chairman of the Alps-Adria Working Community, intends to give new vital lymph to this commitment, with the promotion of projects which can be innovative in technical terms too.
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Tutela giuridica e diritto d'autore nell'editoria elettronica Abstract: The contemporary discussion on copyright regarding managing and spreading information has strongly influenced not only the market rules but also the legal ones.
Such discussion is often conducted by economic lobbies against the social community.
One must have fight not only against those who oppose the principles of freedom on which Universities are founded but also public libraries involved in this process.
Every Country should consider the copyright as the first common international right with a few exceptions for research, teaching, library services as well as in case of minority and disabled users. For this reason, when we transfer copyright from an analogical context to a digital one (for example in the electronic publishing), it will be necessary to set up a strong lobby activity in two ways.
On one hand, protect research and teaching, on the other hand allow a large range of exceptions for libraries, for disadvantaged users and single copies for personal use (according to the copyright European law).
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Osservazioni sul decreto legislativo di attuazione della direttiva 2001/29/CE, sull'armonizzazione di taluni aspetti del diritto d'autore e dei diritti connessi nella società dell'informazione Abstract: This report is an assemblage of comments and opinions taken by different sources that I have gathered in order to develop a paper for the Italian Group AIPPI. It is important to point out that this is only my personal point of view concerning library issues and the world of research, which is the context where I work.
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Open Archive per una comunicazione scientifica "free online" Abstract: This conference paper shows how all kind of research should pass through the free access, because no one pays research workers for their works. In fact, the productions of them must be completely out of control by publishers and the rules of the business.
These rules must be relating to only for ones which are payed by âroyaltiesâ.
Consequently, we speak about open content relating to scientific communications âfree onlineâ.
This model was found by Richard Stallman, with his FSF (Free Software Foundation), with the âcopyleftâ, based on âcopyrightâ, but the first allows a completely free use for all users.
This paper presents the recent theories of Stevan Harnad, which philosophy is based on the Movement FOS (Free Scholarship), organized by Peter Suber: both follow the Open Archive Initiative.
The main obstacles about access to scholastic papers are: subscriptions for reviews are more and more expensive and copyright for authors, too.
Publishers in general donât allow the free circulation of research documents.
The business rules must be changed as soon as possible.
In fact, the open archives (with their preservation and organization of research documents) is a goal that wonât postpone by now.
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Open Archive per la comunicazione scientifica 2002: 5. Abstract: This paper shows how often the traditional publishing is useless for scientific research because scholastic materials should be available for the scientific community as soon as possible.
In fact, we must consider that many documents, such as pre-print, grey-literature, reports, meeting papers, documents pre- or post- edition, are useful materials for growing of any subjects. Nowadays, for scientific studying the immediately available of these kinds of documents is a main need.
Moreover, with the WWW and specific software for managing of e-prints is possible building an Open Archive of electronic documents. Consequently, it will be possible that research workers all over the world may read and obtain the most recent result of research realized, as a free format.
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Proprietà intellettuale nel circuito della comunicazione scientifica "open" Abstract: This article shows how the copyright influence the scientific documentation and its circulation. Nowadays the free intellectual contents are hindered, instead they must âliveâ in âopenâ places. The control of intellectual documents among different kinds of people (such as publishers, business aggregators and so on) is a proof of high quality, but consequentily is a strong obstacle for the growth of scientific researches. One of the main problems is the expensive costs of scientific magazines: it is a negative meaning for the impact factor into the scientific community.
The second problem is the copyright in the scientific researches. If we solve the first one, then we will solve even the second one. Nowadays the laws about copyright donât consider the two specific canals, that is the research and business copyright. We must support a strong line between these two different worlds, especially we must help the author of scientific works. The business rules must be changed. The OpenArchive movement is a new step that we must consider more and more: international experiences such as OAI (Open Archive Initiative), Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) and Free Online Scholarship (FOS). These projects have the aim to change the current rules of accademic research: only in this way we may have a lot of benefits for all society both business and cultural levels, too.
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Right to access to contents versus intellectual property rights in the Global Information Infrastructure [English version published in the Conference Proceedings]
Diritto di accesso ai contenuti e diritti di proprietà intellettuale nell'infrastruttura globale dell'informazione [Versione italiana pubblicata sugli Atti della Conferenza] Abstract: International Meeting: The Electronic Resources
Definition, Selection and Cataloguing
Rome, 26-28 November 2001
Informative Infrastructure is a term of wide significance, extended a lot beyond the physical tools used for the transmission, elaboration or treatment of information.
This issue puts into light the significance and the assumption of the communicative architecture between the informative infrastructures inside which libraries are moving. In particular the focus is on the significance of âaccess to contentsâ in the frame of the Global Informative Infrastructure, GII and on the boundaries that prevent the fruition of the information in the net. Sometimes the obstacles to the extension of the benefits of the access to the contents on global scale (hidden inside the regulations established by the governments) are thrown off balance towards the reinforcement of the restrictions of the intellectual property on the contents. Most of all, politics and definite standards are necessary in the digital libraries, in order to build strategies that can ensure a balance between the intellectual right of property and the law of access to the contents in the point of view of copy-right, seen as the right of copy and of fair use, seen as a fair payment and universal access.
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Terzo Modulo dello Studio Biblioteconomico per lo Studio di fattibilità della BEIC Biblioteca Europea di Informazione e Cultura: Digitalizzazione e Copyright". Aprile 2002 (pagg. 191) Abstract: This report describes a business plan: the plan of digitalization of BEIC that is estimated to last five years. The main purpose of the plan is to convert the âcoreâ of the physical heritage of BEIC in a digital format and to make it available. Another aim of the digitalization plan is to develop an assemblage of digital collections that should be created, surrounding the main core, in cooperation with local institutions, other emerging Italian initiatives and the existent digital libraries in Europe. The plan will consist of a series of projects of minimum eighteen months and maximum thirty-six months. The development of the plan implies the drafting of a series of criteria to be respected during the plan. The plan describes the tools and services that are necessary for the process of digitalization of the BEIC documentâs collections.
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Stato dell'arte del diritto d'autore in Italia : emergenza biblioteche Abstract: This conference paper describes the state-of-the-art- of author right in Italy and the situation of emergence of the Italian libraries because, as a consequence of the recent new legislation, they are not able to provide the right of access to information for their user. While in other countries â where there are other laws â this right is asserted by the constitution, the Italian libraries are considered at the same level of the centres for copies. This paper focuses on the modifications to the law 248/2000. In our current system, called âof author rightâ but actually privileging the owners of rights and not the author, libraries are regarded as âexceptionsâ and, thanks to this label, they are allowed to provide access to information within the borders of a âgrey areaâ called âlibere utilizzazioniâ. These free areas have been abruptly reorganized and the situation now is not so reassuring.
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Aggiornamenti su diritto d'autore e dintorni Abstract: This paper, which comes from a speech of Antonella De Robbio at Cagliari's conference in December 2010, aims to inform about new documents (laws, regulations or agreement)
which relate to copyright and involving several fronts: Bondi's decree, protocol SIAE / AVI, announcements CRUI / SIAE for projects on the culture of copyright, AIDRO's documents on copyright in universities, AGCOM role, etc. It talks about new AIB-WEB's policies (new copyright statement, Creative Commons's license of the site, agreement with E-LIS) and the activities of the AIB's working Group on "Copyright and Open Access" in an international and European overview and in connection with the CRUI's OA group.
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