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Antony W Oliver

School of Life Sciences,
University of Sussex,
Science Park Road
Falmer, BN1 9RQ, UK
Dr Antony Oliver is a Senior Research Fellow, in the Genome Damage and Stability Centre, at the University of Sussex. His laboratory studies the molecular mechanisms underpinning the processes of DNA repair and DNA damage signalling, using a range of biophysical, biochemical and structural biology approaches. He began his research career at the University of Portsmouth, in the laboratory of Prof. Geoff Kneale, then moved to join Prof. Laurence Pearl's group at the Institute of Cancer Research, London, before its eventual relocation to the University of Sussex in 2010. He is currently a co-holder of a Cancer Research UK Programme Grant (with Prof. Pearl) and Lead PI on a MRC project grant (with Dr. Johanne Murray).
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