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Asher Roshanzamir
Asher Roshanzamir founded Zamir Equities in 2003 and is responsible for overseeing all Zamir Equities asset management and portfolio holdings. Since the company's inception, he has closed real estate transactions of cumulative properties in excess of a $300 million, and 1.5 million square feet. Apart from being Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Zamir Equities, he also serves as head of investments for the Zamir Equities team. Prior to founding Zamir Equities, a prominent and privately-held New York City-based real estate private equity firm, Asher and his brothers established a successful, global manufacturer and distributor of diamonds and fine jewelry, with facilities in Tel Aviv, Israel and Mumbai, India. Mr. Roshanzamir is married for over 40 years and blessed with four married children and several grandchildren. He is an active philanthropist, and resides in New York City.
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