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benaissa mounir

Institut Supérieur de Gestion Industrielle 
لمعهد العالي للتصرف الصناعي
Département de Gestion Industrielle
HDR, Dr. Ing. Mounir Benaissa (Maître Assistant en Génie Industriel)

Mounir Benaissa is an Electromecanical Engineer (2000) from ENIS Tunisia. He was obtained his PhD in Informatics Engineering (2007) at Le Havre University-France,He was obtained his HDR in Informatics Engineering (2014) at Le Havre University-France . He is a Researcher at OASIS (Optimisation et Analyse des Systèmes Industriels et de Service) in Engineering School of Tunis-Tunisia. he has undertaken studies and research on industrial problems of production and logistics. He is also an active member of IEEE-IAS; IEE-IAS chapter and IEEE-ITS,

He is reviewer membre at the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Springer) & International Journal of Operational Research (inderscience).

He is an Assistant Professor at the Higher Institute of Industrial Management of Sfax in Tunisia (ISGIS) who teaches mainly : Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Transport Telematics, Production Management,GPAO, Stocks Management....
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