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Bernard Kahn HASC
Abstract artist Bernard Kahn was born in New York City in 1984. He attended the Art Students League of New York and graduated from High School there until he earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts from City University of New York (CUNY). Following college, Kahn earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts from the City University of New York (CUNY) and founded HASC (Hebrew Artists Social Community). HASC is a social community for artists, where they can connect, share their experiences, and find new opportunities for creative activities like painting outside or studying art history.

Despite the fact that Bernard Kahn HASC's work isn't as well-known as he'd like, those who know him well appreciate it. He's been nominated for several honors, including the National Society of Painters' Award of Excellence, the New York City Council's Award of Merit, and the Award of Merit from the American Society of Fine Arts.

Bernard's use of vibrant colors in his abstract paintings is consistent with his training as a child artist. When he paints, he concentrates on his own technique rather than other people's work, which may or may not be compared to it. Living in a competitive society, he may use art as a way to escape from it, but he will still enjoy creating!

Bernard Kahn’s paintings are as beautiful as they are inspiring. Unlike other abstract artists, he doesn’t just paint shapes and colors independently. Instead, he incorporates symbols and messages that can help you connect with your emotions and inspire you to be your best self. His paintings are deeply significant and invite you to ponder and feel differently. When you look at an abstract work by Bernard Kahn, you can ponder and feel in a different way, connecting with your emotions and reflecting on your life. The abstract paintings of Bernard Khan HASC can assist you in connecting with your emotions, connecting with your goals, and reflecting on your life. Instead of focusing on what you are doing, you can look at an abstract work and think about why you are doing what you are doing and what your goals are. Thus, abstract art can help you to become a more self-aware person.
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