hosted by
Raffaele Di Martino
DIMEC - Dept. of Mech. Engin.
University of Salerno
84084 Fisciano (Salerno), Italy
Ph. +39 089 964239
FAX +39 089 964037

Name: Raffaele Di Martino; Date of birth: 17.12.1980; Home Address: Pellezzano (SA)
Telephone: +39 331 793 852 2 and +39 320 574 271 0
Marital Status: Single
Nazionality: Italian
Place of birth: Salerno (Sa)
Exempt from Military Service

• To improve my knowledge about static/dynamic modelling
• To implement calculation models concerning the automotive field

1998 Giugno. Scientific High School Diploma "Liceo Scientifico Leonardo da Vinci"- Salerno.
2004 Settembre – 2005 Marzo. Degree Scholarship for Erasmus/Socrates Program in the MIPS Laboratory (Modélisastion Intelligence Processus Systèmes), “Université de Haute Alsace”, Mulhouse, France.
2005 Aprile. Degree in Mechanical Engineering, University of Salerno, Italy. Thesis written in english language with title: “Modelling and Simulation of the Dynamic Behaviour of the Automobile”. Tutor: Prof. Gianfranco Rizzo. Co-Tutors: Prof. Gérard Gissinger, Dott. Ing. Ivan Arsie.
2005 Novembre – Italian State Exam to obtain the professional qualification to practice as an engineer at “Albo degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Salerno”.

Collaboration at Leonardo Project - "Energy Conversion Systems and Their Environmental Impact" on Hybrid Solar Vehicles
Collaboration for the 62° Congresso ATI, “Associazione Termotecnica Italiana”, University of Salerno, Italy.
Collaboration for "1st and 2nd International Workshop on Hybrid and Solar Vehicles", University of Salerno, Italy.

PdD in the eProLab - Energy and Propulsion Laboratory at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of University of Salerno, Italy.

Italian: mother tongue
French: basics
English: Fluent

MS Windows Platforms: optimal
Desktop publishing: MS Office et all.
Numerical Computations: Mathematica, Matlab and Simulink.
CAD Tools: AutoCAD, ArchiCAD.
CAE Tools: Soft.Lab IperSpace, mc4 Hvac.
Web publishing: Frontpage et al.
Programming: Autolisp, VisualLisp, C++.

Horse-riding and ski
Reading (classic)

Conference papers

I Arsie, R Di Martino, G Rizzo, M Sorrentino (2008)  Energy Management for a Hybrid Solar Vehicle with Series Structure   In: 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul (South Korea), July 6-11, 2008 Edited by:Elsevier. IFAC  
Abstract: A study on optimal energy management on a Hybrid Solar Vehicle (HSV) with series structure is presented. Previous results obtained by optimal design analysis for HSV confirmed the relevant benefits of such vehicles with respect to conventional cars in case of intermittent use in urban driving (city-car), and that economical feasibility could be achieved in a near future. In order to develop a supervisory control for a HSV prototype under development at University of Salerno, a study on the performance achievable by an intermittent use of the ICE powering the electric generator is presented. In particular, the effects of engine thermal transients on fuel consumption and HC emissions are studied and discussed. The optimal ICE power trajectory is found by solving a non-linear constrained optimization that suitably accounts for fuel mileage and state of charge, also considering solar contribution during parking mode.
G Adinolfi, I Arsie, R Di Martino, A Giustiniani, G Petrone, G Rizzo, M Sorrentino (2008)  A PROTOTYPE OF HYBRID SOLAR VEHICLE: SIMULATIONS AND ON-BOARD MEASUREMENTS   In: Proc.of Advanced Vehicle Control Symposium AVEC 2008, October 6-9, 2008, Kobe (Japan)  
Abstract: The paper deals with the modeling, control and testing of a Hybrid Solar Vehicle (HSV) prototype. Vehicle set-up and instrumentation are accomplished at University of Salerno (UNISA), within an EU funded Leonardo project, starting from an existing electric vehicle. Suited experimental activities were performed to identify and validate a comprehensive model of the propulsion system resulting from the integration of a series hybrid powertrain with a photovoltaic (PV) array. Then, a simulation analysis was performed to address on-board energy management issues as well as assess prototype performance over a selected driving cycle. Simulation results show that appropriate components sizing and supervisory control strategies concur in improving fuel economy significantly, up to 30 kilometers per liter of Diesel fuel.
R Di Martino, A Giustiniani, G Petrone, G Rizzo, M Sorrentino (2007)  A Prototype of Hybrid Solar Vehicle with Series Structure   In: 2nd WORKSHOP ON HYBRID SOLAR VEHICLES, Università degli Studi di Salerno (Italia), September 14, 2007  
Abstract: A prototype of hybrid solar vehicle (HSV) with series structure is presented. Previous results obtained by optimal design analysis for HSV have confirmed the relevant benefits of such vehicles with respect to conventional cars in case of intermittent use in urban driving (city-car), and that economical feasibility could be achieved in a near future. In the paper, the structure of the vehicle and the control issues of photovoltaic panels are described, and the first experimental results presented and discussed. Copyright © 2007 ATI.
I Arsie, R Di Martino, G Rizzo, M Sorrentino (2007)  TOWARD A SUPERVISORY CONTROL OF A HYBRID SOLAR VEHICLE   In: IFAC Symposium "Advances in Automotive Control" AAC07, August 20-22, 2007, Monterey (CA) Edited by:Elsevier.  
Abstract: A study on optimal energy management on a hybrid solar vehicle (HSV) with series structure is presented. Previous results obtained by optimal design analysis for HSV have confirmed the relevant benefits of such vehicles with respect to conventional cars in case of intermittent use in urban driving (city-car), and that economical feasibility could be achieved in a near future. In order to develop a supervisory control for a HSV prototype now under development at University of Salerno, a study on the performance achievable by an intermittent use of the ICE powering the electric generator is presented. In particular, the effects of engine thermal transient on fuel consumption are studied and discussed. The optimal ICE power trajectory is found by solving a non-linear constrained optimization that suitably accounts for fuel mileage and state of charge, also considering solar contribution during parking mode.
I Arsie, R Di Martino, G Rizzo, M Sorrentino (2006)  A Model for a Prototype of Hybrid Solar Vehicle   In: 1st WORKSHOP ON HYBRID SOLAR VEHICLES, Università degli Studi di Salerno (Italia), November 6, 2006  
Abstract: The paper deals with a dynamic model for the simulation of a solar hybrid prototype, developed in the framework of the Leonardo Program I05/B/P/PP-154181. The model is based on a longitudinal vehicle dynamic model and allows evaluating the effects of solar panels area and position, vehicle dimensions and propulsion system components on vehicle performance, weight, fuel savings, autonomy and costs. Simulation results show that significant fuel savings vs. conventional vehicle powered by internal combustion engine can be achieved for intermittent use in urban area and that economic feasibility could be achieved in the next future, considering the expected trends in costs and prices. Furthermore the hybrid series architecture allows increasing significantly vehicle autonomy vs. pure electrical vehicle.
G Rizzo, R Di Martino (2006)  Aspetti dell'ingegneria contemporanea: evoluzione degli autoveicoli alternativi   In: AA.VV. - A CURA DI ADRIANA DI LEO. L'ingegneria e la sua storia. (pp. 234-244). ISBN: 978-88-6043-039-7. CAVA DE' TIRRENI (SA): Marlin Editore srl (ITALY)  
Abstract: Lâarticolo presenta, con taglio divulgativo, lâevoluzione dei veicoli âalternativiâ alle auto convenzionali. Dopo un breve riepilogo delle caratteristiche dei motori a combustione interna e della loro evoluzione storica, si richiamano i limiti di questa soluzione e le motivazioni che hanno spinto verso la ricerca di strade alternative, ripercorrendone gli sviluppi. Le recenti evoluzioni dei sistemi di propulsione dei veicoli stradali hanno permesso di migliorare sia le prestazioni che i consumi di combustibile, riducendo drasticamente le emissioni inquinanti allo scarico nel giro di pochi decenni, e con benefici rilevanti in termini di sicurezza e comfort. Tuttavia le crescenti preoccupazioni legate al depauperamento dei combustibili fossili ed allâeffetto serra, con le sue pericolose ricadute sul clima del pianeta, rendono evidenti i limiti degli attuali autoveicoli, spingendo in tal modo verso la ricerca di soluzioni alternative. Finora i motori a combustione interna hanno prevalso sui loro possibili competitori principalmente grazie alla maggiore autonomia ed affidabilità, nonché al consolidamento tecnologico raggiunto. Tra le proposte alternative, particolare rilievo assumono i veicoli elettrici, caratterizzati dallâassenza di emissioni gassose ed acustiche a bordo ma da unâancora scarsa autonomia. Questo limite può essere superato con i veicoli ibridi, nella cui struttura coesistono un motore termico ed un motore/generatore elettrico. Acquista, inoltre, una maggiore concretezza la possibile integrazione con la fonte solare fotovoltaica, che può contribuire ulteriormente a ridurre consumi ed emissioni. Nel medio/lungo termine, lâutilizzo dellâidrogeno come vettore energetico e delle fuel-cell rappresenta unâalternativa di grande interesse, ma la sua diffusione su larga scala richiede la soluzione dei complessi problemi legati alla produzione ed alla distribuzione dellâidrogeno. Ma lo studio di possibili alternative alle auto convenzionali non è iniziato di recente: numerosi veicoli elettrici furono costruiti alla fine dellâ800, quando apparvero anche alcuni prototipi di veicolo ibrido, mentre i primi studi sulle fuel-cell risalgono addirittura al 1839. E, mentre i primi veicoli solari risalgono agli anni â80, diverse tipologie alternative di motori termici (a turbina, Stirling, Wankel) sono state proposte nel corso del â900, con motivazioni diverse dalle attuali, ma con un successo relativamente scarso.
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