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Dariusz Bobak

Journal articles

Stefan Karol Kozłowski, Marta Połtowicz-Bobak, Dariusz Bobak, Thomas Terberger (2012)  New information from Maszycka Cave and the Late Glacial recolonisation of Central Europe   272-273: 288-296 2012/03/03/23:16:20  
Abstract: Maszycka cave is one of the most important Magdalenian sites in Central Europe. The assemblage is characterized by a considerable number of organic tools including points, navettes and a decorated perforated antler. The cave was related to the middle Magdalenian of western Europe and identified as one of the earliest Magdalenian sites of Central Europe. A series of four AMS-dates now assigns the site more precisely to the period 16,350 to 16,100 calBC (c. 15.000 BP). No other reliably dated Magdalenian sites of this early period of recolonisation of southern Central Europe are known and its clearest parallels to the west are the Grotte Grappin at Arlay in western France and perhaps the open air site Munzingen in southwestern Germany. After the first short episode of recolonisation, a more permanent Magdalenian expansion into Central Europe started hundreds of years later with sites such as Kesslerloch in northern Switzerland.
Dariusz Bobak, Maria Łanczont, Adam Nowak, Marta Połtowicz-Bobak, Sabina Tokarczyk (2010)  Wierzawice, st. 31 nowy ślad osadnictwa magdaleńskiego w Polsce południowo-wschodniej   31: 63-78  
Abstract: In the article there are presented the latest results (2009â2010) of the research of the archaeological site No. 31 in Wierzawice. It was possible to identify there the remains of the hunting camp of the population of the Magdalenian culture, referred to the period of the warm Allerod oscilla- tion (14 th thousand. BC; one of latest Magdalenian sites in Central Europe!), indicated by the radiocarbon dating. It was discovered over 2600 flint artifacts deposited on a very small area (about 8 m 2 )(i.e. microtiths, burins, cores. flakes, blades and scales).
Michał Sachanbiński, Robert Girulski, Dariusz Bobak, Barbara Łydżba-Kopczyńska (2008)  Prehistoric rock crystal artefacts from Lower Silesia (Poland)   39: 8. 1012-1017  
Abstract: The analysis of inclusions utilising optical methods and micro-Raman spectroscopy was used to address a question of provenance of prehistoric rock-crystal artefacts excavated in Lower Silesia (SW Poland). The nature and spectroscopic features of inclusions in rock crystal from three Lower Silesian deposits were established and compared with the ones identified in the rock-crystal artefacts. A characteristic inclusion assemblage in rock crystal from the JegÅowa-Krzywina deposit consists of anatase, kaolinite, and chlorite. Quartz from granitic pegmatites of the Jelenia Góra Valley displays the presence of dusty hematite coating. Frequent inclusions of goethite are typical of rock crystal from cavities in volcanic rocks near KÅodzko. The study established that raw material used to manufacture 16 of the artefacts investigated comes from the JegÅowa-Krzywina quartz deposit. One tool was made of the material obtained from granitic pegmatites that occur near Karpniki (Jelenia Góra Valley). Two other artefacts contain inclusions not found in crystals from any of the investigated Lower Silesian deposits.
Dariusz Bobak, Bernadeta Kufel, Ewa Lisowska, Anna Mikołajczyk (2008)  Badania eksperymentalne wpływu wysokiej temperatury na stan zachowania surowców krzemiennych   50: 23-40  
Abstract: Flint artifacts are the most com mon finds on the archaeological sites from Early and Middle Stone Age. Considerable part of assemblages often bear traces resulted from high temperature in- fluence. These traces are usually cursorily described, because in the literature there are no complex studies cOl1Cerning heated flint materia!. 111e aim of our experimental studies, carried out in the llatural as well as in the controlled conditions, was to distinguish the features ofheated flint, that are characteristic for four kinds of Polish flint: cretaceous, Jurassie, chocolate and Åwieciechów flint and to find the relationships between an appearance of those fcatures, a height of a temperature and time of heating. We believe that the results of our research can be used in the spatial analysis of arehaeological sites.

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