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Dedy Septiadi

Adolphe Merkle Institute
Chemin des Verdiers 4, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
Dedy Septiadi is a bio(optical)physicist and microscopist. He attended Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (Indonesia) for his undergraduate and graduated in engineering physics with specialization in photonics in 2010 under supervision of Dr. Aulia MT Nasution. He was then awarded an Erasmus Mundus master scholarship to pursue a master degree in molecular nano and bio-photonics and he studied in three different universities: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (2010), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2011) and Wroclaw University of Technology (2011). He joined Cavendish Laboratory at the University of Cambridge where he worked 6 months for his master thesis (2012) in the group of Dr. Sumeet Mahajan. He joined as PhD student in Prof. De Cola’s group at the University of Strasbourg to work in bioimaging based on metal complexes and nanomaterial-cell interaction and graduated with the highest mark in 2015. He later joined the group of Prof. Barbara Rothen at Adolphe Merkle Institute in Fribourg, Switzerland as a postdoctoral researcher where he has been working on bioimaging and cell mechanics.
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