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Denis Faure

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - CNRS
Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule -I2BC
Avenue de la Terrasse
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Denis Faure is research director at the CNRS (The National Center for Scientific Research) and he is working at the Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC) at the Gif-sur-Yvette campus of the University Paris-Saclay (France). In 1995, he obtained a PhD in Microbial ecology at the University of Lyon (France), moved to a post-doctoral position at the Catholic University of Leuven (KUL, Belgium), and has been hired by CNRS in 1998. For the past 20 years, he has worked on a combination of ecology, genetics and genomics approaches for investigating plant-bacteria interactions, with a special focus on Agrobacterium pathogen. He also developed genomics of other plant pathogens belonging to Dickeya and Pectobacterium genera and biocontrol agents. Current research topics are devoted to bacterial cell-cell communication (quorum-sensing) in the context of plant-bacteria interactions, and pathogens dynamics under plant host constraints. Since 2010, he is leading a research team, and, since 2018, he is deputy-director of the Microbiology department at I2BC. Since 2011, he is also leading a National network on environmental genomics (GDR Génomique environnementale).
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