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Didier Menard

Pr Didier MENARD

UR 3073 - Pathogens Host Arthropods Vectors Interactions
Instituts de Bactériologie et de Parasitologie de la Faculté de Médecine
Université de Strasbourg

Laboratoire de Parasitologie et de Mycologie Médicale
Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg

3 rue Kœberlé, 67000 Strasbourg

Malaria Parasite Biology and Vaccines
Sergent Building 5th floor
Department of Parasites and Insect Vectors
Institut Pasteur

25-28 Rue du Dr Roux, 75724 Paris Cedex 15

Tél. : +33 3 69 55 14 41 / +33 6 65 38 54 49
E-mail: / /
Over the last two decades, Didier Ménard’s research program has been focused on antimalarial drug resistance (including P. falciparum and P. vivax parasites) along his different positions in the Institut Pasteur International Network, in Africa (Central African Republic, 2000-2004 and Madagascar, 2005-2008) or in Southeast Asia (Cambodia 2010-2017). He conducted complementary studies in Madagascar and in Cambodia, based on molecular diagnostic strategies and field-based investigations, with the aims to improve our understanding on the epidemiological features of malaria endemicity and help policy makers to conduct elimination plans. Particularly, he led studies focused on epidemiologically associations between human host and susceptibility to P. vivax malaria and demonstrated that P. vivax in Madagascar is causing blood stage infection and clinical disease in Duffy-negative individuals. In Cambodia, more recently, his research on P. falciparum drug resistance was focused on the development of new in vitro assays to better characterize P. falciparum isolates resistant to artemisinin or piperaquine. His major achievements have been to demonstrate that mutations in the propeller domain of a Kelch gene located on chromosome 13 (K13) and amplification of plasmepsin 2-3 genes are major determinants of artemisinin and piperaquine resistances, respectively. In collaboration with 41 partners located around the world (KARMA project), he recently provided a worldwide mapping of the K13 polymorphisms.

From 2017 to 2021, Didier Menard was based at the Institut Pasteur, Paris. In 2021, he was appointed as full professor at the UR 3073 - Pathogens Host Arthropods Vectors Interactions, Instituts de Bactériologie et de Parasitologie de la Faculté de Médecine, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.
He published >230 peer-review articles in international journals ( In 2015, he won the Eloi Collery prize from the National Academy of Medicine (France), in 2016 the Jean Pierre Lecocq prize from the Sciences Academy (France), in 2020 the Thérèse Lebrasseur prize from the Fondation de France and in 2021 the Mme Jules MARTIN, née Louise Basset prize from the Fondation de France and nominated as American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Distinguished International Fellow.
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