Professor in Theoretical Physics
NETWORKS Unit (director)
IMT School for Advanced Studies
Piazza S. Francesco 19, 55100, Lucca (Italy)
Telephone: +39-0583-4326750
Econophysics and Network Theory group (leader)
Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of Leiden
Niels Bohrweg 2, NL-2333 CA, Leiden (The Netherlands)
Telephone: +31-71-5275510
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Short bio
Diego Garlaschelli is Professor of Theoretical Physics at the IMT School of Advanced Studies in Lucca (IT), where he leads the Networks research unit, and at the Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics of Leiden University (NL), where he leads the Econophysics and Network Theory group. He is an external faculty member at the Complexity Science Hub (CSH) in Vienna, an associate member at the Enrico Fermi Research Center (CREF) in Rome, a cofounder of the Dutch Network Science Society (, a member of the Italian Statistical Physics Society (SIFS), the Dutch Physical Society (NNV), and the Italian National Institute for Advanced Mathematics (INdAM). Since 2011, he leads research groups with strongly interdisciplinary interests, including network theory, statistical physics, random graphs, information theory, financial complexity, social dynamics, ecological networks and biological systems. He teaches courses in Network Theory, Econophysics, and Complex Systems. He holds a master degree in theoretical physics from the University of Rome III (2001) and a PhD in Physics from the University of Siena (2005). He held postdoctoral positions at the Australian National University in Canberra (Australia), the University of Siena (Italy), the University of Oxford (UK) and the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa (Italy). He has given more than 80 invited talks at international conferences, workshops, and scientific schools. He is author of more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed international journals (including Science, Nature, Nature Physics, Nature Reviews Physics, PNAS, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Physics Reports) and peer-reviewed book chapters, and of one co-authored monograph.
Selected publications
(see below for full list of publications)
M Bardoscia, P Barucca, S Battiston, F Caccioli, G Cimini, D Garlaschelli, F Saracco, T Squartini, G Caldarelli (2021) The physics of financial networks. Nature Reviews Physics 3, 490-507.
G Cimini, T Squartini, F Saracco, D Garlaschelli, A Gabrielli, G Caldarelli (2019) The statistical physics of real-world networks. Nature Reviews Physics 1, 58-71.
T Squartini, G Caldarelli, G Cimini, A Gabrielli, D Garlaschelli (2018) Reconstruction methods for networks: the case of economic and financial systems. Physics Reports 757, 1-47.
T Squartini, D Garlaschelli (2017) Maximum-Entropy Networks: pattern detection, network reconstruction, and graph combinatorics, Springer International Publishing AG - SpringerBriefs in Complexity.
S Battiston, J Doyne Farmer, A Flache, D Garlaschelli, A G Haldane, H Heesterbeek, C Hommes, C Jaeger, R May, M Scheffer (2016) Complexity theory and financial regulation. Science 351 (6275), 818-819.
T Squartini, J de Mol, F den Hollander, D Garlaschelli (2015) Breaking of ensemble equivalence in networks. Physical Review Letters 115, 268701.
M MacMahon, D Garlaschelli (2015) Community detection for correlation matrices. Physical Review X 5, 021006.
L Valori, F Picciolo, A Allansdottir, D Garlaschelli (2012) Reconciling long-term cultural diversity and short-term collective social behavior. PNAS 109:4, 1068-1073.
D Garlaschelli, M I Loffredo (2009) Generalized Bose-Fermi Statistics and Structural Correlations in Weighted Networks. Physical Review Letters 102, 038701.
D Garlaschelli, A Capocci, G Caldarelli (2007) Self-organized network evolution coupled to extremal dynamics. Nature Physics 3, 813-817.
D Garlaschelli, M I Loffredo (2004) Patterns of link reciprocity in directed networks. Physical Review Letters 93, 268701.
D Garlaschelli, M I Loffredo (2004) Fitness-dependent topological properties of the World Trade Web. Physical Review Letters 93, 188701.
D Garlaschelli, G Caldarelli, L Pietronero (2003) Universal scaling relations in food webs. Nature 423: 6936, 165-168.
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
Male, born in Rome, Italy (25/11/1977).
Current position(s)
Professor of Theoretical Physics
Rector's Delegate for Internationalization
Director of the NETWORKS unit
IMT School of Advanced Studies, Lucca (IT)
Professor of Theoretical Physics
Leader of the Econophysics and Network Theory (ENT) group
Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Leiden (NL)
Previous positions
2018-2024: Associate Professor, IMT School of Advanced Studies, Lucca (IT)
2016-2023: Associate Professor, Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leiden Institute of Physics,
University of Leiden (NL)
2011-2016: Assistant Professor, Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leiden Institute of Physics,
University of Leiden (NL)
2010-2020: Associate Fellow, Said Business School, University of Oxford (UK)
2010-2011: Research Fellow, Laboratory of Economics and Management, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa (Italy)
2009-2010: Research Associate, Green Templeton College, University of Oxford (UK).
2009-2010: Research Fellow, CABDyN Complexity Center, Said Business School, University of Oxford (UK).
2005-2009: Research Fellow and Lecturer, Physics Department, University of Siena (Italy).
2005: Visiting Fellow, Department of Applied Mathematics, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra (Australia).
2005: Research Contract, Italian National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Complex Systems (ISC), Rome (Italy).
2005: Research Contract, Physics Department, University of Siena (Italy).
2005: PhD in Physics, University of Siena (Italy).
"Statistical Physics Approach to the Topology and Dynamics of Complex Networks".
Supervisor: Prof. Maria I. Loffredo
2001: Degree in Physics, Third University of Rome (Italy).
"Proprietà Statistiche e di Auto-Organizzazione nelle Reti Ecologiche Complesse"
Supervisor: Prof. Luciano Pietronero (Mark: 110/110)
Membership in scientific Institutes and Societies
2023 - present: External Faculty Member, Complexity Science Hub (CSH) Vienna, Austria.
2023 - present: Associate Member, Enrico Fermi Research Centre (CREF), Italy.
2021 - present: Member of the Italian National Institute for Advanced Mathematics (INDAM), Italy.
2020 - 2023: Member of the Board of Governors, IMT School of Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy.
2019 - present: Member of the Italian Physics Society (SIF), Italy.
2019 - present: Member of the Italian Statistical Physics Society (SIFS), Italy.
2018 - present: Board Member and co-founder of the Dutch chapter of the Network Science Society (NetSci), The Netherlands.
2016 - 2017: Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), USA.
2011 - present: Member of the Dutch Physical Society (NNV), The Netherlands.
Teaching activity
at the IMT School of Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy:
- Maximum-Entropy Models of Complex Systems I (PhD program in Systems Science): 2022 - present.
- Advanced Methods for Complex Systems (PhD program in Systems Science): 2018 - present.
- Advanced Methods for Complex Systems II (PhD program in Systems Science): 2018 - 2020.
- Advanced Methods for Complex Systems III (PhD program in Systems Science): 2018 - 2020.
at the University of Leiden and in the Netherlands:
- Course "Physics of Finance" (MSc in Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science, Leiden): 2022 - present.
- Course "Complex Networks" (MSc in Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science, Leiden): 2014 - present.
- Course "Econophysics" (BSc in Physics, Leiden): 2011 - present.
- Course "Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics" (PhD in Physics, Leiden): 2022.
- Honours course "Complexity and Networks", Leiden University Medical Centre: 2017-2018.
- Course "Complex Networks", Studium Generale, Leiden University: 2017.
- Lecturer at the Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics: 2011.
- Lecturer at the graduate Casimir School (Leiden/Delft): 2011.
at the University of Siena, Italy:
- PhD Course "Network Theory and Complexity" (PhD Program in Chemistry): 2011.
- Organizing responsible of the "Chair in Econophysics": 2008-2011.
- Organizing responsible of the Multidisciplinary PhD Program "Physics and Complex Systems": 2008-2011.
- Course "Physics of Complex Systems" (MSc in Physics): 2006 - 2009.
- Cycle of seminars on "Statistical Mechanics" (BSc in Physics): 2007.
- Course "Structure of Matter II" (MSc in Physics): 2005 - 2006.
- Course "Physics" (BSc in Pharmacy): 2004 - 2009.
- Course "Probabilistic Models" (Postgraduate Diploma in BioInformatics): 2003 - 2010.
Supervision of postdocs and visiting scientists
- Andrea Somazzi (postdoc, IMT Lucca, March 2024 - March 2026).
- Pablo Villegas (postdoc, IMT Lucca, September 2020 - January 2022).
- Ioannis Anagnostou (visiting scientist from the University of Amsterdam, May 2019).
- Emiliano Marchese (visiting scientist from IMT Lucca, June - December 2019).
- Federica Parisi (visiting scientist from IMT Lucca, January - June 2018).
- Alex Becker (visiting scientist from Boston University, January - March 2018).
- Carlo Nicolini (visiting scientist from IIT Rovereto, April - July 2017).
- Vasyl Palchikov (postdoc co-supervised with Alexey Boyarsky, January 2014 - May 2017).
- Tiziano Squartini (postdoc, January 2012 - December 2013).
- Rossana Mastrandrea (visiting scientist from S. Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, March - May 2012 and March - June 2013).
- Francesco Picciolo (visiting scientist from Siena University, January - June 2013).
- Franco Ruzzenenti (visiting scientist from Siena University, October - December 2011).
Supervision of PhD students
- Riccardo Ferretta (IMT Lucca, started November 2023).
- Minh Duc Duong (Italian National PhD in Artificial Intelligence, started November 2023).
- Jingjing Wang (Leiden University, started June 2022).
- Riccardo Milocco (IMT Lucca, started November 2021).
- Anna Gallo (IMT Lucca, started November 2021).
- Massimiliano Fessina (IMT Lucca, started November 2021).
- Francesca Giuffrida (Co-tutelle between IMT Lucca and University of Leiden, started November 2020).
- Alessio Catanzaro (Co-tutelle between IMT Lucca and University of Leiden, started November 2020).
- Valentina Macchiati: "Financial networks: reconstruction and stability" (Joint PhD in Data Science, IMT Lucca, 2019-2024).
- Pierfrancesco Dionigi: "Spectral Signatures of Breaking of Ensemble Equivalence" (Co-tutelle between University of Leiden and IMT Lucca, 2019-2024).
- Margherita Lalli: "Scale-Invariant Random Graphs: a multiscale approach to network modeling" (IMT Lucca, 2018-2024).
- Marzio Di Vece: "Gravity Models of Networks" (IMT Lucca, 2018-2024).
- Giulio Virginio Clemente: "The Maximum Entropy Principle for Temporal and Ecological Networks: Memory, Fluctuations and Response in Complex Systems" (IMT Lucca, 2018-2024).
- Leonardo Ialongo: "Analysis and reconstruction of production networks" (Joint PhD in Data Science, IMT Lucca, 2018-2024).
- Andrea Somazzi: "Challenges in Data Science for Complex Systems" (Joint PhD in Data Science, IMT Lucca, 2018-2024).
- Maria Mircea: "Unravelling Cell Fate Decisions through Single Cell Methods and Mathematical Models" (co-supervised with Stefan Semrau, University of Leiden, 2018-2022).
- Qi Zhang: "Statistical Physics and Information Theory for Systems with Local Constraints" (University of Leiden, 2016-2021).
- Janusz Meylahn: "Stochastic resetting and hierarchical synchronization" (co-supervised with F. den Hollander, University of Leiden, 2015-2019).
- Andrea Roccaverde: "Breaking of Ensemble Equivalence for Complex Networks" (co-supervised with F. den Hollander, University of Leiden, 2014-2018).
- Elena Garuccio: "Reconstruction, modelling and analysis of economic networks" (University of Siena, 2014-2018).
- Valerio Gemmetto: "On metrics and models for multiplex networks" (University of Leiden, 2013-2017).
- Alexandru-Ionut Babeanu: "Empirical signatures of universality, hierarchy and clustering in culture" (University of Leiden, 2013-2018).
- Assaf Almog: "Maximum entropy models for financial systems" (University of Leiden, 2013-2017).
- Tiziano Squartini: "Information-theoretic approach to the analysis of complex networks" (University of Siena, 2008-2011).
- Luca Valori: "Complex systems approach to socioeconomic and cultural dynamics" (University of Siena, 2007-2010).
Supervision of masters students
- Alice Doppenberg (Leiden University, in progress).
- Marius Dragolici (Leiden University, in progress).
- Stefanos Amaxopoulos (Leiden University, in progress).
- David Dobas (Czech University in Prague, in progress).
- Sylvain Bangma: "Scale invariance in firm-to-firm networks" (Leiden University, 2025).
- Benjamin Claus: "Reciprocation in Scale-Invariant Network Models" (Leiden University, 2024).
- Vladyslav Verteletskyi: “Renormalization of networks with weighted links” (University of Leiden, 2022).
- Camille de Valk: "Statistical Ensembles of Financial Networks and the Dynamics of Cascading Defaults" (University of Leiden, 2021).
- Andrea Rachkov: "Bias in Non-Entropy-Maximizing Network Reconstruction Methods" (University of Leiden, 2020).
- Joseph Salaris: "Creating a Holographic Statistical Mechanical-Network Model with Tree Networks" (University of Leiden, 2020).
- Serop Lazarian: "Maximum entropy models for the reconstruction of financial networks" (University of Utrecht, 2017).
- Toms Reksna: "Complex Network Analysis of Darknet Black Market Forum Structure" (University of Leiden, 2017).
- Nedim Bayrakdar: "Coupled Multilayer Networks" (University of Leiden, 2018).
- Thomas van Hees (co-supervised with L. Avena) (University of Leiden, in progress).
- Matteo Insolia (University of Padova, Erasmus program 2016).
- Sander van Lidth de Jeude (University of Leiden, 2015).
- Ruben Krantz: "Maximum entropy justification for an economical performance indicator" (University of Leiden, 2016).
- Hans Frijters: "Maximum-Entropy method to detect financial market events" (University of Leiden, 2016).
- Ferry Besamusca: "Maximum Entropy Matrices: Filtering Randomness" (University of Leiden, 2016).
- Matteo Quattropani (co-supervised with L. Avena): "Specral Techniques of Community Detection - a probabilistic perspective" (University of Leiden, 2016).
- Marc van Kralingen: "Detecting stock market clustering - Pattern recognition and the maximum entropy principle" (University of Leiden, 2016).
- Stella Xenou: "Fluctuation-Dissipation relationships for the evolution of the International Trade Network" (University of Leiden, 2015).
- Arjen Aerts: 'Social multiplexity in a generalised Axelrod model of cultural dissemination" (University of Amsterdam, 2015).
- Jorinde van de Vis (University of Leiden, 2014).
- Eli van Es: "An improved maximum-likelihood solver for the analysis of graph ensembles" (University of Leiden, 2014).
- Marc de Voogt (co-supervised with K. Schalm): "A Study in Configuration Relaxation of Space: Resonant Tunneling in Field Theory and The Freezing of Bubbly Space" (University of Leiden, 2012).
- Assaf Almog: "Maximum Entropy Matrices: Towards a Statistical Physics of Time Series" (University of Delft, 2012).
- Mel MacMahon: "Application of Complex Network Theory to Time Series Clustering: Probing the Mesoscopic Structure of Financial Markets" (University of Delft, 2012).
- Silvia Bottini: "Analysis of protein structure in the framework of a complex systems perspective" (University of Siena, Italy, 2010).
- Tiziano Squartini: "Entropia di reti complesse: teoria e risultati empirici" (University of Siena, Italy, 2008).
- Luca Valori: "Analisi di comportamenti sociali complessi e dinamiche culturali attraverso i dati europei di percezione pubblica della scienza" (University of Siena, Italy, 2007).
- Francesco Picciolo: "Studio di reti sociali ed eterogeneità culturale tramite i dati europei di percezione pubblica della scienza" (University of Siena, Italy, 2007).
Supervision of bachelor students
- Menno C. van der Eerden: "Interpretable Machine Learning: Understanding the forward connection in chemical modelling" (University of Leiden, 2023).
- Francesco Grienti (University of Milan, 2022).
- Tyron Lardy: "A renormalizable random graph model" (University of Leiden, 2018).
- Philip Verdun Lunel (co-supervised with M. Mandjes): "Detectability of Community Structure in Weighted Networks" (University of Amsterdam, 2016).
- Benthen Zeegers: "Spontaneous synchronisation on complex networks" (University of Leiden, 2015).
- Joey de Mol: "Breaking of ensemble equivalence in networks" (University of Leiden, 2014).
- Leandros Talman: "Probing cultural spaces through opinion dynamics" (University of Leiden, 2014).
- Ferry Besamusca: "Weighted versus Binary Community structures in Financial Markets" (University of Leiden, 2014).
- Rhys Bird: "An Enhanced Gravity Model for the International Trade Network" (University of Leiden, 2014).
- Francesco Picciolo: "Leggi di Scala in Fisica: Modelli di Reti e Applicazioni" (University of Siena, 2005).
- Tiziano Squartini: "Entropia, Incertezza, Informazione: Paradigmi per lo Studio della Complessità" (University of Siena, 2005).
Supervision of pre-university students
- Philip Verduyn Lunel: "Triadic transitions in dynamic networks", Pre-University College, Leiden University (2012)
- Sjoerd Bouma: "Triadic transitions in dynamic networks", Pre-University College, Leiden University (2012)
Invited talks
- July 2024: Workshop "Complex networks: from socio-economic systems to biology and the brain", Lipari (Italy).
- June 2024: Econophysics Colloquium (20th edition), Complexity Science Hub, Vienna (Austria).
- May 2024: Conjoint Workshop IMT - University of Virginia, IMT School of Advanced Studies, Lucca (Italy).
- March 2024: Science Meets Business, Leiden (The Netherlands).
- February 2024: Workshop "Economic and Financial Networks: Reconstruction, resilience and recovery", IMT School of Advanced Studies, Lucca (Italy).
- January-February 2024: Workshop "Challenges in Networks", International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bengaluru (India).
- December 2023: Unwinding Complexity (conference on the occasion of Prof. Tomaso Aste's 60th birthday), University College London, London (UK).
- September 2023: BioPhys 2023: Complex systems physics to cope with the challenges of biological and social systems, Rimini (Italy).
- August-September 2023: Full course on "Networks" given at the Second International School of the Italian Statistical Physics Society (SIFS), IMT Lucca (Italy).
- July 2023: "International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci 2023)", Focus Session on Network Economics, Vienna (Austria).
- June 2023: Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena (DIEP), Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
- October 2022: "Advances in Business Production Networks Analysis" series, European Network for Better Establishment Statistics (ENBES).
- July 2022: Workshop "Complex networks: from socio-economic systems to biology and the brain", Lipari (Italy).
- June 2022: Workshop on Critical and Collective Effects in Graphs and Networks (CCEGN), National Academy of Sciences, Cape Cod (USA).
- February 2022: Earth Institute seminar, University College Dublin (Ireland).
- October 2021: Econophysics Colloquium, Satellite of CCS 2021, Lyon (France).
- June 2021: NETWORKS Conference, Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
- February 2021: SooS Talk, ABN-AMRO, Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
- December 2020: Sony CSL seminar series, Paris (France).
- October 2020: Dutch Network Economics day, Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
- October 2020: Oxford Networks seminar, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford (UK).
- September 2020: NetSci 2020, Rome (Italy).
- September 2020: First Summer School of the Italian Statistical Physics Society, Lucca (Italy). [postponed due to covid-19]
- May 2020: SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science (MDS20), Cincinnati, Ohio (USA).
- December 2019: Centre for Complex Systems Studies, Utrecht University (the Netherlands).
- October 2019: Invited seminar, DISEI, University of Florence (Italy).
- July 2019: Lipari School on Computational Complex and Social Systems, Lipari (Italy).
- May 2019: 15th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, Barcelona (Spain).
- April 2019: CSH Workshop "Information-theoretic Methods for Complexity Science", Vienna (Austria).
- March 2019: Ecosystem Biology and Sustainability Seminar, Queen University Belfast (UK).
- July 2018: Second International School on "New Trends in Statistical Physics", Lipari (Italy).
- July 2018: Workshop "Complex networks: from socio-economic systems to biology and brain", Lipari (Italy).
- June 2018: “Neuroscience: Machine learning meets fundamental theory (Cracow School of Theoretical Physics)”, Zakopane (Poland).
- June 2018: 3rd workshop on “Critical and Collective Effects in Graphs and Networks” (CCEGN 2018), EURANDOM Institute, Eindhoven (The Netherlands).
- March 2018: Joint meeting of the DPG and EPS Condensed Matter Divisions, Berlin (Germany).
- February 2018: 9th Lustrum Symposium of De Leidsche Flesch, Leiden (The Netherlands).
- January-February 2018: “Indian Statistical Institute – NETWORKS Conference in Probability”, Kolkata (India).
- December 2017: Workshop "Network Analysis and applications", Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra (Italy).
- September 2017: Workshop "Complex networks: from socio-economic systems to biology and brain", Lipari (Italy).
- August-October 2017: 9-week workshop on "Large Deviation Theory in Statistical Physics", International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS), Bangalore (India).
- August-September 2017: Workshop "Advances on Epidemics in Complex Networks", Delft (The Netherlands).
- July 2017: Summer school "Introduction to Complex Systems", Utrecht (The Netherlands).
- June 2017: 2nd Workshop on Statistical Physics for Financial and Economic Networks (satellite to NetSci 2017), Indianapolis (USA).
- June 2017: NetSci School, Indianapolis (USA).
- June 2017: Mark Kac seminar, Utrecht (the Netherlands).
- May 2017: second workshop on "Critical and Collective Effects in Graphs and Networks" (CCEGN 2017), Moscow (Russia).
- September 2016: "Fundamentals of Networks", Satellite of the Conference on Complex Systems (CCS2016), Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
- September 2016: "Modelling Systemic Risk using Complex Systems", Satellite of the Conference on Complex Systems (CCS2016), Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
- September 2016: Warm-up School for the Conference on Complex Systems (CCS2016), Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
- August 2016: "Complex networks: from socio-economic systems to biology and brain", Lipari (Italy).
- July 2016: Statistical Physics of Financial and Economic Networks - Satellite Meeting to StatPhys26, Paris (France).
- July 2016: Summer school "Introduction to Complex Systems", Utrecht (The Netherlands).
- June 2016: First international conference on "Cliometrics and Complexity", Lyon (France).
- May 2016: Symposium on Economic Networks, ETH Zurich (Switzerland).
- May 2016: TopQuants Spring Keynote, KPGM Headquarters, Amstelveen (The Netherlands).
- March 2016: Invited Plenary Tutorial for the Division of Physics of Socio-Economic Systems, Annual General Meeting of the German Physical Society, Regensburg (Germany).
- November/December 2015: Econophys 2015 (International Conference for the 20 years of Econophysics), New Delhi (India).
- October 2015: Joint OECD-INET-GSS workshop “Complexity of the Economy - Research and Policy Implications”, OECD Headquarters, Paris (France).
- September 2015: FISMAT 2015- Italian National Conference on Condensed Matter Physics, Palermo (Italy).
- September 2015: GrowthCom summer school on Socio-Economic Complex Systems, Lipari (Italy).
- June 2015: First SENSE workshop "Structure and Ecological Niche in the Soil Environment", Belfast (Northern Ireland).
- June 2015: Satellite "Policy-applications of complex networks in economics and finance" (NetSci2015), Zaragoza (Spain).
- March 2015: International Workshop "Socio-Economic Complexity", Lorentz Center, Leiden (The Netherlands).
- November 2014: International Workshop "What is Complexity and How Do You Measure It?", Lorentz Center, Leiden (The Netherlands).
- November 2014: Workshop on "Social Influence" (SI 2014), Barcelona (Spain).
- November 2014: "Socio-Economic Dynamics: Networks and Agent-based Models (SEDNAM)", workshop of the 6th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2014), Barcelona (Spain).
- September 2014: Satellite Meeting “Complex Networks in International Economics”, European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS'14), IMT Lucca (Italy).
- September 2014: European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS'14), IMT Lucca (Italy).
- September 2014: official opening of the Leiden Centre for Data Science, Leiden University (the Netherlands).
- July 2014: International Conference on Statistical Physics (SigmaPhi 2014), Rhodes (Greece).
- April 2014: Nederlands Mathematisch Congres (NMC 2014), TU Delft (the Netherlands).
- March 2014: Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
- December 2013 (declined): National Systems Conference, Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur (India).
- November 2013 (keynote talk): Workshop "Complexity in the Digital Humanities", University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands).
- May 2013: "This Week's Discoveries", University of Leiden (the Netherlands).
- May 2013: Trends in Theory 2013 (10th biennial symposium of the Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics), Dalfsen (the Netherlands).
- December 2012: Symposium "Social Physics: the dynamics of human behavior and the economy", Eindhoven (The Netherlands).
- November 2012: International Conference "Econophysics and Agent-Based Models", Kolkata (India).
- September 2012: NWO Complexity Meeting, Leiden University Medical Center (The Netherlands).
- December 2011 (declined): NWO Complexity Winter School, Zandvoort (The Netherlands).
- December 2011: Meeting of the Utrecht Physical Society, University of Utrecht (The Netherlands).
- November 2011: Seminar of the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems, University of Eindhoven (The Netherlands).
- July 2011 (declined): Sigma Phi 2011 - International Conference on Statistical Physics (Cyprus).
- June 2011: Science Coffee, Advanced Concepts Team, European Space Agency (ESA), Noordwijk (The Netherlands).
- May 2011: "This Week's Discoveries", University of Leiden (the Netherlands).
- May 2011: Joan van der Waals Colloquium, University of Leiden (The Netherlands).
- May 2011: Casimir Symposium, University of Delft (The Netherlands).
- March 2011: Workshop "Networks constrained to change", Green Templeton College, University of Oxford (UK).
- March 2011: Postgraduate School on “Statistical Physics and Theory of Condensed Matter”, Driebergen-Rijsenburg (The Netherlands).
- February 2011: Network Theory and Complexity, Siena University (Italy).
- September 2010 (declined): Science of Complex Networks (SCNET 2010) - Satellite event for the European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS 2010), Lisbon (Portugal).
- October 2009: Energy Growth, Efficiency and Complexity, Siena University (Italy).
- September 2009: BioPhys09: Biology and Beyond, Arcidosso (Italy).
- September 2008: NetAce Conference, Brunel University, West London (UK).
- September 2008: Dynamics Days Asia Pacific, Nara (Japan).
- June 2008: CREEN Symposium, satellite of NetSci2008 - Norwich (UK).
- September 2006: Workshop on Social and Ecological Networks, European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS 2006), Oxford (UK).
- September, 2006: Third International School of Complexity on “Physics and Socio-Economics Phenomena”, Erice (Italy).
- January-February 2006: Interfacing Networks: from behavioural Networks to info-structures and infrastructures, ISI Foundation, Torino (Italy).
Organization of International Conferences
- November 2024: International Workshop on "Ecological networks: a window on our changing planet", Lucca (Italy).
- July 2024: Workshop "Complex networks: from socio-economic systems to biology and the brain", Lipari (Italy).
- February 2024: International workshop on "Economic and Financial Networks: Reconstruction, resilience and recovery", Lucca (Italy).
- August-September 2023: Second International School of the Italian Statistical Physics Society, Lucca (Italy).
- August 2023: Econophysics Colloquium 2023, Lipari (Italy).
- July 2023: Workshop "Complex networks: from socio-economic systems to biology and the brain", Lipari (Italy).
- March 2023: NetRes workshop (Network analysis of economic and financial resilience), Pisa (Italy).
- August-September 2022: First International School of the Italian Statistical Physics Society, Lucca (Italy).
- July 2022: Workshop "Complex networks: from socio-economic systems to biology and the brain", Lipari (Italy).
- May 2022: International Symposium of the Dutch Network Science Society, Leiden (The Netherlands).
- July 2019: Workshop "Complex networks: from socio-economic systems to biology and brain", Lipari (Italy).
- March 2019: Workshop "New Trends in Statistical Physics", Lucca (Italy)
- July 2018: Workshop "Complex networks: from socio-economic systems to biology and brain", Lipari (Italy).
- September 2017: Stochastic Activity Month, Eindhoven (The Netherlands).
- September 2017: "Complex networks: from socio-economic systems to biology and brain", Lipari (Italy)
- June 2017: “NETWORKS” conference, Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
- September 2016: Leiden Networks Day, University of Leiden (The Netherlands).
- September 2016: "Financial Networks and Policy Applications: from Systemic Risk to Sustainability", Satellite of the Conference on Complex Systems (CCS2016), Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
- September 2016: "Fundamentals of Networks", Satellite of the Conference on Complex Systems (CCS2016), Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
- March 2015: International Workshop "Socio-Economic Complexity", Lorentz Center, Leiden (The Netherlands).
- May 2013: International Workshop "Econophysics and Networks Across Scales", Lorentz Center, Leiden (The Netherlands).
- June/July 2010: International School on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Economic and Social Complex Systems, University of Siena (Italy).
Membership of scientific/technical committees of International Conferences
- June 2016: Summer Solstice 2016 - 8th International Conference on Discrete Models of Complex Systems (Aveiro, Portugal).
- November 2014: Third International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications [collocated with SITIS 2014] (Marrakech, Morocco).
- February 2009: Complex’2009 - First International Conference on Complex Sciences: Theory and Applications (Shangai, China).
- December 2008: Joint Conference of the 2008 Winter Workshop on Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents and the 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance, Kainan University, (Taoyuan, Taiwan).
- May 2008: Third International Workshop of Emergent Intelligence on Networked Agents WEIN’08, (Estoril, Portugal).
- 2025-present: PI, NWO project "Network renormalization: from theoretical physics to the resilience of societies" (NWA L3 - Innovative projects within routes 2024, total budget 77k euro).
- 2024-present: PI, RECON-NET "Reconstruction, Resilience and Recovery of Socio-Economic Networks", European Union - NextGeneration EU, FAIR "Future Artificial Intelligence Research" (local budget 153k euro).
- 2023-present: co-PI, Royal Society (UK) project "Understanding food webs and their stability: new data call for new theory".
- 2022-present: Local Coordinator, “Strengthening the Italian RI for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics” (local budget 383k euro).
- 2021-present: Local responsible, SoBigData RI PPP: "SoBigData Research Infrastructure Preparatory Phase Project”, European Union HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-02-01.
- 2021-2023: Local responsible, PRO3 project "Network analysis of economic and financial resilience", joint project between IMT School of Advanced Studies (Lucca), Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) and Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa), total budget 172k euro.
- 2020-present: Local responsible, EU project SoBigData++ (European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics), H2020-INFRAIA-2019-1 (Grant n. 871042, total budget 10 million euros).
- 2018-2021: Integrated Activity Project PRO.CO.P.E. (PROsociality, COgnition and Peer Effects), IMT Lucca.
- 2011-present: PI for the research program funded by Stichting Econophysics (Econophysics Foundation), Leiden.
- 2012-2016: One PhD position funded by Stichting Econophysics (Econophysics Foundation), Leiden.
- 2013-2017: One PhD position funded by the Leiden/Huygens Fellowship.
- 2014-2018: One PhD position co-funded by the “NETWORKS” program (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, NWO) and the Leiden/Huygens Fellowship.
- 2013-2016: Local Coordinator of the EU large-scale integrating project “MULTIPLEX” (contract 317532, total budget 6 million euros).
- 2016: NWO Preparatory grant on Complexity in Transport and Logistics "CASTE: Complex Adaptive manufacturing and logistics Systems in Transition to a resource-efficient Economy".
Prizes/awards as a young scientist
- April 2013: supervisor of the project awarded with the Jan Kijne Prize for best research project (conducted by Philip Verduyn Lunel and Sjoerd Bouma, Pre-University College Leiden)
- March 2012: Best Paper Award (plus cash prize) at the 6th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems, Delft (NL), awarded by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP).
- October 2009 (declined): Award of a 3-months Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, OCCAM (Oxford Center for Collaborative and Applied Mathematics), University of Oxford (UK).
- September 2004: best talk presented by young researchers at the “First Bonzenfreies Colloquium on Market Dynamics and Quantitative Economics”, Alessandria (Italy), Hotel Lux.
- September 2003: best talk presented by young researchers at the “Second International Conference on Frontier Science ‘a Nonlinear World: the Real World’”, Pavia (Italy), Collegio Cairoli.
Activity as Referee of International Journals
Nature, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Scientific Reports, Plos ONE, New Journal of Physics, EuroPhysics Letters, Physical Review E, European Physical Journal B, Physica A, Journal of Physics A, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, Physics Letters, Advances in Complex Systems, BioMed Central Systems Biology, BioMed Central Bioinformatics, Ecological Modelling, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, Quantitative Finance, Social Networks, Industrial and Corporate Change.
Activity as Referee for National and International Funding Agencies
- European Research Council (ERC), European Commission.
- Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Switzerland.
- Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), Croatia.
- Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Belgium.
- Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), the Netherlands.
- Israeli Science Foundation (ISF), Israel.
- International Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP).