hosted by
Edy Veneziano


Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (2005)  Effects of conversational functioning on early language acquisition:When both caregivers and children matter.   Edited by:B Bokus. Warsaw: Matrix  
Abstract: The effect of conversational functioning on early language acquisition and use requires thorough developmental and discursive approaches able to take into account children's behaviors that present some but not necessarily all of the characteristics of the mature competence under study, and to preserve the "sequentiality" of conversation. Results of a longitudinal study show that conversational functioning has the effect of furthering on topic conversation by both the mother and the child. Moreover, when the child produces a third turn contribution to reciprocal sequences, she is much more likely to modify her production than if she were repeating her preceding production without the mother's corrective uptake in between the two successive utterances. These immediate effects of conversation have also longer-term effects. On the one hand, productions involved in exchanges at earlier sessions are recognized, at later sessions, as the words to which they have been linked to. On the other, reciprocal sequences are related to faster lexical acquisition. Moreover, discursive exchanges in which children are led, through the unfolding of conversation, to successively utter words that can be meaningfully related one to the other, precede and foster multiword speech. All these kinds of conversational sequences create events that the partners may have not foreseen beforehand and it is such "unforeseen" novelties that constitute the crucial original contribution of conversations to early language progress.
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (2005)  Effects of conversational functioning on early language acquisition:When both caregivers and children matter.   Edited by:B Bokus. Warsaw: Matrix  
Abstract: The effect of conversational functioning on early language acquisition and use requires thorough developmental and discursive approaches able to take into account children's behaviors that present some but not necessarily all of the characteristics of the mature competence under study, and to preserve the "sequentiality" of conversation. Results of a longitudinal study show that conversational functioning has the effect of furthering on topic conversation by both the mother and the child. Moreover, when the child produces a third turn contribution to reciprocal sequences, she is much more likely to modify her production than if she were repeating her preceding production without the mother's corrective uptake in between the two successive utterances. These immediate effects of conversation have also longer-term effects. On the one hand, productions involved in exchanges at earlier sessions are recognized, at later sessions, as the words to which they have been linked to. On the other, reciprocal sequences are related to faster lexical acquisition. Moreover, discursive exchanges in which children are led, through the unfolding of conversation, to successively utter words that can be meaningfully related one to the other, precede and foster multiword speech. All these kinds of conversational sequences create events that the partners may have not foreseen beforehand and it is such "unforeseen" novelties that constitute the crucial original contribution of conversations to early language progress.
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (2004)  The emergence of expressive options in early child language : a constructivist account.   Edited by:D Ravid & H Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot. Springer, Dordrecht  
Abstract: The notion of expressive options is a universal characteristic of language as well as a fundamental acquisition for language learners. Having expressive options implies to consider different formulations as somehow related one to another, be it under commonality of meaning, of communicative function, or simply of referentiality. Previously constructed signifier-signified and form-function relations change in status by being embedded into an array of co-possible alternatives, as the meaning of individual items is colored, limited or enriched by that of other individual items belonging to the same system. This paper considers the notion of expressive option from the point of view of its emergence, by looking for possible antecedents and early manifestations of this capacity, and models the directions in which they develop. It proposes that the emergence of this ability is related to children's cognitive development and, in particular, to the mechanisms that allow the subject to entertain different possibilities at the same time. Results show that the first alternative expressions consist of successively-centered perspectives. Then, when alternative expressions start to be anticipated simultaneously and mentally considered as co-possibilities, at this early stage two kinds of outcomes may result: 1. Simultaneously anticipated alternatives are viewed as a set of options among which to choose one expression considered better adapted to the situation at hand (the "alternative expressive options" outcome); 2. Simultaneously anticipated alternatives combine to enrich the expression of one given communicative intention, and are coordinated into a higher level structural unit (the "combined options" outcome) preparing the child to multiword speech. This higher level unit can then become a new possibility in a set of alternative expressive options.
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (2004)  The emergence of expressive options in early child language : a constructivist account.   Edited by:D Ravid & H Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot. Springer, Dordrecht  
Abstract: The notion of expressive options is a universal characteristic of language as well as a fundamental acquisition for language learners. Having expressive options implies to consider different formulations as somehow related one to another, be it under commonality of meaning, of communicative function, or simply of referentiality. Previously constructed signifier-signified and form-function relations change in status by being embedded into an array of co-possible alternatives, as the meaning of individual items is colored, limited or enriched by that of other individual items belonging to the same system. This paper considers the notion of expressive option from the point of view of its emergence, by looking for possible antecedents and early manifestations of this capacity, and models the directions in which they develop. It proposes that the emergence of this ability is related to children's cognitive development and, in particular, to the mechanisms that allow the subject to entertain different possibilities at the same time. Results show that the first alternative expressions consist of successively-centered perspectives. Then, when alternative expressions start to be anticipated simultaneously and mentally considered as co-possibilities, at this early stage two kinds of outcomes may result: 1. Simultaneously anticipated alternatives are viewed as a set of options among which to choose one expression considered better adapted to the situation at hand (the "alternative expressive options" outcome); 2. Simultaneously anticipated alternatives combine to enrich the expression of one given communicative intention, and are coordinated into a higher level structural unit (the "combined options" outcome) preparing the child to multiword speech. This higher level unit can then become a new possibility in a set of alternative expressive options.

Journal articles

Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (2007)  Le langage dans le jeu de fiction : Une maniÚre d'évaluer la théorie implicite de l'esprit chez le jeune enfant   TRANEL Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique 46: pp.-19 2007  
Abstract: Cet article présente un regard nouveau sur la relation entre langage et jeu de fiction. En considérant le langage produit lors du jeu de faire semblant non seulement du point de vue représentationnel, mais aussi du point de vue communicatif, fonction inhérente à l'utilisation sociale du langage, les verbalisations de l'enfant lors du jeu de fiction deviennent un révélateur de sa compréhension intuitive des états mentaux d'autrui. En effet, si les enfants utilisent du langage dans leurs jeux de fiction pratiquement dÃÅ¡s les débuts, les aspects de ces jeux qu'ils mettent en langage varient. Il sera montré qu'en analysant la relation entre la nature du jeu mis en scÃÅ¡ne et le langage utilisé par l'enfant, on peut dégager un changement qui va d'une mise en langage majoritairement peu informative (aspects "littéraux" ou dont la signification symbolique est facilement inférable à partir des actions et objets en présence) à une mise en langage majoritairement informative (qui spécifie, enrichit ou carrément crée la fiction). A un certain moment de son développment, l'enfant semble se préoccuper du fait que la mÃÅ¡re, spectateur attentif et intéressé, peut ne pas avoir accÃÅ¡s aux significations subjectives créées par lui-même dans le jeu de fiction, et que c'est par le langage qu'il peut les rendre accessibles. De ce point de vue, le langage dans le jeu de fiction devient alors un outil d'évaluation, à la fois écologique et simple, de la compréhension implicite du mental d'autrui et des débuts d'une "théorie de l'esprit" implicite. Cette interprétation trouve un soutien dans la relation développementale étroite relevée entre l'utilisation majoritairement "informative" du langage dans le jeu de fiction et l'émergence d'autres utilisations de langage de type informatif, telles les références au passé et les justifications.
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (2007)  Le langage dans le jeu de fiction : Une maniÚre d'évaluer la théorie implicite de l'esprit chez le jeune enfant   TRANEL Travaux Neuchâtelois de Linguistique 46: pp.-19 2007  
Abstract: Cet article présente un regard nouveau sur la relation entre langage et jeu de fiction. En considérant le langage produit lors du jeu de faire semblant non seulement du point de vue représentationnel, mais aussi du point de vue communicatif, fonction inhérente à l'utilisation sociale du langage, les verbalisations de l'enfant lors du jeu de fiction deviennent un révélateur de sa compréhension intuitive des états mentaux d'autrui. En effet, si les enfants utilisent du langage dans leurs jeux de fiction pratiquement dÃÅ¡s les débuts, les aspects de ces jeux qu'ils mettent en langage varient. Il sera montré qu'en analysant la relation entre la nature du jeu mis en scÃÅ¡ne et le langage utilisé par l'enfant, on peut dégager un changement qui va d'une mise en langage majoritairement peu informative (aspects "littéraux" ou dont la signification symbolique est facilement inférable à partir des actions et objets en présence) à une mise en langage majoritairement informative (qui spécifie, enrichit ou carrément crée la fiction). A un certain moment de son développment, l'enfant semble se préoccuper du fait que la mÃÅ¡re, spectateur attentif et intéressé, peut ne pas avoir accÃÅ¡s aux significations subjectives créées par lui-même dans le jeu de fiction, et que c'est par le langage qu'il peut les rendre accessibles. De ce point de vue, le langage dans le jeu de fiction devient alors un outil d'évaluation, à la fois écologique et simple, de la compréhension implicite du mental d'autrui et des débuts d'une "théorie de l'esprit" implicite. Cette interprétation trouve un soutien dans la relation développementale étroite relevée entre l'utilisation majoritairement "informative" du langage dans le jeu de fiction et l'émergence d'autres utilisations de langage de type informatif, telles les références au passé et les justifications.
Edy Veneziano, Christian Hudelot, E Veneziano, C Hudelot, E et al Veneziano (2006)  Etats internes, fausse croyance et explications dans les récits : Effets de l'étayage chez les enfants de 4 à 12 ans.   Langage et l'Homme 41: 2. 119-140. 2006  
Abstract: Cet article porte sur la dimension "évaluative" du récit telle qu'elle est exprimée par des enfants âgés entre 4 et 12 ans et, en particulier, sur la capacité de ces enfants à se référer aux états internes des personnages en tant qu'éléments explicatifs de leurs comportements et à expliciter que la croyance d'un personnage est fausse. Les récits des enfants sont construits à partir d'une séquence de cinq images qui "racontent" l'histoire d'un malentendu entre deux personnages. AprÃÅ¡s avoir raconté spontanément leur premier récit, les enfants le racontent une deuxiÃÅ¡me fois aprÃÅ¡s avoir été questionnés sur les raisons des événements à travers un étayage non intrusif inspiré par l'entretien clinique piagétien. Les résultats montrent que dans leurs premiers récits les enfants, comme dans des précédentes études, mentionnent rarement les états épistémiques des personnages avant 10 ans. La fausse croyance et sa rectification ne sont explicitées que rarement avant 10-11 ans et même à cet âge par peu d'enfants. Ainsi, le fait d'avoir placé un malentendu au centre de l'intrigue ne facilite pas la référence aux états épistémiques des personnages, ni la compréhension des liens entre états internes et comportements, ou encore l'appréhension et l'expression de la fausse croyance et le besoin de lever le malentendu. Toutefois, aprÃÅ¡s un étayage qui attire l'attention des enfants sur les causes des événements, dÃÅ¡s 6-7 ans les enfants accroissent considérablement leurs références aux états internes des personnages, y compris leurs états épistémiques, et même un enfant de cet âge explicite que la croyance de l'un des personnages est fausse et trouve les moyens narratifs pour rectifier celle-ci, faisant donc preuve d'une théorie relativiste de l'esprit. Ces résultats nous interrogent profondément sur la signification de la rareté de l'expression de la fausse croyance dans les récits spontanés d'enfants en dessous de 9 ans, ainsi que sur la nécessité de disposer d'un moyen d'évaluation multidimensionnel pour saisir au mieux les compétences des enfants au delà des contraintes dues à la complexité de l'activité en examen.
Edy Veneziano, Christian Hudelot, E Veneziano, C Hudelot, E et al Veneziano (2006)  Etats internes, fausse croyance et explications dans les récits : Effets de l'étayage chez les enfants de 4 à 12 ans.   Langage et l'Homme 41: 2. 119-140. 2006  
Abstract: Cet article porte sur la dimension "évaluative" du récit telle qu'elle est exprimée par des enfants âgés entre 4 et 12 ans et, en particulier, sur la capacité de ces enfants à se référer aux états internes des personnages en tant qu'éléments explicatifs de leurs comportements et à expliciter que la croyance d'un personnage est fausse. Les récits des enfants sont construits à partir d'une séquence de cinq images qui "racontent" l'histoire d'un malentendu entre deux personnages. AprÃÅ¡s avoir raconté spontanément leur premier récit, les enfants le racontent une deuxiÃÅ¡me fois aprÃÅ¡s avoir été questionnés sur les raisons des événements à travers un étayage non intrusif inspiré par l'entretien clinique piagétien. Les résultats montrent que dans leurs premiers récits les enfants, comme dans des précédentes études, mentionnent rarement les états épistémiques des personnages avant 10 ans. La fausse croyance et sa rectification ne sont explicitées que rarement avant 10-11 ans et même à cet âge par peu d'enfants. Ainsi, le fait d'avoir placé un malentendu au centre de l'intrigue ne facilite pas la référence aux états épistémiques des personnages, ni la compréhension des liens entre états internes et comportements, ou encore l'appréhension et l'expression de la fausse croyance et le besoin de lever le malentendu. Toutefois, aprÃÅ¡s un étayage qui attire l'attention des enfants sur les causes des événements, dÃÅ¡s 6-7 ans les enfants accroissent considérablement leurs références aux états internes des personnages, y compris leurs états épistémiques, et même un enfant de cet âge explicite que la croyance de l'un des personnages est fausse et trouve les moyens narratifs pour rectifier celle-ci, faisant donc preuve d'une théorie relativiste de l'esprit. Ces résultats nous interrogent profondément sur la signification de la rareté de l'expression de la fausse croyance dans les récits spontanés d'enfants en dessous de 9 ans, ainsi que sur la nécessité de disposer d'un moyen d'évaluation multidimensionnel pour saisir au mieux les compétences des enfants au delà des contraintes dues à la complexité de l'activité en examen.
Edy Veneziano, Christian Hudelot, E Veneziano, C Hudelot, E et al Veneziano (2005)  Desenvolvimento das competências pragmáticas e teoria da mente na criança : ocaso da explicação   Revista Unicsul 12: 6-29 2005  
Abstract: Studying when children start to make use of language in a more informative way is important for comprehending how they practice the pragmatic competence. Thus, the objective is to verify the uses of informative language in utterances of explanation/justification. To accomplish this objective, the explanation phenomenon is theoretically delimited and some examples with French children are presented. The examples are based on data of their pragamatic development obtained in interactional situation.
Edy Veneziano, Christian Hudelot, E Veneziano, C Hudelot, E et al Veneziano (2005)  Desenvolvimento das competências pragmáticas e teoria da mente na criança : ocaso da explicação   Revista Unicsul 12: 6-29 2005  
Abstract: Studying when children start to make use of language in a more informative way is important for comprehending how they practice the pragmatic competence. Thus, the objective is to verify the uses of informative language in utterances of explanation/justification. To accomplish this objective, the explanation phenomenon is theoretically delimited and some examples with French children are presented. The examples are based on data of their pragamatic development obtained in interactional situation.
Edy Veneziano, Marie-HélÚne Plumet, Sylvia Cupello, Carole Tardif, E Veneziano, M H Plumet, S Cupello, C Tardif, E et al Veneziano (2004)  Pragmatic functioning in natural setting and the emergence of ‘theory-of-mind’ in autistic and control children. A comparative study   Psychology of Language and Communication 8: 1. 25-42 2004  
Abstract: The pragmatic functioning of six 7 to 9 year-old moderately retarded autistic children is compared to that of nine control children (2 to 8 years old) selected according to comparable ranges of verbal measures. Each child was video recorded at home during naturally-occurring play and meal times. The present study focuses on conflicting situations and on children's abilities a) to offer justifications; b) to take into account the justifications offered by their interlocutors; and c) to adapt their productions according to the online unfolding of the conversational exchange in these oppositional contexts. Results show the existence of resemblances and differences in the pragmatic functioning of autistic and normally developing children. Findings will be discussed for their theoretical and methodological implications in the advancement of our understanding of autistic children's communicative competencies, and of their implicit knowledge of the mind, as well as for the potential use of the analytical tools for innovative evaluation and intervention
Edy Veneziano, Marie-HélÚne Plumet, Sylvia Cupello, Carole Tardif, E Veneziano, M H Plumet, S Cupello, C Tardif, E et al Veneziano (2004)  Pragmatic functioning in natural setting and the emergence of ‘theory-of-mind’ in autistic and control children. A comparative study   Psychology of Language and Communication 8: 1. 25-42 2004  
Abstract: The pragmatic functioning of six 7 to 9 year-old moderately retarded autistic children is compared to that of nine control children (2 to 8 years old) selected according to comparable ranges of verbal measures. Each child was video recorded at home during naturally-occurring play and meal times. The present study focuses on conflicting situations and on children's abilities a) to offer justifications; b) to take into account the justifications offered by their interlocutors; and c) to adapt their productions according to the online unfolding of the conversational exchange in these oppositional contexts. Results show the existence of resemblances and differences in the pragmatic functioning of autistic and normally developing children. Findings will be discussed for their theoretical and methodological implications in the advancement of our understanding of autistic children's communicative competencies, and of their implicit knowledge of the mind, as well as for the potential use of the analytical tools for innovative evaluation and intervention
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (2003)  The emergence of noun and verb categories in the acquisition of French   Psychology of Language and Communication 7: 1. 23-36 2003  
Abstract: This paper considers whether the child's early vocabulary shows signs of being organized into word categories. Two main kinds of evidence are looked for: i. differential production of fillers (referred to here more neutrally as Prefixed Additional Elements); ii. relevant phonomorphological variation for verb-words, and only in them. Results of analyses of natural speech production provided by the longitudinal studies of two French acquiring children followed between the ages of 1;3 and 2;3, show that there is a first period in which words seem to constitute one, formally undifferentiated, set. Differentiation between noun-words and verb-words appears progressively, as evidenced by the differential occurrence of PAEs in prenominal and in preverbal positions, and in the appearance of phonomorphologically relevant variations only in words that are verbs in the language. Looking at connected aspects of language, other phenomena are observed to occur at the same time, in particular, a significant increase in the production of multiword speech, that becomes the dominant way of expression
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (2003)  The emergence of noun and verb categories in the acquisition of French   Psychology of Language and Communication 7: 1. 23-36 2003  
Abstract: This paper considers whether the child's early vocabulary shows signs of being organized into word categories. Two main kinds of evidence are looked for: i. differential production of fillers (referred to here more neutrally as Prefixed Additional Elements); ii. relevant phonomorphological variation for verb-words, and only in them. Results of analyses of natural speech production provided by the longitudinal studies of two French acquiring children followed between the ages of 1;3 and 2;3, show that there is a first period in which words seem to constitute one, formally undifferentiated, set. Differentiation between noun-words and verb-words appears progressively, as evidenced by the differential occurrence of PAEs in prenominal and in preverbal positions, and in the appearance of phonomorphologically relevant variations only in words that are verbs in the language. Looking at connected aspects of language, other phenomena are observed to occur at the same time, in particular, a significant increase in the production of multiword speech, that becomes the dominant way of expression
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (2001)  Interactions sociales et développement des connaissances.   Intellectica 33: 157-166 2001  
Notes: Numéro spécial : "Piaget et les sciences cognitives". Numéro sous la direction de J. Montangero
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (2001)  Langage et pensée   Intellectica 33: 143-155. 2001  
Notes: Numéro spécial sous la direction de J. Montangero : "Piaget et les sciences cognitives".
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (2001)  Interactions sociales et développement des connaissances.   Intellectica 33: 157-166 2001  
Notes: Numéro spécial : "Piaget et les sciences cognitives". Numéro sous la direction de J. Montangero
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (2001)  Langage et pensée   Intellectica 33: 143-155. 2001  
Notes: Numéro spécial sous la direction de J. Montangero : "Piaget et les sciences cognitives".
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (1997)  Les buts illocutoires de l’assertion et enchâssement des forces : le cas de l’explication.   Psychologie de l’Interaction, 5-6: 137-148 1997  
Notes: Numéro spécial coordonnée par C. Brassac " LâÂÂAssertion en débat : La description du monde dans la conversation"
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (1997)  Les buts illocutoires de l’assertion et enchâssement des forces : le cas de l’explication.   Psychologie de l’Interaction, 5-6: 137-148 1997  
Notes: Numéro spécial coordonnée par C. Brassac " LâÂÂAssertion en débat : La description du monde dans la conversation"
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (1996)  Conversation et constructivisme dans les débuts du langage.   Langage et Pratiques 19: 30-35 1996  
Notes: Numéro spécial : âÂÂRegards actuels sur la conversationâÂÂ
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (1996)  Conversation et constructivisme dans les débuts du langage.   Langage et Pratiques 19: 30-35 1996  
Notes: Numéro spécial : âÂÂRegards actuels sur la conversationâÂÂ
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (1990)  Les premiÚres manifestations des conduites d’explication   Cahiers d’Acquisition et de Pathologie du Langage 7/8: 11-20 1990  
Notes: In Berthoud, I., Favre, C. & Veneziano, E., Construction et reconstruction des conduites dâÂÂexplication
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano (1990)  Les premiÚres manifestations des conduites d’explication   Cahiers d’Acquisition et de Pathologie du Langage 7/8: 11-20 1990  
Notes: In Berthoud, I., Favre, C. & Veneziano, E., Construction et reconstruction des conduites dâÂÂexplication


Edy Veneziano, Christian Hudelot, E Veneziano, C Hudelot, E et al Veneziano (2005)  Children’s later development of theory of mind through narratives : the role of scaffolding in 4-6 to 12 year olds normally-developing and SLI children  
Notes: Symposium "Theory of mind and language" organisé par M.S. Barbieri & M. Deleau. XIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology. , Spain
Edy Veneziano, Christophe Parisse, E Veneziano, C Parisse, E et al Veneziano (2005)  The emergence of grammaticality in French : evidence from bound verbal morphology and protomorphological fillers  
Abstract: Children learning languages like English, French, Italian and Spanish, are reported to start producing verbs in single forms. Only later the occurrence of first formal contrasts, consisting of at least two phonomorphologically relevant (PMR) forms for the same verb type is noted (e.g., Tomasello, 1992; Gathercole et al 1999).This paper tries to understand whether single-form verbal morphology and the first PMR formal variations are related to the verb form profiles produced in child-directed speech (CDS). Preliminary results indicate that the great majority of verb types in CDS occur in one form only, something on which the first single-form morphology period could be based. They also point out that children's first PMR variations occur more in verbs that mothers produce in more than one form than in verbs occurring in one form only. This kind of relation between acquisitional and CDS data suggests a construction process based on analysis of both general (dominance of single-form verbal morphology) and specific (morphological variation of certain verb types) characteristics of the input.Moreover it argues that the emergence of formal contrasts in children\'s production of verbs is related to the beginnings of a grammatically-oriented reorganization where formal differences start to be part of children\'s \"understanding\" of words.To test this hypothesis we will also perform developmental analyses of the production of fillers (e.g., Peters & Menn, 1993) as a means to check whether other signs of this incipient reorganization appear at around the same period. Would the emergence of PMR variation on verb types co-occur with the appearance of protomorphological characteristics of fillers as, for example, their differential production according to the grammatical category of the word they precede (Veneziano & Sinclair 2000)?The paper analyzes longitudinal data of four French-speaking mother-child dyads, videorecorded in their home environment at two weeks intervals between the ages of 15 and 30 months. The data are transcribed according to the CHILDES format and transcriptions are linked to the videorecordings using CLAN software. Programs for the analyses of children\'s and caregivers\' productions have been specifically developed for the purposes of this study. Results will be discussed in relation to the hypotheses presented above and within a constructivist approach to early language acquisition.
Edy Veneziano, Christian Hudelot, E Veneziano, C Hudelot, E et al Veneziano (2005)  Children’s later development of theory of mind through narratives : the role of scaffolding in 4-6 to 12 year olds normally-developing and SLI children  
Notes: Symposium "Theory of mind and language" organisé par M.S. Barbieri & M. Deleau. XIIth European Conference on Developmental Psychology. , Spain
Edy Veneziano, Christophe Parisse, E Veneziano, C Parisse, E et al Veneziano (2005)  The emergence of grammaticality in French : evidence from bound verbal morphology and protomorphological fillers  
Abstract: Children learning languages like English, French, Italian and Spanish, are reported to start producing verbs in single forms. Only later the occurrence of first formal contrasts, consisting of at least two phonomorphologically relevant (PMR) forms for the same verb type is noted (e.g., Tomasello, 1992; Gathercole et al 1999).This paper tries to understand whether single-form verbal morphology and the first PMR formal variations are related to the verb form profiles produced in child-directed speech (CDS). Preliminary results indicate that the great majority of verb types in CDS occur in one form only, something on which the first single-form morphology period could be based. They also point out that children's first PMR variations occur more in verbs that mothers produce in more than one form than in verbs occurring in one form only. This kind of relation between acquisitional and CDS data suggests a construction process based on analysis of both general (dominance of single-form verbal morphology) and specific (morphological variation of certain verb types) characteristics of the input.Moreover it argues that the emergence of formal contrasts in children\'s production of verbs is related to the beginnings of a grammatically-oriented reorganization where formal differences start to be part of children\'s \"understanding\" of words.To test this hypothesis we will also perform developmental analyses of the production of fillers (e.g., Peters & Menn, 1993) as a means to check whether other signs of this incipient reorganization appear at around the same period. Would the emergence of PMR variation on verb types co-occur with the appearance of protomorphological characteristics of fillers as, for example, their differential production according to the grammatical category of the word they precede (Veneziano & Sinclair 2000)?The paper analyzes longitudinal data of four French-speaking mother-child dyads, videorecorded in their home environment at two weeks intervals between the ages of 15 and 30 months. The data are transcribed according to the CHILDES format and transcriptions are linked to the videorecordings using CLAN software. Programs for the analyses of children\'s and caregivers\' productions have been specifically developed for the purposes of this study. Results will be discussed in relation to the hypotheses presented above and within a constructivist approach to early language acquisition.
Ionna Berthoud-Papandropoulou, Christine Favre, Edy Veneziano, I Berthoud-Papandropoulou, C Favre, E Veneziano, I et al Berthoud-Papandropoulou (2003)  Construção e reconstrução das condutas explicativas  
Notes: In S. Dinucci Fernandes (Org.), Acquisição da Linguagem: Conceito, Definição et Explicação na Criança.P. (39-68). São Paulo, Bresil: Cultura Academica Editora, UNESP
Ionna Berthoud-Papandropoulou, Christine Favre, Edy Veneziano, I Berthoud-Papandropoulou, C Favre, E Veneziano, I et al Berthoud-Papandropoulou (2003)  Construção e reconstrução das condutas explicativas  
Notes: In S. Dinucci Fernandes (Org.), Acquisição da Linguagem: Conceito, Definição et Explicação na Criança.P. (39-68). São Paulo, Bresil: Cultura Academica Editora, UNESP
Christian Hudelot, Edy Veneziano, C Hudelot, E Veneziano, C et al Hudelot  Compétences langagiÚres chez le jeune enfant : acquisitions et fonctionnements en interaction sociale  
Notes: Introduction au symposium au colloque déroulé du 15-17 septembre 2003 à GenÃÅ¡ve (Suisse)
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano  Conduites explicatives en famille avant trois ans  
Notes: Acte du colloque déroulé du 15-17 septembre 2009 à GenÃÅ¡ve (Suisse)
Christian Hudelot, Edy Veneziano, C Hudelot, E Veneziano, C et al Hudelot  Compétences langagiÚres chez le jeune enfant : acquisitions et fonctionnements en interaction sociale  
Notes: Introduction au symposium au colloque déroulé du 15-17 septembre 2003 à GenÃÅ¡ve (Suisse)
Edy Veneziano, E Veneziano, E Veneziano  Conduites explicatives en famille avant trois ans  
Notes: Acte du colloque déroulé du 15-17 septembre 2009 à GenÃÅ¡ve (Suisse)
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