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Enzo Grossi

Scientific Director,  Villa Santa Maria Neuropsychiatric Children Rehabilitation Centre
Via IV Novembre Tavernerio (Como)

Scientific Advisor Bracco Foundation, Milano Via Cino del Duca 8

Adjunct Professor at Turin. Milan and Bergamo University for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Psychology.

Coordinator of "Culture & Health" Course at Italian Switzerland University, Lugano, Ch.;
PROFESSIONAL PROFILE (Updated till July 15th 2024).
Medical Doctor, Scientist, and Researcher with long-lasting experience in Clinical and Pharmaceutical Medicine, Applied Mathematics, and Computational Medicine.
The experience has been gained in Hospitals, Universities, and Pharmaceutical Companies settings starting from 1975. Coming to the last 25 years of activity:
From 1994 to 2011 E.Grossi acted as Medical Director of Bracco Pharma Division.
In 2012 prof. Grossi acts as Scientific Advisor at Bracco Foundation in Milano.
From 2012 to 2015 prof. Grossi has taught at the faculty of Arts Tourism and Markets of IULM University in Milano a new discipline: "Culture and Health". This course has been active in 2016-2017 at Social Sciences Faculty of Bologna Alma Mater University with the title: Quality of Life and Health Promotion, in 2019-2022 at Turin University and in 2021-2022 at Lugano University USI.
From 2014 to 2015 prof. Grossi has acted as Scientific Advisor for EXPO 2015 Italian Pavillon and as a member of Scientific Committee of EXPO 2015, Milano, organizing nine International scientific meetings.
In the last twenty years E. Grossi has worked intensively in the field of complex systems mathematics applied to medical problems as an Associate Researcher within Semeion Research Centre in Rome and as a founding partner of Center for Computational and Mathematical Biology, Colorado-Denver University.
A widespread network of collaboration with elite medical researchers worldwide has been created as a result of this activity with the aim to emphasize the potential role of artificial neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, and other machine learning systems in predictive and personalized medicine.
From 2012 till today he has been the Scientific Director at "Villa Santa Maria" in Tavernerio (Como), an Institute that hosts more than 200 disabled children affected by developmental diseases (autism in particular).
From 2016 to 2018 has acted as a Scientific Consultant at Global Research & Development, Global Business Unit Imaging of Bracco Imaging SpA.
From 2017 till today he has acted as Vice-president of the Villa Santa Maria Foundation (see the web site ).
in 2018 E Grossi acts as Scientific Advisor of ALISEI National Technologic Cluster and as Scientific Advisor of Intercluster project ALISEI-CLAN.
In 2018 E. Grossi has acted as Adjunct Professor for Medical Statistics at the State University of Milano.
From October 2019 E. Grossi coordinates the activities of the Italian Environmental Medicine Society for Lombardia Region.
January 2020: E. Grossi is a member of the Committee for implementation of the Italian action plan of the Microbiome Initiative
March 2020: E Grossi is a member of the Scientific Committee “Cultural Wellbeing Lab”, within Compagnia di S. Paolo Foundation (Turin)
May 2020: E Grossi is one of the ten founding members of Cultural Welfare Centre
May 2020: E Grossi is a member of the Committee for Anti-Covid Guidelines of the Industry Union of Como Province
September 2020: E Grossi acts to support the scientific activity of Italian Pavillon, EXPO 2021 Dubai, on behalf of Italian Lifesciences Technology Cluster ALISEI.
October 2020: E Grossi teaches at the Medicine Faculty of Turin University " Culture & health" and "Artificial Intelligence"
March 2021: E Grossi holds for the first time a course on Artificial Intelligence within the Medical School of Milan State University.
October 2021: E Grossi holds for the first time in Switzerland a course on "Culture and Health" within the Faculty of Biomedicine open to the citizens. This Course has been confirmed for 2022, focused on music and medicine, for 2023 focused on Healing words and for 2024 focused on art and health.
February 2023: E. Grossi is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal of Gender-Specific Medicine.
December 2023: E Grossi is a member of the Commiteee “Observatory: Mariology, person, art, city and health”.

H index (Google Scholar) = 65; i10 Index Google Scholar = 2224
Author of 651 Research Items ( full papers, congress contributions, patents) indexed on Google Scholar ( and 255 full papers indexed on Reference Citation Analysis ( The most relevant full papers published in Scientific Journals are listed below in Journal Articles section.
Total number of citations in Google Scholar at June 12th: All:13661; H index = 65; i10-index= 224; From 2019: 5883; H index= 36; i10-index= 130 ( ).
Total number of citations in 2023 =1229.
Author of 265 papers indexed in PubMed. See also ORCID from 2002

Author of about 455 contributions to national or international congresses in the form of abstracts, and oral presentations of posters.

Editor of 25 books or special issues of Scientific Journals. see in the section Books below
Author of 53 Chapters in books. See the most important ones in the section Book Chapters below.

ResearchGate: author of 679 research items among which 427 articles; Research Interest score: 5856; Reads: 254881; Citations: 10030; Recommendations: 239
The Research Interest Score is higher than 99% of ResearchGate members in general and higher than 99% of ResearchGate members active on Artificial Intelligence. ( )

The organizer of 45 Scientific Symposia, 39 International Symposia, and one International Course.
Invited Speaker as lecturer at 160 conferences ( 2005 - 2023 ) inherent to different scientific fields at national and international congresses and University settings.
Editor of national and international congress proceedings.
Member of a variety of Scientific Societies and Scientific Boards.
Author as the inventor of 6 patents.
Worldwide top author in artificial intelligence applied in the biomedical field with 99 papers indexed by Pub Med ( "Grossi E" "artificial neural networks" " machine learning" "data mining")
Invited referee of 101 International Journals in the biomedical and bioinformatics field.

Main scientific areas in which E.Grossi has played a substantial role in connection with University and Scientific societies:

• Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology ( Dyspeptic syndrome, GERD, H. Pylori, diverticular disease, IBD, IBS, among others )
• Central Nervous system (Alzheimer's Disease, epilepsy, depression)
• Respiratory Diseases (Asthma, Chronic bronchitis, Pneumonia)
• Cardiology ( heart failure, IHD )
• Endocrinology (obesity, thyroid diseases)
• Oncology and palliative care
• Gynecology (Cancer screening and treatment)
• Diagnostic Imaging

Recent specific research interests

• Art, Culture, Health, and Wellbeing
• Microbiota in health and disease
• Nutraceuticals
• Autism
• Machine learning systems
• Fuzzy Logic
• Nutrition and health
• Complex chronic diseases
• Data Mining
• Space Mining
• Virtual Clinical Trials
• Happiness
• Social determinant of health
• Artificial intelligence applied to diagnostic imaging
• Sleep
• Osteoporosis


• Research and Development Director at Centro Diagnostico Italiano 2001-2010
• Editorial Board MEDIC Journal from 1995
• Review Committee of The World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society from 2006
• Editorial Board International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing ( IC-MED)
• Technical Committee on medical informatics SMC society, the USA from 2006
• Editorial Board of Quality & Quantity, International Journal from 2008
• Honorary editorial board of Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology from 2007
• Board of Directors; Centre for Computational and Mathematical Biology, Denver Colorado University ( ) from 2009
• Health Committee for Expo 2015, Milan Commerce Chamber 2009
• Executive Committee of Bracco Foundation from 2012
• Editorial Board of World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology from 2010
• Adjunct professor at IULM University, Milano, Italy, for the "Culture and Health" course from 2011
• Scientific Director at Villa Santa Maria Institute, Tavernerio (Co), Italy from 2011
• Brain and Malnutrition Chronic Disease Association: Experts Board from 2011
• Editorial Board Open Access Journal of Science and Technology from 2012
• Editorial Board of Journal of Alzheimer's Disease from 2014
• Editorial Board of Journal of Happiness & Wellbeing from 2013
• Editorial Board of International Journal of Microbiology & Advanced Immunology from 2013
• Scientific Committee of Center for Studies on City and Territory; Bologna University from 2013
• Scientific Advisor of Italian Pavillon EXPO 2015 from February 2014 to October 2015
• Adjunct professor for "Quality of Life and Health Promotion" at Alma mater University Bologna 2015-2016
• Scientific Committee of EXPO Milano 2015 from April 2014 to May 2016
• Scientific Committee of Carlo Erba Foundation from June 2014
• Scientific Committee of Nutrition and Pregnancy Outcomes around the world Congress ( 9 June 2015)
• Scientific Committee of The" Manifesto Delle Criticità nutrizionali 2015-2018" ( event in Italian Pavillon at August 8th, 2015)
• Member from April 2015 of Gentica (Ch) Advisory Board
• Advisory Board Pharmanutrition and Functional Foods Journal 2016
• Scientific Committee Master on Autism 2017-2018 Gestalt Foundation
• Scientific Committee "The Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor" of European Commission 2016 - 2017
• Scientific Director & Vice-President of Villa Santa Maria Foundation (2017).
• Scientific Advisor of ALISEI, Italian Technological National Cluster for LifeScience and coordinator of Scientific Commiteee (2018).
• Adjunct Professor for Medical Statistics at State University of Milano (2018).
• Member of Italian Environmental Medicine Society and reference person for Lombardia Region
• Member of Scientific Committee “Cultural Wellbeing Lab” of Compagnia di San Paolo, Turin, Italy(2020)
• Member of the Cultural Welfare Centre, Italy (2020)
• Adjunct professor at Turin State University: Art, Culture, and Health(2020-21)
• Adjunct professor at Milan State University: Artificial Intelligence in medicine (2021)
• Coordinator of University Course " Culture and health" at biomedical Faculty of USI, Lugano (2021-2023)
• Member of advisory board IBSA Foundation " Culture and health" at Lugano (2022)
• Adjunct professor at Doctorate School of Bergamo University for Artificial Intelligence and Science of the Person (2022)

Activity as referee for the following 102 Journals during the last ten years:

1. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision-Making
2. Annals of Human Genetics
3. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
4. Substance Use and Misuse
5. International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing
6. Archives of Oral Biology
7. Health and quality of life outcomes
8. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
9. Clinica Chimica Acta
10. PlosOne
11. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
12. Obesity reviews
13. European Journal Gastroenterology & Hepatology
14. American Journal of Gastroenterology
15. Journal of Happiness Studies
16. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
17. Behavioural Neurology
18. 3-Biotech
19. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
20. Journal Neural Trasmission
21. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine Technical Advance
22. Computer Methods and Programs in Medicine
23. MDPI - Open Access Publishing
24. Social Indicators Research
25. Molecular Autism
26. Journal of Happiness and Wellbeing
27. Molecular Biology Reports
28. Plos Genetics
29. Health Policy
30. Physica A
31. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders
32. Quality and Quantity
33. Frontiers in Psychology
34. American Journal of Operations Research
35. Translational Psychiatry
36. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis
37. International Journal of Infectious Diseases
38. International Journal of Biomedical Imaging
39. Public Health
40. Digestive & Liver Diseases
41. Current gerontology and geriatric research
42. Pharmaceutical medicine
43. Computational medicine
44. Computer in biology and medicine
45. Journal Neurology Neurosurgery
46. Scientific Reports - Nature
47. International Journal of Psychology
48. British Journal of Dermatology
49. Artificial Intelligence In Medicine
50. Computational and mathematical methods in medicine
51. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts
52. Computers in Biology and Medicine
53. BMC Neurology
54. Journal of Healthcare Engineering
55. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
56. Journal of Food Science & Nutrition
57. Complexity
58. Current Medical Research and Opinion
59. Frontiers in Psychiatry
60. Advances in Bioinformatics
61. Psychology Research and Behavior Management
62. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering
63. Mathematics and computers in simulation
64. Sustainable Computing, Informatics, and Systems
65. BMC Medical Genetics
66. Future Generation Computer Systems
67. Brain Sciences
68. 3 Biotech
69. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
70. Diagnostics
71. International Transactions in Operational Research
72. Genes
73. Electronics
74. BMC Nutrition
75. Measurement
76. Materials
77. Genes
78. Entropy
79. Frontiers in immunology
80. Acta Psichiatrica Scandinavica
81. Applied sciences
82. Lancet Regional Health
83. Frontiers in aging neuroscience
84. Frontiers in genetics
85. Frontiers in nutrition
86. Frontiers in oncology
87. Journal adolescent health
88. Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications
89. Indian Journal of Science and Technology
90. Immunologic research
91. Qeios
92. International Journal of Medical Informatics
93. European Journal of Pediatrics
94. Mental illness
95. Rehabilitation
96. Bioengineering
97. Psychiatry investigation
98. European Journal public health
99. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities
100. Empirical studies of the arts
101. Exploration of digital health
102. European child and adolescent psychiatry


• Originator and organizer of the first randomized study on the usefulness of the sympathetic nervous block with guanethidine in reflex sympathetic algodystrophy (1983)
• Originator and organizer of the first randomized controlled trial versus placebo on diclofenac in ureteral and biliary colic (1984- 85).
• Inventor of an innovative system based on a subjective assessment of pain through a faded red color scale (1983)
• Originator and organizer of the first randomized clinical trial on carbamazepine in mania (1986)
• Discovery of anticalciuric activity of NSAIDs through inhibition of renal prostaglandins (1986) (1993)
• Founder and organizer of the largest clinical study on the use of speculoscopy in the detection of uterine cervical lesions (1998)
• Founder and organizer of the first clinical study on family clustering of infection by Helicobacter pylori (1999)
• Originator of the first study on the use of neural networks in the prediction of response to anti-Alzheimer's (2002)
• Promoter of the publication of the first study on the use of high doses of thiamine in counteracting fatigue associated with Parkinson disease and multiple sclerosis (2012)
• Originator of the first study on the use of neural networks for developing individual semantic maps (2012)
• Originator and organizer of the first study on the effect of aesthetic experience on stress hormone and subjective well-being: THE VICOFORTE EXPERIMENT (2016)
• Organizer of the first Yakult Course on Methodology of Clinical Research (2016)
• Originator and Organizer of the first paper showing the potential of artificial neural networks in allowing the diagnosis of autism through the analysis of one minute of unprocessed EEG, without any other information (2017).
• Originator of a method to assess the momentary psychological effect of aesthetic experience in subjects with intellectual impairment (2018).
• Originator of an alternative to the Bland-Altman plot to visualize the functional approximation of a continuous variable (resting energy expenditure) with artificial neural networks (2019).
• Originator of the possibility of extracting autism signature in children acting on two EEG channels only
• Originator of novel EEG preprocessing technique based on CIN-CIN algorithm and Minimum Spanning Tree
• Originator of a method to validate variables maps through records maps when the records have a specific geography or diagnosis.
• Originator of a method for computational foundation of culture-driven urban governance
• Originator of the discovery that thymus hyperplasia protects from Long Covid

Enzo Grossi promoted and published many innovative studies on neural network applications in medicine (for details see list of journal articles):

• Predicting response to warfarin
• Dyspepsia and Helicobacter response
• Cardiovascular events
• Alzheimer's disease
• Mild Cognitive impairment
• Gastro-esophageal reflux Disease
• Barrett's esophagus
• Atrophic gastritis
• Venous thrombosis
• Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
• Multiple sclerosis
• Delay of uterine growth
• Bleeding upper digestive tract
• Myocardial infarction
• Down Syndrome
• Osteoporosis
• Colo-rectal cancer
• Acne
• Autism
• Autonomous cortisol secretion
• Acute coronary syndromes
• Microbiota network in human milk
• Autism diagnosis through EEG
• Vertebral fracture risk
• Determinants of stress relief visiting a cultural heritage site
• Radiomics: a new approach to enable early diagnosis and outcome prediction
• Sjogren syndrome
• Determinants of metabolic syndrome in female workers
• Determinants of life expectancy
• Directional Relationship Between biological variables (causation)
• Prediction of Resting Energy Expenditure in Children
• Discovery of symptoms interconnection in Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome
• Topological approach to the abrupt outbreak of COVID-19 in Italy
• Identification of Patient Clusters in Melanoma
• Predicting secukinumab fast responders in psoriasis
• Predicting RT-PCR results in COVID-19 pandemic
• Detection of an Autism EEG Signature From Only Two EEG Channels
• Definition of interconnections between obesity and smell loss
• Understanding The Role of Hair Mineralograms in Cardiovascular Risk of Metabolic Syndrome
• Discovering of interconnections between Environmental Stressors and DNA Methylation Levels in Mothers and Neonates

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