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Francesco fp Perrotta

Facoltà di Scienze Motorie
Laurea in Scienze Motorie, Università degli Studi di Torino-specialista rieducatif maschera, dottore della facoltà psicomotorie educazione speciale 'di Pedagogia, Università di Lubiana, Slovenia, PHD in terapia fisica e riabilitazione, Clayton University, St. Louis, Missouri, affinato in Kinesiologia Kinesiologia e rieducatif-School 'di Medicina e Chirurgie.University di Chieti, una migliore gestione della Sport-ex-ISEF di Firenze. Docente a c. presso varie Università italiane in attività didattiche 'e sport, e metodi e tecniche di riabilitazione fisica, e Kinesiologia, supervisore SSIS per l'abilitazione a insegnare Scienze Motorie, attualmente ricercatore triennale ex IRRE, autore di testi universitari e di usare la scienza scuola e sport e mobilità diverse competenze ', e metodi di insegnamento della mobilità in eta' evoluzione. Anno 2008/09 il progetto-dottorato di ricerca - a motore la facoltà 'scienza all'Università di Liegi-Belgium.Head territoriale SIGM società di ginnastica medica - Simes Società Italiana di Scienze Motorie e dello Sport - una fondazione

Laureato in Scienze Motorie, Universita 'di Torino-Specialista in cinesiologia rieducativa, dottore in Speciale educazione psicomotoria, facolta' di Pedagogia, Universita 'di Lubiana, Slovenia, PHD in terapia fisica e riabilitativa, Clayton University, S. Louis, Missouri, perfezionato in Chinesiologia e Chinesiologia rieducativa-Facolta 'di Medicina e Chirurgia.Universita' di Chieti, perfezionato in management dello Sport-ex-ISEF Firenze. Docente a c. Italiane presso varie Universita 'su didattica delle attivita' motorie e sportive, e metodi e tecniche della rieducazione motoria, Chinesiologia e, supervisore SSIS per l'abilitazione all'insegnamento di Scienze Motorie, Attualmente ricercatore Triennale ex IRRE, autore di testi ad uso motorie scolastico e universitario Sulle Scienze Motorie e sportive e Sulle diverse abilita ', metodi e didattiche dell'educazione motorie in eta' evolutiva. Anno 2008/09 Progetto di ricerca-presso - dottorato la facolta 'di Scienze Motorie dell'Universita' di Liegi-Belgio.responsabile societa territoriale della SIGM 'di ginnastica medica - Simes Societa' Italiana di Scienze Motorie e Sportive - Socio Fondatore



Journal articles

FRANCESCO PERROTTA -FACOLTA' DI SCIENZE MOTORIE L'AQUILA ANGELO PANNELLI, DOTTORE SCIENZE MOTORIE DOCENTE SCUOLA (2009)  il ruolo pedagogico e l'azione professionale dell'istruttore sportivo nel contesto educativo the educational role and action sports training instructor in the educational context    
Abstract: "Learning awakens a variety of internal developmental processes, able to operate only when the child is interacting with people of his environment and in cooperation with his companions." "Children develop within a zone of proximal development - the distance between what the child can do with or without help. A person skilled gives suggestions, discussions ago, serves as a model, give an explanation so on, to lead and work with children and make them move forward through the development zone. " (The zone of proximal development Vygotskij - Extract from developmental psychology - Felice Carugati). For the teacher this is part of an ambitious plan is very simple to verbalize but certainly more complex implementation, the whole often demotivated by the economic resources of those clubs. The Educators sports today is no longer "piece of machinery ever more impersonal" (Dewey), but an educational role is likely to identify with those people "aware of the social possibilities" (Dewey) that the sport has. The teacher should ask whether sport its good work can increase the value of human life and, according to the answer you give, may perceive the real value that is the basis of being an educator. In essence, the motivation of the educator should not be economic, awards or anything, but the simple devotion of transmitting values and humanity. The sport is one of the most healthy and able to do so, a good instructor or coach as a result we are able to obtain recognition and economic independence. Certainly one might argue that a sport will not improve the world today, but that perhaps tomorrow (!): Assuming a reality in which the educational potential of schools is integrated with that afternoon of sport. To make this effective interaction both programs should be educational in the same direction, and for this we should establish lines of common development. These lines are the departure of the head through the maze: the place of being an educator. Place that has rules, rules that Freinet has attempted to catalog and describe: he calls the "invariant". Read provides cognitive tools in more education and to motivate and give confidence in the project that is pursuing: the invariants are not all that varied and can not vary at any latitude, at any people. The invariant is a stronger basis. Avoids many disappointments and mistakes. (M. Viard Cours de psychologie clinique objective, Jouve, Paris, 1944) These are a few: Before you judge a child or punish him, put the only question, if I were in his place as a response? And what do we do when we were like him?. Faced with that found shortcomings in their attempt to ask if they are not caused by poor health, imbalance, from the difficulty of which should be taken into account from the outset. (Or worse by the physical stress of training!) Each command authoritarian starts off almost automatic opposition in the one who suffers. Every authoritarian control is always wrong. We must give as much as possible to speak to the child, leaving them individually and cooperatively as possible initiative in the community, make every effort to attract more than directing. Give children freedom to choose their work, to decide the time and pace of this work. Dates always chance of success to your students. The tone of it immediately increases dramatically. A no child or adult, like checks or charges, always considered as an attack on the dignity especially when they are exercised in public. Speak as little as possible. (Freinet - The variations in teaching) It may seem strange because they are declared of the lines of content but ideally only structural, and this is the greater potential of invariants will be the merit of the educator to build on the foundations of the castle invariants education, able to attract children and teens to practice sport and have them travel in their ideal area for development. The adult is more skilled based on competence that the child already possesses and presents the activities that require a level of slightly above where it is now the child. (The zone of proximal development Vygotskij - Extract from developmental psychology - Felice Carugati). If the teacher porra Sports' be in a situation nearly identical to environmental those toys that are easily found in the mega center where children play in groups and have fun and learn at the same time that technical know-athlete here is that this would be projection ideal in an environment fit for children where they would like to develop at the same time be 'on the instructor if porra' the conditions for production situations. This is the motivation that the teacher should move
Francesco Perrotta, Enrico Mele (2009)  THE MOTOR LEARNING, MEMORY, KNOWLEDGE OF RESULTS: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF HOMOGENEOUS GROUPS   Citius Altius Fortius 25: 4. 31-40 dic  
Abstract: Vi sono ampie evidenze sperimentali del positivo fissazione compito motorio di avere sia un relativefrequency inferiore (FR), che viene fornito con la conoscenza del risultato (CR) al tema della formazione, l'outcomeof la risposta, sia l'applicazione della formulazione di una stima soggettiva del primo CR (SS). E 'stato, tuttavia, ha suggerito la possibilità di una interazione tra queste due variabili, nel senso individuale thatthe, quando deve fare una stima di errore soggettivo, trarrebbero vantaggio da una maggiore FR. Riprendendo la ricerca aninteresting è esposta in una tesi di laurea in Fisioterapia (Giulia Days 2000/01 che ha il merito withhaving svolto un'indagine rigorosa e gli articoli) Gli autori di questa carta hanno voluto vedere exactlyProposing dato a 60 soggetti giovani, Righthanded e in buona salute , e la stessa ipotesi di lavoro, butwith un dispositivo diverso (Biodex sistema 4): una flessione semplice gomito destro con la contrazione isocinetica a 30 gradi / secondo. Soggetti è stato chiesto: 1) per valutare se l'errore compiuto dopo la fine dell'anno, 2) CR è stato fornito dopo ogni prova (FR 100%), o dopo un processo ogni cinque (20% FR) 3) per contrassegnare la differenza tra i soggetti che non avevano denaro SS di fare una seconda è stata la askedimmediately dopo la conclusione del processo, di eseguire un semplice calcolo. Tutti i soggetti eseguito 20 set di10 ripetizioni ciascuna durante una singola sessione di pratica. Il giorno dopo è stata fatta una prova di ritenzione (costituito da 1 set di 15 ripetizioni senza CR o SS Il confronto tra i gruppi a prova di ritenuta è stato eseguito con l'analisi della varianza, prima e dopo aggiustamento per le condizioni iniziali. I risultati hanno mostrato che afteradjustment il gruppo di soggetti che hanno ricevuto il CR FR con 100% e la formulazione delle SS durante il periodo di pratica, una prova di ritenzione in una migliore modo significativo.
F Perrotta (2008)  teaching the importance of sport in the formation of personality '    
Abstract: The exercise is a motor role of primary importance for the proper development of the person. The man since child needs a physical activity as is the curiosity in the mind or food for the body. It not only active all the physiological aspects of human beings but at the same time, took an active role of knowledge and relationship that exists between the self and the world.
F Perrotta (2008)  A Scuola io ci vado con il corpo e con la mente    
Abstract: "Body" and "game" are the fundamental elements through which each child learn self and the world, closely related in the early years of life lost in time weaving, finishing to be relegated to marginal moments. But the body is much more than just physical size, and the game, writes Winnicot is basic form of life that belongs to the fact that be alive (...), belongs to the way that the individual has to meet with the external reality "and that" leads to all natural ' cultural experience and indeed constitutes the foundation. " Therefore, neglecting the body size and decreased availability the game should see a blatant loss for each adult, even more so for those who, as educators, teachers or teachers works daily with children who, instead, just as "the body at play" and make discoveries continue knowledge. To do this we need a careful reflection on the role of the body in educational contexts, in order to develop ability to "play" as well as get personally involved in such contexts.
F Perrotta (2007)  La Motivazione nella Pratica Sportiva rivista online  
Abstract: The term "motivation" may be interpreted as "all the factors that promote the activity of the subject, directing it towards certain goals and allowing it to continue if these goals are not achieved immediately, then stop to the achievement of" (Reuchlin , 1957). Prior be specified as the sport is an activity that is practiced by free choice, which is to define in three successive stages: the choice - characterized by the evaluation by the subject of several elements both favorable and opposed to the sport, taking consider all possible alternatives-the decision - to practice a particular sport from the above-assessment and implementation - that is the concrete practice of sport-chosen (Giovannini, Savoy, 2002).
Notes: The Sports Grounds in Practice : Francesco Perrotta The term "motivation" may be interpreted as "all the factors that promote the activity of the subject, directing it towards certain goals and allowing it to continue if these goals are not achieved immediately, then stop to the achievement of" (Reuchlin , 1957). Prior be specified as the sport is an activity that is practiced by free choice, which is to define in three successive stages: the choice - characterized by the evaluation by the subject of several elements both favorable and opposed to the sport, taking consider all possible alternatives-the decision - to practice a particular sport from the above-assessment and implementation - that is the concrete practice of sport-chosen (Giovannini, Savoy, 2002). Young people, both boys that girls can take a sport driven by a rather wide range of reasons, which have been studied in detail through a considerable number of searches, such as particularly interesting is the work of Gill, Gross and Huddleston (1983). In particular through further analysis was possible to identify eight factors, representative of the general categories of motivation in sports: - The factor "success / status", which refers to the desire to win, being popular, to improve their status, to do something which is able and receive prizes; - The factor "team" on the desire to be part of a team; - The factor "fitness" - The factor "spend energy," including reasons that relate to the desire to download the tensions, to move and stay away from home; - The factor related to those reinforcements that can support extrinsic motivation of the subject, how people significant for him and the pleasure derived from the use of sports equipment; - Development and improvement of sports skills; - Friendship and the desire to nurture the friendships, new and old; - The "fun". Among all these reasons, one that seemed most crucial is linked to the development and improvement of their sports skills, understanding that however the acquisition of that power is necessary to occur in a context that takes into consideration other reasons ( Cei, 1998), especially in order to avoid abandoning sports. Among the motivational processes, it should be named the motivation linked to the success, which was particularly thorough studies of Murray, McClelland and Atkinson, who were defined in terms of motivation to succeed and motivation to avoid failure. In particular, with reference to male athletes, it seems that a high desire to succeed and little fear of failure involving a skill level higher during the competition, while, conversely, a limited predisposition to the success associated with a marked Fear of failure include better performance during training. Further research has shown a level of fear of failure is understood associated with a high desire to succeed can foster positive benefits, this figure may be interpreted as the ability of the person to use effectively the processes of self, allowing him to use this anxiety Pre race in positive terms for the competition. In general, the model suggests that a high desire for success involves better performance compared to a low expectation of success (Cei, 1998). But that criticism can be made to this model refers excessive emphasis that this places on the personality of the subject, as a relatively stable force that determines the motivational, because apart from individual characteristics closely considerable importance should be acknowledged as situational , In a mutual synergistic action. For example, not all give the same meaning to the concept of success in sport: that is when it comes to some sense of success may be understood as the realization of benefits that show a high degree of competence, like other victory in comparison with others. In particular, this example provides an opportunity for two more motivational specific guidelines: that is, the orientation task (for which the subject is concerned to demonstrate a degree of competence / mastery) and orientation to himself (for which the subject wants to show their level of skill in comparison with others). The predominance of one or the motivational style is determined not only by the available equipment, but also from situational factors, as can be, for example reinforcements coming from adults or the way it is structured environment and in the latter case is unclear how a competition characterized by interpersonal confrontation and a public assessment eliciterà guidance to himself, while a greater emphasis on learning and demonstrate a certain level of skill will stimulate a task orientation (Cei, 1998). It is therefore important not to neglect those who are may be the determinants of contextual nature, these are: the structures of reward - which, if linked to performance against the enemy or to provide against a standard, determine different ways in which competitive we will combine the relevant guideline motivational -, the orientation of training - which in turn may be based on information or control by changing the perception of the subject himself and his motivation-the differences related to the type of sport -- which may attract some and not others, and also the socio-cultural factors (social class, race, ethnicity) - that can exert some influence on the degree of involvement of the subject in the same sport (Giovannini, Savoy, 2002). The result of a certain provision should be read not only in terms of victory or defeat, but above all individual perceptions of success or failure: those who are most concerned at the level of mastery will focus more improvements recorded during the performance compared with the previous standards, giving them greater value than the victory itself, unlike those who compete by focusing on a comparison with others, will define the success or failure especially in relation to the performance of others and therefore the outcome of the competition (Giovannini, Savoia , 2002). Both these guidelines sizes are so independent, not tied to each other, be present both in the same subject in different measures: an individual may be strongly oriented both toward the self as to the task, or another might be more focused on the task and less on themselves, or vice versa (Nicholls, 1992). It was also emphasized as the orientation task is in positive relationship with the perception of sport as a fun activity, while the opposite orientation itself would reduce the intrinsic interest for the same (Duda, Nicholls, 1992). Even assessments of the subject on their level of competence exert considerable influence on the performance of that (Harter, 1978, 1985): the feeling of autoefficacia structure is still in the testing of their skills, and while they say it and stabilizing the subject is continuously new targets that will put to the test again. In this process of structuring seem to be particularly important answers provided by external environment, particularly dall'allenatore: the feedback that significantly influence the perception of his abilities and performance in sport, especially in young adolescents (Weiss, Chaumenton, 1992 ). The results of Weiss and Chaumenton (1992) show that young people prefer reinforcements that not only encourage them but especially to provide them technical suggestions to improve them, and how these messages stimulate their perception of competence. Regarding the motivational process is also important to mention the so-called theory of the award, for which individuals seek to give meaning to events that happen to them and to the surrounding environment through causal relations: the so-called locus of control identifies the cause of performance as internal or external, equally important is the notion of stability, which causes a certain performance are identified as stable or unstable (Weiner, 1972, 1979). The first concept makes it possible to determine whether the individual understands the causes as more or less likely to control its part: it is evident that the attribution of success to internal causes act positively on their self-esteem, increasing interest in the same activity ; As, in contrast, a failure attributed to internal causes may include a reduction in the sense of autoefficacia with a consequent reduction of involvement in that particular activity. The stability, on the other hand, can affect expectations of future success acting on emotional experience: associate a failure to lead to stable expectations causes of failure in relation to future performance, and if successful will develop the opposite attitude . Like, if a person gives a possible failure to cause unstable coltiverà positive expectations with respect to future situations, and associate succeed in a constantly unstable causes may induce negative expectations in relation to subsequent performance. Deepening the relationship between interpretation of results, formulation of new expectations and performance has emerged as the actors - especially in order to preserve their self-interpretations tend to provide a causal defensive in case of failures, and in terms of skills ed'impegno successes, recognizing a greater personal liability in case of positive benefits, compared to nil. Moreover, in addition to a particular emphasis to internal locus of control, the successes are also attributed to a greater cause a stable and controllable (McAuley, Gross, 1983). Interesting is also considering the emotional state as a source of influence emotional behavior and performance of same: If a subject is characterized by an emotional state of happiness, enjoyment, pleasure and pride tend to keep and increase their level of motivation and therefore mastery, on the contrary a negative expressed by anxiety, sadness, shame, embarrassment decreases the motivation and desire to participate (Giovannini, Savoy, 2002). bibliography reasoned Cei A. (1998) Psychology Dello Sport, Il Mulino. Duda JL, Nicholls JC (1992), Dimension of Achievement Motivation in Schoolwork and Sport, in "Journal of Educational Psychology", 84, 3, 99.209-9. Gill D.L., Gross J.B., Huddleston S. (1983) Participation Motivation in Youth Sports, in "International Jourmal of Sport Psychology, 14, pp.1-14. Giovannini D., L. Savoia (2002) Psychology of Sport, Carocci. E. McAuley, Gross J.B. (1983) Perceptions of Causality in Sport: An Application of the Causal Dimension Scale, in "Journal of Sport Psychology, 5, pp.184-196. Nicholls J.G. (1992), The General and the Specific in the Development and Expression of Achievement Motivation in GC Roberts (ed.), Motivation in Sports and Exercise, Human Kinetics, Champaign, pp. 31-56. Reuchlin M. (1957), Psychologie, PUF, Paris ( Handbook of Psychology, Editori Riuniti, Rome, 1981). S. Harter (1978) Effectance Motivation Reconsidered, in "Human Development", 21, pp.34-64. S. Harter (1985) Manual for the Self-perception Profile for Children, Denver, Colo., University of Denver. Weiss M.R., Chaumenton N. (1992) motivational Sport in Orientations, in TH Horn (ed.), Advances in Sport Psychology, Champaign, Ill., Human Kinetics. B. Weiner (1972) Theory of Motivation: From Mechanism to Cognition, Chicago, Ill., Rand-McNally. B. Weiner (1979) A Theory of Motivation from some Classroom Experience, in "Journal of Educational Psychology, 71, PP3-25. read other articles Francesco Perrotta hide items Francesco Perrotta 2007 - The Obesity 2007 - In Emotional Brain of the addiction Smoke 2007 - More Internet, Less School 2007 - Anorexia and Bulimia: Eating disorders in Strong Increase 2006 - The Other Skills 2006 - Sport and Nutrition 2006 - The Psychological Damage of Children maltreatment and abuse 2006 - The Physical Activity Tool as Balance 2006 - 'mens sana in corpore sano' 2006 - The syndrome of Cornelia de Lange 2006 - Education and Hypokinesia Motor 2006 - Pedagogy of sport at school 2006 - Sport and Nutrition 2006 - Activities and Motor Sports Personality of the Training contact Francesco Perrotta close the box contacts PsicoLAB © 2004-2007
F Perrotta (2007)  Ipocinesia ed Educazione Motoria   rivista  
Abstract: In recent years, is witnessing a rise of obesity among the younger generation, due to changes in diets and reduced physical activity linked to time spent in front of television, video games or computers. Some American researchers have shown that there are three factors that correlate TV and obesity, both in young adults. The main one is that watching television occupies time normally devoted to physical activities and this will clearly reduce energy consumption, the second is the concomitant increase of the intake of food, because players tend to eat while watching the screen. The third factor is that, through much time in front of the television, we adopt unhealthy eating habits, often influenced by advertising which is exposed. The primary danger even in young, is the risk to suffer the consequences of the so-called ipocinetica disease, the syndrome of failure or insufficient physical exercise, which Kraus and Raab identified as early as 1961. This syndrome is characterized mainly by mortgage ipotrofia and skeletal muscles, leading to changes in cargo locomotive of the cardio-respiratory and metabolic system. The reduced physical activity creates in fact, the conditions for the emergence, during youth, of paramorfismi, such as: attitude scoliotico, dismetria limbs, scoliosis, kyphosis cervical-dorsal, iperlordosi, varismo and valgismo knees, etc. platismo foot. .. These changes not only affect the cardio-respiratory system, are behind the early appearance of rheumatology problems, is that young adult age, such as: tendinopatie, LOW BACK PAIN and lombosciatalgie, cervical-brachialgie, coxalgie, with the possibility of early accompanied by weather-degenerative arthritis for incremental change. The reduced or no physical activity, moreover, is often mistaken for food habits, which involves the onset of changes in the cardiovascular system, endocrine-metabolic, with excess weight and appetite changes of direction. These factors create the conditions for the emergence of dismetabolismi behind these debilitating diseases (diabetes, hypertension, coronary disease). Obesity early also accentuated by the loss of muscle tone, is increasing the overload on muscle-skeletal structures, emphasizing the physiological phenomenon of aging. Heart and lungs, in an ipocinetico, decrease their functional capacity: maximum heart rate reached during physical activity, decreases and is reached earlier, the ability el'elasticità contractility of the heart muscle deteriorate, just as happens at the level of skeletal muscle ; Worsens, then, the scope el'ossigenazione circulatory tissue. Even the lower respiratory sees its functional capabilities: you can have it reduced lung elasticity and concomitant limited efficiency of respiratory muscles accessories. The blood perfusion cellular level is reduced, altering the efficiency of trade breathing. Research carried out in the 2001/2002 school year by the city of Pesaro in collaboration with the Faculty of Motor Sciences of the University of Urbino, the CSA, the CONI Pesaro el'Ausl 1, wanted to see if there really is a tendency to overweight youth population in the six to eleven years, in fact recent research note that children Marches overweight, above the Italian average and that the Italian children in general, are among the most fat of Europe. The study showed that about six hundred children observed 29% is in these conditions and, of course, the evaluation on mobility accomplished by this working group, found that overweight children, found considerably worse reach than the other. Scientific data now show by several parties that the regular practice of physical activities and sports, contributes to improving the quality of life, reducing the risk of disease, helping to decrease the state of anxiety, manage stress, prevent Depression, a improve self-esteem. The increased energy that occurs when a program of education and pre-motor sport, is the main factor preventing able to correct and prevent obesity in children and the syndrome II (Ipodinamia-Hypokinesia) (1) introducing the subject, in cases of prolonged sedentary, in a vicious circle extremely negative, with serious repercussions on the physical or psychological well-being.
Rossi, Riegel, Messa, Gimelli, Maraschio, Ciccone, Stroppi, Riva, Perrotta, Mattina, Baumer, Kucinskas, Castellan, Schinzel, Zuffardi (2007)  Duplications in addition to terminal deletions are present in a proportion of ring chromosomes. Clues to the mechanisms of formation.   J Med Genet Nov  
Abstract: Background and METHODS: Ring chromosomes are often associated with abnormal phenotypes because of loss of genomic material at one or both ends. In some cases no deletion has been detected and the abnormal phenotype has been attributed to mitotic ring instability. We investigated 33 different ring chromosomes in patients with phenotypic abnormalities by array-CGH (comparative genomic hybridisation) and FISH. RESULTS: In seven cases we found not only the expected terminal deletion but also a contiguous duplication. FISH analysis in some of these cases demonstrated that the duplication was inverted. Thus these ring chromosomes derived through a classical inv dup del rearrangement consisting of a deletion and an inverted duplication. DISCUSSION: Inv dup del rearrangements have been reported for several chromosomes, but hardly ever in ring chromosomes. Our findings highlight a new mechanism for the formation of some ring chromosomes and show that inv dup del rearrangements may be stabilized not only through telomere healing and telomere capture but also through circularization. This type of mechanism must be kept in mind when evaluating possible genotype-phenotype correlations since in these cases (1) the deletion may be larger or smaller than at first estimated based on the size of the ring, with a different impact on the phenotype, and (2) the associated duplication will in general cause further phenotypic anomalies and might confuse the genotype/phenotype correlation. Moreover, these findings explain some phenotypic peculiarities which previously were attributed to a wide phenotypic variation or hidden mosaicism related to the instability of the ring.
F Perrotta, F Farsaci (2007)  LA STRUTTURAZIONE SPAZIO TEMPORALE NEL SOGGETTO DOWN IN ETA’ EVOLUTIVA   rivista SIGM societa' italiana di ginnastica medica LV: 02/07. 13,19  
Abstract: THE INSTALLATION IN THE SUBJECT AREA STORY DOWN IN AGE 'DEVELOPMENTAL Educating the disabled is a duty to which no society can shirk. For every disabled person is unable to find a treatment plan capable of developing its potential sensory, motor, mental and relazionali. The educational intervention should always be individualized and planned on the subject in question.
Francesco Perrotta (2007)  Nell'area Emotiva del Cervello la Dipendenza dal Fumo  
Abstract: Il recente Condotto da Studio Due ricercatori Statunitensi stabilisce Che il fumo è una Questione Che ha Che fare con le emozioni. La dipendenza da tabacco è controllata da una specifica area del cervello grande pressochè Quanto una monetina, insula l, contribuisce Che uno Gestire l emotività. Ne consegue Che se questa zona Risulta danneggiata, e / o il Suo Funzionamento non è corretto, la Volontà di fumare scompare Improvvisamente e senza alcuno Sforzo.
F Perrotta (2006)  Pedagogia dello sport a scuola Pedagogy of sport at school  
Abstract: The teaching of physical activities and sports at school requires a combination of knowledge and teaching skills. A pedagogy of sport can be defined as a set of procedures and techniques of learning, but we can understand only for goals or standards that you assign to serve the purposes of the school.
F Perrotta (2006)  L’Attività Fisica come Strumento di Equilibrio The Physical Activity Tool as Balance  
Abstract: According to the model originally worded: "The construction of reality", the experience is the result of the dynamic interaction between two related subsystems within the psychological subsystems that are universally referred to as "body" and "environment".
F Perrotta (2006)  Nell´Area Emotiva del Cervello la Dipendenza dal Fumo In Emotional Brain of the addiction Smoke  
Abstract: The recent study by two researchers U.S. states that smoking is an issue that has to do with emotions. Dependence on tobacco is controlled by a specific area of the brain almost as big a dime, the insula, which helps to manage the emotions. It follows that if this area is damaged, and / or its operation is not correct, the desire to smoke disappears suddenly and without any effort
Notes: The recent study by two researchers U.S. states that smoking is an issue that has to do with emotions. Dependence on tobacco is controlled by a specific area of the brain almost as big a dime, the insula, which helps to manage the emotions. It follows that if this area is damaged, and / or its operation is not correct, the desire to smoke disappears suddenly and without any effort. Antonie Bechara and Hanna Damasio, two researchers from the Brain and Creativity Institute at the University of California Sourthern, have followed the case of a man who after being struck by heart attack he suffered brain damage in dell'insula; man suddenly Forgot your cigarette addiction, and for many years without smoked about 40 cigarettes a day. Acknowledge this without any problems and no sacrifice, without using nicotine patches and without any psychological assistance. The patient has stopped smoking on his own volition. The researchers then subjected to brain imaging analysis of a sample of 69 avid smokers are affected by stroke. 19 of these had suffered its limited all'insula. Many of them have quit smoking after the stroke, and 13 of 19 with insula compromised did so immediately, unlike those patients with neural lesions otherwise, for which the loss of dependency was much more difficult. Patients with injuries dell'insula, therefore, following the damage stop simply to alert the need for cigarettes. E 'as turn off a switch, Bechara said, until now it was thought that the neural pleasure centers had a primary role in triggering the eventual dependence, but our discovery brought to the forefront dell'insula. The need and dependence appear to be on the island of emotions, the small area located deep in the brain. This discovery could revolutionize treatment of any dependence on tobacco and not
F Perrotta (2006)  Più Internet, Meno Scuola Gli adolescenti dedicano più tempo alla TV e ad Internet che alla Scuola More Internet, Less School Adolescents spend more time on TV and the Internet to School  
Abstract: More Internet, Less School Adolescents spend more time on TV and the Internet to School A study presented recently in Italy, where and 'was taken as a sample survey of a number of boys in 1475 eta' school residents in the north-east of the country, leaving out the results that adolescents use in TV excessive and not instructive. In some cases, television replaces the role of parent. Yes, 'which recorded a number of 4 million children (aged 3 to 10 years) every day 2 hours and 40 minutes in front of the TV. Moreover, a family of 3 turned on the television even in the hour of dinner, but worrying that 28% sees the TV even in the morning during breakfast, a psychological dependence that affects their children not to be able to do more 'at least in their growth . Unfortunately, children are not prepared to see for themselves some of the programs broadcast on television, but for irresponsibility 'of parents perhaps "too impeganti and distracted by so many other things." The research shows that some of the children described in a see TG Program frightening and 6 children in 10 said to prove fear that some events may happen transmitted to them. While disconcerting and 'that only one child in 10 parents to demand an explanation of the news TG.Nel views per view television with images that frightened them more' 50% closed their eyes or change the program televisivo.Altro parent acquired in the lives of children Today e'la presence of the Internet, and 'children are often left alone by their parents even before the computer, with possible consequences sometimes just recommended to the world of internet surfers. Yes,' the research found that a child under 3 ' eta 'including from 7 to 11 years sailing with ease on the planet telematics and internet without any access to programs that are often intended for an audience of adults and also about 20% of these children said that they have crossed into the various chat for children at least one adult who try to harass and annoying
F Perrotta (2006)  Anoressia e Bulimia: Disturbi Alimentari in Forte Aumento Anche in Italia Ragazzi Anoressici Anorexia and Bulimia: Eating disorders in Strong Increase Even in Italy Boys anorexic  
Abstract: The eating disorders, including anorexia and bulimia nervosa are the most obvious and became the last twenty years a real SOS for mental health for the huge devastating effects they have on the health and life of pre-adolescents and young adults. The medical associations in the U.S. that deal with these phenomena will define a real epidemic that crosses all social strata and different ethnic groups. If not treated in time and with appropriate methods, eating disorders may become a permanent condition and in severe cases lead to death, which usually happens by suicide or cardiac arrest. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) are the leading cause of death for mental illness in Western countries. A study published in the British journal The Lancet suggests that research on treatments is much more advanced in the case of bulimia nervosa, which have been held more than fifty studies and trial and a second management practices based on evidence is possible. Less attention, however, had so far dedicated to research on possible treatments for anorexia nervosa and other forms of food disorder. Anorexia and bulimia are complex diseases, certain conditions of psychological and emotional, thus requiring treatment of both the food problem in saying that his psychic nature. The goal is to bring the patient through therapy designed to change behavior el'attitudine to adopt solutions for managing their emotional stress that they are not harmful to their health and to restore a balanced eating. They can occur in people of different age, sex, social origin, but are usually more common in young women aged between 14 and 24 years. In Europe and particularly in Britain people with eating disorders are approximately between 5 and 10% of women between 14 and 24 years, the onset of the disease can 'already occur during childhood and pre-adolescents and in children more effectively. Bulimia, which occurs when the person eats and a compulsive then immediately vomit it all, and 'almost 5 times more widespread dell'anoressia and therefore very dangerous to health. In both diseases was' found that the risk factors are high, they may even be lethal, or over the irreversible consequences. On a more positive and that the event of cases of anorexia among girls aged 7-8 years are quite rare today, it supports a medical researcher Goldin of hospital pediatric Great Hormones Street in London. In our society today our children are subjected to strong pressure in a negative stimuli and reference models do not always conform to a style of life "regular" and healthy compared to a twenty years ago, which provides a negative 'childhood accelerated compared to regular evolutionary development. for the influence of social models that identify the beauty, success with being lean, lean to the bone, or advertising images of famous fotomodelle or tissue whiskers seen on TV or appeared in magazines All factors triggers this phenomenon. But unlike these two diseases anything to do with the sexy-appeal. These subjects "at risk" will die without leaving anything to transpire lobbies, in a grave silence, become a "full" of food in convulsions, combined with most of the time of obsessive gymnastic exercises until exhaustion. Most of the time these players feel fat even when their weight and considerably below the average. A shock confession of a girl of 23 years and that is' sick since he was 15 and 'got to weigh only 32 kg, then the story of the beautiful and known Brazilian model who recently e' nipped died from the disease in only 24 years, demonstrating that those who are sick of these diseases can be difficult to heal completely, 20% and 'suffering from chronic disorders and mortality and values of 5%. The anorexia and 'confirmation as genuine neurological disease with the highest rate of mortality (an average of 13% to 18%). Although anorexia and' regarded as a phenomenon linked to female, from a research conducted recently has' seen the occurrence even among males, because in our country will suffer about 15 thousand young children, and 4.1% of the male population. Males with the first symptoms at an average age of 17 years, while 48.7% of these teenagers are students of secondary schools. THE DISEASE: anorexia and bulimia are diseases that in recent research has shown no real age limit, the oscillation varies by age 7 years to 40 years, may cause triggered by genetic factors, social pressures, lack or low self-esteem. THE SUFFERING: e 'typical in developed countries, women eating disorders affecting women at 3% between 14 and 24 years, while in Great Britain comes to 5 and 10%. Bulimia and 'much more widespread dell'anoressia. Symptoms: the person affected and 'obsessed by his weight, excessive exercise, vomiting resulted in a voluntary absence of menstruation, significant reduction of weight up to 85% of normal. Half of the subjects suffering from anorexia and bulimia is not hardly ever recorded and subjected to Accordingly diagnosed. THE CONSEQUENCES: as extremely negative impact on mortality more than 5%, about half of people with anorexia and bulimia are not fully healed completely, 20% develop chronic disorders and has a staffing level. The anorexia and 'now considered a Psychiatric illness with the highest mortality rate (from 13 to 18%
F Perrotta (2006)  Ipocinesia ed Educazione Motoria Hypokinesia and Motor Education  
Abstract: In recent years, is witnessing a rise of obesity among the younger generation, due to changes in diets and reduced physical activity linked to time spent in front of television, video games or computers. Some American researchers have shown that there are three factors that correlate TV and obesity, both in young adults
F Perrotta (2006)  ´Mens Sana in Corpore Sano´ L’importanza dell’attività motoria per il benessere psicofisico    
Abstract: Many times we believe we stay healthy and do not care about us practice any motor activity. We forget that diseases favored by the lack of movement develops slowly and without specific signals. So long as these diseases spread and the health and well-being and worse, prevention with frequent physical activities can certainly be very important. The sports movement and activity creates an improvement of the state workforce and the general perception of their body.
F Perrotta (2006)  La Sindrome di Cornelia de Lange  
Abstract: The syndrome (CdLS) of Cornelia de Lange Malformative is a disease which we must acknowledge the paternity of a Dutch pediatrician in 1933. From a statistical study the incidence of this syndrome is a new case every 10-20.000 about children born (in Italy are about 50 new births affected by the syndrome Cornelia de Lange).
F Perrotta (2006)  Le Altre Abilità La Personalizzazione degli Interventi  
Abstract: The definition of "disabled" has been used to reflect the fact that every person, more or less clever, if you put in a position to pull out the best of himself, in an environmental report, expresses capabilities and skills that go beyond appearances tied to a chair with wheels, with crutches, with a stick, but enhances the ability of which every individual is a carrier and that, therefore, because referring to the individual are different. The customization of operations, then, makes the activities targeted specifically to each person
F Perrotta  La postura e sport 2008  
Abstract: La postura è rappresentata dall'insieme delle posizioni di tutte le articolazioni del corpo in un certo momento" (Kendall). "Con postura si intende qualsiasi atteggiamento, definito dai rapporti che si stabiliscono tra i vari segmenti corporei, che possiamo assumere nello spazio" (Boccardi). "La postura può essere considerata l'insieme dei rapporti esistenti tra l'intero organismo, le varie parti del corpo e l'ambiente che lo circonda" (Tribastone). "La postura è espressione somatica di emozioni impulsi e regressioni.....riflessione inconscia nell'atteggiamento esteriore della propria condizione interiore, la propria personalità" (Cailliet). "La postura è una risposta globale di accomodamento ad un certo ambiente, una correlazione tra gli aspetti corporali e mentali del comportamento" (Tribastone). The posture is represented by the positions of all the joints of the body in a certain time "(Kendall). "With posture is any attitude, defined by the relationships established between the different body segments, we can take in space" (Boccardi). "The posture can be seen all the existing relations between the whole body, the various parts of the body and the environment that surrounds him" (Tribastone). "The posture is somatic expression of emotions and impulses regressions ..... unconscious nell'atteggiamento outward reflection of his inner condition, their personality" (Cailliet). "The posture is a comprehensive settlement of a certain environment, a correlation between the physical and mental aspects of behavior" (Tribastone).
F Perrotta  Anoressia e Bulimia: Disturbi Alimentari in Forte Aumento   Primo Congresso Telematico Multidisciplinare: "L'adolescenza e la società complessa". 2007  
Abstract: I disordini alimentari, di cui anoressia e bulimia nervosa sono le manifestazioni più evidenti e ne sono diventati nellâultimi venti anni un vero SOS di salute mentale per gli enormi effetti devastanti che hanno sulla salute e sulla vita di preadolescenti e giovani adulti. The eating disorders, including anorexia and bulimia nervosa are the events more obvious and have become the last twenty years a health SOS mental to the huge devastating effects they have on the health and lives of pre-adolescents and young adults.
Abstract: Da una recente ricerca del Preventive Medicine research Institute di Sausalito nella California ,alcuni ricercatori hanno condotto uno studio che eâ stato pubblicato di recente sulla rivista proceeding of the National Academy of Science (PNSAS) secondo la quale la dieta abbinata allâattivitaâ fisica -motoria possono migliorare il nostro DNA A recent search of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito in California, some researchers have conducted a study which 'was published recently in the journal Proceeding of the National Academy of Science (PNSAS) that the diet combined with' physical -motor can improve our DNA
F Perrotta  Effetti benefici su ansia e depressione dell'attività sportiva   rivista on-line 2006  
Abstract: It 'a well known fact that physical activity gives you energy and puts you in a good mood. At least 20 published studies, indicate a link between physical activity and signs of wealth. There are many medical tests that show the beneficial effects of exercise on cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes. Currently it is beginning to show increasing interest to see if physical activity can also influence the treatment of mental illness. An extensive study conducted in England, showed that 20% of females and 14% of men have suffered from mental problems at some point in their lives. Praticare attività motorie produce effetti benefici sulla salute E' un fatto ben noto che l'attività fisica vi conferisce energia e vi mette di buon umore. Almeno 20 studi pubblicati, indicano un collegamento tra l'attività fisica ed i segni del benessere. Esistono molte prove mediche che indicano gli effetti benefici dell'esercizio fisico su malattie cardiovascolari, obesità e diabete. Attualmente si sta cominciando a mostrare sempre più interesse per verificare se l'attività fisica possa influenzare anche la cura delle malattie mentali. Un ampio studio svolto in Inghilterra, ha dimostrato che il 20 % delle donne ed il 14 % degli uomini, hanno sofferto di problemi mentali in qualche momento della loro vita
F Perrotta, G Colasante  Soprappeso e obesità e l' infanto-giovanile Cause, prevenzione e trattamento. rivista scientifica 2006  
Abstract: The research, at present, aims to eliminate from some factor that has changed since the war on ensuring that potential diabetics, genetically speaking, are transformed from potential into reality. L 'hypothesis is related revenue increased caloric, a time our ancestors ate much less. The new research, for the treatment of diabetes, are represented by artificial pancreas, pumps, portable insulin and transplants. Those at risk for type 1 diabetes (the infant-juvenile, which requires insulin) are those with a family history of diabetes behind. for type 2 diabetes, however, adversely affect the sedentary Hypokinesia and increasing body weight. In particular the manner of distribution of adipose tissue sull'addome seems to play a dangerously accentuated role of risk. La ricerca, allo stato attuale, punta ad eliminare dallâambiente qualche fattore che si è modificato dagli anni della guerra in poi facendo sì che i diabetici potenziali, geneticamente parlando, si trasformino da potenziali in reali. Lâ ipotesi è relativa allâaumentato introito calorico; un tempo i nostri avi mangiavano molto meno. Le nuove ricerche , per la cura del diabete, sono rappresentate dal pancreas artificiale, le pompe portatili per lâinsulina e i trapianti. I soggetti a rischio per il diabete di tipo 1 (lâinfanto-giovanile, che abbisogna di insulina) sono quelli che hanno una storia familiare alle spalle di diabete. per il diabete di tipo 2,invece, incidono negativamente la sedentarietà ipocinesia e lâaumento del peso corporeo. In particolare il modo di distribuzione del tessuto adiposo sullâaddome sembra svolgere pericolosamente un accentuato ruolo di rischio.
Abstract: The physical education and has undergone several major changes, (both in primary school, both in the secondary) to become what we today call education mobility. Lâeducazione fisica ha subito numerosi ed importanti cambiamenti, (sia nella scuola primaria, sia in quella secondaria) per divenire quella che oggi chiamiamo educazione motoria.
F Perrotta  Sport e intelligenza 3 2007/08  
Abstract: L'associazione "muscoli pieni - testa vuota" sembra non avere più una correlazione. In effetti parecchi studi hanno dimostrato che gli sport di resistenza, come la corsa a piedi, il ciclismo o lo sci di fondo, quando sono praticati in modo ragionevole, facilitano il trasporto dell'ossigeno dai polmoni fino ai territori più profondi dell'organismo ed eccitano così efficacemente il comando cerebrale. Jean Ferniot, giornalista e scrittore, in questo senso scrive: "Trovo che la passeggiata solitaria, al mattino presto, mi favorisce nel pensare. Improvvisamente, le idee diventano più nitide, le immagini più colorate, i concatenamenti più rigorosi, le parole più saporite. Come se l'intelligenza mi venisse dalle gambe". The association "muscles filled - empty head" seems not to have a more correlation. Indeed, several studies have shown that endurance sports, as the race walk, cycling or cross-country skiing when they are charged so reasonable, facilitate the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the territories the deep and stir so effectively control the brain. Jean Ferniot, journalist and writer, in this sense writes: "I find that the walk solitary, early in the morning, helps me in thinking. Suddenly, ideas become sharper, more colorful images, the concatenations more stringent, the and most tasty. As if the intelligence was from me legs. "
F Perrotta  L’Odontoiatria nel Miglioramento della Prestazione Sportiva 2008  
Abstract: Ã diffuso scientificamente dagli addetti ai lavori che modificando in maniera non invasiva lâocclusione dentale si hanno positivi miglioramenti sugli atleti per le prestazioni sportive con un incremento che va dal 20 al 40 % e con riduzione di consumo di ossigeno e di minore produzione di acido lattico nei muscoli. Recent scientific studies show that changing in a non-invasive dental occlusion there are positive improvements on athletes for performance sports, an increase ranging from 20 to 40% and reduction of oxygen consumption and lower production of lactic acid in muscles.
F Perrotta, Giulianelli  La valenza psicologica dell’educatore sportivo per soggetti in età evolutiva. il gioco-sport: l’a-b-c- del minivolley 2008  
Abstract: analizza i processi mentali e gli effetti della pratica sportiva direttamente sulla persona; è un argomento di competenza multidisciplinare; il suo fine è il conseguimento del benessere e della salute per favorire lâincremento della prestazione sportiva partendo dalla psiche; è rivolta sia allo sport di alto livello sia allo sport per tutti. analyzes the mental processes and effects of sports on the person; is a matter of multidisciplinary expertise; his goal is to achieve welfare and health to promote the growth of benefit from the sports psyche; is directed both at the top-level sport is sport for all.
F Perrotta, C Giunta  “Eurofit Possibilities for a Youth Population Effected by Down’s syndrome”    
Abstract: Down syndrome is a genetic condition. The condition is found most often in the couple XXI, as well in trisome 21. Those with Down syndrome are affected with psychophysical impairments, delayed motor skills, and in some instances also the malformation of organs and apparatuses. From the epidemiological point of view is calculate that 1 child on 1200 with Down syndrome will have a life expectancy of about sixty-two years. However with an educated global intervention through study and scientific development it is suggested that growth in such areas as education and social ability are undoubtedly on a developmental track of progression. The Eurofit test, supplied with information relative to the physical and emotional condition of those children affected, have taken on a positive attitude on emphasizing possible treatments. The application of the Eurofit test on Down syndrome is not always a possibility but adaptations to personalize the study have been asked for. Sindrome di Down è una condizione genetica. La condizione si trovano più spesso in coppia XXI, come pure in trisome 21. Quelli con sindrome di Down sono affette da minorazioni psico-fisico, ritardo capacità motorie, e in alcuni casi anche la malformazione di organi e apparati. Dal punto di vista epidemiologico si calcola che 1 bambino su 1200 con sindrome di Down avranno una speranza di vita di circa sessanta-due anni. Tuttavia con un intervento globale di istruzione attraverso lo studio e lo sviluppo scientifico si suggerisce che la crescita in settori come l'istruzione e la capacità sociali sono senza dubbio su una pista per lo sviluppo di progressione. La prova Eurofit, fornito con le informazioni relative alla fisica ed emotiva condizione di quei bambini colpiti, hanno assunto un atteggiamento positivo sul sottolineando possibili trattamenti. L'applicazione della prova su Eurofit sindrome di Down non è semper, ma una possibilità adeguamenti per personalizzare lo studio è stato chiesto per.

Conference papers

F Perrotta, E Mele (2009)  L'autismo in eta' scolare "una diagnosi precoce per un trattamento terapeutico"    
Abstract: Lâautismo seria patologia psichiatrica che limita la persona prima ad inserirsi e poi integrarsi nella collettività e quindi di stabilire rapporti con altri. La pet therapy ad esempio può essere importante nel facilitare i rapporti: quella con lâanimale, è una relazione immediata. Per facilitare i bambini affetti da autismo si utilizza lâippoterapia o la delfinoterapia. Nella riabilitazione di tipo equestre il bambino siede sulla groppa senza sella in quanto gli permette di avere stimolazioni scaturite dal ritmo e dell' appoggio degli zoccoli. La terapia del cavallo contrasta lâiperattività proprio dei bambini autistici. Il rumore dato dal ritmo degli zoccoli, somiglia al battito del cuore che il bambino percepiva nellâutero della mamma, che le provoca una sensazione di benessere. Con la delfinoterapia invece il bambino attraversa una specie di ritorno alla vita intrauterina, proprio dovuta all'immergersi nellâacqua. La pet therapy agisce su più livelli. Il rapporto instaurato tra il bambino e l'animale, e lâaffetto che li lega,sono tutti elementi che agiscono in modo positivo sulla sfera affettivo-emozionale e psicofisica. La pet therapy agisce positivamente su tre livelli: 1)livello emotivo-psicologico. Gli animali aiutano ad alleviare la solitudine con i loro bisogni accentrano lâattenzione della persona:ad esempio un cucciolo distoglie dai pensieri negativi, si fa sentire accettati e favorisce il rapporto interpersonale; 2) a livello fisico: gli animali sono uno stimolo all'attività motoria e uno strumento per la riabilitazione; 3)a livello ludico: lâanimale per tutta la sua vita riesce sempre ad avere la capacità di giocare,inducendo anche alle persone a giocare Autism serious psychiatric disorder that limits the first person to enter and integrate into the community and then to establish relationships with others. The pet therapy, for example, may be important in facilitating the relationship: the one with the animal, is an immediate report. To help children suffering from autism is used ippoterapia or delfinoterapia. Rehabilitation of a horse the child sits on the back in the saddle without enabling him to have resulted from the stimulation rate and the 'support of the hoof. Horse therapy counteracts the hyperactivity of their autistic children. The noise made by the rhythm of the hooves, like the beating of the heart that the child received in the uterus of the mother, which causes a feeling of wellbeing. By delfinoterapia instead the child goes through a kind of return to the intrauterine life, precisely because all'immergersi water. The pet therapy works on many levels. The relationship between the child and the animal, el'affetto that links them, are all elements that act positively on the emotional-affective sphere and psychophysical. The pet therapy acts positively on three levels: 1) emotional-psychological level. The animals help to alleviate the loneliness and their manner needs the attention of the person: for example, a puppy away from negative thoughts, you feel accepted, and promotes interpersonal relationship; 2) a physical level: the animals are a stimulus to the motor and a tool for rehabilitation; 3) to play: the animal throughout its life always manages to have the ability to play, leading to people playing
F Perrotta, Facolta' di Scienze Motorie -universita' -universita' Mele, Facolta' di Scienze dell'ed Motoria-Universita' Cieti/Pescara Istituto di Medicina Sportiva e Sociale-Salerno (2009)  Aspetti preventivi,compensativi e adattativi dell'attivita' motoria nell'osteoporosi    
Abstract: Prof. Enrico Mele-Facoltà di Scienze Motorie-Chieti, Prof. Francesco Perrotta â Facoltà di Scienze Motorie Osteoporosis causes and contributing factors. Osteoporosis and defined as disease that originated in a reduction in bone mass and deterioration of attorney to her bones become porous. Thus acquires more bone fragility and responsible a spontaneous fractures or injuries in the ordinary daily activities, e.g. lifting a weight from the ground. The parties most hit to break the vertebrae, femur, wrist, humerus. There are two types of osteoporosis: the post-menopausal, whose primary cause is linked to the reduction of circulating estrogen, osteoporosis of older, due to a hormone that takes calcium and phosphate all bone. In the female bone loss occurs after less break. Osteoporosis usually does not show any symptoms. A first alarm is evident from a slight curvature of the spine and by 2-3 cm in height. The pain from spinal fracture is limited in time so the person does not feel he had a fracture in the spine. Osteoporotic fractures may have these consequences: hospital stay with long periods of immobility, surgery and with high risk of disability and loss of autonomy. CAUSES The causes are due to the loss of calcium and minerals caused by metabolic and hormonal changes that will be subject the body with advancing age. The human bones contain calcium and phosphate crystals that damage to the skeleton stiffness. The process of renewal (bone remodeling) is realized by two stages: destruction and reconstruction of the microscopic structure of bone. In bone there are two types of cells, a type of mail destruction (osteoclasts) and the other which is responsible for the construction of bone (osteoblasts). During the process of remodeling, the osteoclasts destroy part of the bone, while osteoblasts produce new bone. Adolescents and at the end of the process, the amount of accumulated bone will be greater than at the beginning, because at this time of life the skeleton needs to develop. While the adult healthy at the end of the process will be rebuilt, instead the same amount of bone that had been destroyed and the skeleton resume its initial mass. After 40 years of age, the destructive process that takes precedence over reconstruction and the bone age to be a reduction in bone mass. When the destruction takes precedence over the birth of new bone already refers to osteoporosis. CAUSE OF RISK Women are more prone to the risk of osteoporosis because the assets acquired at skeletal maturity is lower compared to men. It is recommended that women over the age of 65 under go a thorough examination. But unfortunately occur other risk factors that predispose a woman to have a low bone mass that causes osteoporosis: ⢠menopause ⢠low intake of calcium and vitamin D ⢠smoking ⢠alcohol abuse ⢠people with low body weight ⢠hypokinesia and or low motor activity and sport ⢠exposure to the sunâs rays limited ⢠diabetes mellitus CONSEQUENCES The spinal fracture and very often, it affects 1 woman in 4 and 1 male to 20 from 60 years of age. There is this rift with random X-ray examinations performed for other reasons, usually manifests with symptoms of painful and or occurs with no vertebral fracture pain. Comes the risk of other fractures and chronic pain invalid. Fractures of the wrist mainly refer to osteoporosis post-menopausal, while those of older hip osteoporosis. Fractures of the spine give rise to the clinical picture revealed by bowing the back area of the kyphosis and a decrease in height and cause pain and disability, even totally free of symptoms, these fractures are more than 2-3 is a curved dorsal and chronic pain with standing and a state of severe disability. Fractures of the femur in years of age advanced, are caused by 90%, a modest nature of pain, such as a fall and that one third of the fall takes place at home and for trivial reasons: getting up, slipping on the floor stumble. These fractures are associated with a series of complications that affect their quality of road and time of rehabilitation




F Perrotta*, Angelo Pannelli** *Universita' di Bolzano, facolta' di Scienze della Formazione, ** docente di scienze motorie, allenatore-giocatore FIP (2009)  Il ruolo pedagogico e l'azione professionale dell‘allenatore sportivo nel contesto educativo: analisi e studi approfonditi del rapporto con i propri atleti    
Abstract: abstracts di Francesco Perrotta*, Angelo Pannelli** *Universitaâ degli Studi di Bolzano Facoltaâ di Scienze dell Formazione **docente di scienze motorie specializzato SSIS, allenatore-giocatore FIP Il ruolo pedagogico e l'azione professionale dellâallenatore sportivo nel contesto educativo: analisi e studi approfonditi del rapporto con i propri atleti âPer promozione della salute si intende il processo che consente alla gente di esercitare un maggiore controllo sulla propria salute e di migliorarla. Per conseguire uno stato di completo benessere fisico, mentale e sociale, lâindividuo o il gruppo deve poter individuare e realizzare le proprie aspirazioni, soddisfare i propri bisogni e modificare lâambiente o adattarvisi. La salute è, pertanto, vista come una risorsa per la vita quotidiana [â¦].â ( Carta di Ottawa, 1986) Lâimportanza dellâavviamento alla pratica sportiva eâ un fattore fondamentale al miglioramento dello sviluppo psicofisico del giovane,pertanto lâattivitaâsportiva nel praticarla sviluppa azioni positive incentrate sulla consapevolezza delle proprie capacitaâ, migliorarando progressivamente la propria autonomia e autostima e predispone il giovane nello spirito di collaborare con il gruppo-squadra con la possibilitaâ durante la performaces sportiva di andare incontro alle difficoltà affrontandole e superandole con successo. Da qui la necessitaâ di unâeducazione nel praticare unâattività sportiva giaâ nel periodo infantile e nellâetaâ scolare principalmente; la pratica sportiva predispone in modo efficace lo sviluppo di competenze motorie agevolando in modo profiguo il suo sviluppo intellettivo-motorio. âPromuovere la salute significa â mettere la persona al centroâ e questo può essere raggiunto mediante un approccio centrato sulla personaâ. (Zucconi & Howell, 2003) Non solo allenatore, quindi, ma educatore e âlife coachâ o allenatore di vita. Si tratta di una figura di riferimento capace di rispondere ai bisogni cognitivi e affettivi/emotivi, rispetto alla quale lâatleta sviluppa in termini bolwbyani ( 1989) un âattaccamentoâ. il life coach dà spazio agli atleti per riflettere sugli eventi ed attribuire ad essi valore e significati. Fonagy (2005) parla di âcapacità metacognitivaâ fondamentale per la salute mentale. Lâeducatore sportivo deve comunicare efficacemente utilizzando parole che non mirino a squalificare il giovane ma favoriscono lâaprirsi di un dialogo. un giudizio tecnico o una valutazione sul piano agonistico, Questâultimo, infatti, può essere favorito attraverso lâutilizzo dellâ âascolto attivoâ in cui lâempatia in quanto âagente educativo: rilassa, dà conferma e riporta in una dimensione umana anche la persona più spaventata, bloccata e confusa.â ( T. Gordon, 1991) âUn buon allenatore,), senza dubbio avere la giusta preparazione tecnica ma in primis una sua autonomia acquisita dallâesperienza su campo che si matura nel tempo che lâorienta nel programmare lâ allenamento prima sulle esigenze che vengono fuori dai suoi allievi e poi al raggiungimento della vittoria in gara.
FRANCESCO PERROTTA-UNIVERSITA' DI CHIETI- FACOLTA' DI SCIENZE DELL'ED MOTORIA (2007)  Attività Motorie e Sportive nella Formazione della Personalità Francesco Perrotta    
Abstract: Come è noto l´attività sportiva rappresenta uno dei mezzi per la formazione globale della personalità degli allievi (gioco-sport, attività presportiva, attività sportiva, sport per tutti), rappresenta una delle forme dell´attività motoria e in particolare quella che favorisce e sviluppa nei giovani processi di socializzazione, valutazione e autovalutazione; l´educazione motoria (nella scuola primaria) e l´educazione fisica (nella scuola secondaria) contribuiscono allo sviluppo di tutte le qualità di ogni allievo nelle diverse aree della personalità vale a dire la formazione globale del soggetto sulla base del suo «potenziale personale»: andando a rappresentare il cardine dellâattività curricolare rivolta a tutti gli studenti. Le attività


Prof Enrico Mele Facoltà Scienze Ed Motoria - Università Chieti/Pescara Istituto Medicina Sportiva e Sociale – Salerno Prof Francesco Perrotta Facolta’ di Scienze Motorie- Universita’ dell’Aquila Tecnico- ricercatore ricercatore Scuola (2009)  Aspetti preventivi, compensativi e adattativi dell’attività motoria nell’osteoporosi   [SCIENZE MOTORIE ADATTATE]  
Abstract: Lâosteoporosi consiste nella riduzione della massa ossea e deterioramento della struttura con aumentata fragilità ed alto rischio di fratture. Il rapporto tra la componente minerale e quella organica è normale. Fattori di rischio Immodificabili Sesso femminile Etnia (caucasica/asiatica) Età avanzata Costituzione esile Storia familiare Fattori di rischio Modificabili Ipogonadismo Anoressia Vita sedentaria Fumo, Alcool, Caffè Basso apporto di calcio Eccessivo apporto di proteine e fosforo Farmaci Osteoporosi primaria Giovanile Idiopatica Post-menopausale (tipo I) Senile (tipo II) Osteoporosi primaria La massa ossea aumenta durante i primi 30 anni di vita; si avvicina al picco massimo nella tarda adolescenza, aumenta lentamente e raggiunge il picco allâetà di circa 30 anni. 2) La massa ossea è determinata da fattori genetici, ma è influenzata dallo stile di vita e da stati patologici concomitanti 3) In menopausa il rimodellamento osseo è sbilanciato e causa una perdita ossea in tutte le sedi. Lâosteoporosi dopo la menopausa Il rimodellamento osseo si verifica durante tutto il corso della vita. Nellâadulto lâattività degli osteoclasti è bilanciata da quella degli osteoblasti.


DI PERUGIA-FACOLTA' SFP PROF FRANCESCO PERROTTA-UNIVERSITA' (2009)  Iperattività in età dello sviluppo Di F.Perrotta segnali dell’aggressività   [SCIENZE DELL'EDUCAZIONE MOTORIA]  
Abstract: Il bambino durante il suo sviluppo puoâ evidenziare atteggiamenti aggressivi , che in genere non sono presi molto in considerazione dai genitori e dagli educatori che credono nella loro non competenza in materia che saranno superati con lâetaâ.dati scientifici invece ci dimostrano e sottolineano che nellâambiente in cui vive il bambino privo di sufficienti supporti educativi, a svilupparsi saranno solo le capacità offensive del bambino che sfociano piuâ delle volte nellâaggressivitaâ. Eâ fondamentale che Lâatteggiamento aggressivo che sfocia in violenza deve essere preso seriamente in esame a qualsiasi etaâ dai piuâ piccoli agli adulti compresi. Il termine scientifico del comportamento violento nei bambini eâ dovuto da molteplici estensioni di comportamenti : manifestazioni di rabbia, assalto attacco improvviso e violento fisico, far male agli altri,usare violenza verso gli animali, essere piromane distruzione delle cose proprie e vandalismo
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