George N. Papatheodorou CV
1969: PhD in Physical Chemistry, Univ. of Chicago, USA 1968: MS in Chemical Physics, Univ. of Chicago, USA
2007- Professor Emeritus University of Patras.
2002- : FORTH Distinguished Member 1981-2006: Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Patras 1978-1989: Visiting Professor, Chemistry Dept., Technical Univ. of Denmark, Lyngby, DENMARK 1974-1981: Scientist, Chemical Engineering Division Argonne National Laboratory, USA 1971-1974: Research Associate, The James Franck Institute, Univ. of Chicago, USA 1970-1971: U.S.-AEC Fellow, Ames National Laboratory, USA 1969-1970: Research Fellow, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA 1964-1969: Research and Teaching Assistant, Univ. of Chicago, USA
Research Activities:
Physical chemistry of inorganic materials. Vibrational / electronic absorption spectroscopy of high temperature inorganic vapours, high temperature ionic liquids and glasses. Applications of light scattering spectroscopies.
1. Participation in Research Projects: Coordination of E.U. Projects: BRITE, NETWORK and SCIENCE programmes and partner in BRITE, NATO, STRIDE,JOULE and IP programmes. Coordinator in National Competitive Projects.
2. Publications: Over 150 refereed journal papers.
3. Conference Participation: Over 150 lectures in conferences, member of the organising committee in various conferences and chairman of the EUCHEM 1990 Conference. Over 50 papers in Conference proceedings.
Administrative /Science policy Positions:
1981-1984: Vice President, Greek Atomic Energy Commission 1982-1984: The first Chairman, Dept. of Chem. Eng. Univ. of Patras, GREECE 1984-1986: Member, Senior Scientific Officials of the Council of Europe 1984-1999: The first Institute Director, FORTH/ICE-HT (now IEXMH) 1987-1988: Vice President, National Advisory Research Council, Greece 1988-1989: Secretary General for Research and Technology , Greek Ministry of Development 1988-1989: Member, Group Research, DG-XII, European Union 1989-1995: Deputy Director, FORTH 1987-1990: Member, Scientific Board of the "Democritos" National Research Center 1994-2003: Member, NATO Science Committee 1996-2003:Chairman, Scientific Board of the National Hellenic Research Foundation
Teaching Activities:
25 years of teaching in the Dept. of Chem. Eng., Univ. of Patras: chemical thermodynamics, physical chemistry, chemical physics.
Professional Affiliations:
American Chemical Society, American Physical Society, Electrochemical Society.
Max Bredig Award -U.S. Electrochemical Society 2002. FORTH Distinguished Member 2002. U.S. Atomic Energy Commition Fellow 1970-71. Reynolds scholarship, Univ. of Chicago 1964.
1969: PhD in Physical Chemistry, Univ. of Chicago, USA 1968: MS in Chemical Physics, Univ. of Chicago, USA
2007- Professor Emeritus University of Patras.
2002- : FORTH Distinguished Member 1981-2006: Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Patras 1978-1989: Visiting Professor, Chemistry Dept., Technical Univ. of Denmark, Lyngby, DENMARK 1974-1981: Scientist, Chemical Engineering Division Argonne National Laboratory, USA 1971-1974: Research Associate, The James Franck Institute, Univ. of Chicago, USA 1970-1971: U.S.-AEC Fellow, Ames National Laboratory, USA 1969-1970: Research Fellow, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA 1964-1969: Research and Teaching Assistant, Univ. of Chicago, USA
Research Activities:
Physical chemistry of inorganic materials. Vibrational / electronic absorption spectroscopy of high temperature inorganic vapours, high temperature ionic liquids and glasses. Applications of light scattering spectroscopies.
1. Participation in Research Projects: Coordination of E.U. Projects: BRITE, NETWORK and SCIENCE programmes and partner in BRITE, NATO, STRIDE,JOULE and IP programmes. Coordinator in National Competitive Projects.
2. Publications: Over 150 refereed journal papers.
3. Conference Participation: Over 150 lectures in conferences, member of the organising committee in various conferences and chairman of the EUCHEM 1990 Conference. Over 50 papers in Conference proceedings.
Administrative /Science policy Positions:
1981-1984: Vice President, Greek Atomic Energy Commission 1982-1984: The first Chairman, Dept. of Chem. Eng. Univ. of Patras, GREECE 1984-1986: Member, Senior Scientific Officials of the Council of Europe 1984-1999: The first Institute Director, FORTH/ICE-HT (now IEXMH) 1987-1988: Vice President, National Advisory Research Council, Greece 1988-1989: Secretary General for Research and Technology , Greek Ministry of Development 1988-1989: Member, Group Research, DG-XII, European Union 1989-1995: Deputy Director, FORTH 1987-1990: Member, Scientific Board of the "Democritos" National Research Center 1994-2003: Member, NATO Science Committee 1996-2003:Chairman, Scientific Board of the National Hellenic Research Foundation
Teaching Activities:
25 years of teaching in the Dept. of Chem. Eng., Univ. of Patras: chemical thermodynamics, physical chemistry, chemical physics.
Professional Affiliations:
American Chemical Society, American Physical Society, Electrochemical Society.
Max Bredig Award -U.S. Electrochemical Society 2002. FORTH Distinguished Member 2002. U.S. Atomic Energy Commition Fellow 1970-71. Reynolds scholarship, Univ. of Chicago 1964.