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Gerard Aragonès

Nutrigenomics Research Group
Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Campus Sescelades, Building N4, Marcel·lí Domingo 1

Phone: +34 977 558 216
Gerard Aragonès is an Assistant Professor and member of Nutrigenomics Research Group at the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology in the Rovira i Virgili University (Tarragona, Spain) since September 2013. He got this position after one year of a junior-research position on Genomics in the Centre for Omics Sciences in Reus (Spain), and after 2-year of a postdoctoral fellowship in the Cardiovascular Research Group at Hospital Sant Joan of Reus. His work is devoted to the study of the effects of bioactive food compounds, mainly flavonoids, on metabolic diseases such obesity, with focus at molecular level in processes such as inflammation, adipogenesis, energy homestasis, oxidative stress, and more recently on leptin signalling.
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