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Gáspár Jékely

Journal articles

Gáspár Jékely (2009)  Evolution of phototaxis.   Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 364: 1531. 2795-2808 Oct  
Abstract: Phototaxis in the broadest sense means positive or negative displacement along a light gradient or vector. Prokaryotes most often use a biased random walk strategy, employing type I sensory rhodopsin photoreceptors and two-component signalling to regulate flagellar reversal. This strategy only allows phototaxis along steep light gradients, as found in microbial mats or sediments. Some filamentous cyanobacteria evolved the ability to steer towards a light vector. Even these cyanobacteria, however, can only navigate in two dimensions, gliding on a surface. In contrast, eukaryotes evolved the capacity to follow a light vector in three dimensions in open water. This strategy requires a polarized organism with a stable form, helical swimming with cilia and a shading or focusing body adjacent to a light sensor to allow for discrimination of light direction. Such arrangement and the ability of three-dimensional phototactic navigation evolved at least eight times independently in eukaryotes. The origin of three-dimensional phototaxis often followed a transition from a benthic to a pelagic lifestyle and the acquisition of chloroplasts either via primary or secondary endosymbiosis. Based on our understanding of the mechanism of phototaxis in single-celled eukaryotes and animal larvae, it is possible to define a series of elementary evolutionary steps, each of potential selective advantage, which can lead to pelagic phototactic navigation. We can conclude that it is relatively easy to evolve phototaxis once cell polarity, ciliary swimming and a stable cell shape are present.
Detlev Arendt, Alexandru S Denes, Gáspár Jékely, Kristin Tessmar-Raible (2008)  The evolution of nervous system centralization.   Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 363: 1496. 1523-1528 Apr  
Abstract: It is yet unknown when and in what form the central nervous system in Bilateria first came into place and how it further evolved in the different bilaterian phyla. To find out, a series of recent molecular studies have compared neurodevelopment in slow-evolving deuterostome and protostome invertebrates, such as the enteropneust hemichordate Saccoglossus and the polychaete annelid Platynereis. These studies focus on the spatially different activation and, when accessible, function of genes that set up the molecular anatomy of the neuroectoderm and specify neuron types that emerge from distinct molecular coordinates. Complex similarities are detected, which reveal aspects of neurodevelopment that most likely occurred already in a similar manner in the last common ancestor of the bilaterians, Urbilateria. This way, different aspects of the molecular architecture of the urbilaterian nervous system are reconstructed and yield insight into the degree of centralization that was in place in the bilaterian ancestors.
Peter Satir, David R Mitchell, Gáspár Jékely (2008)  How did the cilium evolve?   Curr Top Dev Biol 85: 63-82  
Abstract: The cilium is a characteristic organelle of eukaryotes constructed from over 600 proteins. Bacterial flagella are entirely different. 9 + 2 motile cilia evolved before the divergence of the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA). This chapter explores, compares, and contrasts two potential pathways of evolution: (1) via invasion of a centriolar-like virus and (2) via autogenous formation from a pre-existing microtubule-organizing center (MTOC). In either case, the intraflagellar transport (IFT) machinery that is nearly universally required for the assembly and maintenance of cilia derived from the evolving intracellular vesicular transport system. The sensory function of cilia evolved first and the ciliary axoneme evolved gradually with ciliary motility, an important selection mechanism, as one of the driving forces.
Gáspár Jékely (2008)  Origin of the nucleus and Ran-dependent transport to safeguard ribosome biogenesis in a chimeric cell.   Biol Direct 3: 07  
Abstract: BACKGROUND: The origin of the nucleus is a central problem about the origin of eukaryotes. The common ancestry of nuclear pore complexes (NPC) and vesicle coating complexes indicates that the nucleus evolved via the modification of a pre-existing endomembrane system. Such an autogenous scenario is cell biologically feasible, but it is not clear what were the selective or neutral mechanisms that had led to the origin of the nuclear compartment. RESULTS: A key selective force during the autogenous origin of the nucleus could have been the need to segregate ribosome factories from the cytoplasm where ribosomal proteins (RPs) of the protomitochondrium were synthesized. After its uptake by an anuclear cell the protomitochondrium transferred several of its RP genes to the host genome. Alphaproteobacterial RPs and archaebacterial-type host ribosomes were consequently synthesized in the same cytoplasm. This could have led to the formation of chimeric ribosomes. I propose that the nucleus evolved when the host cell compartmentalised its ribosome factories and the tightly linked genome to reduce ribosome chimerism. This was achieved in successive stages by first evolving karyopherin and RanGTP dependent chaperoning of RPs, followed by the evolution of a membrane network to serve as a diffusion barrier, and finally a hydrogel sieve to ensure selective permeability at nuclear pores. Computer simulations show that a gradual segregation of cytoplasm and nucleoplasm via these steps can progressively reduce ribosome chimerism. CONCLUSION: Ribosome chimerism can provide a direct link between the selective forces for and the mechanisms of evolving nuclear transport and compartmentalisation. The detailed molecular scenario presented here provides a solution to the gradual evolution of nuclear compartmentalization from an anuclear stage. REVIEWERS: This article was reviewed by Eugene V Koonin, Martijn Huynen, Anthony M. Poole and Patrick Forterre.
Gáspár Jékely, Julien Colombelli, Harald Hausen, Keren Guy, Ernst Stelzer, François Nédélec, Detlev Arendt (2008)  Mechanism of phototaxis in marine zooplankton.   Nature 456: 7220. 395-399 Nov  
Abstract: The simplest animal eyes are eyespots composed of two cells only: a photoreceptor and a shading pigment cell. They resemble Darwin's 'proto-eyes', considered to be the first eyes to appear in animal evolution. Eyespots cannot form images but enable the animal to sense the direction of light. They are characteristic for the zooplankton larvae of marine invertebrates and are thought to mediate larval swimming towards the light. Phototaxis of invertebrate larvae contributes to the vertical migration of marine plankton, which is thought to represent the biggest biomass transport on Earth. Yet, despite its ecological and evolutionary importance, the mechanism by which eyespots regulate phototaxis is poorly understood. Here we show how simple eyespots in marine zooplankton mediate phototactic swimming, using the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii as a model. We find that the selective illumination of one eyespot changes the beating of adjacent cilia by direct cholinergic innervation resulting in locally reduced water flow. Computer simulations of larval swimming show that these local effects are sufficient to direct the helical swimming trajectories towards the light. The computer model also shows that axial rotation of the larval body is essential for phototaxis and that helical swimming increases the precision of navigation. These results provide, to our knowledge, the first mechanistic understanding of phototaxis in a marine zooplankton larva and show how simple eyespots regulate it. We propose that the underlying direct coupling of light sensing and ciliary locomotor control was a principal feature of the proto-eye and an important landmark in the evolution of animal eyes.
Gáspár Jékely (2007)  Origin of eukaryotic endomembranes: a critical evaluation of different model scenarios.   Adv Exp Med Biol 607: 38-51  
Abstract: All cells can be assigned to one of two categories based on the complexity of cellular organization, eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Eukaryotes possess, among other distinguishing features, an intracellular dynamic membrane system through which there is a constant flow of membranes scaffolded by an internal cytoskeleton. Prokaryotes, however, can have internal membranes, entirely lack a system that resembles eukaryotic endomembranes in terms of dynamics, complexity and the multitude of functions. How and why did the complex endomembrane system of eukaryotes arise? Here I give a critical overview of the different cell biological model scenarios that have been proposed to explain endomembrane origins. I argue that the widely held symbiotic models for the origin of the nuclear envelope and other endomembranes are cell biologically and evolutionarily highly implausible. Recent findings about the origin of nuclear pore complexes also severely challenge such models. I also criticize a scenario of de novo vesicle formation at the origin of the endomembrane system. I contrast these scenarios to traditional and revised autogenous models according to which eukaryotic endomembranes evolved by the inward budding of a prokaryotic cell's plasma membrane. I argue that such models can best satisfy the major constraints of membrane topology, membrane heredity and straightforwardly account for selection pressures while being consistent with genomic findings.
Alexandru S Denes, Gáspár Jékely, Patrick R H Steinmetz, Florian Raible, Heidi Snyman, Benjamin Prud'homme, David E K Ferrier, Guillaume Balavoine, Detlev Arendt (2007)  Molecular architecture of annelid nerve cord supports common origin of nervous system centralization in bilateria.   Cell 129: 2. 277-288 Apr  
Abstract: To elucidate the evolutionary origin of nervous system centralization, we investigated the molecular architecture of the trunk nervous system in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii. Annelids belong to Bilateria, an evolutionary lineage of bilateral animals that also includes vertebrates and insects. Comparing nervous system development in annelids to that of other bilaterians could provide valuable information about the common ancestor of all Bilateria. We find that the Platynereis neuroectoderm is subdivided into longitudinal progenitor domains by partially overlapping expression regions of nk and pax genes. These domains match corresponding domains in the vertebrate neural tube and give rise to conserved neural cell types. As in vertebrates, neural patterning genes are sensitive to Bmp signaling. Our data indicate that this mediolateral architecture was present in the last common bilaterian ancestor and thus support a common origin of nervous system centralization in Bilateria.
Gáspár Jékely, Detlev Arendt (2007)  Cellular resolution expression profiling using confocal detection of NBT/BCIP precipitate by reflection microscopy.   Biotechniques 42: 6. 751-755 Jun  
Abstract: The determination of gene expression patterns in three dimensions with cellular resolution is an important goal in developmental biology. However the most sensitive, efficient, and widely used staining technique for whole-mount in situ hybridization (WMISH), nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT)/5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate (BCIP) precipitation by alkaline phosphatase, could not yet be combined with the most precise, high-resolution detection technique, confocal laser-scanning microscopy (CLSM). Here we report the efficient visualization of the NBT/BCIP precipitate using confocal reflection microscopy for WMISH samples of Drosophila, zebrafish, and the marine annelid worm, Platynereis dumerilii. In our simple WMISH protocol for reflection CLSM, NBT/BCIP staining can be combined with fluorescent WMISH, immunostainings, or transgenic green fluorescent protein (GFP) marker lines, allowing double labeling of cell types or of embryological structures of interest. Whole-mount reflection CLSM will thus greatly facilitate large-scale cellular resolution expression profiling in vertebrate and invertebrate model organisms.
Gáspár Jékely (2007)  Origin of phagotrophic eukaryotes as social cheaters in microbial biofilms.   Biol Direct 2: 01  
Abstract: BACKGROUND: The origin of eukaryotic cells was one of the most dramatic evolutionary transitions in the history of life. It is generally assumed that eukaryotes evolved later then prokaryotes by the transformation or fusion of prokaryotic lineages. However, as yet there is no consensus regarding the nature of the prokaryotic group(s) ancestral to eukaryotes. Regardless of this, a hardly debatable fundamental novel characteristic of the last eukaryotic common ancestor was the ability to exploit prokaryotic biomass by the ingestion of entire cells, i.e. phagocytosis. The recent advances in our understanding of the social life of prokaryotes may help to explain the origin of this form of total exploitation. PRESENTATION OF THE HYPOTHESIS: Here I propose that eukaryotic cells originated in a social environment, a differentiated microbial mat or biofilm that was maintained by the cooperative action of its members. Cooperation was costly (e.g. the production of developmental signals or an extracellular matrix) but yielded benefits that increased the overall fitness of the social group. I propose that eukaryotes originated as selfish cheaters that enjoyed the benefits of social aggregation but did not contribute to it themselves. The cheaters later evolved into predators that lysed other cells and eventually became professional phagotrophs. During several cycles of social aggregation and dispersal the number of cheaters was contained by a chicken game situation, i.e. reproductive success of cheaters was high when they were in low abundance but was reduced when they were over-represented. Radical changes in cell structure, including the loss of the rigid prokaryotic cell wall and the development of endomembranes, allowed the protoeukaryotes to avoid cheater control and to exploit nutrients more efficiently. Cellular changes were buffered by both the social benefits and the protective physico-chemical milieu of the interior of biofilms. Symbiosis with the mitochondial ancestor evolved after phagotrophy as alphaproteobacterial prey developed post-ingestion defence mechanisms to circumvent digestion in the food vacuole. Mitochondrial symbiosis triggered the origin of the nucleus. Cilia evolved last and allowed eukaryotes to predate also on planktonic prey. I will discuss how this scenario may possibly fit into the contrasting phylogenetic frameworks that have been proposed. TESTING THE HYPOTHESIS: Some aspects of the hypothesis can be tested experimentally by studying the level of exploitation cheaters can reach in social microbes. It would be interesting to test whether absorption of nutrients from lysed fellow colony members can happen and if cheaters can evolve into predators that actively digest neighbouring cells. IMPLICATIONS OF THE HYPOTHESIS: The hypothesis highlights the importance of social exploitation in cell evolution and how a social environment can buffer drastic cellular transformations that would be lethal for planktonic forms.
Gáspár Jékely, Detlev Arendt (2006)  Evolution of intraflagellar transport from coated vesicles and autogenous origin of the eukaryotic cilium.   Bioessays 28: 2. 191-198 Feb  
Abstract: The cilium/flagellum is a sensory-motile organelle ancestrally present in eukaryotic cells. For assembly cilia universally rely on intraflagellar transport (IFT), a specialised bidirectional transport process mediated by the ancestral and conserved IFT complex. Based on the homology of IFT complex proteins to components of coat protein I (COPI) and clathrin-coated vesicles, we propose that the non- vesicular, membrane-bound IFT evolved as a specialised form of coated vesicle transport from a protocoatomer complex. IFT thus shares common ancestry with all protocoatomer derivatives, including all vesicle coats and the nuclear pore complex (NPC). This has major implications for the evolutionary origin of the cilium. First, it reinforces the tenet that duplication and divergence of pre-existing structures, rather than symbiosis, were the major themes during cilium evolution. Second, it suggests that the initial step in the autogenous origin of the cilium was the establishment of a membrane patch with transmembrane proteins transported by the ancestral vesicle-coating IFT complex. We propose a scenario for how the initial membrane patch gradually protruded to enhance exposure to the environment, then started to move, and finally compartmentalised to render receptor signalling and ciliary beating more efficient.
Gáspár Jékely (2006)  Did the last common ancestor have a biological membrane?   Biol Direct 1: 11  
Abstract: All theories about the origin and evolution of membrane bound cells necessarily have to cope with the nature of the last common ancestor of cellular life. One of the most important aspect of this ancestor, whether it had a closed biological membrane or not, has recently been intensely debated. Having a consensus about it would be an important step towards an eventual (though probably still remote) synthesis of the best elements of the current multitude of cell evolution models. Here I analyse the structural and functional conservation of the few universally distributed proteins that were undoubtedly present in the last common ancestor and that carry out membrane-associated functions. These include the SecY subunit of the protein-conducting channel, the signal recognition particle, the signal recognition particle receptor, the signal peptidase, and the proton ATPase. The conserved structural and functional aspects of these proteins indicate that the last common ancestor was associated with a hydrophobic layer with two hydrophilic sides (an inside and an outside) that had a full-fledged and asymmetric protein insertion and translocation machinery and served as a permeability barrier for protons and other small molecules. It is difficult to escape the conclusion that the last common ancestor had a closed biological membrane from which all cellular membranes evolved.
Gáspár Jékely (2005)  Glimpsing over the event horizon: evolution of nuclear pores and envelope.   Cell Cycle 4: 2. 297-299 Feb  
Abstract: The origin of eukaryotes from prokaryotic ancestors is one of the major evolutionary transitions in the history of life. The nucleus, a membrane bound compartment for confining the genome, is a central feature of eukaryotic cells and its origin also has to be a central feature of any workable theory that ventures to explain eukaryotic origins. Recent bioinformatic analyses of components of the nuclear pore complex (NPC), the nuclear envelope (NE), and the nuclear transport systems revealed exciting evolutionary connections (e.g., between NPC and coated vesicles) and provided a useful record of the phyletic distribution and history of NPC and NE components. These analyses allow us to refine theories on the origin and evolution of the nucleus, and consequently, of the eukaryotic cell.
Gáspár Jékely, Hsin-Ho Sung, Carlos M Luque, Pernille Rørth (2005)  Regulators of endocytosis maintain localized receptor tyrosine kinase signaling in guided migration.   Dev Cell 9: 2. 197-207 Aug  
Abstract: Guidance receptors detect extracellular cues and instruct migrating cells how to orient in space. Border cells perform a directional invasive migration during Drosophila oogenesis and use two receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), EGFR and PVR (PDGF/VEGF Receptor), to read guidance cues. We find that spatial localization of RTK signaling within these migrating cells is actively controlled. Border cells lacking Cbl, an RTK-associated E3 ubiquitin ligase, have delocalized guidance signaling, resulting in severe migration defects. Absence of Sprint, a receptor-recruited, Ras-activated Rab5 guanine exchange factor, gives related defects. In contrast, increasing the level of RTK signaling by receptor overexpression or removing Hrs and thereby decreasing RTK degradation does not perturb migration. Cbl and Sprint both regulate early steps of RTK endocytosis. Thus, a physiological role of RTK endocytosis is to ensure localized intracellular response to guidance cues by stimulating spatial restriction of signaling.
Attila Farkas, Peter Tompa, Eva Schád, Rita Sinka, Gáspár Jékely, Peter Friedrich (2004)  Autolytic activation and localization in Schneider cells (S2) of calpain B from Drosophila.   Biochem J 378: Pt 2. 299-305 Mar  
Abstract: Calpain B is one of the two calpain homologues in Drosophila melanogaster that are proteolytically active. We studied its activation by Ca2+ both in vitro and in vivo, in Schneider (S2) cells. Activation involves the autolytic cleavage, at two major sites, of the N-terminal segment, the length of which was earlier underestimated. Site-directed mutagenesis at the autolytic sites did not prevent autolysis, but only shifted its sites. Calpain B mRNA was detectable in all developmental stages of the fly. In situ hybridization and immunostaining showed expression in ovaries, embryo and larvae, with high abundance in larval salivary glands. In S2 cells, calpain B was mainly in the cytoplasm and upon a rise in Ca2+ the enzyme adhered to intracellular membranes.
Gáspár Jékely (2003)  Small GTPases and the evolution of the eukaryotic cell.   Bioessays 25: 11. 1129-1138 Nov  
Abstract: The origin of eukaryotes is one of the major challenges of evolutionary cell biology. Other than the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts, the steps leading to eukaryotic endomembranes and endoskeleton are poorly understood. Ras-family small GTPases are key regulators of cytoskeleton dynamics, vesicular trafficking and nuclear function. They are specific for eukaryotes and their expansion probably traces the evolution of core eukaryote features. The phylogeny of small GTPases suggests that the first endomembranes to evolve during eukaryote evolution had secretory, and not phagocytic, function. Based on the reconstruction of putative roles for ancestral small GTPases, a hypothetical scenario on the origins of the first endomembranes, the nucleus, and phagocytosis is presented.
Gáspár Jékely, Pernille Rørth (2003)  Hrs mediates downregulation of multiple signalling receptors in Drosophila.   EMBO Rep 4: 12. 1163-1168 Dec  
Abstract: Endocytosis and subsequent lysosomal degradation of activated signalling receptors can attenuate signalling. Endocytosis may also promote signalling by targeting receptors to specific compartments. A key step regulating the degradation of receptors is their ubiquitination. Hrs/Vps27p, an endosome-associated, ubiquitin-binding protein, affects sorting and degradation of receptors. Drosophila embryos mutant for hrs show elevated receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signalling. Hrs has also been proposed to act as a positive mediator of TGF-beta signalling. We find that Drosophila epithelial cells devoid of Hrs accumulate multiple signalling receptors in an endosomal compartment with high levels of ubiquitinated proteins: not only RTKs (EGFR and PVR) but also Notch and receptors for Hedgehog and Dpp (TGF-beta related). Hrs is not required for Dpp signalling. Instead, loss of Hrs increases Dpp signalling and the level of the type-I receptor Thickveins (Tkv). Finally, most hrs-dependent receptor turnover appears to be ligand independent. Thus, both active and inactive signalling receptors are targeted for degradation in vivo and Hrs is required for their removal.
Eva Schád, Attila Farkas, Gáspár Jékely, Peter Tompa, Peter Friedrich (2002)  A novel human small subunit of calpains.   Biochem J 362: Pt 2. 383-388 Mar  
Abstract: Typical calpains are heterodimeric cysteine proteases which have distinct large catalytic subunits (80 kDa) but share a common small regulatory subunit (30 kDa; css1). Here we report the identification, cloning and characterization of a novel human small subunit (css2) encoded by an intronless gene, capns2, located on chromosome 16. This new protein displays 73% sequence identity within the Ca(2+)-binding region but lacks two oligo-Gly stretches characteristic of the N-terminal domain of the conventional small subunit. css2 appears to be the functional equivalent of the conventional small subunit in vitro in that it helps the large subunit fold into the active conformation of similar Ca(2+) sensitivity when the two proteins are co-expressed in Escherichia coli. The purification of various chimaeric rat 80 kDa-human css2 constructs, on the other hand, shows that css2 binds the large subunit much more weakly than css1. Further, it does not undergo the autolytic conversion typical of the classical small subunit. The expression of this protein in vivo, as assessed from its appearance in expressed sequence tag clones, is rather limited, making it an example of a tissue-specific, rather than ubiquitous, small subunit.
K Szabó, G Jékely, P Rørth (2001)  Cloning and expression of sprint, a Drosophila homologue of RIN1.   Mech Dev 101: 1-2. 259-262 Mar  
Abstract: The small GTPase Ras is critical for regulation of growth and differentiation during development. The mammalian protein RIN1 is a potential Ras effector protein, which can also interact with the Abelson tyrosine kinase. However, its biological function is unknown. We have identified the Drosophila homologue of RIN1, called sprint, for SH2, poly-proline containing Ras interactor. The sprint locus is very large and contains at least two differentially expressed isoforms (sprint-a and sprint-b). Both isoforms are expressed in the ovary and maternal mRNA is deposited into embryos. In addition, sprint is zygotically expressed in the developing midgut, amnioserosa and in a specific subset of CNS neurons. The expression patterns of the two sprint isoforms are temporally distinct suggesting that the isoforms may have unique functions.
P Duchek, K Somogyi, G Jékely, S Beccari, P Rørth (2001)  Guidance of cell migration by the Drosophila PDGF/VEGF receptor.   Cell 107: 1. 17-26 Oct  
Abstract: Directed cell migrations are important for development, but the signaling pathways and mechanisms responsible for guiding cell migration in vivo are poorly understood. Migration of border cells during Drosophila oogenesis is a simple and attractive model system in which to address these questions. We demonstrate that PVR, a receptor tyrosine kinase related to mammalian PDGF and VEGF receptors, acts in border cells to guide them to the oocyte. The oocyte is the source of a ligand for PVR, PDGF/VEGF factor 1 (PVF1). Intriguingly, the guidance function of PVR is largely redundant with that of EGFR. We present evidence implicating Rac and the Rac activator Mbc/DOCK180/CED-5 as mediators of the guidance signal.
G Jékely, P Friedrich (1999)  Characterization of two recombinant Drosophila calpains. CALPA and a novel homolog, CALPB.   J Biol Chem 274: 34. 23893-23900 Aug  
Abstract: We have sequenced the cDNA of a novel Ca(2+)-activated cysteine proteinase (calpain) from the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. The predicted protein, designated as CALPB, shows high similarity to the previously identified Drosophila calpain, CALPA. The two proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity by metal-chelate affinity chromatography either from inclusion bodies or from the bacterial cytosol. Both enzymes were Ca(2+)-dependent proteinases and attained half-maximal activation in the presence of millimolar Ca(2+). The activity and the rate of activation of CALPA, but not CALPB, could be activated by phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate, phosphatidylinositol 4-monophosphate, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidic acid. A truncated form of CALPA, lacking the CALPA-specific unique insertion region, has also been expressed and characterized. Although it lacked the 16-amino acid long putative membrane-anchoring segment, its activation by phospholipids was similar to that of the full-length CALPA protein. The enzymes undergo N-terminal autolysis in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner which was shown with CALPB to run parallel with enzyme activation. Moreover, fully autolyzed CALPB lacked the characteristic activation phase indicating the requirement for autolysis upon activation of this calpain form in vitro. The analysis of the mechanism of activation in Drosophila calpains seems to corroborate the autolysis model of calpain activation.
G Jékely, P Friedrich (1999)  The evolution of the calpain family as reflected in paralogous chromosome regions.   J Mol Evol 49: 2. 272-281 Aug  
Abstract: Calpains, the Ca(2+)-dependent intracellular proteinases, are involved in the regulation of distinct cellular pathways including signal transduction and processing, cytoskeleton dynamics, and muscle homeostasis. To investigate the evolutionary origin of diverse calpain subfamilies, a phylogenetic study was carried out. The topology of the calpain phylogenetic tree has shown that some of the gene duplications occurred before the divergence of the protostome and deuterostome lineages. Other gene doublings, leading to vertebrate-specific calpain forms, took place during early chordate evolution and coincided with genome duplications as disclosed by the localization of calpain genes to paralogous chromosome regions in the human genome. On the basis of the phylogenetic tree, the time of gene duplications, and the localization of calpain genes, we propose a model of tandem and chromosome duplications for the evolution of vertebrate-specific calpain forms. The data presented here are consistent with scenarios proposed for the evolution of other multigene families.
M Pintér, G Jékely, R J Szepesi, A Farkas, U Theopold, H E Meyer, D Lindholm, D R Nässel, D Hultmark, P Friedrich (1998)  TER94, a Drosophila homolog of the membrane fusion protein CDC48/p97, is accumulated in nonproliferating cells: in the reproductive organs and in the brain of the imago.   Insect Biochem Mol Biol 28: 2. 91-98 Feb  
Abstract: We have cloned a Drosophila homolog of the membrane fusion protein CDC48/p97. The open reading frame of the Drosophila homolog encodes an 801 amino acid long protein (TER94), which shows high similarity to the known CDC48/p97 sequences. The chromosomal position of TER94 is 46 C/D. TER94 is expressed in embryo, in pupae and in imago, but is suppressed in larva. In the imago, the immunoreactivity was exclusively present in the head and in the gonads of both sexes. In the head the most striking staining was observed in the entire neuropil of the mushroom body and in the antennal glomeruli. Besides TER94, sex-specific forms were also detected in the gonads of the imago: p47 in the ovaries and p98 in the testis. TER94/p47 staining was observed in the nurse cells and often in the oöcytes, while TER94/p98 staining was present in the sperm bundles. On the basis of its distribution we suggest that TER94 functions in the protein transport utilizing endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi derived vesicles.
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