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Gaurav Malviya

Dr. Gaurav Malviya, PhD
Lead, Preclinical Imaging Facilities,
Medical Sciences Division,
University of Oxford,
Oxford, United Kingdom

2024 - Present: Lead, Preclinical Imaging Facilities, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
2023 - Present: Honorary Senior Lecturer in the School of Cancer Science at the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom.
2016 - 2024: Senior Translational Imaging Scientist, Preclinical PET/MRI Centre, Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
2013 - 2015: Preclinical Imaging Scientist, Advanced Molecular Imaging Centre, Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
2011 - 2013: Post-doctoral Scientist at University Medical Centre Groningen, The Netherlands.


2011: PhD (Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging), University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
2005: Adv. Post Graduate Diploma (Bioinformatics), CSJM Kanpur University, India.
2003: Master of Science (Biochemistry), Bundelkhand University, India.
2001: Bachelor of Science (Biology), DDU Gorakhpur University, India.
PhD thesis available on:


Mainly involve in preclinical research, in the field of cancer immunotherapy, study host response to cancer and PET/MRI imaging of tumour microenvironment. Development of novel PET/SPECT tracers for cancer imaging, including radiolabeled monoclonal antibody and it’s fragment, peptides, cytokines and different immune cell subsets..


• Total peer reviewed journals articles : 38 (19 as first/last author)
• Total Impact factor (IF) of peer reviewed journals articles: ~400
• Abstracts published in peer reviewed journals: >50
• Chapters in books from international publishers: 5
• Education Committee member in the World Molecular Imaging Society, USA.
• Sub-Chair of the ‘Immunology, Inflammation, Infection’ group in the 16th European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM) organized by European Society for Molecular Imaging in Göttingen, Germany.
• Scottish Imaging Network SINAPSE- Image of the Month (Jan’2021) Award to PET/MRI figure published in Malviya G et al. EJNMMI Res 2020; 10(1):143.
• WMIC Travel Award Winner 2017 (Philadelphia, USA) and WMIC Travel Award Winner 2022 (Miami, USA) from the World Molecular Imaging Society (WMIS).
• Alavi–Mandell Award 2016 from Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI), San Diego, California.
• IRIST Award- 2008 and 2010 for the best presentation in “20th and 22nd IRIST- International Research group in Immuno-Scintigraphy and Therapy meeting” in Groningen, Netherlands (2008) and in Krakow, Poland (2010).
• National Eligibility Scholarship at college level from 1992 to 1998.
• Editorial Board member of several peer reviewed scientific journals
• Member/ Life member of several national and international scientific societies
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