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Graça Cardoso

Journal articles

Graça Cardoso, Joana Alexandre, Alda Rosa (2010)  Depression, anxiety and alcohol abuse in a gastroenterology intensive care unit: prevalence and detection.   Clin Pract Epidemiol Ment Health 6: 47-52 07  
Abstract: To assess depression, anxiety, and alcohol abuse in a Gastroenterology ICU, and the level of its detection by the staff.
Tatiana L Taylor, Helen Killaspy, Christine Wright, Penny Turton, Sarah White, Thomas W Kallert, Mirjam Schuster, Jorge A Cervilla, Paulette Brangier, Jiri Raboch, Lucie Kalisová, Georgi Onchev, Hristo Dimitrov, Roberto Mezzina, Kinou Wolf, Durk Wiersma, Ellen Visser, Andrzej Kiejna, Patryk Piotrowski, Dimitri Ploumpidis, Fragiskos Gonidakis, José Caldas-de-Almeida, Graça Cardoso, Michael B King (2009)  A systematic review of the international published literature relating to quality of institutional care for people with longer term mental health problems.   BMC Psychiatry 9: 09  
Abstract: BACKGROUND: A proportion of people with mental health problems require longer term care in a psychiatric or social care institution. However, there are no internationally agreed quality standards for institutional care and no method to assess common care standards across countries. We aimed to identify the key components of institutional care for people with longer term mental health problems and the effectiveness of these components. METHODS: We undertook a systematic review of the literature using comprehensive search terms in 11 electronic databases and identified 12,182 titles. We viewed 550 abstracts, reviewed 223 papers and included 110 of these. A "critical interpretative synthesis" of the evidence was used to identify domains of institutional care that are key to service users' recovery. RESULTS: We identified eight domains of institutional care that were key to service users' recovery: living conditions; interventions for schizophrenia; physical health; restraint and seclusion; staff training and support; therapeutic relationship; autonomy and service user involvement; and clinical governance. Evidence was strongest for specific interventions for the treatment of schizophrenia (family psychoeducation, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and vocational rehabilitation). CONCLUSION: Institutions should, ideally, be community based, operate a flexible regime, maintain a low density of residents and maximise residents' privacy. For service users with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, specific interventions (CBT, family interventions involving psychoeducation, and supported employment) should be provided through integrated programmes. Restraint and seclusion should be avoided wherever possible and staff should have adequate training in de-escalation techniques. Regular staff supervision should be provided and this should support service user involvement in decision making and positive therapeutic relationships between staff and service users. There should be clear lines of clinical governance that ensure adherence to evidence-based guidelines and attention should be paid to service users' physical health through regular screening.
G Cardoso, B Trancas, A Luengo, D Reis (2008)  Heart Failure and Depression: an association with clinical importance   Rev Port Cardiologia 27: 1. 91-109  
Abstract: Major depression is present in one fifth of the heart failure patients, and clinically significant depressive symptoms in almost fifty percent. The association of depression and heart failure seems to be related both to the psychological aspects of a severe cardiac disease, and to physiopathological and psychosocial mechanisms. The presence of depression is associated with a worsening of the prognosis, and an increased risk of death, hospital readmission, and functional decline. The detection and treatment of depression should be part of a comprehensive approach in heart failure patients by cardiologists and family doctors. Good quality of cardiac care should include psychosocial assessment, reinforcement of doctor-patient relationship and of family and social bonds, and, when recommended, antidepressants and psychotherapy. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors antidepressants are effective and safe in cardiac patients. They should be prescribed in therapeutic doses till sustained remission is obtained. Articulation between psychiatrists and others specialists at primary and secondary care levels is recommended and contributes for better quality of the care provided.
Graça Cardoso (2006)  [International development of consultation liaison psychiatry]   Acta Med Port 19: 5. 405-412 Sep/Oct  
Abstract: The development of consultation liaison psychiatry is linked to the integration of mental health services in the general health services. Its beginning occurred simultaneously in North America and in Europe, although following paths that differed in each country, and were related with the organization of health services. Nowadays, consultation liaison psychiatry's importance and development are fully established. Among the different challenges it currently faces, the need for a better articulation between hospital and primary care services, is the most preeminent.
Per Fink, Eva Ørnbøl, Frits J Huyse, Peter De Jonge, Antonio Lobo, Thomas Herzog, Joris Slaets, Volker Arolt, Graca Cardoso, Marco Rigatelli, Morten Steen Hansen (2004)  A brief diagnostic screening instrument for mental disturbances in general medical wards.   J Psychosom Res 57: 1. 17-24 Jul  
Abstract: OBJECTIVE: Mental illness is prevalent among general hospital ward patients but often goes unrecognised. The aim of this study was to validate the SCL-8d as a brief questionnaire for mental disturbances for use in general hospitals. METHODS: The study included 2040 patients, 18 years or older, consecutively admitted to 11 general internal medicine wards in seven European countries. All patients were screened on admission by means of the SCL-8d questionnaire. The psychometric performance (i.e., the internal validity) of the SCL-8d scale was tested using modern item response theory (IRT) in the form of the Rasch model. RESULTS: Differences between sample characteristics were considerable. Even so, the SCL-8d scale showed a remarkable, statistically significant fit in terms of internal homogeneity (P>.01) in all individual settings, except in Spain and Germany where the item "Everything is an effort" had to be excluded to obtain a fit. When pooling data from all centres, an excellent statistical significance of fit (P>.05) was obtained by exclusion of the "Effort" item. The scale was homogeneous as to gender (P>.05), but not age as it performed better among young patients than among patients older than 60 years (P<.01). In these two patient groups both internal and external homogeneity (gender, median age) was achieved. The SCL-8d sum score showed a marked correlation with current and previous treatment for mental illness. CONCLUSION: Apart from the "Effort" item ranking differently on the latent severity dimension as to age, the SCL-8d seems very robust from a psychometric point of view. Besides being short, the SCL-8d scale contains only emotional symptoms. It would therefore seem to be an excellent diagnostic tool for use in medical settings.
G Cardoso, R Daly, N A Haq, L Hanton, D R Rubinow, C A Bondy, P Schmidt (2004)  Current and lifetime psychiatric illness in women with Turner syndrome.   Gynecol Endocrinol 19: 6. 313-9 Dec  
Abstract: Abnormalities in quality of life and cognitive measures have been observed in women with Turner syndrome (TS), and a relationship between these phenomena and chromosomal constitution has been suggested. In contrast, few studies have systematically evaluated the presence of mood and behavioral syndromes in these women. In this study, 100 TS women were administered the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM IV after a two-week period during which their hormone replacement had been discontinued. The majority of women who met criteria for a psychiatric condition had a mood or anxiety disorder. Overall, 52 (52%) of the TS women met criteria for a current or a past depressive or anxiety disorder. Eighteen of the women with TS met criteria for a current Axis I psychiatric disorder [Depression – major (n = 5), minor (n = 5), dysthymia (n = 1); Anxiety (n = 9)]. Forty-six of the women with TS met criteria for a past Axis I psychiatric illness [Depression: unipolar (n = 41), bipolar (n = 3); Anxiety (n = 7); eating disorder (n = 6); substance dependence (n = 3)]. Five women with TS met criteria for an Axis II personality disorder. Women with TS reported a higher rate of lifetime depression compared with rates observed in community-based studies but similar to those obtained from gynecologic clinic samples.
P D Jonge, M M Zomerdijk, F J Huyse, P Fink, T Herzog, A Lobo, J P Slaets, V Arolt, N Balogh, G Cardoso, M Rigatelli (2001)  Mental disturbances and perceived complexity of nursing care in medical inpatients: results from a European study.   J Adv Nurs 36: 3. 355-363 Nov  
Abstract: AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The relationship between mental disturbances - anxiety and depression, somatization and alcohol abuse - on admission to internal medicine units and perceived complexity of care as indicated by the nurse at discharge was studied. The goal was to study the utility of short screeners for mental disturbances to select patients for case-management on admission. DESIGN: The study had a cohort design: patients were included on admission and followed through their hospital stay until discharge. The study was conducted within the framework of the European Biomed 1 Risk Factor study. RESEARCH METHODS AND INSTRUMENTS: In the first 3 days of admission the patients were interviewed by a trained health care professional, who scored the SCL-8D, a somatization questionnaire based on the Whiteley-7 and the CAGE. At discharge, nurses rated the complexity of the patient's care. RESULTS: Patients with high scores on anxiety and depression (SCL-8D) and on somatization received higher ratings on perceived nursing complexity than those with low scores, with and without control for age, severity of illness and chronicity. The actual nursing intensity and medical care utilization, as measured daily by means of a checklist, could not explain these relations. No differences were found between patients with high or low scores on alcohol abuse. CONCLUSIONS: The study shows a potential use of screeners for mental disturbances to detect patients for whom nurses might need additional help. However, mental disturbance is not the sole criterion: functional status and other variables that predict medical and nursing care utilization should be included in a screening strategy for case-management programmes.
F J Huyse, T Herzog, A Lobo, U F Malt, B C Opmeer, B Stein, P de Jonge, R van Dijck, F Creed, M D Crespo, G Cardoso, R Guimaraes-Lopes, R Mayou, M van Moffaert, M Rigatelli, P Sakkas, P Tienari (2001)  Consultation-Liaison psychiatric service delivery: results from a European study.   Gen Hosp Psychiatry 23: 3. 124-132 May/Jun  
Abstract: The reported findings of the European Consultation-Liaison Workgroup (ECLW) Collaborative Study describe consultation-liaison service delivery by 56 services from 11 European countries aggregated on a C-L service level. During the period of 1 year (1991), the participants applied a standardized, reliability tested method of patient data collection, and data were collected describing pertinent characteristics of the hospital, the C-L service, and the participating consultants. The consultation rate of 1% (median; 1.4% mean) underscores the discrepancy between epidemiology and the services delivered. The core function of C-L services in general hospitals is a quick, comprehensive emergency psychiatric function. Reasons to see patients were the following. deliberate self-harm (17%), substance abuse (7.2%), current psychiatric symptoms (38.6%), and unexplained physical complaints (18.6%) (all means). A significant number of patients are old and seriously ill. Mood disorders and organic mental disorders are most predominant (17.7%). Somatoform and dissociative disorders together constitute 7.5%. C-L services in European countries are mainly emergency psychiatric services and perform an important bridge function between primary, general health, and mental health care.
F J Huyse, T Herzog, A Lobo, U F Malt, B C Opmeer, B Stein, G Cardoso, F Creed, M D Crespo, R Guimarâes-Lopes, R Mayou, M van Moffaert, M Rigatelli, P Sakkas, P Tienari (2000)  European consultation-liaison services and their user populations: the European Consultation-Liaison Workgroup Collaborative Study.   Psychosomatics 41: 4. 330-338 Jul/Aug  
Abstract: The authors identified variations in the characteristics of patients referred to 56 consultation-liaison (C-L) services in 11 European countries. The authors found differences in the types of patients referred to the services, and there were significant differences between countries. The first difference lays in whether services saw patients for deliberate self-harm and for substance abuse. German psychosomatic C-L services saw virtually no such patients, although in other C-L services these patients constituted one-quarter to one-third of the patients referred. The second difference lays in the remaining group of referred patients. This group is best characterized by two dimensions. One describes the severity of psychopathology -- ranging from organic mental conditions to somatization. The other describes the clarity of the physical diagnosis -- ranging from patients referred by surgical wards to those referred by general medicine and neurology wards.
G Cardoso, T M Correia, A Luís (1997)  [Quality assurance in liaison psychiatry. European Consultation-Liaison Workgroup.]   Acta Med Port 10: 12. 863-869 Dec  
Abstract: As far as we know, there is no experience of quality management in mental health care in Portugal. This study fills a gap in the area of consultation-liaison psychiatry. Due to its multidisciplinarity and to the complexity of the problems it deals with, consultation-liaison psychiatry seems a privileged field for the development of this kind of programme. The authors describe the different steps necessary for the implementation of a quality management study in one of the national centres and report some preliminary results that show the success it has attained.
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