hosted by

Christophe Heintz

Central European University
Department of Philosophy
Nador Utca, 9
H 1051 Budapest
Assistant professor in cognitive science
Central European University



Journal articles

Christophe Heintz (2013)  What can’t be inferred from cross-cultural experimental games   Current Anthropology  
Abstract: People from different cultures will interpret the experimental game they play differently; they will form different beliefs about what their partners will play and expect. I argue that the variations observed in experimental games ran across cultures might very much result from framing effects---cultural framing effects---rather than variations in pro-social preferences.
Hugo Mercier, Christophe Heintz (2013)  The place of evolved cognition in scientific thinking   Religion, Brain and Behavior  
Abstract: There are three ways in which scientific cognition can me more ânaturalâ than McCauley suggests, in his book 'Why Religion is Natural and Science is Not': (1) reasoning, which is at the heart of scientific cognition, is a very ânaturalâ activity when it is conducted in a dialogic context; (2) even when reasoning is used in a slower, more effortful manner, it can be recruited in ânaturalâ ways; (3) unintuitive scientific beliefs are built on a scaffold of more intuitive beliefs and core knowledge.
Christophe Heintz (2011)  Presuming placeholders are relevant enables conceptual change. Commentary on Carey’s précis of The Origin of Concepts.   Behavioral and Brain Science 34(3) 34: 3. 131-132  
Abstract: Placeholders enable conceptual change only if presumed to be relevant (e.g., lead to the formation of true beliefs) even though their meaning is not yet fully understood and their cognitive function not yet specified. Humans are predisposed to make such presumptions in a communicative context. Specifying the role of the presumption of relevance in conceptual change would provide a more comprehensive account of Quinian bootstrapping.
Olivier Morin, Christophe Heintz (2011)  The specificity of human signals eludes the semiotic framework (Comment on Paul Kockelman's Biosemiosis paper)   Current Anthropology 52: 5. 732--733 October  
Abstract: Naturalistic accounts of culture, based on evolutionary psychology and theories of cultural evolution, can deal with the meaning of public symbols. There have been, indeed, several interesting proposals to naturalize the study of signs and their meaning. Kockelmanâs paper---Biosemiosis, technocognition and sociogenesis---provides such a proposal. It draws on two theoretical traditions: the semiotic study of natural signs (Peirce 1868) and the selectionist account of signals proposed by Ruth Millikan (1984). We feel the pull of both approaches, but we fundamentally disagree with the way they account for human communication. We argue that Gricean theories of communication provide a better account of interpretation and communication.
Christophe Heintz, Dario Taraborelli (2010)  The cognitive Bases of Epistemic Evaluations   Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1: 4. 477--482  
Abstract: Folk epistemology refers to a range of cognitive skills that involve epistemic concepts such as knowledge and truth. As human beings we are able to assess the truth of an utterance by another agent or whether an inference someone makes is valid. We can evaluate to what extent sources we acquire information from are reliable and whether new information we acquire should lead to belief revision. We consistently produce, in particular, epistemic evaluations. We can judge, for instance, that: âp is trueâ, âit is probable that pâ, âA is justified in thinking that pâ, âB is trustworthy when she says that pâ, or âC is lyingâ. Epistemology is the normative study of how such epistemic evaluations should be made. By contrast, the study of folk epistemology focuses on epistemic evaluations that people actually make and on the processes that produce them. It is a descriptive research project on the beliefs and intuitions people have about knowledge, truth, reasons and other epistemic notions, as well as a research project on the psychological and cognitive processes that sustain them. We use the term âfolk epistemologyâ to specify that the scope of this notion is not just epistemology as traditionally understood by philosophers, but the epistemology that reflects how people make epistemic evaluations; the term âfolkâ also refers to an established tradition in psychology that investigates ânaiveâ or âfolkâ theories that ground the cognition of specific domains: folk physics, for instance, as the cognition of physical objects, or folk psychology, as the cognitive ability to ascribe intentions, beliefs and desires to others.
Christophe Heintz, Nicholas Bardsley (2010)  The implication of social cognition for experimental economics   Mind and Society 9: 2. 113--118 December  
Abstract: Can human social cognitive processes and social motives be grasped by the methods of experimental economics? Experimental studies of strategic cognition and social preferences contribute to our understanding of the social aspects of economic decisions making. Yet, papers in this issue argue that the social aspects of decision-making introduce several difficulties for interpreting the results of economic experiments. In particular, the laboratory is itself a social context, and in many respects a rather distinctive one, which raises questions of external validity.
Dan Sperber, Fabrice Clément, Christophe Heintz, Olivier Mascaro, Hugo Mercier, Gloria Origgi, Deirde Wilson (2010)  Epistemic Vigilance   Mind and Language 25: 4. 359--393 September  
Abstract: Humans massively depend on communication with others, but this leaves them open to the risk of being accidentally or intentionally misinformed. To ensure that, despite this risk, communication remains advantageous, humans have, we claim, a suite of cognitive mechanisms for epistemic vigilance. Here we outline this claim and consider some of the ways in which epistemic vigilance works in mental and social life by surveying issues, research and theories in different domains of philosophy, linguistics, cognitive psychology and the social sciences.
Christophe Heintz (2007)  Institutions as mechanisms of cultural evolution : Prospects of the epidemiological approach   Biological Theory 2: 3. 244-249  
Abstract: Studying institutions as part of the research on cultural evolution prompts us to analyze one very important mechanism of cultural evolution: institutions do distribute cultural variants in the population. Also, it enables relating current research on cultural evolution to some more traditional social sciences: institutions, often seen as macro-social entities, are analyzed in terms of their constitutive micro-phenomena. This article presents Sperberâs characterization of institutions, and then gives some hints about the set of phenomena to which it applies. Culture evolves through the advent of cognitive causal chains, which span across individuals and their environment, and which distribute mental representations and public production in the population and its habitat. Institutions are characterized by the specific causal chains that distribute representations. These chains include representations that cause the recurrence of a series of events and thus regulate the distribution of a set of representations to which they themselves belong. Saying that some cultural phenomenon is an institution is, in this theoretical framework, explaining that some representations that are part of the cultural phenomenon cause it to endure. This technical characterization applies to what is usually understood as institutions, from marriage to money. It also opens the way for the analysis of complex phenomena in cultural evolution, such as the maintenance of cultural niches and the distribution of labor.
Christophe Heintz (2006)  Web search engines and distributed assessment systems   Pragmatics and Cognition 14: 2. 387-409  
Abstract: I analyse the impact of search engines on our cognitive and epistemic practices. For that purpose, I describe the processes of assessment of documents on the Web as relying on distributed cognition. Search engines together with Web users, are distributed assessment systems whose task is to enable efficient allocation of cognitive resources of those who use search engines. Specifying the cognitive function of search engines within these distributed assessment systems allows interpreting anew the changes that have been caused by search engine technologies. I describe search engines as implementing reputation systems and point out the similarities with other reputation systems. I thus call attention to the continuity in the distributed cognitive processes that determine the allocation of cognitive resources for information gathering from others.
Christophe Heintz (2005)  The ecological rationality of strategic cognition   Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28: 825-826 December  
Abstract: I argue that altruistic behavior and its variation across cultures may be caused by mental cognitive mechanisms that induce cooperative behavior in contract-like situations and adapt that behavior to the kinds of contracts that exist in oneâs socio-cultural environment. I thus present a cognitive alternative to Henrich et al.âs motivation-based account. Rather than behaving in ways that reveal preferences, subjects interpret the experiment in ways that cue their social heuristics. In order to distinguish the respective roles of preferences and cognitive processes that determine economic behavior, we need more ethnography of strategies âÂÂin the wild.âÂÂ
Christophe Heintz (2004)  Introduction : Why there should be a cognitive anthropology of science   Journal of Cognition and Culture 4: 3-4. 391-408  
Abstract: I argue that questions, methods and theories drawn from cognitive anthropology are particularly appropriate for the study of science. I also emphasize the role of cognitive anthropology of science for the integration of cognitive and social studies of science. Finally, I briefly introduce the papers of the volume and attempt to draw the main directions of research.

Book chapters

Christophe Heintz (2012)  Scaffolding on core cognition   In: Developing Scaffolds in Evolution, Culture and Cognition Edited by:Linnda R. Caporael, James Griesemer, William C. Wimsatt. MIT Press  
Abstract: Cultural evolution is scaffolded not just on material culture and social organization, but also on innate cognitive abilities. In view of the diversity and richness of cultural productions, one might be tempted to overlook the role of evolved cognitive abilities, whose (biological) functions are restricted to domains of the environment in which they have evolved. How, for instance, could our evolved abilities for cognizing magnitudes be used for dealing with contemporary mathematical knowledge? I argue that in even in these cases where beliefs and behavior go far beyond the range of the evolved function of cognitive abilities, these abilities might nonetheless act as scaffolds. In order to make my point, I rephrase the work of cultural epidemiologists as showing that culture evolves via multiple scaffolds, made of both transmitted artifacts and public representations, and core cognitionâa set of non perceptual innate cognitive abilities. I develop this point by considering the case of conceptual change in science and mathematics.
Christophe Heintz (2011)  La sociologie de la cognition distribuée   In: La sociologie cognitive Edited by:Fabrice Clément, Laurence Kaufmann. Paris: Maison des sciences de l'homme  
Abstract: Après avoir présenté et expliqué la notion de cognition distribuée, je situerai lâanalyse quâelle permet au sein des sciences cognitives et de la sociologie. Mes buts sont de montrer en quoi la th´eorie de la cognition distribuée contribue aux théories de la psychologie et de la sociologie, et réciproquement comment les théories de la sociologie et de la psychologie peuvent être recrutées pour expliquer lâexistence de systèmes de cognition distribuée. La troisième section de ce chapitre est centrée sur les relations entre psychologie et théorie de la cognition distribuée. Elle montre que la sociologie de la cognition distribuée bénéï¬cie à être une sociologie cognitive de la cognition distribuée. La quatrième partie continue cet argument, mais en soulignant les phénomènes typiquement sociologique qui interviennent dans la constitution et lâévolution des systèmes de cognition distribuèe.
Christophe Heintz (2010)  Ethnographic cognition and Writing Culture   In: Beyond Writing Culture Edited by:Karsten Kumoll, Olaf Zenker. Oxford, UK: Berghahn  
Abstract: I suggest that one of the best ways to pursue and go beyond the programme of Writing Culture is to do cognitive anthropology of anthropology. I will situate Writing Culture with regard to this field of research and I will argue that Writing Culture can contribute to the development of the cognitive anthropology of anthropology. This is because it is sensible to start the anthropological study of anthropology with an analysis of the cultural product -- in our case, the ethnographic texts. The analyst can then pick up relevant properties of the cultural product and track down what caused them. Among these causes stand the cognitive processes of actual practitioners, namely working ethnographers. Thus, starting with textual analysis, I argue that some rhetoric conventions analysed in Writing Cultures are informing the reader about the cognitive genesis of the ethnography. These conventions, far from being misleading, are in fact relevant to the reader: in particular information about the cognitive genesis of an ethnographic text enables the reader to evaluate its ethnographic account. This gives me the occasion to briefly specify some cognitive processes at work in the production of ethnographies. These include, I argue, a reflexive and critical cognition that is distributed among the community of anthropologists, and "mind-reading" -- a cognitive process much studied by cognitive psychologists that enables ethnographers to make sense of the behaviour of indigenous people by attributing mental states to them (beliefs, intentions, desires, feelings).
Christophe Heintz (2010)  Cognitive history and cultural epidemiology   In: Past Minds: Studies in Cognitive Historiography Edited by:Luther H. Martin and Jesper Sorensen. London: Equinox Press  
Abstract: Cultural epidemiology is a theoretical framework that enables historical studies to be informed by cognitive science. It incorporates some insights from evolutionary psychology (viz. cultural evolution is constrained by universal properties of the human cognitive apparatus that result from biological evolution) and some from Darwinian models of cultural evolution (viz. population thinking: cultural phenomena are distribution of resembling items among a community and its habitat). Its research program include the study of the multiple cognitive mechanisms that cause the distribution, on a cultural scale, of representations and material cultural items. By a detailed analysis of the social cognitive causal chain that occurred in the past, one can ï¬nd out and specify which are the factors of attraction that account for cultural stability as well as historical cultural change. <p> After reviewing recent research and developments in cognitive history, I present the concept of cultural attractor and explain why cul- tural attractors are historically variable. In doing so, I emphasize the role of historically constituted cognitive mechanisms, which account for much of historical cultural developments. I argue that the framework of cultural epidemiology can better account for these important historical phenomena than evolutionary psychology accounts of culture and dual inheritance theory. I ï¬nally conclude that describing and explaining the history of cultural attractors is a good research question for historians.</p>
Christophe Heintz, Nicolas Claidiére (2009)  Darwinismes contemporains en sciences humaines   In: Les mondes darwiniens: l'évolution de l'évolution Edited by:Guillaume Lecointre, Philippe Huneman, Edouard Machery, Marc Silberstein, François Athane. Editions Syllepse  
Abstract: Nous présentons les travaux en sciences sociales des derniéres cinquante années qui se sont inspirés des études Darwiniennes sur lâ´evolution. Nous distinguons différents types de Darwinisme en sciences sociales selon lâutilisation des notions Darwiniennes : le Darwinisme biologique est utilisé pour rendre compte des comportements humains et le Darwinisme universel est utilis´e pour rendre compte de lâévolution culturel le. Nous concluons sur une description de ce qui nous semble la meilleure exploitation du Darwinisme en sciences sociales â lâépidémiologie culturelle.

Conference papers

Christophe Heintz (2005)  What do we get when dipping a brain into science?   In: Proceedings of the XXVII Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society Edited by:B. G Bara, L Barsalou, M Bucciarelli. 917-922 Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates  
Abstract: I argue that scientific cognition can be accounted for in a massive modularity theoretical framework. Scientific cognition is then described as a culturally informed reflection, allowed by meta-representational abilities, upon the mandatory output of preliminary modules.

PhD theses

Christophe Heintz (2007)  Scientific Cognition and Cultural Evolution : Theoretical Tools for Integrating Social and Cognitive Studies of Science   Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris  
Abstract: The present work is a study in the historiography of science. Its goal is to provide some theoretical tools for studying the evolution of science as a social and cognitive phenomenon. It aims at showing that some concepts and frames of analysis drawn from cognitive anthropology are fruitful tools for the scientific study of science. The theories that I advocate using are the epidemiology of representation and the theory of distributed cognition. The added value of these theories stems in great part from their enabling to integrate results from cognitive and social studies of science.
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