Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Università di Napoli "Parthenope"
80143 Napoli, Italy
Phone +39 081 5476803
![]() | ivan.arsie@uniparthenope.it |
Full Professor of Energy Conversion Systems
Degree cum laude in Mechanical Engineering from University of Salerno (1995).
Ph.D. in "Thermo-Mechanical Systems Engineering" from University of Naples "Federico II" (1999).
Professional background
Since 1999, he has been member of the Energy and Propulsion Lab (EProLab) at University of Salerno, as Research Associate (1999-2002), Assistant Professor (2002-2011) and Associate Professor (2012-2019) of Fluid Machines and Energy Conversion Systems.
In 1995 he was at Istituto Motori – CNR (National Research Council) in Naples as visiting scholar.
In 1997, he was visiting scholar at the Institute of Automation of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), where he worked under prof. Elbert Hendricks on the observer based control technology.
In 2000, he was visiting researcher at the Measurement and Control Laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) where he worked under prof. Lino Guzzella on modeling and control of variable valve timing engines.
Member of the IFAC Technical Committee on Automotive Control.
Co-founder of the spin-off innovative start-up company EPROINN s.r.l.
He has been involved, as coordinator or member of the research team, in more than 40 research projects funded by Italian Ministry, EU, industrial partners (e.g. Magneti Marelli, Fiat, Telecom).
Author of over 120 papers on modelling and control of internal combustion engines and hybrid electric vehicles, published on international journals or presented at international conferences. Author of three international patents related to conventional and hybrid powertrain for automotive application.
Lecturer of ‘Energy Systems Operation and Management" at University of Naples "Parthenope".
Lecturer of ‘Fluid Machines’, ‘Experiments and Control of Internal Combustion Engines’ and ‘Hybrid Vehicles’ at University of Salerno.
Lecturer of ‘Engine control systems’ at the Master Course in Automotive Engineering for graduated students at University of Naples ‘Federico II’.
Teaching staff member of the Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering at University of Salerno and Supervisor of 7 PhD Students.
Contact teacher for the Erasmus program of University of Salerno with ‘Linkoping University (SE)’, ‘Chalmers Univ. of Technology (SE)’, ‘Izmir Institute of Technology (TR)’, ‘Budapest University of Technology and Economics (HU)’.
He acted as lecturer of scientific seminars on Engine and HEV Modeling and Control at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH - Zurigo), Linkoping University (SE), Budapest University of Technology and Economics (HU), Universidad de Sevilla (S), Magneti Marelli Powertrain – Bologna ed Élasis/Fiat - Pomigliano D’Arco (NA).
He acted as lecturer at the Master Course of Internal Combustion Engines at the CMT of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.
He acted as lecturer at the Bari Automotive Summer School (BASS).
Editorial Work and Conference Organization
He has served as reviewer for “Control Engineering Practice”, “IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology”, “ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power”, “Applied Energy”, “Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing”, “International Journal of Mechanical Sciences”, the biennal SAE-ICE conference and the triannual IFAC World Congress.
Member of the editorial board of the journal “Periodica Polytechnica Transportation Engineering” of Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary.
Member of the Organization Committee of 1st e 2nd “International Workshop on Modeling, Emissions and Control in Automotive Engines” (MECA) at University of Salerno (sept. 2001 and may 2002), 1st IFAC Symposium on “Advances in Automotive Control”at University of Salerno (april 2004), 62nd Conference of National Association of Thermo-techniques (ATI) at University of Salerno (sept. 2007).
Associate Editor of track 7.1 “Transportation and Vehicle Systems - Automotive Control” for the 19th IFAC World Congress, august 24-29 2014, Cape Town.
Session Chair of track 2.2 “Automotive Systems – Engine and Powertrain” for the 12th Biennal Conference on “Engineering Systems Design and Analysis – ASME ESDA 2014”, june 25-27 2014, Copenaghen.
Member of the International Program Committee (IPC) and Associate Editor for Combustion Engine Control - Conventional Drive Train, Design and Engineering at the 8th IFAC Symposium on “Advances in Automotive Control” - AAC 2016, june 20-23 2016, Norrkoping (Sweden).
Guest Editor of Energy Procedia (vol. 101 - Proceedings of 71° Congresso ATI).
Member of the International Program Committee (IPC) and Associate Editor of track 7.1. Transportation and Vehicle Systems - Automotive Control for the 20th IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, France, july 9-14, 2017.
Member of the International Program Committee (IPC) and Associate Editor for Combustion Engine Control - Conventional Drive Train, Design and Engineering at the 9th IFAC Symposium on “Advances in Automotive Control” - AAC 2019, Orleans (F).
Session Organizer for “Hybrid and Electric Powertrain" for 14th SAE International Conference on Engines & Vehicles”, Capri (I), september 15-19 2019.
Member of the International Program Committee (IPC) and Associate Editor of track 7.1. Transportation and Vehicle Systems - Automotive Control for the 21st IFAC 2020 World Congress, Berlin, Germany, july 12-17, 2020.
In 2004 received the Best Paper Award in the area "Control of Vehicle Propulsion & Motorcycles" at the AVEC '04 Symposium on Advance Vehicle Control Technologies (HAN - University, Arnhem, The Netherlands, August 23-27).
In 2005 received the SAE Award for Excellence in Oral Presentation at the SAE World Congress and Exposition (Detroit, April 11-15 ).
In 2010 received the prize ‘Energy and Mobility’ at the H2Roma show.