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Jan-Michael Ilger

Museum für Naturkunde
Münsterstraße 271
44145 Dortmund
Short Curriculum Vitae

Since 2014: Curator of geoscience at Museum für Naturkunde in Dortmund.

2013–2014: Scientific trainee at Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum in Braunschweig.

2011–2012: Clausthal University of Technology – Concurrent operations as research assistant at Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Department of General Geology and Sedimentology (Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Gursky): teaching in sedimentology and structural geology.

2011: Doctoral thesis (Dr. rer. nat.) on Pennsylvanian insects and the taphonomy of Hagen-Vorhalle.

2008–2012: Clausthal University of Technology – Research assistant at Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Department of Paleontology (Prof. Dr. Carsten Brauckmann): paleoentomology research and teaching in paleontology and historical geology.

2006–2007: Clausthal University of Technology – Research assistant at Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Department of Remote Sensing (Prof. Dr. Peter Kronberg): planetary research and mapping of Mars (Mars Express project of ESA and DLR) and Venus.

2006: Diploma (Dipolm-Geologe).

2006: Diploma thesis on the geobiology of (sub-)recent giant oncoids in Bavarian lakes and rivers.

2004: Mapping thesis on Triassic turbidites in central northern Mexico (co-work with the Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosí).

2005: Paleontological excavation experience at the Einhornhöhle near Scharzfeld/Harz, Germany.

2002: Paleontological excavation experience at UNESCO World Heritage Site Messel pit, near Darmstadt, Germany.

1999–2006: University courses in Geology and Paleontology at Clausthal University of Technology (focus on paleontology, petroleum geology and economic geology).
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