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Jan C Malmgren

Jan Malmgren (PhD)
Ecologist & Photographer

531 59 Lidköping

Jan C Malmgren (1967-) has a PhD in Ecology, with research and applied projects in the field of conservation and restoration ecology. Jan is also a distinguished nature and landscape photographer. He lives in Lidköping, south-central Sweden, and has held positions at the University of Örebro and the Zoological Institute in the University of Göteborg. Jan has several years of experience in theoretical and applied ecology and conservation, as well as from strategic governmental projects and consulting business.

Primary research interests are evolutionary ecology, behavior, sexual dimorphism, sexual selection and all aspects of conservation and sustainability. He has a special interest in using and developing advanced statistical and experimental methods. Jan has worked extensively with amphibian and reptile biology and restoration of ponds and wetlands, and is a keen herpetologist.

In 2005 he was awarded for outstanding teaching achievements by the student association at the University of Örebro. Jan also writes popular science and is a skilled nature and landscape photographer, with contributions published regularly. He gives talks and lectures on demand.
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