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Jesús Orozco

Lecturer/Senior Researcher
Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University (SEKOMU)
Lushoto, Tanzania
P.O. Box 370
PhD University of Nebraska (2011)
MSc Western Kentucky University (2007)
BSc Universidad Industrial de Santander (2005)

I am an entomologist working on insect diversity from the perspective of a systematist. I currently live in the Usambara Mountains in Tanzania, one of the most diverse places on earth.

My research focuses on documenting diversity, solving problems related to species identity, describing immature stages, and studying phylogenetic relationships. I also have a strong interest in creating sound conservation plans based on reliable biodiversity information.

So far, I have concentrated my efforts in the Cetoniinae, a group of scarab beetles of around 4,000 species distributed worldwide.

Potential students and collaborators can contact me at
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