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Jari Takatalo

Institute of Behavioral Sciences/ University of Helsinki
P.O. Box 9
00014 Helsinki
I’m a Ph.D. in psychology and an adjunct professor in HCI at the University of Helsinki. The focus of my research is the H in HCI. Since the early 2000’s, I have studied how people experience interacting with different media and technology, such as VR (CAVE’s, S3D, 3DUI’s), entertainment digital games, and virtual environments. My special interest has been to 1) develop a psychological theory of human experience, 2) empirically test the theory in different technology environments, and 3) enhance practical knowledge about the mediating role of the experience between the technology use and behaviour.

Currently, I work as a post-doctoral researcher within the Visual Cognition Group at the University of Helsinki, in the areas of cognitive skill learning and computational psychology of experience in HCI. I’m also starting a Psychology of Digital Life research initiative, which concentrates on the following areas of HCI:

* Benefits of digital gaming (cognitive skill learning, anticipation, situational awareness).
* Experiences related to VR technologies (Stereoscopic 3D displays, Oculus Rift, 3DUI’s).
* Digital games (theory, methodology, and metrics of the experience: presence, flow, involvement and engagement;
predicting the outcomes of playing, e.g., fun, learning, motivation to play).
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