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Jeffrey Cancilla
Jeffrey A. Cancilla is a highly accomplished legal professional with a rich history of success spanning over two decades. Graduating with distinction from the University of Oregon School of Law in 1992, he has honed his legal acumen through a diverse range of experiences, both in government and private practice.

Education and Early Beginnings

Mr. Cancilla's journey into the world of law commenced with his dedication to academic excellence. He completed his Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Oregon, a testament to his commitment to scholarly pursuits. It was during this formative period that he began cultivating a deep understanding of various legal domains.

A Versatile Legal Expertise

In his distinguished career, Mr. Cancilla has showcased remarkable versatility in handling complex legal matters. His areas of expertise encompass bankruptcy, real estate, and immigration law within the sphere of private practice. He has demonstrated a profound understanding of these domains, providing invaluable counsel to clients navigating intricate legal landscapes.

Moreover, Mr. Cancilla's legal prowess extends to civil litigation, with a particular focus on business disputes and related matters. His adeptness in this arena has earned him a reputation as a formidable advocate for his clients, consistently delivering favorable outcomes.

Government Service and Advocacy

In addition to his private practice achievements, Mr. Cancilla has dedicated his skills and expertise to public service. He has served as a staff attorney for a Superior Court and an Indian Tribe, offering his legal insights to address pressing societal issues. Furthermore, he has taken on the essential role of a Public Defender, ensuring access to legal representation for those in need.

A Commitment to Excellence

Jeffrey A. Cancilla's commitment to the legal profession is underscored by his comprehensive legal admissions. He is authorized to practice law not only in California but also in other states, along with admission to Federal Court. This breadth of legal authorization speaks volumes about his dedication to serving clients effectively across multiple jurisdictions.

Contributions to Legal Scholarship

Mr. Cancilla's passion for the law extends beyond his practice. He has significantly contributed to the legal community's knowledge by publishing educational materials. These resources have served as valuable references for legal practitioners and scholars alike, showcasing his dedication to advancing the field of law.

Accessibility and Professional Affiliations

With offices strategically located in Huntington Beach and Orange, California, Mr. Cancilla ensures convenient access to his legal services for his valued clients. His commitment to staying connected with legal advancements is evident through his active participation in various professional organizations. He is a proud member of:

- California State Bar Association
- National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (NACBA)
- Central District Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys Association (CDCBAA)
- Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles (CAALA)

Jeffrey Cancilla's multifaceted legal experience, combined with his unwavering commitment to professional growth and dedication to his clients, positions him as a trusted and respected legal professional in the field. His legacy of legal excellence continues to inspire confidence among those seeking expert guidance and representation.
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