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Jeffrey Liew

Texas A&M University
Jeffrey Liew is a professor in the Department of Educational Psychology with courtesy appointment in the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences at Texas A&M University. He also serves as Associate Department Head for Research and Faculty Development in Educational Psychology. Jeffrey Liew's expertise includes human development, particularly emotion, motivation, and self-regulation in academic, psychosocial, and health-related outcomes from the preschool years to the high school and college years. Liew's 3 L's (Live, Love, Learn) sum up his passion and commitment to research that helps people to live, love, and learn in better, healthier, and more meaningful ways. Bridging basic and applied science, Liew's research has addressed issues such as school readiness, achievement gaps, mental health disparities, and childhood obesity. Liew has been referred to as the "Father of the Yin and Yang of Parenting" for his pioneering research on Asian American parenting that contributes to children growing into emotionally and academically competent young adults; he has been invited to present this research across North America and Asia. Dr. Liew's research on emotion and self-regulation has been supported by research grants through the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NIH-NICHD), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), National Academies Keck Futures Initiative (NAKFI), and the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health. He presently serves as Associate Editor for Early Education & Development, and as consulting editor for Early Childhood Research Quarterly, the Journal of Genetic Psychology, Learning and Individual Differences, and the Journal of Reading Psychology. Liew is active in his scholarly communities, serving as a 2-term elected representative of TAMU's Council of Principal Investigators (CPI) and as a member of the CPI executive committee, and as peer reviewer for national and international funding agencies, including NIH and NSF. Liew ranked top 5 in the nation for scholarly impact; in a study published in 2013 (Grapin, Kranzler, & Daley, 2013); Liew ranked #4 for highest number of citations between 2005 and 2009 for faculty in APA-accredited School Psychology programs. In 2017, Liew was honored as one of the inaugural Presidential Impact Fellows at Texas A&M University.
Liew's publications are available for free download (for individual research and educational use only), and can be found on his professional Home Page (found on the upper right side of this web page).

This site last updated 09/01/2015
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