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Julia C Engelmann

Dept. of Marine Microbiology and Biogeochemistry
Royal Netherlands Institute of Sea Research (NIOZ), and Utrecht University
Short Vita:
06/2021-today: Senior Scientist marine computational biology at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)

06/2017-05/2021: Marine Bioinformatician (tenure-track scientist) at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)

01/2012-05/2017: Group leader in the Dep. of Statistical Bioinformatics, Institute for Functional Genomics, Regensburg University

10/2008- 12/2011: Postdoc in the Computational Diagnostics group of the Institute for Functional Genomics, Regensburg University

04/2008-09/2008: Trainee/Pre-Postdoc at the Dep. of Oncology and Dep. of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University and Medical School, Baltimore, USA

2004 - 2008: PhD student in the department of Bioinformatics, University of Wuerzburg. Title of thesis: "DNA microarrays: Applications and novel approaches for analysis and interpretation."

2004: Diploma in Biology. Title of diploma thesis: "Vergleichende Analyse der Genexpressionsprofile von Arabidopsis thaliana Tumoren und Kontrollgewebe"
English title: "Comparative Analysis of Gene Expression in Tumor and Reference Tissue of Arabidopsis thaliana"

2001- 2004: Graduate studies in Biology at the Julius- Maximilians- University in Wuerzburg, Germany

1999- 2001: Undergraduate studies in Biology at the Georg-August University in Goettingen, Germany
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