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Ketty Leto

Born in Siracuse on 30.08.1980, Italian
2004: Doctor in Psychology, summa cum laude, University of Turin.
2004-2008: PhD programme in Neuroscience under the supervision of Prof. Ferdinando Rossi at the Department of Neuroscience and "Rita Levi Montalcini Center for Brain Repair", University of Turin. Thesis project: "Development of cerebellar GABAergic interneurons".
November 2008-October 2010: Postdoc fellowship at the Department of Neuroscience, founded by Fondazione per la Ricerca Biomedica Onlus. Research activities: "Mechanisms of cerebellar development and phenotype specification".
November 2010-February 2012: Post-doctoral fellowship at the Department of Neuroscience founded by Compagnia di San Paolo. Research activities: "Lineage relationships and developmental mechanisms of cerebellar GABAergic neurons".
March 2012-March 2015: three year position as Assistant Professor at the Department of Neuroscience "Rita Levi Montalcini", University of Turin. Research activities: "Target generation of cerebellar and striatal neurons as preventive strategy for CNS disorders"
April 2015-today: Post-doctoral fellowship at the Department of Neuroscience.

PhD at the University of Turin;
Post-doctoral scholarship, University of Turin

Guest referee for international scientific journals:
PLoS ONE; Neuroscience; Eur. J Neurosci.

Scientific Societies:
Società Italiana di Neuroscienze (S.I.N.S., until 2010); Society for Neurosciences (USA, until 2010);

Membership in research centers:
Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO, Orbassano, Turin)

Membership in research networks:
Neuroscience Institute Turin (NIT); NeuroStemCellRepair European Project.

PhD program:
Since 2013, tutor for the PhD course in Neuroscience, University of Turin.

Invited seminars and conferences:
-Development of cerebellar GABAergic interneurons. Regional multidisciplinary biomedical workshop-NEUROIMAGE. Opatija, December 2008.
-Development of cerebellar GABAergic neurons. Institute of Anatomy, Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Bonn, June 2009.
-Development of cerebellar GABAergic interneurons. XIII Sins Congress, Milan, October 2009.
-Lineage relationships and specification mechanisms in cerebellar neurogenic niches. Summer School "Neural Stem Cell in Development and Disease", Levico Terme, September 2012.
-Development and specification of cerebellar phenotypes. PhD School “Neural Development and Developmental Disorders”, NENS Course, Turin, September 2014.

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