hosted by
Leonel Valbom
Ph.D in the Department of Information Systems in University of Minho, -Portugal, with the thesis: “Integration of Virtual Reality in the Development of a Model of Immersive Musical Instrument”. with Prof. Adérito Marcos (UM) and Prof. José Luís Encarnação (Technische Universität - Darmstadt - Alemanha) as supervisers (1-2007)

-Member of the Eurographics.
-Co-founder and organizer of Artech - series of international conferences in Digital Arts.
-Member of International Programme Committee - The 7th International Workshop on Gesture in Human-Computer - Interaction and Simulation 2007.
-Member of Scientific Committee of 15º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica – 2007.
-Multimedia coordinator in Minho-Campus-Party, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004.
-Coordinator of Atelier of Experimental Art – Bienal de Arte de V.N.Cerveira, 2005 and 2007.

Journal articles

L Valbom, A Marcos (2007)  An Immersive Musical Instrument Prototype   IEEE Computer Graphics ans Applications 27: 4. 14-18  
Abstract: This article describes a prototype immersive musical instrument that expands the concepts of traditional musical elements and allows the integration of a spatial dimension using 3D music and sound objects into the musical environment by employing physical, visual, and sound immersion. From the prototype's evaluation results, the authors conclude that immersive musical instruments naturally give users a way to perform, compose, or improvise music (in real time) with a high degree of control.
Valbom Leonel, Marcos, Adérito (2005)  WAVE: Sound and Music in an Immersive Environment   Computers & Graphics 29: 6. 871-881 12  
Abstract: This paper presents WAVEâa Virtual Audio Environment, which embraces the implementation of an immersive musical instrument model that uses three-dimensional (3D) sound techniques combined with visualisation and virtual reality technologies. This prototype environment aims to extend the idea of a musical instrument into a new musical/ audio system, incorporating traditional musical concepts side by side with actual music concepts, in order to progress one step further in the music/sound composing and performing approaches. The architecture of the system is based on low-cost hardware and open source software with affordable professional audio equipment to maintain an adequate sound quality. Also several applications of this virtual environment are discussed in the paper, including the way to satisfy at the same time composers, performers, music/audio students or even simple occasional users.
L Valbom, C Forni, A Marcos (2004)  WAVE A Virtual Audio Environment: An immersive musical instrument using a low cost technological system   CG topics 4: 12-13  
Abstract: The rapid evolution of technology has opened up new areas of knowledge and new approaches to age-old issues. Yet, it has fallen short in creating new models of instruments that can respond to the current demands in musical creation and performance. Therefore, it is necessary to come up with solutions that can bring together the art of music with a new art involving the intelligent manipula- tion of sound by means of new visu- al, auditory, cognitive, and interpre- tative techniques. The project aims to set up an immersive virtual reality environment, where music and 3D audio play an important role in a virtual musical/ sound instrument for performances, education, entertainment, or musical experimentation.
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