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Lia Fernandes

Journal articles

Lia Fernandes, João Fonseca, Josefina Rodrigues, Marianela Vaz, João Almeida, Carlos Winck, João Barreto (2005)  Personality characteristics of asthma patients.   Rev Port Pneumol 11: 1. 7-34 Jan/Feb  
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Asthma, similarly to other chronic conditions, is strongly influenced by psychological factors. Previous studies have not established the personality characteristics of adult asthma patients as compared to non-patients. OBJECTIVES: To study the psychological characteristics of adult asthma patients in comparison to a pattern drawn up for the Portuguese population. To study the relationships between the personality and the severity and duration of the disease. METHODS: Outpatients of the Immunallergology and Pulmonology units of the São João Hospital suffering from asthma responded to the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R). Patients with co-morbidity factors were not excluded. The doctor who attended them classified the severity of the asthma according to the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA). Relationships between the personality and the severity/duration of the disease were analysed using the ANOVA models. RESULTS: 300 asthma patients aged between 17 and 79 were studied. Of these, 75% were female; the great majority had intermittent/light persistent asthma (71%); 17% had moderate persistent asthma and 12% had severe persistent asthma. The duration of the disease was less than 10 years in 34% and over 23 years in 35%. The asthma patients had higher Neuroticism scores (p < 0.001), with the other facets (except impulsiveness) equally high. All the remaining domains--Extroversion, Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness and Agreeableness--had lower scores than the control group (p < 0.001). Both Extroversion and Openness to Experience decrease with growth in the severity (p = 0.003; p = 0.009) and the duration of the disease (p = 0.006; p = 0.013). Neuroticism increases in tandem with the severity of the disease. CONCLUSION: This study shows the predominance of Neurotic characteristics and lowered Extroversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness characteristics in asthmatics as compared to the general Portuguese population. Decreased Extroversion and Openness to Experience are observed as the severity and duration of the disease increase. Further studies are necessary to clarify the relationships between personality and the severity and duration of the disease.
Madalena Nunes, Anabela Afonso, Cláudia Castanheira, Dora Ferreira, Liliana Fernandes (2005)  Volunteers and their vulnerability to stress: the impact of personality   Servir 53: 3. 110-125 May/Jun  
Abstract: Volunteerism assumes a growing importance in the context of health, due to the significant number of practitioners and to the contribution given by the volunteers in the humanization of health care. However, as the continued interaction with the sick person might also originate negative emotions, we looked up in this article to describe the main results about vulnerability to stress in volunteers. The results revealed that 30.00% of volunteers were vulnerable to stress. We also observed that the civil state, socio-economic level and familiar functionality variables revealed to be protectors of the occurrence of stress. On the other side, the predominance of neuroticism as a personality trace was associated to a higher vulnerability to stress.
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