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Louis Lasagna

Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development
Tufts University
75 Kneeland Street, Suite 1100
Boston, MA 02111
Dr. Louis Lasagna, beloved colleague, educator, and mentor, was a man of extraordinary intellect and vision. In 1976, he established the Center for the Study of Drug Development at the University of Rochester and served as its director and chairman until 1998. In 1984, he moved the group to Tufts University, where it was renamed. At Tufts University, Dr. Lasagna continued as Center director, while serving as Dean of the Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences from 1984 to 2002. A unique and gifted scholar, Dr. Lasagna received the rare honor of having two endowed chairs named for him - one at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, and another at Tufts University School of Medicine.

Dr. Lasagna is often considered the founder of the field of clinical pharmacology, and his testimony in Congress at the 1962 Kefauver hearings was instrumental in establishing the efficacy requirement for new drugs in the 1962 Amendments to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Dr. Lasagna was also a pioneer in the areas of clinical trial methodology, medical ethics, and regulatory science. In a career that spanned five decades, Dr. Lasagna personally influenced the lives of thousands of individuals around the world. His legacy continues today and literally affects millions.

Dr. Lasagna shared his vision for the Tufts Center in the group’s first Annual Report in 1976, in which he wrote: "The idea behind our Center was to establish an academic focus for the gathering of relevant information and for scholarly analysis and interpretation, and through the publication of such research to raise the intellectual level of debate on questions of public policy.

Over the past 30 years, the Tufts Center has worked to fulfill Dr. Lasagna’s vision.

We will continue to do so moving forward.

The publication list below is a not a comprehensive list of Dr. Lasagna's work, but is a selective list that represents work he produced while affiliated with the Center for the Study of Drug Development (1976-2002).
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