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Ludovic Trautmann

Journal articles

Ludovic Trautmann (2008)  E-Formes   Acta Fabula 9: 11.  
Abstract: Il s'agit du compte-rendu de lecture de l'ouvrage E-Formes: Ecritures visuelles sur supports numériques dont les références complètes sont les suivantes: Alexandra Saemmer et Monique Maza (dir.), E-Formes : Écritures visuelles sur supports numériques, Saint-Étienne, Centre Interdisciplinaire d'études et de recherches sur l'expression contemporaines/Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne, 2008, 220 p., ISBN 978-2-86272-485-0.

Conference papers

Ludovic Trautmann (2009)  A Timeless Character Born Within History: The Paradox Of James Bond In The Novels And On The Screen   In: 11th annual FSAC / ACÉC Graduate Student Colloquium  
Abstract: The James Bond character is born from the mind of former World War II spy Ian Fleming and is dealing with the Cold War in most of his adventures. History made Bond. If the Russians are barely the enemy, the conflict between the United States and the USSR is a background constantly present and threating. Bond has to deal with History. The films as a series, based on the books, manage to catch the passing of time as history moves on. Therefore the James Bond films can be seen as a unique reflect of the different shapes the Cold War has taken. Yet James Bond himself remains surprisingly constant. He is timeless. Time has no influence on a character who paradoxically is a symptom of History. The books have caught this ability, and have emphasized it, through his recurrence and by having no reference to his age or him getting older. The movies translated this literary feature with a choice that is now well-known but that was questioned at the time : taking a new actor for the character. This presentation will enlightened the consequences of the links between official History and specific moments involving a very particular fictional character while analyzing the fact that the creators of Bond found a highly cinematographic form to adapt, or transwrite as we prefer, a literary one into the screen. Finally we will ask the question of the influence of such an approach for the 007 myth as we know it today.
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