hosted by

Valluru Manoj Kumar    - research student -

Valluru Manoj Kumar
Research Engineer, Cell Technology Group, School of Biotechnology - Div. of Bioproduction,
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Albanova University Center,
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden,

Journal articles

Manoj Valluru, Carolyn A Staton, Malcolm W R Reed, Nicola J Brown (2011)  Transforming Growth Factor-β and Endoglin Signaling Orchestrate Wound Healing.   Front Physiol 2: 11  
Abstract: Physiological wound healing is a complex process requiring the temporal and spatial co-ordination of various signaling networks, biomechanical forces, and biochemical signaling pathways in both hypoxic and non-hypoxic conditions. Although a plethora of factors are required for successful physiological tissue repair, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) expression has been demonstrated throughout wound healing and shown to regulate many processes involved in tissue repair, including production of ECM, proteases, protease inhibitors, migration, chemotaxis, and proliferation of macrophages, fibroblasts of the granulation tissue, epithelial and capillary endothelial cells. TGF-β mediates these effects by stimulating signaling pathways through a receptor complex which contains Endoglin. Endoglin is expressed in a broad spectrum of proliferating and stem cells with elevated expression during hypoxia, and regulates important cellular functions such as proliferation and adhesion via Smad signaling. This review focuses on how the TGF-β family and Endoglin, regulate stem cell availability, and modulate cellular behavior within the wound microenvironment, includes current knowledge of the signaling pathways involved, and explores how this information may be applicable to inflammatory and/or angiogenic diseases such as fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis and metastatic cancer.
Carolyn A Staton, Lucy A Shaw, Manoj Valluru, Leslie Hoh, Ivan Koay, Simon S Cross, Malcolm W Reed, Nicola J Brown (2011)  Expression of class 3 semaphorins and their receptors in human breast neoplasia.   Histopathology 59: 2. 274-282 Aug  
Abstract: This study aimed to identify the involvement of class 3 semaphorins (Sema3) and receptors, neuropilins (Np1 and Np2) and plexins (A1-A4) in breast cancer development and angiogenesis.
C A Staton, M Valluru, L Hoh, M W R Reed, N J Brown (2010)  Angiopoietin-1, angiopoietin-2 and Tie-2 receptor expression in human dermal wound repair and scarring.   Br J Dermatol 163: 5. 920-927 Nov  
Abstract: The angiopoietin (Ang)/Tie-2 ligand/receptor system is known to interact with the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) pathway to determine the fate of blood vessels during angiogenesis. However, the precise contribution of this system to angiogenesis and the mechanisms of vascular maturation and remodelling in human tissue repair have yet to be elucidated.
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