DIIN - Dept. of Industrial Engineering
University of Salerno
via Giovanni Paolo II, 132
84084, Fisciano (SA), ITALY.
Phone: +39 089 96 4178
![]() | ppolverino@unisa.it |

Current position:
Assistant Professor in Machines and Energy Convention Systems
Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Salerno.
Research Group:
Energy and Propulsion Laboratory (eProLab).
Research Topics:
- Monitoring, Diagnostics, Prognostics, Control and Optimization of Conventional and Advanced Energy Systems;
- Fuel Cells and Electrolysers (Proton Exchange Membrane - PEM - and Solid Oxide Cells - SOC);
- After-treatment systems for automotive applications;
- Hybrid and Electric Vehicles;
- Multi-Energy Systems (MES).
Methodologies and techniques:
- Experimental characterization;
- Model-based simulation;
- Equivalent Circuit Modelling (ECM);
- Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS);
- Multiscale modelling;
- Dynamic Programming (DP);
- Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS).
Keywords: energy conversion systems; renewable energies; solid oxide fuel cells; polymer electrolyte fuel cells; multiscale modelling and simulation; model-based diagnosis; electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; statistical analysis; data treatment; software on-line implementation; prognostics, control; optimization; equivalent consumption minimization strategy; dynamic programming.
- 2017: Course on "Advanced modelling of physical and electrochemical aspects related to fuel cells"Joint European Summer School on Fuel Cell, Electrolyser and Battery Technologies, Athens (GREECE) , September 17 to September 21, 2017.
- 2015: 6th International Summer School on Fault Diagnosis of Complex Systems, Segovia (SPAIN), June 22 to June 26, 2015.
- 2014: Doctoral Degree (2014) in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Salerno.
- 2011: Course on "Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Modelling and Design", Joint European Summer School for Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology, Viterbo (ITALY), August 29 to September 2, 2011.
- 2010: Master's degree "cum laude" (2010) in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Salerno.
- 2007: Bachelor's degree "cum laude" (2007) in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Salerno.
Professional Experience:
He did in 2007 an internship at Glaverble Italy SRL, Salerno (ITALY), within the Bachelor's degree activity. The activity was performed within the maintenance group and focused mainly on supply water management issues, with attention to energy consumption optimization, water supply and production line management. The main responsibilities were the update of the hydraulic network scheme and the sizing of a water pump.
Within the research activity performed during the Ph.D., he did and internship at the European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER), in Karlsruhe (Germany), partially performed within the framework of the European Project GENIUS (Generic diagnosis instrument for SOFC systems - FCHJU FP7, G.A. No. 245128). The activity focused on: i) the contribution to experimental activities performed on a pre-commercial micro-combined heat and power (μ- CHP) solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) system; ii) the measurement of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) spectra; iii) the design of experimental faults induction via software conditioning and hardware modifications; iv) the on-line application of a diagnostic algorithm developed within the Doctoral research activity.
He spent two months (March 2015 and March 2016) as visiting research fellow at the Vehicular Systems division of the Dept. of Electrical Engineering of the Linköping University, working on advanced diagnosis of complex systems applied to fuel cells.
Journal Guest Editor:
- Young Scientist Award 2019 - Energy Pillar (Hydrogen Europe Research);
- ICAE Awards: Outstanding Papers for ICAE 2018 (Applied Energy Journal).
Academic Activity
Co-tutor of four Bechelor's and four Master's Thesis, with topics realted to:
- modeling and diagnosis of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells stack and systems;
- dynamic modeling of turbojets;
- dynamic modeling of internal combustion engines;
Reviewer for:
- Applied Energy;
- Journal of Power Sources;
- Energy Conversion and Management;
- International Journal of Hydrogen Energy;
- Automatica.
Co-exhibitor at the Hannover Messe 2014 for the European Project D-CODE.
Research Projects:
(FCHJU FP7, G.A. No. 245128) GENIUS Generic diagnosis instrument for SOFC systems.
(FCHJU FP7, G.A. No. 256673) D-CODE DC/DC converter-based diagnostics for PEM systems.
(FCHJU FP7, G.A. No. 256693) DeSIgn Degradation signatures identification for stack operation diagnostics.
(FCHJU FP7, G.A. No. 303419) PUMA-MIND Physical bottom up multiscale modelling for automotive PEMFC innovative performance and durability optimization.
(FCHJU FP7, G.A. No. 621208) DIAMOND Diagnosis-aided control for SOFC power systems.
(FCH2JU H2020, G.A. No. 671486) HEALTH-CODE Real operation pem fuel cells health-state monitoring and diagnosis based on DC-DC converter embedded EIS.
(FCH2JU H2020, G.A. No. 735918) INSIGHT Implementation in real SOFC systems of monItoring and diagnostic tools using signal analysis to increase their lifetime.
(FCH2JU H2020, G.A. No. 825027) AD ASTRA HArnessing Degradation mechanisms to prescribe Accelerated Stress Tests for the Realization of SOC lifetime prediction Algorithms.
(FCH2JU H2020, G.A. No. 735918) RUBY Robust and reliable general management tool for performance and dUraBility improvement of fuel cell stationarY units.
(FCH2JU H2020, G.A. No. 735918) NewSOC Next Generation solid oxide fuel cell and electrolysis technology.
Last Update: 3rd May 2020