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Enrico Panai
University of Sassari - Via Zanfarino 62, 07100 Sassari Italy
I received in 1999 a 1st class -4year- Degree with honours in Philosophy from the University of Sassari, Italy, with a specialization in Human Rights&ICT, published by the Italian Web Site of Philosophy. Three year before, in 1997, I obtained the title of SBE European Consulant from the Sardinian Professional Association. During my student period I always worked in the ICT area as trainer or consultant. In 1999 I spent one year in England, Scarborough North Yorkshire, to achieve my Cambridge Advanced Exam. As soon as I came back in 2000, I joined the Army for the Military Service as Basic private, but dismissed with the grade of Special Corporal, and awarded the qualifications of Communications Chief and ICT Expert with excellence. I worked for a while as ICT instructor for several organization, Regional Center of Education, Italian Navy, Krenesiel-Telecom SpA, then I was chosen as Contract Professor for ICT and Computing in Humanities by the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, University of Sassari.

In the last 11 years I designed projects for over € 3 million, being able to have € 412.000 of contributes from Regional Council and Italian Government.

During my academic experience I worked on several research about e-learning and e-University. I used the Department website for collecting data and promoting ICT usage inside my University. As web manager I increased the use of the department web site up to 83% for professors and 75% for students. I developed a range of killer applications for exams booking, programs&materials, news&events, automatic guidelines, classroom scheduling, statistics, online bookshop. The new systems reduced expenditure by € 25.000 during the first 6 months. The project has been formally evaluated during public conferences.

As Contract Professor of ICT, of Computing in Humanities and Didactical technologies for Languages Teachers Master Degree. I reorganized the ICT sector and supervised the others 5 ICT teachers reducing expenditure and increasing quality. I also managed the Moodle e-learning system and other home made platforms for the Faculty.

Now I am living in France.


E Panai (2007)  Il mio primo sito web (per umanisti)   Spain: Lulu inc.  
Abstract: Manuale di introduzione alla creazione di siti web. Questo libro ha come scopo quello di fornire le nozioni essenziali per la creazione del proprio sito web. Serve per iniziare a scrivere in linguaggio HTML e formattare con i fogli di stile CSS senza difficoltà. L’autore non descrive tutte le funzioni possibili, ma quelle essenziali per poter fare il proprio sito web. I capitoli sono spesso accompagnati da semplici esercizi e dalle soluzioni. Il libro è sintetico e essenziale.
Notes: Subsequent developments: formal languages and web coding for humanities

Conference papers

E Panai (2004)  E-Inclusion and Advertising: Public Policy and Commercial Choices in Europe.   World Day for Disabilities, 9 december 2004 University of Sassari Edited by:University of Sassary. 5 University of Sassary Via Zanfarino 62, 07100 Sassari - Italy: Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia  
Abstract: L’idea di inclusione (nella sua versione informatizzata di e-Inclusion) sviluppato all’interno della comunità europea viene interpretato attraverso le politiche di marketing aziendale, le pubblicità, gli spot. L’obiettivo di questo articolo è presentare un’idea che è tornata di voga in europa: l’idea di inclusione. La parola stessa è molto bella, indica una azione positiva: portare dentro. Portare dentro le minoranze etniche, fisiche e psichiche. Lo studio mostrara infine come grazie ad un mezzo comunicativo relativamente recente (la pubblicità commerciale) si possa attuare meglio la politica dell’inclusione. Si vogliono evidenziare quali siano stati gli sbagli e i meriti della pubblicità in questo senso.
Notes: European Union Disability Strategy (dic-2003)
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