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Paul Knowles

Vienna, Austria, 2020-,
Toronto, Canada, 2017-2020,
Vienna, Austria, 2013-2017,
University of Fribourg, Fribourg, CH, 1998-2013
Paul Knowles (sometimes Paul E. Knowles due to an accident of nature and history) is
a physicist who has worked in the fields of nuclear and atomic physics. His activities
have centered around the accelerators at TRIUMF, Canada (work with muons) and PSI,
Switzerland [work with muons and ultra cold neutrons (UCN)], and in atomic physics,
with Prof. Antoine Weis' group `FRAP', at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, (Cs clocks,
magnetometers, UCN, etc). Since 2013, he has been proud member of the unemployed
but overeducated gadabout class, and is thus generally an outright burden on society,
forgiven only by his generally refined cooking and breadmaking skills. Soon, he risks
being forbidden from writing his own blurbs by either UN sanction or better judgement...
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