@inproceedings { ref27, title = "Range Camera for Simple behind Display Interaction", year = "2011", author = "Anton Treskunov and Seung Wook Kim and Stefan Marti", booktitle = "MVA 2011 IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, June 13-15, 2011, Nara, Japan", pages = "160-163", publisher = "MVA Organization", doi = "10.13140/RG.2.1.1307.9520", url = "http://web.media.mit.edu/~stefanm/MyStuff/MyWritings/MVA2011.pdf", abstract = "This paper presents a method to estimate hand positions behind a display, while the person’s body is in front of the display. This allows for direct and bare hand interaction with virtual objects in an AR setting. As a sensor, we use a time-of-flight range camera, which provides depth information per pixel, but is noisy. While hand tracking has previously been attempted by localizing body parts and fitting a body model into the data, we propose a simpler algorithm. We first remove outliers, and then model the hand as an oriented box whose position and orientation is determined by a PCA algorithm. The calculated hand model is then used in a physics engine based interaction with virtual content.", keywords = "range camera, human computer interaction, hci", howpublished = "To appear in proceedings of 12th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, Nara, Japan June 13-15"}