Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Salerno
84084 Fisciano (Salerno), Italy
Ph. +39 089 964081
FAX +39 089 964037
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Dr. Cesare Pianese Full Professor
Internal Combustion Engines, Fuel Cells, Energy Conversion Systems
University of Salerno
Department of Industrial Engineering
eProLab - Energy and Propulsion Laboratory
Current duties
- Courses taught: Fluid Machinery & Energy Systems, Modelling of Energy & Propulsion Systems, Advanced Energy & Propulsion Systems.
- Delegate of the Rector for the Technology Transfer.
- Vice Dean (Deputy) of the School of Engineering.
- Member of the Council of the Department of Industrial Engineering.
- Member of the Coordinating Group of the Hydrogen Europe Research board.
- Chairman of the SAENA Section.
Cesare Pianese was born in Naples, Italy, on December 22, 1961 and received the graduate degree cum laude in Mechanical Engineering in 1987 from the University of Naples Federico II (Department of Mechanical Engineering for Energetic). He received the Graduate Diploma (Research Master) with honours in Fluid Dynamics from von Karman Institute (Belgium) (1989/90) and the Research Doctorate degree from the University of Naples in the 1992.
Working experience
He worked as a researcher at: Fiat Research Center (1987/88); Imperial College (visiting 1988); von Karman Institute (1990/1991) and DIME-University of Naples (1991). From November 1991 to October 1993 was at Istituto Motori of the Italian National Council of Research (CNR) as a research fellow. Received a two years Post-Doctorate fellowship from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Salerno (1994-1996).
University Career and Teaching Activity
From 1994 to 2000 Cesare Pianese has served as a lecturer in Internal Combustion Engine at the School of Engineering of the University of Salerno, since March 2001 is a professor of Energy Systems and Internal Combustion Engines.
From November 1999 to February 2001 Cesare Pianese has served as assistant professor and from March 2001 to December 2003 as associate professor of Fluid Machinery at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Salerno. Since January 2004 is a full professor (tenured) at the University of Salerno. The courses taught are: Fluid Machinery and Energy Systems, Modelling of Energy and Propulsion Systems, Advanced Energy and Propulsion Systems. He’s member of the Industrial Engineering Doctorate Board at the University of Salerno.
Cesare Pianese was appointed Vice Dean (Deputy) of the School of Engineering in February 2014 and is elected member of the Council of the Department of Industrial Engineering; he served as Board Member of the University of Salerno Foundation.
Professional experience
Cesare Pianese has developed his main research activity in the framework of projects funded by Industries, Regional, National and European Organizations. He also took the scientific responsibility of research projects with Industries and cooperates with several US and EU Universities and Research Centers (CAR-OSU, EIFER, CEA, VTT, FCLAB, IJS).
He was a member of the group for the development of the Campania’s Regional Energy Plan and had developed the energy plan for ground transportation.
Cesare Pianese contributed to the Italian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technological Platform as an expert for the applications of fuel cells to railway systems. Cesare Pianese represents the University of Salerno in the Hydrogen Europe Research (former New European Research Grouping on Fuel Cells and Hydrogen - N.ERGHY) and serves as Vice Chair for Energy to Power sub-pillar. He also served as board member of the the Italian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association. Since 2013, Cesare Pianese chairs the SAENA section of the SAE international
He was appointed evaluator of project proposals to the European VII Framework Program and Horizon 2020.
Scientific work
He has been visiting professor at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (2001), Zurich and professor at the Summer School on Automotive Control – Modelling and Control of SI Engine hosted by the Laboratoire d’Automatique of Grenoble CNRS–INPG (2002). Has served as member of Ph.D. defense committees at Technical University of Denmark - Dk (2005), University of Belfort-Fr (2009), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne-Ch (2011, 2016), École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris-Fr (2013), Universitat Politècnica De Catalunya Barcelona-Sp (2014), Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School-Slo (2017).
From March 1 to July 31, 2006 was visiting (Honda Partnership Program) at the Center for Automotive Research of The Ohio State University (USA), his main research topic was on fuel cell systems and hybrid vehicles.
Cesare Pianese is Associated Editor of SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrains. He has served as a reviewer for: IEEE/ASME Int. Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronic, Int. Conference Control and Diagnostics in Automotive Applications, international journal on Inverse Problems in Engineering-Taylor&Francis Group, Journal of Power Sources, Applied Energy and he’s referee for the ASME and SAE Journals, the Transaction of the Institute of Measurement and Control-Arnold Publisher and Information Science-Elsevier. He also works actively as a conference organizer and session chairman of international conferences.
Research interests
Cesare Pianese is active in the field of internal combustion engines, fuel cells, hybrid & alternative propulsion systems, non-conventional energy systems and computational fluid dynamics, the current topics cover the following areas:
Vehicle propulsion
Electronic control of spark ignition engines: Development of models and computational codes for the optimal design of engine control strategies. Simulation and experimental analysis of dynamic processes. Numerical and experimental methods for On-Board-Diagnosis (OBD) and Engine Control System (ECS).
Modelling of Diesel engines: Development of numerical models for the simulation of combustion in High-Speed Direct Injection Common-Rail Multi-Jet Diesel engines.
Emissions: Development of models for the simulation of pollutant emissions from SI and Diesel engines.
Energy saving for CO2 reduction from vehicles: development of models for design and control of Electric Turbo-Compound systems and Thermo Electric Generators.
Advanced powertrain control for trucks and cars fuel consumption minimization via V2X technologies.
Fuel Cells
Modeling and experiments on PEM fuel cells for water and thermal management, dynamics of stacks and auxiliaries, electronic control. Dynamic modeling of Solid Oxide Cells for thermal analysis and control. Application of fuel cells and hydrogen for propulsion systems and electric energy production.
Control, diagnostics and prognostics of Solid Oxides Cells and PEM fuel cells for stationary and mobile/automotive applications for improved lifetime and efficiency.
New material and production technologies for Solid Oxides Cells.
Alternative propulsion systems
Modelling of hybrid propulsion systems and onboard energy management for hybrid vehicles. Application of fuel cells to ground transportation systems.
Exploitation of V2X technoogies to reduce fuel consuption and emissione as well as to improve powertrain performance and drivability.
Research projects
Cesare Pianese coordinated the EU project D-CODE and is coordinator of the H2020 project HEALTH-CODE:
(2011/14 FP7 FCHJU) D-CODE DC/DC COnverter-based Diagnostics for PEM systems.
(2015/18 H2020 FCHJU) HEALTH-CODE Real operation pem fuel cells HEALTH-state monitoring and diagnosis based on dc/dc COnverter embeddeD Eis.
He has been/is local PI of the following EU funded projects on Fuel cell systems:
(2006 FP6) HyRail-Hydrogen Railway Applications International Lighthouse Project (Hydrogen and Fuel cells propulsion for the railway sector).
(2010/13 FP7 FCHJU) GENIUS GEneric diagNosis InstrUment for SOFC Systems Project.
(2011/14 FP7 FCHJU) DESIGN Degradation Signatures identification for stack operation diagnostics.
(2013/16 FP7 FCHJU) PUMA-MIND Physical bottom Up Multiscale Modelling for Automotive PEMFC Innovative performance and Durability optimization.
(2014/17 FP7 FCHJU) DIAMOND Diagnosis-aided control for SOFC power systems.
(2017/19 FP7 FCHJU) INSIGHT ImplementatioN in real SOFC Systems of monItoring and diaGnostic tools using signal analysis to increase tHeir lifeTime.
Other projects funded by Italian public organizations are reported below:
(Italian Ministry of Economy) - BITRAS Bio-ethanol for automotive engines.
(Industria 2015) - AMICO automation and monitoring of fuel consumption of marine engines.
(Italian Ministry of University and Research, PON-EU Structural Funds) - SMART Generation, action Smart Power System.
(Italian Ministry of University and Research, PON-EU Structural Funds) - Fuel Cell Laboratory.
The main activity with industrial partners refers to powetrain modeling and control, on-board energy recovery and management, CO2 reduction (Magneti Marelli, Élasis, Istituto Motori CNR), turbogas modeling (Snam), energy management (Telecom Italia).
Patents and publications
The above research activities have led to the following inventions:
WO/2011/125084 (2011) – Kit for transforming a conventional motor vehicle into a solar hybrid vehicle, and relevant motorvehicle obtained by the kit.During his professional and academic activity, Cesare Pianese has published more than 150 scientific papers, the publications on Journals are shown in this page along with the conference papers until 2012. A list of the indexed publications is available on Scopus; Google Scholar or ORCID. Click here for all papers, including those not indexed by Scopus and Google Scholar.
WO/2016/071801 (2016) – Method and apparatus for monitoring and diagnosing electrochemical devices based on automatic electrochemical impedance identification.
IT102016000131225 (2016) – Metodo per la rilevazione di guasti in celle a combustibile.
IT 102017000073748 (2017) – Metodo e sistema per l’ottenimento di segnali di riferimento per sistemi di controllo di veicoli e relativo sistema di controllo.
Last update 03/12/2017
Most recent achievements at the link below:
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