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Rabbi Aryeh Cohen
Professor, social justice activist, a rabbi and a lecturer, Rabbi Aryeh Cohen, teaches Rabbinic Literature (Mishnah, Talmud, midrash) and social justice at the American Jewish University, since 1995.

He also serves as immediate past co-chair of the board of directors of CLUE (Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice), rabbi in residence at Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, Southern California, and Kogod Senior Research Fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America.

Rabbi Aryeh Cohen graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He holds a BA in Philosophy and Jewish Thought. Also, Cohen finished his post-doctoral studies at the Brandeis University and obtained his Ph.D.

Rabbi Aryeh Cohen rabbi and scholar has been a long time social justice activist, interested in the topics: economic justice, criminal justice reform, and articulating the theory and practice of Jewish social justice.

Rabbi Aryeh Cohen is the founder of Shtibl Minyan and serves as its board-member.
Moreover he is an author who has authored many articles and books. His latest book is Justice in the City: An Argument from the Sources of Rabbinic Judaism.
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