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Santhosh Sivasubramani
Dr. Santhosh Sivasubramani received his Master’s and Doctoral degrees from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Hyderabad, India. His PhD thesis work on “Rebooting Computing: Nanomagnetic Logic based Computing Architecture Design Methodology” was funded by Redpine Signals Inc., PhD fellowship in the Department of Electrical Engineering. His MTech Thesis is on “Simulation and Experimental Investigation on electronic transport and magnetic properties of graphene for its applications in nanomagnetic computing”. The speaker also possess experience as an INUP Visiting Research Scholar at the Centre of Excellence in NanoElectronics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and as a Project Assistant - DEITY sponsored project on "IOT for Smarter Healthcare" Center for Cyber Physical Systems & IoT, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Hyderabad. The speaker is also a Nominee – INAE Innovative Student Projects Award 2018 for M.Tech Thesis and also awarded with the Certificate of Appreciation for Research in Electrical Engineering, IIT Hyderabad for the year 2018. The speaker is also a selected participant for a fully sponsored onsite visit to IMEC Belgium. The speaker is also a freelance science journalist who also reports for India Science Wire.

His research interests includes Magnetic Quantum-dot Cellular Automata, NanoMagnetic Logic, Rebooting Computing Paradigm, Graphene – 2D Materials, Spin based Computing, Unconventional Architecture Design, Unconventional Computing, Computer Architecture, Nano Processor and Sensor Design, Intelligent Robotics and its applications in CPS, IoT, First-Principles Investigation, Machine Learning, Power System Analysis, Renewable Energy, Approximate Computing, Cognitive Deep Learning, Energy-Efficient Computing, Portable AI Computing on the Edge, Semiconductor physics, Neuromorphic computing, Condensed matter physics, artificial intelligence, Quantum computing, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Theoretical Physics, Materials Science and Engineering, Quantum Technology, Quantum information processing, Quantum electronics, Nanotechnology, Nanofabrication, Nanolithography, solid-state physics, flexible electronics, magnetronics, magnetism and materials and printed electronics.

Awards / Academic Recognitions: a) Awarded with the Certificate of Appreciation for Research in Electrical Engineering for the year 2018. b) article “10.1109/TNANO.2018.2874206” has been featured in the top 10 list of popular articles (top 50 most frequently accessed documents), consecutively for November, December 2018 and January, February, March, May 2019 in the IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology c) Selected for and participated in a fully sponsored on-site visit to IMEC Belgium d) Nominee INAE innovative student projects award 2018 (MTech Thesis) e) Elected as Departmental Representative - Electrical Engineering on behalf of Doctoral Council, Student Gymkhana, IIT Hyderabad f) Recipient of Silver Medal from the Educational Minister, Government of Tamilnadu for securing lead score in SSLC in the Educational District g) Article “10.1088/1361-6528/ab295a” has been featured in the INTERNATIONAL ROADMAP FOR DEVICES AND SYSTEMS 2020 EDITION BEYOND CMOS (IRDS™ 2020: Beyond CMOS) international focus group report.

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