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Samuel Waldman
Samuel Waldman has had a diverse career in religious education. His beginnings started out with being indoctrinated with the teachings of Horav Hagoan Rabbi Avigdor Miller ZT"L. He was 17 years old when he first listened to hundreds of Rabbi Miller's tapes and encouraged many others to do so as well. In addition, he was close with the former Mashgiach of Mirrer Yeshiva, Horav Haganah Rav Don Segal shlit"a.

After four years in the Mirrer Yeshiva Kollel, Rabbi Yosef Schneerson decided to move on and learn in a more personal setting. He was invited to join the Belle Harbor Yeshiva at that time run by Rabbi Levi Dicker zt"L and Rabbi Chaim Zelikovitz Shlit'a. The intention was ultimately to eventually become Mashgaich of the High School. However, after two years he actually became one!
Rabbi Waldman was a great teacher at Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe and has left an impact on many students over the period he has been teaching there. For 11 years, he has taught in 4th and 7th grade. Additionally, Rabbi Waldman taught for several years at Camp Torah Vodaas (now known as Camp Dora Golding).

In light of Rabbi Samuel's major writing project, on the topic of Proper Prayer, it is important for Orthodox Jews to know about this important subject. This document explains what we are supposed to accomplish by spending so much time in prayer every day and how it can help us achieve our goals. Most Jews are unaware of this information!

Rabbi Samuel Waldman has decided to leave teaching and start a successful business career. He is currently a part-time rabbi, making his living by selling specialty herbal supplements for bladder control. He also plans on releasing a Mental and Cognitive strengthening supplement soon which will be of high-quality Aloe Vera.

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