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Sandra E Baker

Journal articles

K Kilshaw, P Sellers, S E Baker, D W Macdonald, P J Johnson (2011)  Hunt sightings as a tool for monitoring the distribution and abundance of brown hare Lepus europaeus in UK agricultural landscapes   Acta Theriologica 56: 2. 149-155  
Abstract: We examined the potential of hare sightings data, collected during hunts by the Association of Masters of Harriers and Beagles, as a possible monitoring tool for the European brown hare Lepus europaeus. The relationship between land use and both temporal trends, and spatial patterns, in brown hare sightings across England and Wales was examined using data collected between the 1985/86 and 2004/05 hunting seasons. Hare sightings increased significantly during this period, with an average increase of 2.81 hare sightings per hunting day across all hunts since 1985. Sightings were more frequent in eastern England, where arable land is abundant, than in the rest of England and Wales which is predominantly pastoral. There was no correlation between temporal trends in hare sightings and land use change. Patterns observed using the hunt sighting data are similar to those reported by other concurrent studies that used different methods. We conclude that hunt sightings could contribute useful data to a national monitoring scheme.
Notes: ISI Document Delivery No.: 765FS xD;Times Cited: 0 xD;Cited Reference Count: 45 xD;Cited References: xD; 1995, BIODIVERSITY UK STEE, V1 xD; *AMHB, 2006, CONS BROWN HAR xD; *BAP, 1995, TRANCHE 1, V2, P83 xD; *GCT, 2009, TRENDS NAT GAM CENS xD; BAILLIE SR, 1995, J APPL STAT, V22, P967 xD; BARNES RFW, 1985, J ZOOL, V206, P273 xD; BATTERSBY J, 2005, UK MAMMALS SPECIES S xD; BRIGHTSMITH DJ, 2008, BIOL CONSERV, V141, P2832, DOI xD; 10.1016/j.biocon.2008.08.020 xD; CARBONE C, 2001, ANIM CONSERV 1, V4, P75 xD; FRYLESTAM B, 1976, ECOLOGY MANAGEMENT E, P199 xD; HACKLANDER K, 2002, J COMP PHYSIOL B, V172, P183 xD; HARRIS S, 1998, BROWN HARE BRITAIN xD; HUTCHINGS MR, 1996, CURRENT STATUS BROWN xD; JOBLING S, 1995, ENVIRON HEALTH PERSP, V103, P582 xD; KARANTH KU, 1998, ECOLOGY, V79, P2852 xD; KUHN E, 2008, ISR J ECOL EVOL, V54, P89 xD; KUIJPER DPJ, 2008, BASIC APPL ECOL, V9, P126, DOI xD; 10.1016/j.baae.2006.08.008 xD; LANGBEIN J, 1999, MAMMAL REV, V29, P93 xD; MACDONALD DW, 1981, J BIOGEOGR, V8, P145 xD; MACDONALD DW, 1996, 1994 S ZOOL SOC LOND, P160 xD; MACDONALD DW, 1998, POPULATION ECOLOGY M, P8 xD; MACDONALD DW, 1998, PROPOSALS FUTURE MON, P1 xD; MACDONALD DW, 2000, MANAGING BRIT MAMMAL, P6 xD; MACDONALD DW, 2001, BRITAINS MAMMALS CHA, P111, DOI xD; 10.1017/S0030605302230148 xD; MACDONALD DW, 2002, 2 ENS xD; MADDOCK A, 2005, UK BIODIVERSITY ACTI, P1 xD; MCLAREN GW, 1997, GAME WILDLIFE, V14, P335 xD; MITCHELLJONES AJ, 1999, ATLAS EUROPEAN MAMMA, P1 xD; NEWMAN C, 2003, BIOL CONSERV, V113, P189, DOI xD; 10.1016/S0006-3207(02)00374-9 xD; NEWSON SE, 2005, WATERWAYS BREEDING B, P71 xD; NEWSON SE, 2006, 428 BTO xD; NOBLE D, 2005, 410 BTO THETF MAMM S xD; PRIMACK RB, 1993, INTRO CONSERVATION B, P1 xD; REED K, 2001, AG02737, P1 xD; SMITH RK, 2004, J APPL ECOL, V41, P1092 xD; SMITH RK, 2005, MAMMAL REV, V35, P1 xD; STOTT P, 2004, J WILDLIFE DIS, V40, P695 xD; STOTT P, 2009, VET PARASITOL, V159, P82, DOI xD; 10.1016/j.vetpar.2008.10.016 xD; TAPPER S, 1984, MAMMAL REV, V14, P57 xD; TAPPER S, 1992, GAME HERITAGE ECOLOG xD; TAPPER SC, 1983, P 16 C INT UN GAM 2, P430 xD; TAPPER SC, 1986, J APPL ECOL, V23, P39 xD; VAUGHAN N, 2003, J APPL ECOL, V40, P163 xD; WHITE P, 2000, 5 STAT OFF, P1 xD; WHITLOCK RE, 2003, NATL GAMEBAG CENSUS, P1 xD;Kilshaw, Kerry Sellers, Penelope Baker, Sandra E. Macdonald, David W. Johnson, Paul J. xD;Springer heidelberg xD;Heidelberg

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